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@Rubiksmoose Hahaha
@trogdor So how easy is the "full" game to run prep-wise? (I suspect low-prep?)
@Rubiksmoose I haven't run the specific scenario on the demo, but the one I did run was very low prep
@trogdor have you found the "1-2 hour" descriptor to be accurate?
I read the scenario enough to be familiar with what I'm supposed to do and also read it the first game
That would be incredibly impressive with my group.
@Rubiksmoose 1-2 what?
Ah yes it generally took the time it said
Especially if you use the pre-mades, which I've always done.
But I ran the Kitsune one, not the demo one
@trogdor What, you expect me to type out all of the important words? Golly.
I think it should still hold up though
...looks like we won't have all our players tonight so we won't be able to play :(
@V2Blast No! :(
@Rubiksmoose how rude of me XD
hey there @B.S.Morganstein, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
hey there, its been a while
Well I'm officially sold.
I really liked it, especially because I have like no rog experience but I could still have fun and participate
oh man, that price is way more than reasonable. I'm sure I could even sneak that into the budget if I wanted the full book.
@BESW @Rubiksmoose and yeah I recommend using the premade characters in your first game and one of the premade scenarios, I've only used one scenario but it's really good and I expect the others are good too
@Ash nice!
@Rubiksmoose there are also other books but you don't need them at all
It might be fun to run this after I run my Paranoia game, which I expect to turn into a traitor-filled murder-fest.
And really I think you can run at least one game with the demo
But if you want the main book it's more than enough
I've got a bunch of them but I'm obsessed with GSS right now so XD
@Rubiksmoose lol, nice change of pace
@Ash rog experience?
Though I will have to wait my turn as other people have stuff they want to run. I think this will be a good one to run during the days when not everyone can make it.
@trogdor what's the tone like would you say, in general? Heartwarming and fun, but not goofy?
@Shalvenay I think it's RPG
@Rubiksmoose oh it can be goofy too
excellent :)
Goofy and zany are kind of where I live humor-wise.
If your group wants to get goofy that is not at all antithetical to the game
I expect if your group is goofy your going to end up with a lot of dogs and raccoon dogs
Can it slide a bit the other direction as well into more straight?
@Rubiksmoose straight humor?
@Rubiksmoose How do you get a rhino into the fridge?
More like less humor "playing it straight" (words are escaping me right now)
@Ben I don't know, how?
I think so
If I understand at all what you mean
Open the door, put it in, close the door. Fairly straighforward
How do you get a giraffe in the fridge?
@trogdor (if you don't that is entirely understandable since I am doing an awful job of communicating it)
@Ben Idk, how?
@Ben XD
Open the door, take the rhino out, put the giraffe in, close the door
Like, part of the game is cheering people up if someone is upset, there's a scenario where a kid is verbally bullied (the game highly discourages violence even for bullies)
But it's played straight as it were
@Ben naturally!
He's really having trouble with it and needs help
If the lion king had a meeting, and all the animals were invited, who wouldn't be there?
It's not a game that hides from seriousness
ah ok that is exactly what I meant. You deserve a medal for getting there just from what I told you lol
But it also isn't made for extremely dark topics
@Ben Who?
The giraffe. No one let him out of the fridge
@trogdor That seems appropriate.
@trogdor yeah -- the thing that I do wonder about it is what the scope of "everyday problems" are
@Ben hahaha
Like those bullies I mentioned, the game explicitly says they won't physically hit him
Put it this way: Last week's game, I played a dog who tried to get damp leaves to play fetch with him. I also got very sad when a cat explained to me that sometimes rain is sad, like tears.
Because that's not the kind of problem or solution the game goes in for
There's a crocodile infested river. There are no visible ways to cross without entering the water. How do you cross without getting eaten?
@BESW That is incredible. All of it.
@Ben feed them the giraffe?
for instance, coming across the crew of the morning train being in a total fret because they can't get one of the turnouts for the station spur to lock up
@Ben You swim. The crocodiles are at the meeting.
