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Can somebody help me out with a bit of confusion? I've just had an answer deleted because it was deemed to be commentary on another answer, which I was disagreeing with and providing the supporting reasoning. But I've had comments on answers deleted for the exact same thing. What's the 'right' way to mention why you disagree with an answer and provide the supporting evidence?
It's apparently not by way of providing a different answer, and it's also not by way of providing commentary on the original answer?
Is it really just a comment-free, information-free, context-free down-vote?
If you can imagine how to improve the answer you disagree with, give a comment. If you have a better answer, provide it as an independent, stand-alone answer to the question.
Comments which disagree without the possibility of providing improvement are poor comments, and answers which can't stand on their own without the context of other answers are poor answers.
So--yeah, there's no room in Stack Exchange for a post which says "You're wrong," however eloquently. Instead, provide an answer which is right and let the contrast speak for itself.
But, like I said, I've had a comment deleted because it was a 'different answer', and an answer deleted because it was 'commentary'. Both for the exact same sort of message. In both cases, I provided the reasoning why, which is what's necessary to improve an answer.
And I've seen plenty of comments (and answers) which included disagreements or comments on answers.
I haven't seen the specific situation, so I can't speak to it, but telling someone why they're wrong doesn't necessarily give them the tools to make an answer right without making it a totally different answer.
"So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."
So... There's no way to let someone know that there's an error in their answer, and give them the information necessary to fix it? Just a down-vote which doesn't leave the possibility of explaining why, or how it could be fixed? That seems counter-productive if you want people to be able to improve their answers.
it's entirely possible to post the same hash as a comment and as an answer and have it not be either - tune your comment to be an improvement - and the answerer may or may not incorporate it and it'll eventually be reaped - or make a clearly stanadalone answer. If you really think you did either of those link and people can review but ...
@TheoBrinkman Can the answer be improved without becoming a totally different answer? If not, then no--the solution is to post the different answer yourself.
of course complaining without linkies means we can't really help you except to commisserate/say "well, maybe try better next time"
high rep users can see the deleted stuff and can still critique
I found this deleted answer but naturally I can't see deleted comments.
Yeah, that's definitely not an answer. Feel free and rewrite as a standalone answer. but you start off with "the problem with the other answers..." and then let's say we deleted all the other answers and your preamble - is the remainder a real full answer to that guy's question? No.
And, yeah, there are comments and answers which don't really work within the system. If an answer references other answers but can still stand on its own then that's... acceptable.
Otherwise you should be flagging that stuff: moderators don't spend their days looking for problems; they rely on us to flag problems for their attention.
Pretend you're the only respondent and answer fully/cleanly and it'll work
No deleted comments on that same Q so can't speak to that part
@TheoBrinkman If you don't want to post an answer, would you be happy to tell me what you think is wrong with mine?
Comments and other answers might not be good places for that, but chat certainly is.
@Miniman It becomes a very order-dependent rule. If you attack with the net, you can't attack with the weapon, but if you attack with the weapon, you can attack with the net. It seems really over-fiddly to have something like that, especially in a system where you can mix parts of your action(s) inside movement.
@mxyzplk The deleted comment was from further back. I thought I understood the process, because I was told 'no discussions in comments, post an answer instead'. I got confused when I was told 'no discussions in answers, post a comment instead'.
@TheoBrinkman It shouldn't be order dependent at all. 'you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.'
If you attack with the weapon first, you've disallowed yourself from attacking with the net exactly the same as if you'd attacked with the net, you've disallowed yourself from attacking with the weapon.
@Miniman - But until you've made the attack with the net, you don't have that limitation. I attack you with my sword, and have the Extra Attack ability. I have the ability to attack you with another weapon.
@TheoBrinkman Of course! - But not the net.
@TheoBrinkman yes, discussion would be quite welcome on my answer as well here in chat.
It's like the limitation on bonus action spells. If you cast a bonus action spell, you can't cast a non-cantrip regular action spell in the same round. It doesn't matter which order you cast them.
But why not? You have not yet used "an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net".
The bonus action spell rule explicitly calls out that it can't be done if you've cast a normal action, non-cantrip spell. The net rule applies a limitation when you attack with the net.
let's move this to 5e room?

