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I continue to feel weird about answers from new users which are meant to be comments
@Carcer Flag em
that's not the problem
it's more that it bugs me that commenting on answers/questions is gated behind getting over the initial rep hurlde
@NautArch The first one you mean?
@Rubiksmoose yes, sorry :)
it feels likea different way of asking the same thing.
which appears to be a different question...but it'snot
@NautArch It is a dupe of it, but that question is closed. They are asking the exact same thing.
@Rubiksmoose so shouldn't it be closed as aduplicate of the closed question?
@Carcer Unfortunately that is almost certainly just an anti-spam measure.
@NautArch I don't think that is proper procedure. Especially since the previous one was closed for being unclear.
There was quite the drama around that which isn't really relevant here.
@Rubiksmoose but if the frist one is unclear...and this is hte same question...then isn't it either a duplicate or should be closed as unclear?
@Rubiksmoose I understand it, but I don't like it. I'm generally very much a "low barrier to entry" kind of person.
same question is still same question
there is a meta about this.
@NautArch They don't seem like duplicates. One is asking in general about casting a spell the other is asking how casting "Wish" interacts with those requirements
@NautArch that strange really make sense in this case.
Duplicate closure is a way to group questions together so that we don't have multiple conversations. There is no conversation possible on a closed question. Being closed means there was something wrong with the post. And if that same issue is not present in the new question it should not be tied to the fate of the flawed question.
The point of duping is not to shut down conversation but to group it together.
@Rubiksmoose I would argue that a question closed as unclear cannot be a duplicate of any question, since by definition we don't know what it is asking
@GreySage That is a much better way of looking at it. And I agree.
@Rubiksmoose That's fair. So is this one just a better way of asking the first one?
@NautArch Correct.
Though I still have some issues with it. What do people think about the 3rd point? and my comment.
@Rubiksmoose it feels too broad at this point
@NautArch I disagree I think. Firstly, I think it is an important and interesting question. But there really is no way to narrow it down without asking about each requirement separately.
Which really wouldn't work.
The requirements thing in wish has always confused me a bit.
it's either "what are the general" or specific questions on individual spells for outliers
asking for both seems very broad
because you have to looka t each individual spell and assess for outlier issues
@NautArch Ok that I agree with.
Would you comment on that?
@Rubiksmoose just did :)
didn't VTC yet...waiting on response or action
@NautArch beautiful.
Also IMO #3 is a red herring anyways for the most part. That GoW example is a restriction on the effects not a requirement for the spell.
I am starting to understand why we prefer actual problems to be asked and not general questions.
@NautArch Right? It really just makes everything here work better.
Now to convince @Speedkat to move this answer over.
@Rubiksmoose yup. that's the answer he's looking for.
@NautArch Whatever, I made the edit.
If he followed @bloodcinder's request he won't have any issues actually.
sorry to interrupt, I have asked a question in stackoverflow... Wish me luck, they might destroy me in the next few minutes :P
@Helwar XD
We need to revisit the Duplicate Tag for rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/131700/…
It got tagged as a duplicate of a 3.5e question, but the question itself is a 5e question.
I suspect the ruling will end up being similar, but I don't think it's appropriate to tag two questions as identical if they cover different systems.
@Helwar I did that 2 days ago, so far it's been almost completely ignored
hey there @Helwar
@GreySage That's the other side of the coin. They either destroy you to smithereens, or ignore you to death :P
19 views in 2 days
@Shalvenay Hi!!!
@Helwar how're things going?
@GreySage ah, tumbleweeds :P or did it at least draw a vote or comment in that time?
@Xirema Fixed! Good catch.
@Shalvenay 1 comment asking for a little more clarity, which I provided. Then silence...
@Shalvenay today better than yesterday. I found a clue to the BIG problem, wich is a lot compared to having no clue at all why was it happening. So I breathe a little more easily :P
@Rubiksmoose heh :) I ithink that's better. Definitelywould like to see speedkat move their answer over. IT's' the right answer.