@linksassin Precisely haha
@Shalvenay I think that's within the scope, but would have to be handled carefully to avoid child endangerment because that's not within scope.
Ok, I'm done. Sorry for confusing the chat there
Classic australian primary school humour
@linksassin It is a good "think outside the box" and "memory" game
@BESW yeah, adult endangerment of that sort's probably not in scope either, though!
@BESW @Shalvenay yeah what BESW said, also that's not typically what a henge could be expected to help with but that doesn't mean you can't have them be older henge who know mechanical stuff
Has anyone here had experience playing/running Call of Cthulhu? One of my players had issues running the starter set and I haven't played it so I don't know how to help.
The only issue I see with it is that you would need to make sure all of your players and characters could actually help with that problem
@linksassin @BESW
Because that problem isn't typical of the game
I haven't played CoC, but I've read it.
What kind of issues?
Because henge aren't expected to all know human tech stuff
It doesn't mean they can't but it's unusual enough that it would be Weird if all your players henge did know how to fix that problem
@BESW She's a first time DM (has run one session of pathfinder) and was trying to run the starter set modules for 1-2 players.
She said they felt very railroad-y
@linksassin I've participated as a player, not sure if it was the starter set
And that there was tonnes of prep work to do compared to pathfinder.
Well, character creation doesn't have as many options as 3.x/PF, but it does entail more steps. Not as much research and comparing, but it does involve some math and bookkeeping, because players are expected to start by making an itemized sheet of how they spend their dollars on inventory
Basically she encountered a couple of issues where players missed clues and then basically lost the entire module because it has no backup plan.
@trogdor Yeah, if the problem is "we can't find the guy who can solve the problem!" that's something the henge can do!
@BESW yeah true
The math and bookkeeping side wasn't an issue. It was the story side for a new DM.
@linksassin This sounds... pretty accurate, yeah. There's literally an entire game engine (Gumshoe) designed in response to that problem with Call of Cthulhu.
And then maybe that person has something they need done beforehand or is having a bad day
Well it has been lovely chatting with you all. But I've got to go to bed before I end up buying another RPG or roped into another interesting conversation :)
@Rubiksmoose That's what we're here for! Goodnight
@Rubiksmoose goodnight
@Rubiksmoose good afternoon!
@BESW So is it pretty typical of the system? She was excited about running the mystery type storyline and liked the insanity and certain doom aspects of it.
But playing didn't quite live up to expectation.
If she's excited about the mystery element of Cthulhian horror, I strongly recommend she check out Trail of Cthulhu, the Gumshoe response to Call's failure as a mystery game. Until then, your friend can use GM fiat to fix the "missing clues" problem the same way Gumshoe did: if you have the right skill and use it in the right scene, you ALWAYS find the barest minimum clue necessary to move forward.
Lol you definitely asked the right person
@BESW Awesome thanks I'll suggest that to her. I did recommend that she could have moved the clues around behind the scenes to keep the game going but new DM and all.
There's also Cthulhu Dark, which is for one-shots that emphasize the hopelessness and mind-blowing terror elements but don't really do structured mystery.
I did really like Cuthulu Dark
And Lovecraftesque is a good but weird GMless game that uses shared narrative responsibilities to build a mystery NOBODY knows the solution to until you reach the end.
But she would need to craft a scenario in herself right?
@linksassin Ah okay. From what I remember, there wasn't much up front about any horror or mystery, although I think that's partly due to the DM's poor communication skills
@BESW this was also fun though
We rolled insanity maybe once or twice, and nothing interesting happened that I recall
For Cthulhu Dark? There are a few pre-made adventures, and solid advice for making your own (I suggest using any Doctor Who story that follows the "base under siege" formula as inspiration).