 D&D 5e Overflow

For when main chat wants to talk about other things too.
@Theo at a very simple level, comments are for these things:
(a) requesting clarification, in which you actually have to state what's unclear and request clarification. (probably not the case here.)
(b) suggesting an improvement, in which you ought to suggest an actionable improvement. (e.g.: "this should go into more detail on X?", or "Y conflicts with this other rule [link], you need to address this").
(c) the author responding to either of the above.
(d) sometimes, someone pointing out - very solidly, and not as a mere expression of opinion - that someone's comment of (a) or (b) is inval
I know they tried for a more 'natural language' rule set, but the rules say two different things.
@doppelgreener And in the case of (c), the author should first consider whether an edit the post is a better response than a comment.
meanwhile, answers can make comments on other answers, but as mentioned above, it needs to be able to exist all on its own and directly address the question. If you don't want to go repeating what other answers have already said, AlexP wrote a bit about how to summarise them briefly here.
(incidentally that's the meta topic - or at least one of them - where we got some strong agreement that yes, you gotta answer the question directly and not just add to or respond to other answers)
@BESW yeah, normally in my case, when I leave a comment of (c) it's to say "I made these changes" or "whoops, thanks for pointing that out" or something along the lines of "Thanks but I am going to leave it as is {because reasons}"
@TheoBrinkman can you pop into the 5e debate room I linked above?
Thanks guys. I think it's helped a little. Unfortunately, a quick skim of the link @doppelgreener posted pretty much put me right back where I started on the understanding, so it may just be nuances I'm missing, which means I'll probably get dinged with deleted comments in the future.
@TheoBrinkman everyone does from time to time
I just like to have a handle on why, and the two very similar situations where I was essentially told 'that sort of thing belongs in an answer/comment' left me befuddled.
@TheoBrinkman basically, comments shouldn't be argumentative, and answers should be complete.
@Theo so from what I understand, you disagreed with an answer, but both the comments and answers expressing that disagreement were deleted, is that right? (and, I think, the answer was told it should be a comment, and the comment was told it should be an answer, if I understand correctly)
just trying to make sure I understand clearly what's going on; there is actually a standard good way to go about this
@doppelgreener Yes. The comment situation was on a different answer a while back though.
@Lord_Gareth Hi!
@doppelgreener Word
@TheoBrinkman Right, ok. So, comments expressing mere disagreement or saying an answer is bad are unhelpful and get deleted. (See meta discussion here.) If you fundamentally disagree but can provide no means of improving the answer or requesting clarification, downvote, leave no comment.
But if you wish to express disagreement, there is a helpful way to do that:
Let's say someone leaves an answer saying to do X. X is a terrible option, you think.
So, here's what you do: Leave an answer with something affirmative to work with: suggest Y, describe what's good about Y, etc. Then, spend a small portion of your answer on mentioning that they shouldn't do X, and reasoning solidly why ("kittens will die and people will leave your group because {really solidly conveyed reasons}")
Ideally, the discussion of X doesn't dominate your answer. If it makes up more than half, most of the time that will mean you are saying too much about X, or not saying enough about Y. (If you can go into this much detail on X, surely you could stand to do the same on Y.)
If you have no Y to suggest, then... that leaves you without a way to really propose disagreement. Which sucks sometimes. But it also means our comments don't become trails of arguments or disagreement, it urges people to come up with and make some constructive suggestion if they want to discourage a different course of action, and it means instead of having a bunch of net terrible ideas we get net positive approaches. (because to tear down an idea, you have to offer something people can do)
on a different topic, @BESW and others who use the Fudge dice script - is there anything it should do differently, or that it doesn't do that you think it should?
(I have no idea who actually uses that script!)
i have considered moving the fudge dice button into the same row as the "leave (all) | room | info" buttons
@doppelgreener - I think that helped. From my perspective, the 'I don't think X is right' sort of post is the start of a discussion, but without being able to clearly spell out what is correct, there's just no 'place' for it here. That may have been what got me on the original comment, the 'because of y' may not have been clear enough to survive the moderating system here long enough to reach a point where a particular improvement could be suggested. Dunno. Anyway, thanks for the help.