@Helwar yeah, I've been having similar sorts of issues at work lately actually -- had to do a bit of a dice-roll move to get breathing room, but it seems to have worked out at least
and would hate for someone to do all the work to duplicate it
@NautArch I almost removed all the subquestions, still considering it.
@NautArch Agreed.
@Rubiksmoose i kinda think they need to removed
@NautArch Done.
speedkat was on 3 hours ago
so maybe they'll see it
@Xirema did you mean to reopen that post after I fixed it?
@Rubiksmoose pretty sure that polymorph ready acdtion IS a duplicate of this
@Rubiksmoose No, I posted that vote before it got updated.
@NautArch Yup that is what I closed it to (the second time)
It would be useful to have a utility to condense duplicate questions or synthesize a summary page for duplicated questions with different, but useful answers.
@Rubiksmoose No, that one has the readied actions happening in order (A triggers B which triggers C), the asked question is about A triggering B and C
@GreySage Good point.
@NautArch But yeah if you think so, do it because I can't anymore lol
Mxy removed all the related question links from the wish comments.
Or at least moved them to chat
@NautArch Yeah I saw that. Well from his POV they were already taken care of so it makes sense.
Although related links seem evergreen
@NautArch That is interesting.
May put up a metal about keeping those
those get removed?
@ColinGross well, they got moved to chat
but it hink it makes sense to keep them directly under the question
@NautArch Yeah. I like the related links.
Now Medix2 suggested the same duplicate...
@GreySage Oh that old so and so.
Q: Further Reading in Questions, not comments

the dark wandererA useful kind of comment we get on both questions and answers frequently goes as follows: Related: [link description](link target) or, less helpfully: [Related](link target) When this is, in fact, related material these comments are very useful to anyone interested in the question and...

wonder if i need to put up another question or just ask a clarification on leaving them be or moving them to chat/
@NautArch Funny, Mxy said they don't remove related comments, and just removed related comments.
@GreySage Might have been accidental. Mods can move comments all at one time.
@NautArch I mean moving them to chat is not policy for sure.
I note it seems common that on a Q or A with several comments, they all get removed/moved, even ones which objectively didn't need to be
@Carcer To be fair, there are few comments that objectively ever need to be on a question.
(if any)
The time cost of sorting through all the comments is far more than the value that is lost most of the time from just removing a whole chain. And the mods have been around long enough to generally it seems be pretty good at picking up on stuff.
@Rubiksmoose added a comment asking and linking to the meta
@Rubiksmoose yeah, but sometimes there are comments which are outsanding and still useful at the time
@Carcer For sure, I'm just saying a vast majority of ones are not though. And sometimes it just makes sense that a mod cannot vet every comment looking for rare gems. From what they say comment management is a large portion of the workload of a mod day-to-day.
Not saying it is perfect or excluding the possibility of areas for improvement, but just throwing that out there.
@Rubiksmoose I think we should probably double their pay
At least double what we're paying them!
@ColinGross Heck I think they're so swell I'm even willing to pay out of pocket to triple what we are paying them now.
@Rubiksmoose I'm feeling inspired. I'll chip in to quadruple it!
How can you guys afford to be so generous?!?!
@Xirema It's not the size of our bank accounts, it is the size of our hearts.
@Xirema feel the love, taste the rainbow
@Rubiksmoose Unfortunately, in the Economy of Feelings, I am bankrupt. I only know how to thrive in Capitalistic dystopia.
@DanB I don't want to ask that question because I have no doubt in my mind that TPK's can be fun. All the doubt is coming from the 'fair' term. In my experience, as long as you can make something fair, its a lot easier to accept as being fun. — John Carroll 2 hours ago
@JohnCarroll Perhaps I'm being overly logical, but I think you've answered the question yourself here ^^.
@nitsua60 You're being overly logical. Please show yourself out /S
@nitsua60 should this be locked? It's just zombing along attracting really long comment chains, tiny tag edits, and no sign OP want to work at all to improve the answer. Plus it is duped to a question that is also locked.
IIRC, mods get hats so now you guys have to go buy a bunch of those.
@KorvinStarmast I think you should just stop engaging at this point. They have not shown any willingness to do anything to help this situation resolve. There is no point in beating this horse further.