@BESW Lovecraftesque sounds like a lot of fun once you strip the eldritch horror bits away, actually
@BESW ah ok
I didn't know that there was stuff for it
Personally I'm learning toward horror that can ignore the Mythos entirely and look for similar thrills without the racist misogynist's paranoid fragility mucking everything up. Cthulhu Dark and Lovecraftesque both have that potential, but both still lean into the mental health stereotypes common to Lovecraft-inspired material.
Fate of Cthulhu (Kickstarter just finished) kicked out the sanist bits but kept the racist allegories largely intact.
Thanks for the tips, I'll pass them on.
The only other thing I thought was learning the system and running a session myself to see if I could spot some ways she could make it work.
Yeah, Call of Cthulhu is very prominent because it's the Lovecraftian horror system that's been around the longest.
But mechanically it's really not super great for horror. Or mysteries.
(I mean, the whole collab-mystery-plot-with-no-predetermined-answer thing sounds awesome, it's just that "the racist misogynist's paranoid fragility mucking everything up" sounds especially true for Lovecraftesque given the potential it sounds like that engine has)
It uses a very generic game engine, BRP (Basic Role-Playing), which tries to be neutral and fails because it thinks that's possible.
@BESW I am still kinda proud of working that explanation out
@Shalvenay Lovecraftesque works REALLY hard to avoid the mucky bits, first by having you completely ignore the established mythos and make up your own stuff as you go, and second by having some decent essays about HOW to make up stuff as you go without falling into the tropeholes.
@Ash Oh, it was perfect.
@BESW nice :) it sounds like a system to look into even
It helped that @trogdor was super good at cueing me so I could make patterns. I like when I can figure out the social stories.
@Ben that string of jokes is one of my all time favourite silly things.
@Ash I did what now?
Personally I've come to the conclusion that we need to just strangle the "horror = Lovecraft" synecdoche by refusing it entirely, before any element of his legacy can be conscientiously rehabilitated, if any indeed merit that treatment at all. And to deprive that synecdoche of oxygen, we need to flood the market with games and stories which scratch the same itch but use none of the Lovecraft brand at all.
@BESW agreed
Lovecraftesque is emblematic of the problem, I think: it wants to say "We can do that kind of horror without Lovecraft," but it has no language to say that without using his brand anyway.
It can't present itself as an option except in opposition.
Cthulhu Dark does it, except for that h*cking title.
Without the title, CD would be perfectly presented as a game for folklore horror, ghosthunting, etc.
So, over in the Corruption System room we seem to have hit a bit of a wall. We're attempting to balance out the 1st Tier Passive abilities. If anyone has any ideas or input, please let us know :)
@trogdor you helped with leading me towards where the story was going and what would help
@BESW yes please
@Ash ah ok yeah that's kinda what my job was, as GM XD
Yes but it was a thing I noticed and appreciated, too many of my DnD stuff was spent wandering not knowing how to progress
Oh, sidenote: @Miniman @linksassin I went with the Fighter lvl 1, to go into Sorcerer at lvl 2.
@Ash :( that's not cool
@Ash That can be a good thing... depending on how it is portrayed.
@Ben well giving a lot of freedom is good but not giving any guidance when things have just hit a snag is not
For example, we had one situation where the DM spent too much time explaining irrelevant information, so we got lost trying to figure out where to go next, as every time we tried to go somewhere/do something, it was "wrong" cos there was something that had not previously been explained, blocking the way
@Ben was it boxed text in a published adventure
On the other hand, you can have puzzles that are just all about making a decision that appears outside of the box/not obvious. We had one puzzle where there were two rooms. One was "good" the other was "evil. We had nowhere else to go, and no way forward from here. Spent about 45 minutes investigating the place, until I blurted out "what about just picking a direction? As soon as we did, a staircase opened up
Or a plinth in the middle of a room, with a button. You press the button; the door slams shut; the plinth starts rotating slowly, and ticking loudly, eventually getting faster. Each time you press the button, it resets
The idea is to simply let it run out, to open the next staricase
@Ben Sounds like @MikeQ 's invisible dragon problem striking again.