@TheoBrinkman No worries. And yeah, "I disagree" / "this answer is bad" type responses are just... odd and don't really have a place here, unless they can somehow fit into the shape of the kinds of responses that totally have a place here.
In Stack Exchange, the place for extended back-and-forth discussion about a post is in the meta side of the site. Otherwise, it's just Duelling Answers and let the votes sort things out.
@doppelgreener Its current position is a little awkward. Otherwise, I think it's pretty much perfect: it's got all the stuff it ought to have, a single bell, and nothing more.
oh, I guess I should ping @trogdor too about that: trogdor, anything the fudge dice plugin should do differently, or anything it should do that it doesn't?
I only wanted it for what it already does
@BESW yeah that is a pretty crowded area for me too :P
@trogdor cool beans, ok.
However, the typing script seems to have died.
Although only three of us were using it so far as I could tell.
@BESW ... oh yeah. D: i just thought somehow it hadn't been installed.
Unless you and @Metool both uninstalled it...
nope, it's there and running!
Oh hi.
and probably crying and lonely
It's weirdly not running.
I assume that whatever ping server Problematic was using is down.
it was problematic.io
which appears to have transformed into an entirely different site on different hosting, so there's no typing indicator server thingy running on it
Well, it was nice while it lasted, but it fulfilled its purpose long ago.
[plays Amazing Grace on kazoo while disabling script]
@BESW [stands by with bow, wrapped arrow, and brazier]
Another new answer on the trap question...and it's fallen into the trap.
@Miniman let's see what these edits do for it
@doppelgreener Yeah, I was just looking at them. Even if they prevent people from answering, I think they'll cause even more 'this question is unanswerable and should be closed.'
On the other hand, I guess that would be a serious improvement from where it is now.
If you can't answer a question, and can't provide definitive evidence it's unanswerable, then let someone else who can do one of those things answer it instead (proof it's unanswerable is a kind of good answer). It's not a reputation sink unless someone tries to answer it without being able to do one of those things. "Unanswerable" can't mean "unaskable," or nobody would be allowed to ask anything unless they already knew the answer. — BESW 6 mins ago
"Can't be answered" really shouldn't ever be sufficient reason to close a question, because proof of its unanswerability is a valuable answer.
The question at issue can't be proven unanswerable.
Though, I agree with the general point that it should stick around.
I return, @Lord_Gareth.
arqade titles strike again
Q: Is there a downside to slaughtering everyone I meet?

StrixVariaI was ambushed by a named enemy not long after jumping off the first tower and being unleashed into the vast world. I defeated him, and the game made a big deal about his death, awarding me Power and crossing off his name like I accomplished something useful. Are there a finite number of enemies...

sounds eerily familiar somehow...
@doppelgreener I remember doing this in Morrowind. Other than the annoying message about dooming the universe, there is no downside to killing every living soul in Vardenfell. And I do mean everyone.
@Miniman experimental video game: in the prologue, the player kills a bunch of people in a village. turns out it was the player character's home village! thereafter the player character sets out to rebel against the player and the game itself, hoping to destroy both, for they killed his/her family.
@doppelgreener As testified by the screams of players throughout the ages of 'why you do this I didn't press that button', characters rebelling against their players is hardly a new thing.
@Miniman the jump happening a second too late, the character not responding to the attack button...
@doppelgreener The fireball unleashed in the exact centre of the party...
@doppelgreener Thanks, I realised my answer was turning into a disconnected ramble, but that's a lot better than just deleting it.
@Miniman no worries, you were after all making a good point with that
the oil in this case is like the kindling
or tapestries or something, if they're silk or especially dry
@doppelgreener Yep, it's the flammable substance I mentioned earlier. I just figured as long as a really good example exists in game, it should definitely be mentioned.
@doppelgreener Does silk burn?
@Miniman it can burn extremely well
@doppelgreener I'll add that to my arson list
I mean, wait, what? What's that over there?
Spider-silk, on the other hand, only burns in D&D.
Wait. Chat looks different.