The root problem with that question is that what the OP is asking for is something that doesn't meaningfully exist in 5e. There's existing practices/conventions the designers used when creating statblocks for monsters, but OP seems to think there's going to be a table or chart somewhere doing exactly what older editions did, and there just isn't.
@Xirema but i want it all
Hang on, need to find the only Queen album I have....
@Xirema greatest hits?
@Rubiksmoose "You must have at least 5 reputation on Role-playing Games Stack Exchange to ask a question on meta, but you may ask a question about your own Role-playing Games Stack Exchange post specifically." and that is where I am supposed to ask for deletion? — Blue Shocker 64 51 secs ago
HOw does this work?
@NautArch No, I think I have the specific album that song came from. Might be at my parent's house though.
Huh? Didn't think you needed rep to ask a question. Heck, I don't think you even need an account to ask a question.
Oh, 5 rep for meta.
@Yuuki yeah meta.
question deleted
by blueshocker
@NautArch whelp there is that. Solves that issue I guess?
I'm still curious about that meta thing though.
@Rubiksmoose it does not help that the belligerent tone never left the discourse. At SO, I suspect the response to that question by blueshocker would be "do your own homework question" with a few snarky comments added ...
@Rubiksmoose Just trying to be helpful, but as you noted, someone is in "transmit mode only" today. :(
Don't get me wrong I really appreciated you being helpful. It is just good to know when to call it. At some point you are just wasting your time :( We got close to getting them to go to meta though. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have helped though.
They seemed very averse to working with anybody to help address the issues.
Not to be nosy but is this question the topic on hand? Because there is a meta for it now.
@Rubiksmoose I've been in a number of situations where I just want a quick off-the-cuff answer and don't really want to be bothered with discussing meta.
If something contentious pops up, I'd rather delete it than hassle people with meta discussions.
If it's a question that I actually feel is important, then I'll probably hash it out.
But sometimes, it's just a "what if"/brainstorming question rather than an actual problem I'm dealing with.
@Yuuki They clearly thought the question was important, they just didn't want to admit there were issues with it.
The comment chain was about 20ish comments long with OP just on that one question
@Yuuki I mean honestly, that is what Meta is best for. Quick questions are easy to answer and can get quick action as opposed to comments.
(in my experience)
@Yuuki Yeah which i get, but if the question is "What do the rules say about X" and you wont accept "that's not really a rule anymore" and are unwilling to address any way around that then there's going to be some lockup
@DavidCoffron It was actually this one but yeah same deal.
I mean he was calling your nice comments trolly so I don't know how to answer the meta in a nice way.
@Xirema we already told him that in the other Q&A. I also note with some irony that with deleting his own question, he now has enough rep, 18, to ask on meta, but I doubt that is going to happen.
@KorvinStarmast that is very ironic.
@DavidCoffron "surgically explicitly clean cut question" gonna have to disagree with him there
@KorvinStarmast he did
@SirCinnamon And that there is a good sign of how the discussion would have gone on meta anyways.
I'm working up a reply now
@Rubiksmoose I've read the Sep 1 one multiple times and i'm still struggling to see what the question actually means
@DavidCoffron cool beans!
a wepaon crafted by a dwarf does the same amount of damage as one made by a goliath
@SirCinnamon It means I Want It All, I want it All, I want it all, and I want it now! Getting ready for that new movie about Freddie Mercury ...
I think a link or example from the 3.5 tables would have made it clearer.
@ColinGross I went to the 3.5 wiki and searched progression and can only say that the term is used a lot; I searched damage progression and table and found little that was helpful in terms of being comprehensive. But I began to get the idea for what he was talking about.
what is "Cantrip beam Progression" in 5e?
And I don't think 5e has that, which two of us already told him in answers to the original question.
@SirCinnamon Eldritch Blast, I suppose.
Q: Delete this post for me

Blue Shocker 64 I have a question about my Role-playing Games Stack Exchange post: What is 5e's Damage Dice Progression? I am removing the Question for a lack of valid input in an attempt to clean up spam and trolling. Delete it, as it refuses to allow me to do so.