@linksassin Yes. Very much
Jan 10 at 3:11, by MikeQ
Case: The undescribed dragon problem
- PCs enter a room, and GM describes some aspects of the room
- PCs walk forward and get eaten by unmentioned dragon
- The dragon wasn't invisible, but the GM says it's the players' fault for not checking for dragons
Sorta. Also I'd advise against COC not just because of the Lovecraft connotation (it tries really hard to be superficially like a HPL story) but because the system mechanics don't really do horror. They focus too much on things that don't matter (e.g. character wealth) and too little on things that should matter (e.g. fear, denial, shock, etc)
@Ben Have used that one to great effect. I had a wizard tower the players needed to climb. Every second floor was exactly that plinth with a button scenario. However the exact function of the button and timer changed each time
So if anything, both situations revolve around omission. One is accidental, the other is on purpose
@linksassin There's a bizarre trend of boxed text that describes every detail of the room except for the creatures occupying it...which is the thing that the players care most about. The number of times I've seen a giant paragraph of random architectural detail be followed up with "oh and there's a bunch of goblins" (or any other creature) is just staggering.
@linksassin "the door is closed" is a nice little trap to distract some players sometimes :P
@Ben Yeah it's not bad. Worked on the Doctor (two of him) afterall
@Miniman True, I don't run modules often so I didn't realise how common it was.
@linksassin I would say the majority of boxed texts I've seen suffer from this problem.
@Ben Level 1 - As desribed; Level 2 - Leave the room before the timer runs out or fireball goes off; Level 3 - Door isn't locked, pushing the button instantly triggers the fireball; Level 4 - Button activates the Golem guardian you have until the timer runs out to defeat it.
The exceptions tend to be where the creatures are themselves a setpiece - "a bunch of mephits dancing manically in a circle" is the sort of thing that gets included where "8 random cultist dudes" get left out.
@Miniman That's annoying. Why wouldn't you put more effort it describing the important bits?
@linksassin I think the boxed texts are the equivalent of when a fantasy author spends two pages describing the food at a feast (for example).
They're not about information, they're meant to increase immersion by painting a picture. And give writers a chance to show off.
This is all wild speculation on my part, though.
> Wild Speculation: At any time that you speculate, the DM can ask you to roll a Speculation die. If you roll a 1, you roll on the Speculation table (d100) to see what theories to support your argument.
Although you made me curious, so I went and read some articles - apparently boxed text originated as a consistency measure for competitive play.
Which makes a lot of sense, but makes it even more confusing that it's still widely used.
@Miniman I'm impressed at your research.
I summise it still exists because people are lazy and it being there means they don't have to think up interesting descriptions for things.
@linksassin Eh, I literally just googled "D&D boxed text" and read what came up.
Proficient in Google-Fu
@linksassin I wonder about that, because it's the writers who are making that choice, not the DMs. (And certainly not the players.)
@Miniman Presumably things with boxed text sell better than those without?
An article by James Introcaso: We Can Do Better Than Boxed Text
Or the writers are more concerned with the story they want to tell than actually making it good to play.
@linksassin I suppose? I dunno, it just seems like it's pretty controversial. Plus, it doesn't seem like they've tried not using it. Could just be historical inertia.
@Miniman There are definitely some modules without it. But those I have seen are poor quality. Not that I've seen that many.
@linksassin I'm curious, examples? Third party, or WotC? 5e, or earlier editions?
@Miniman Nothing that I can remember. 3.5 homebrew modules mostly. It was a long time ago before I started my current campaign and I was hunting around for inspiration.
The ones I found that didn't have boxed text tended to lack the important details entirely.
Hmmm, interesting.
I think it's a bit of a misguided response to a player tendency to interrupt as soon as there's someone to interact with (murder)
you lead with "the room is full of goblins" and then you're never gonna get around to describing the engravings underneath the sofa
@Carcer Agreed, that's why the goblins should be described last. We're saying that often they aren't described at all and the DM has to remember to read the encounter for the room to see if there are creatures visible
ah, fair
2 hours later…
Or... you've got a social problem that's maybe exacerbated by boxed text but you need to address the underlying problem in your group dynamic that's making them interrupt or zone out or whatever, and any change to the use of boxed text needs to emerge from an understanding of the actual causes rather than a knee-jerk attempt to quash the symptoms.