@Metool No it doesn't.
Mobile view?
Nope, enhancements script failed.
@Metool No it didn't.
Refresh brought it back.
@Metool You were imagining it.
The illusion of the Matrix fell away; for a brief moment, Metool saw the truth
He must be destroyed.
but only if he does not resume his regular scheduled total belief in the illusion
The Tesladyne field guide says that the chances we aren't living in a simulated universe are infinitesimal.
Even if he does, the memory of the truth may surface and be shared. Such a corruption cannot be allowed to spread.
The system must be perfect.
[asks meta question about it]
@BESW that's exactly what they want us to think...
(It concludes that this is not a good reason to kill people.)
@Dorian But if we destroy him he might become a martyr
@doppelgreener Not if it looks like an accident.
@Dorian Aha yes i see this sounds very clever
@doppelgreener We must away, to Murder.SE!
@Miniman They have one of those?
I'm afraid to attempt the URL
@Dorian It's one of the legendary Black Exchanges.
@Miniman Black Exchanges? Tell me more.
And no 1st rule 2nd rule bs either :P
@Dorian I'd tell you, but murder due to disclosure of Murder.SE existence has been extensively covered on its meta and is generally frowned upon.
Also, murder via Internet is usually conducted with cats, and it's really hard to get them to eat the right target.
@Dorian Every site on the Internet has a dark side. Ebay has Black Market Ebay, Google has Bing, and Stack Exchange has Black Exchange.
@Miniman This is starting to sound like a reality show.
@Dorian Reality shows are the dark side of television, so you got that one right.
Also, didn't they stop the Black Exchange back in 1865?
@Dorian clever
too clever...
@doppelgreener Or maybe that's what I want you to think.
Still no answers :(
Q: How does the gift Two-World Eyes work in comparison to Dual Senses?

DorianThe Dual Senses rule allows a Werewolf to see across the Gauntlet with two penalties, firstly they cannot see clearly, the vision they get is blurred and fogged. The second penalty is of course not being able to see the side of the Gauntlet you're standing in. The only way you can see clearly i...

I may have to put a bounty on it.
When it becomes eligible.
A high proportion of the Unanswered questions are or some variant
Probably because of the black hole that became of the WoD errata.
No idea, the last sentence was a complete information dump of everything I know about world of darkness
Currently hoping someone in /tg/ will attempt a neutral analysis.
Also hoping to see one of the devs pop in there eventually.
[cough] both were by the same creator [cough]
I'm pretty Moffat has two scripts.
@BESW "I'm pretty Moffat about it".
...this has been a rough day.
I'll just leave it there.
Quick, post a question/answer we can upvote to make you feel better!
I like it as an... adjective? My English not good either :P
Q: How to deal with players rolling dice before establishing the context of the action?

BESWI've been running a lot of Fate and Cthulhu Dark games lately, and I've run into a common challenge with several players: They'll roll the dice before we establish what kind of action they're taking and how (and, for Fate, what the difficulty of the roll will be). This leads to all kinds of prob...

@BESW Not sure how I'd put it in decently elaborate answer form, but speaking as a player of your games, I'd be totally OK if dice rolls weren't counted before actions were decided. Like: roll dice, discuss what I'm actually going to do, agree it is dice rolling time (I do not need magic word permission training, that seems condescending) and roll again.
yes, well, you're not a serial offender.
It's better that way. I don't have foreknowledge of whether the thing I attempt is going to be awesome, awful, or mediocre, and just drawing a line of ALL premature rolls not counting means we don't have to um and uh over when to keep or leave really bad or really good rolls.
I guess not
Aye, I'm going to just ignore rolls that are made before DCs and approaches are decided.
Seen similar issues in alot of groups. nWoD has tons of dice modifiers that only the Storyteller knows. The rule (even in the books) says to assemble your dice pool as your character sheet would normally show, then the ST will tell you what to add or take away. THEN you can roll.
I think the best first step is to mention to you players that this is an issue
And yet I've still seen players who roll before that.
Heck, I've even done it once or twice with stuff like frequent rolls.
it is a good line to draw, since there will be no thoughts of "but you [let/made] me keep that other roll" when rerolling is in order.