@KorvinStarmast But that only applies to eldritch blast, its not a universal rule
He's trying to abstract specific rules to general which is... not going to work
@SirCinnamon Wait, you don't seem to understand. It was crystal clear, and I Want It All! 8^D
@SirCinnamon In other words, I concur.
@KorvinStarmast My mistake. The damage dice progression is 1d6. Just 1d6, forever
@SirCinnamon I think it was in OD&D before Greyhawk came out. Does that help?
"The player Requests a Light+Finesse Greatsword using Mithral Metal; What's the Damage?"

None damage, this is an impossible weapon according to the rules
also a rogues dream - two of those bad boys and you'll be a death whirlwind
I think he means a general rule for increasing damage dice 1 step at a time, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, 2d6, etc. I think there is a chart like that for Monster damage, but it's only for balancing a creatures damage output, not for PCs or weapon upgrades
@GreySage Does that appear in the DMG for creating monsters?
@GreySage And the chart in question doesn't specify die rolls, it just specifies damage ranges.
@Xirema Yeah, I thought there was one for die rolls too, but I don't see it
Also, it's bizarre to try and stick to an array of dice sets that MUST be defined in the rules, when trying to create a weapon which is going to fall far outside of the rules. Custom weapons are not gonna be balanced
If you are curious about what I infer by accusing the comments about being trolling, they asked pages of questions with the capability of fully knowing that I am incapable of moving the discussion elsewhere, they also repeatedly changed the question I was asking. I plan to recreate the entire question in an attempt to clean up the entire thing, as even I would downvote it because of what they did to my question. — Blue Shocker 64 2 mins ago
oh dear
@TheOracle I tried to be as nice as I could... If anything jumps out as accusatory please let me know so I can fix it
There is a chart for standard dice rolls for spells based on level x number of targets
@GreySage That would be a useful answer for the question. (I hate that chart and thinks it is mostly useless, but he might find it useful)
Ther intent of the original question is fine - "What is the dice progression" "There isnt one" bing bang boom solved. But it should have ended there
@GreySage In the DMG?
@SirCinnamon And it almost did. He accepted the answer that said there isn't one perfect list, but that monsters can have one
@SirCinnamon It's in the custom spells section
@SirCinnamon yeah, even enlarge/reduce doesn't reference a progression, it just throws +/- 1d4
@DavidCoffron Then yeah, that should be in an answer, its relevant enough
@DavidCoffron So what was the content of the second question?
@SirCinnamon He just reasked the same question but wanted all the lists
Which is a duplicate. Then he got frusterated at the duplicate tag
I feel like he definitely has a long history with older D&D versions and is trying to attach those rules to 5e.
@KorvinStarmast umm... do you want me to make a consolidated answer to fix his "patial answer" comment
in 5e, weapons do the damage that is listed in the weapons table. I dont think there is much that tweaks that
There are patterns in how size affects monster damage dice but not rules, and thats a key difference
@NautArch speedkat answered the wish question :)
@DavidCoffron Have at it amigo; if you can please our asker than I am all for whatever you are offering. :)
@Rubiksmoose With a great answer mind you
@DavidCoffron Agreed!
@SirCinnamon Yeah, page 278 DMG says to double the dice for Large, triple for Huge, and so on. But only for monsters
@DavidCoffron would have felt bad if they didn't and I copypasta'd it :)
@GreySage Which we can assume does NOT apply to PCs because even a spell enlarging them to that size does not apply that.
@KorvinStarmast Gonna wait to see if he decides to recraft like he said (it is still closed as unclear at the moment)
This is all rooted in a weapon crafting question that would be so much easier to answer.
@DavidCoffron He's going to post a new one, not edit the old. So that is going to be an issue.
If you want a "light, finesse greatsword" that deals 1d6, youve got a shortsword. Call it great, you can say whatever you want
@Rubiksmoose well if it has a different scope then we will be fine
@Rubiksmoose if not, it'll get duped. rinse/repeat.