I'm all for revisiting and challenging standard format assumptions; it's one of the things I do professionally. But it has to start with understanding the landscape the format's in.
Q: Does this strict reading of the rules allow both Extra Attack and the Thirsting Blade warlock invocation to be used together?

Ko_sctThe warlock's Thirsting Blade eldritch invocation cannot be normally used with the (non-warlock) class feature Extra Attack, since both feature explicitly say you attack twice instead of once. But it seems to me that you could use both features (if you have them) when using Two-Weapon Fighting. ...

@BESW I mean, I've never had those problems on either side of the table. It's always been my experience that everyone is happy to listen to boxed text, it just doesn't generally contain the information that actually matters for the game.
I sorta like boxed texts, or at least can't subscribe to hating them. They're often better than what my GMs have been capable of
I think I like them in moderation
and in GSS for example, it has one box text thing, and it literally says what it needs to
Yeah, I'm not saying they're not good descriptions of rooms, just that they seem to avoid describing the things people really care about.
mainly that there is a seemingly abandoned shrine in the middle of the forest
which is literally the thing the players need to go look at
@trogdor GSS not making the same mistakes as D&D? I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.
yeah it's so weird right?
is GSS some kind of D&D homebrew?
Q: Can the Grave cleric's Sentinel at Death's Door feature turn a critical hit into a miss, while adamantine armor does not?

guessI have asked a question before about this Grave Cleric feature in the past, and was inclined to believe that the you are able to turn critical hits into misses by way of the feature, but upon looking into it further, I found that adamantine still gets hit as in this question. I have also found q...

@Carcer Twily (aka @trogdor) mentioned it yesterday.
it's Golden Sky Stories
Golden Sky Stories - see here
I've mentioned it far more than yesterday but sure XD
it's decidedly not D&D
I meant that you mentioned it again yesterday. I don't really know when you mentioned it before :P
@Derpy it's cool XD
looks like literally I've been talking about GSS for about a year (like may 18th last year so 5 days and a year ago) at least after actually having played a game
not all the time obviously
@Carcer anyway yeah it's literally it's own game
I'm a little sad you think either so highly or so poorly of me you thought that was a legitimate question and not blatant sarcasm
oh XD
no no it's my fault entirely
sarcasm and text go so well together
that time it does!
as long as I know to look for it XD
which time?
@Carcer this
oh, you thought that one was the sarcastic statement?
I'l stop
I ded
I am filled with democratic vigour today
I have cast my meaningless vote for the party I don't like in the vain hope that is slightly more likely to be an effective vote on the big issue I care about
and it's worn off
> Knowing the pony might one day dismount its dragon and get your sarcasm... It fills you with determination
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 ON further review, and after a night's sleep, not wasting further time on that.
I had fun writing this last answer
@nitsua60 I can save you some cash and photo copy the credits page and send it to you. :) Then you can frame it and display it in a prominent place ... 8^D.
@Rubiksmoose how big is the party? Both work fine, draconic is IMO less trappy, but not by much since all sorcerers need to pick spells thoughtfully due to limited amounts.
@BESW That has been a sad trend that writers like Patricia McKillip have mostly avoided. I wish more would do likewise.
@Carcer Two updoots for the Starcraft mouse pad.
@KorvinStarmast Good question. I'm not exactly sure.
@Miniman I picked jump with my gloom stalker ranger. We are in a ToA campaign where there is lots of different kinds of terrain, so the back of my brain suggested to me that as a utility spell it may help the party out in some situations. Had a discussion with the party before I picked it.
@Miniman Yeah, another neat concept foiled by poor mechanics. Witch bolt: almost a good idea.