Perception rolls every few minutes in some sessions lol.
I thought it was mostly resolved after a few particularly egregious cases in Cthulhu Dark where someone rolled Insanity and Profession dice to accomplish that really shouldn't have involved either. But it's creeping back in, and so yeah. It'll get addressed.
In general, I like the announcing a roll as well, it works well and in some cases allows for players to throw a cog in the wheel for the GM when they didn't expect this sort of really high roll in this situation.
Also, Ira's new and I wasn't about to spend his first session telling him to stop being so excited about using the mechanics.
In most games I've played, I tend to have a high perception (whatever that happens to be for the system). I also abuse that high perception whenever possible.
@BESW haha, yeah understandable
But I always announce it when I do.
Because you'd be surprised what a massive perception check can do for you when something happens.
all of this can come with a kind of anti-fun tone, especially if someone has to re-roll a + + + +. The grey area will be when you've done some talking, and not everything is ironed out, but they seem to think it is...
@Dorian like what? :o
@doppelgreener Yes, this can be a problem. Also I find myself tempted to raise or lower difficulties when I know what outcome it'll generate.
@doppelgreener Create Advantage to declare something useful about the scene.
Most recent example was a minotaur that the party wasn't really supposed to kill (DM even said that he'd put us at a 50/50 chance if we chased him, and we kinda weren't supposed to). Took 20 on a search of this dead minotaur...
Found all sorts of interesting items hidden in his knotted fur. Stuff that any normal search wouldn't have found.
@Dorian "he's faking it!"
Other examples include spotting weak points, (noticing when they're faking it :P), spotting secret doors or well hidden levers/keys/buttons/etc.
There's also the chance someone's trying to sneak up on you.
@BESW so you mean if someone rolls...
@BESW this is a good point, not all of your players are that experienced
... you might make the task a little bit harder than if you didn't know what the result would be?
@BESW That's probably related to what I often found myself doing in D&D: "I have no idea what the DC would be, but you rolled 15 so you pass." Except not in those words.
(let's pretend that -- is a +)
those players have somewhat of an excuse, not that it means they should be left alone to roll without saying what they are rolling
Well, one idea behind Fate DCs is that they influence how many resources the player has to expend (fate points, stress boxes, free invokes, etc).
If I want you to be likely to need to spend a resource to succeed, and you're rolling a +3 skill, I'm going to put the DC at +5 or +6 because on average that means you'll need to spend a Fate point to succeed.
But if I already know you rolled +++, then I'm not dealing with "you'll probably have to spend" anymore.
I'm dealing with "I know exactly how much you'll have to spend," and at that point we might as well not be rolling at all because the randomness is just an illusion.
@BESW He knows of the illusion!
@doppelgreener BESW must be destroyed! I told you it would spread!
@Dorian (ssh, it's fine, BESW is The Architect)
(but don't tell anybody)
No! I like BESW!
(it's super secret)
I though BESW was @TheOracle
@Dorian (what do you mean, this is in our exclusive private super-secured encrypted channel, i thought that's why we were talking about destroying Metool earlier)
@doppelgreener You know the encrypted channel was brought down by the One!
well then
@doppelgreener Unless... you're an infiltrator!
i guess the jig is up
n-no i'm a perfectly normal benign perpetuator
@doppelgreener DIE!
@BESW Hey, I never thought about it like that.
Who keeps playing with the stars? :P
@Dorian ^ ?
@Dorian I don't think you can just say 'die', you gotta back it up. Unless Power Word Kill is actually just the word 'die'.
@Miniman It is.
Hmm. Is there anything preventing silent power word spells?
@Miniman Though I can enhance it with Dark Speech if I want, because cursing someone while killing them is awesome.
@Miniman "Ok, roll the die." [suddenly everyone at the table is dead, and mages are barred from the RPG club]
@Metool Antimagic Field. Dispel.
@Dorian I meant the particular interaction.
Not sure. Seems like a good question to ask though.
@Metool The Weave is vibration sensitive, it can pick up a word said silently.
Or maybe the Weave is telepathic?