@Miniman Darth rolled a 20 on his death save, so he had one HP and could thus get up and do something. (maybe?)
@Carcer Democratic Vigour sounds like it should be the name of an artisanal whiskey
@Shalvenay a board game answer to that question: Diplomacy. ;)
@Carcer "Orcy-Worky" XD
@KorvinStarmast Alright--no worries.
Q: How do the rules handle dropping an extremely heavy object from far up to create an explosive effect?

Jack BrookerThe situation is as follows: Boris is a 13th level Illusion Wizard. Boris and his party have a method for reaching a height of up to 1km above ground level (whether it be an airship or repeated casts of the Fly spell), and Boris has a plan for eviscerating the BBEG's evil city. He flies up 1km a...

What do people think about this question? Dupe or no?
(It was phrased as a dupe when I closed it so I'm confident in that, but I'm not sure if the refinements push it far enough away from it to matter)
this question is specifically (now?) about the collision of objects with sufficient mass/velocity that the consequences are much more severe than "thing hits other thing"
I'm not sure it fits the dupes, though we are all aware already that the answer is "D&D has no rules for this"
It's functionally a dupe, because the question is "how do the rules handle it?", and the refinement doesn't change the fact that the rules don't handle it at all.
If the question was "how should I handle it?", then the details of the situation actually matter.
@MarkWells "how should I handle it" would however make it closed as opinion based (again)
Yes, that would fit with our de facto policy of interpreting questions in the way that gives us excuses to close them, rather than the way that produces useful answers.
Just as a heads-up, I've moved all the comments to a chat. I think it's a good discussion that (a) deserves the space it needs to hash out the question, and (b) I'd like future explorers to be able to see as an example of the site working well. (Rather than the comments getting purged a month from now when it's all settled.)
I do feel the One Best Answer thing is being ridiculous overemphasised recently
And our de facto policy of discouraging anything that requires actual experience to answer, in favor of questions about parsing rules.
diss a question for being idea-generation, sure, but this is a question to which there is conceivably One Most Useful Answer for the OP
@MarkWells RuleBookPageLookup.SE!
@Carcer One Best Answer may just be (unfortunate) shorthand for a thoughtful discussion of how voting works.
upvote an answer if it's good. Downvote it if it's bad. That seems a simple principle which is having a load of baggage attached to it
we don't have to rank answers by single transferable vote or anything
if there are two ways to do something and they're different but both good there shouldn't be anything wrong with both of them being highly voted answers
the OP still gets to select which one was most personally useful to them
@Carcer Absolutely. It just will come from someone who has dealt with this kind of situation at the table. Do we have someone like that here? I don't know, maybe if we stopped rewriting the question into less useful forms for bureaucratic reasons, we'd find out.
@Carcer downvote because you are supposed to improve quality on the site but do not provide insight on your downvote because you aren't obliged to improve quality. That's what I was able to understand after all the years I spent on the main sites... ;_;
@Carcer How do you see this interacting with the received wisdom we have from the network about list-questions? (Cf., e.g., meta.stackexchange.com/a/124489/311001 (network) or rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/q/6442/23970 (local).)
"Opinion-based" is another bit of unfortunate shorthand, I believe. Recalling that the text is actually "primarily opinion-based" (emphasis mine) and that the explanation describes things likely to generate speculation rather than expertise-based answers, I fear that too many people are seeing any opinion's presence as a black mark.
"How should I handle ____ ?", if well-posed (incl. explanation of what the group's like, play goals, shared experience, how OP knows something's actually wrong), is likely (IMO) to generate good answers that contain opinion and are driven by experience, and bad answers that are just "I'd do this" or "try this."
And from what I've seen around here, everyone will be good about upvoting the expertise-based ones and downvoting the idle speculation, and OP wins.
@nitsua60 fundamentally I think what I disagree with is often the assertion of these questions that "every answer is equally correct"
when that genuinely is the case then yes, it's not really a workable question
@Carcer For my part I usually try to reserve that judgment until I've started to see that actually play out in answers.
but answers to a question like "how can I handle a tungsten cube hitting the ground realistically" can be judged by experts based both on how reasonably they represent the physics of what happens (if that's a goal of the question) and how well the mechanism proposed fits in the game's established rules and framework
If "they rolled to seduce the dragon, what should I do next?" hits HNQ and gets twenty two-line plot-suggestions as answers, close the question. If it gets answers that are expertise-based and talk about how one recalibrates a campaign after a large surprise, great!
@Carcer I'll point to the second one of nitsua60's links, which explains why "Questions that have many possible solutions" are just fine.
@Carcer I'm probably the wrong person to ask about that. I have a couple of physics degrees and I like D&D, and I really don't like mixing the two. =D
(Sorry for the errant ping, Mark.)
@MarkWells Sure. There could plausibly be multiple answers that are fairly judged to be equally good, but that doesn't mean that all answers are obviously equally good.
I am in broad agreement with Mark that as a stack we are tending to err excessively towards closing questions for unfair reasons
or at the very least we are prejudging questions as likely to cause troublesome answers very quickly and not really giving them a chance.
once a wise man said that whenever you send a mail to a customer you should never include more than one question in the mail. Otherwise, the mail will only answer one question and leave the other unanswered.
SE kinda works the same: when you write a question, whenever excuse that could be used to downvote/close it will be used

That's kinda a Catch-22 situation in some cases... You are free to express any form of disagreement on meta but disagreement = rant = close
Maybe now the HNQ is on a big delay we'll get less of that pile-on effect.
@Carcer I'd love to see this discussed on meta. (Rather than just in the coffee klatch.) It sounds like you're not alone, and it may be time for a bit of re-think/recalibration.
(Not necessarily of the principles, which it sounds like there's broad agreement around, but on how we're putting them into play.)
@Carcer I find the idea of RPG stackexchange becoming "theoretical physics that might happen in DnD" Stack distasteful
@kviiri I don't think anyone is proposing that we rule out all other kinds of question
@kviiri Breathes Heavily
I do think we should be--and benefit from being--less rules-based than I see some comments mainsite stating as if they were gospel.
@kviiri (wow, that last word carries a lot of water!)
but I think it is okay if some questions are those questions.
@Carcer That's not the point --- the question simply doesn't have anything to do with RPG specific expertise at that point
@kviiri but it does, because the question is about how to translate those physics into the framework of the RPG
@Derpy Not much (that I can recall) gets closed on meta. Are there specific examples you're thinking of? (Be warned, though: I have to run in a few for most of the rest of the day.)
@Carcer That implicitly carries an assumption that those physics can and should be translated into the framework of a particular RPG
@kviiri but the question has expressed that THAT IS THEIR GOAL
And opens the door for all kinds of paradigm disputes
Closed meta questions: rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/…, large majority (80% or so, eyeballing) as duplicates.
@kviiri It can be answered based on RPG expertise, or not. That's the difference between a good and a bad answer.
it's okay to say "the core rules don't cover this; if you want to simulate this, here's a way of doing it which is compatible and in keeping with the mechanics of the game"
bonus "I did this in my game and found it to be a useful method"
@nitsua60 oh, I wasn't talking about RPG Meta. I was thinking about the main Meta site - meta.stackexchange.com
@Derpy Ooooooohhhh. Yeah, that's a tough crowd.
@Carcer Yes, and it's a goal I disagree with. I don't think "translate this extreme phenomenon to system X" is a feasible category for our site.
you don't have to participate in those questions
@nitsua60 19 out of 101 are non dupes
I think those questions are obviously answerable and the quality of answers can be fairly judged by people familiar with the RPG systems
@Someone_Evil (nice work, eyeball!)