Great. Telepathic sweatervests.
@BESW good b-rated doctor who plot
@doppelgreener Mr. Rogers and the Autons.
There doesn't seem to be an answer that I can find.
Might be a good question to ask the SE
RAW, there's nothing to prevent it
I seem to recall that Bards can't use Silent metamagic without an extra permission.
That raises another interesting question... Can Truename magic be Silent? What about Dark Speech or the Words of Creation, can they be added to a Silent spell?
Spoken Truename magic that is.
@Dorian if you're a truenamer you need all the help you can get
@doppelgreener Until level 20, anyway
@doppelgreener True. But at some point I wholeheartedly intend to go through that and houserule/homebrew it to the point of being effective. I loved the Inheritance Cycle too much not to make the attempt.
@Dorian Wow, really?
@Miniman Not even sure what that really is directed at.
@Dorian Giving credit for the 'truename' idea to the Inheritance Cycle.
@Miniman Oh heck no.
I know it's been around much longer than that.
tag wiki for refers to the non-existent , an alias for
I'm saying it was useful and in fact powerful in the Inheritance Cycle.
As opposed to in D&D where it appears to be utterly useless and weak.
@Metool Taking it to meta.
@Dorian Depending on how that works out, it might be a better idea to just... push the existing Truenamer aside completely, learn from where it's succeeded and failed, and just make your own thing
@Metool I went ahead and removed the redundant sentence as well as fixing 'questions about the general state of magic should use the tag , instead of to actually include the tag.
@doppelgreener Right. But to do that I would need to study the existing first.
@Metool Still a good idea to take it to meta, that wiki is very thin now.
@Miniman Can you paste, in here, what you edited it to be?
A catch-all tag for asking questions about specific spells and the interpretation and uses thereof, or interactions between them.

Questions about the general nature of magic should use [tag:magic] , instead of [tag:spells] .
And is that in line with what we currently have for those tags' usage?
That is what we currently have with the bit about spellcasting removed and the obvious mistake with magic in general fixed
'questions about the general state of magic should use the tag , instead of ' is the mistake I mean
Anyways, I'm off. Have a good weekend, rpg.SE!
@Miniman Bye! You too. :D
Note to self: Big Wolf on Campus is a good field to mine for ARRG plots.
...and/or Cthulhu Dark plots.
[wave] Hello!
What's new?
Not too much, unfortunately. Not feeling too well about a bunch of things. But! RPG club shenanigans tomorrow, so hopefully that goes well.
Things are complicated! But the Atomic Robo RPG is awesome.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Man it's dead in here today
1 hour later…
It is
@Aaron Maybe you should join worldbuilding, we have an active chat generally.
@Mourdos This chat is normally active as well.
But not today, mwhuhuh.
Might join worldbuilding still
I put an answer for your multiple arms question
Woot, edit questions and answers privilege GET.
@Mourdos Yea. Though the 1.5 I was talking about wasn't extra damage from taking penalties to hit from power attack it was the increased STR damage from power attack
Where did I talk about penalties to power attack?
Also, one answer has 2 upvotes, mine has none and we both posted at the same time? sadness.
@Mourdos Ah I understand now
I missread your last paragraph.
I highlighted all the answers to your actual questions as well :P
It answers the question quite well.
Darn. I was hoping there were rules somewhere about wielding larger weapons with extra hands.
In fact the rules actual are explicitly against you
I want to four-hand and huge sword damnit. Why? Because awesomeness
There is actually a four handed sword in 3.5
Oh well. Wielding two greateswords would be just as awesome
@Mourdos I must see this!
I'm trying to remember the damn book
I think its one of the races of, or the book with the thir keen?
You know, the preying mantis guys
xpanded Psionics Handbook
Grr can't find it
page 14
I don't have the book is it online anywhere?
@Lord_Gareth waves
2 hours later…
@Lord_Gareth Is there a path of war list of abilities by level with full descriptions? On the PFSRD It has the short descriptions by level but the long by alphabet.
2 hours later…
@Aaron Poke me on Skype.
3 hours later…
OED Word of the Day: demonifuge, n. http://oxford.ly/1xIZJUz

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