@Carcer I have to say, if I were King of the Forest, that would be our standard for all answers. Don't just quote the text of the Feather Fall spell, tell us how it worked in your game.
especially questions which are being explicitly driven because it is a scenario which has actually come up in their game and they want to try and adjudicate it reasonably
@Someone_Evil That's an interesting group, though. Interesting read if anyone's got an hour to kill.
The core problem is that the phenomenon discussed deviates so heavily from the base game that it feels completely detached from the ruleset it supposedly concerns. Kinda like "how would Monopoly property values be affected by a tungsten globe apocalypse"
@MarkWells >cough< election >cough<
(Not that I think mods should unilaterally set a policy like that, just that there's a throne being filled soon!)
@kviiri I don't agree with that assessment, but I unfortunately don't really see a way we can argue each other to common ground on that
You should start a meta, it's more fruitful there
I am honestly more comfortable engaging in realtime discussion and debate than writing long statements on meta
if I have to write in a non-conversational style I'm very prone to getting unhelpfully rambling and second-guess my phrasing too much
Me too, but the semi-formal style and added openness are good for decision making
I mean, chat captures a teensy tiny portion of our site's audience
if I still feel strongly enough about it by the weekend I might try
@trogdor I sure had fun, though it took me a bit to grok what we were doing with points.
@nitsua60 (very late to this discussion and might be addressed later I haven't gotten that far) but I also feel like the (unjust IMO) demonisation of the word "should" fits into a lot of the problems around this specific statement
@Carcer Just a bit of advice, I generally find that these things work better and have more attention given to them if you wait for a good test case to come along and show the problem in play. Finding a good past example(s) also works, but it seems to me that current example works better.
As with the main site, I find that people find it easier to tackle a problem that is clearly defined and displayed rather than talking about broad hypotheticals (though those have their place on Meta and mainssite certainly).
@nitsua60 hear hear^
@trogdor MIght the henge look at the sad/frustrated person near the switch, and try to cheer them up or help them by saying "I'll get you some help" and then finding, and then persuading, someone with tools/knowledge to help them so that they aren't frustrated anymore?
@Carcer I'll try to write it up.
@Ben Ben, I can later, but at the moment, hands full.
oh geeze. hey team. I've had a heck of a time.
@goodguy5 howdy! What been happening?
does goodbaby5 have superpowers?
I got rear ended Friday, my uncle (helped raise me) passed away Saturday, and Sunday I came down with the worst Sinus infection of my life. Dr clocked me at 104.5.
@goodguy5 oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about all of that! </3
To address the most urgent first, is your infection/temperature better at all?
thanks. it's been not great. and my poor wife has been taking care of goodbaby5 all by herself until today.
@Carcer that is what I do. I see usefulness in more than one answer with some frequency.
@goodguy5 sorry to hear the bad news. At least your health's recovering
@nitsua60 you read my mind
@KorvinStarmast I wouldn't mind a GSS session where the henge tried to deal with humans with technical and mechanical problems
@goodguy5 I know there's almost no chance there is, but is there anything we can do to help in any way?
@MikeQ If we are to GSS again, I'd need to re read the points progression again so that I better understand it. I was just getting to understand it when we finished up the first time around.
@KorvinStarmast Yep, it's definitely not an out-of-the-box system
@Rubiksmoose I don't think so, but I appreciate the offer ^_^
Well, if you think of anything, let us know. :)
will do :)
Somebody come watch my kid ;)
@goodguy5 If I were a liiiiitle closer... Our youngest is 6, which we're finding to be a dangerous age. In the "oh, this isn't sooo bad, and babies are really nice. Are we sure we're done?" sense!
So we're often happily helping out other families around here with watching a baby or toddler for an afternoon.
@goodguy5 where are you?
haha. Philly area. I was just teasing
bit of a commute.
@goodguy5 Hey. This site is for serious RPG topics only. No teasing.
@Rubiksmoose I thought it was for questions about milking ivory goats. Though I guess that if one is running a yogurt business, that's a serious question.
hahaha I do love that question
And it is definitely not for extensive conversations about birds.

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