@NautArch maybe if we merge them instead he'll be happier. Transfer the answers to his rephrased questions and delete the old question?
We would need mod to do that but it might be more in tune with what he's after
@DavidCoffron is that an option? But I don't think it'd make them happier.
would much prefer the meta play out
@NautArch Of course. I'm thinking after
@NautArch It is, but the problem would be the current answers
there is MULTIPLE damage dice progressions for players actually, monk being a great example, as well as rogue, Cantrips, and apparently (over) 30 more different examples. — Blue Shocker 64 1 min ago
@DavidCoffron do you want me to vote to reopen, or does it need a little work before reopening do you think?
Question seems fine to me
So they are expecting a compilation of over 30 lists of individual dice progressions?
He just wants a comprehensive damage list which doesn't exist
@Rubiksmoose No, they want one that explains all 30
@DavidCoffron either way thats unanswerable
(like how 3.5 used to have a bunch of lists and then they made one comprehensive list that explained the rest (errata'ing where necessary)
@DavidCoffron Get Mearls on the phone ...
@SirCinnamon I mean if the question is "is there a list" we can just say no. explain why. and show them what does exist
@DavidCoffron We've already done that though, haven't we?
@SirCinnamon Yes... but he "want is ALL"
@SirCinnamon yes we have
Implications of barbarian rage dice, monk damage progression by level, how spells work differently, ranged vs melee, weapon type breakage.
Unfortunately, there is no one source in 5e that covers that
Unfortunately I think there's also a language barrier here
I think what they are looking for is multiple lists compiled into one table/answer. Right?
If a Player crafts or acquires something that a player obviously would normally be incapable of using, I as the DM would need to know what it's baseline stats would be, and then work from there. There are plenty of examples in the books, but I do not own all of the Books, nor can I easily access the internet (you'll notice I vanished for about a week, I don't have home Wi-Fi, that was why), and I'm likely not the only DM with such problems. Combined with my (now) Months of searching, I have still yet to find such information gathered in a single location. — Blue Shocker 64 1 min ago
Setting aside the issue that we should not be giving them too much info from books they do not own
"If a Player crafts or acquires something that a player obviously would normally be incapable of using, I as the DM would need to know what it's baseline stats would be" boils down to "create an rpg which has rules for arbitrary weapons" - 5e isnt that. Pick one weapon from the weapons table that it's most alike
@SirCinnamon That's a different question. A "How do I homebrew a custom weapon" question
@DavidCoffron Battle Hoe!
sorry, i saw your edit, but couldn't resist.
@Rubiksmoose True, but we can summarize what the information says
@DavidCoffron How to homebrew ANY custom weapon
@SirCinnamon (which is too broad)
@DavidCoffron Of course.
The secret is always keep the traits and damage of an existing weapon, and change the name
kachow, I've solved it
@Rubiksmoose Besides I don't want to deal with formatting 30 tables lol
@DavidCoffron hahaha yeah well who would?
@SirCinnamon Or make it different and ask us about that weapon specifically ;)
Good on you for trying to tackle this though
It's my day off and I have all the books right here xD
Why does this guy not want to accept the fact that there just isn't a master list for this?
Weapons don't scale for PCs. Other things do (as they say in their own descriptions). Done.
@GreySage They kind of do. But they want all of the smaller lists instead so they can make rules and generalizations from them.
@Rubiksmoose those questions are in fact one and the same if you actually pay attention to the comprehensive data, although it does take up more than a single list. From what I've seen there is only around 2-3 different types of progression, but I would actually need to look at the comprehensive data to scientifically prove my theory. — Blue Shocker 64 1 min ago
@GreySage This is really the crux - 5e's weapons are basically pairings of traits and damage dice which really cant be touched. You can give a +X or whatever but a "light finesse 2d6 weapon" would be game breaking
@DavidCoffron you'll get my upboat, they'll get my downboat.
@SirCinnamon shadowblade?
@DavidCoffron Impossible to dual wield
and costs a 2nd level slot
@SirCinnamon I know I was teasing. Besides the fact that's its a spell, proves your point that by itself it would be overpowered
The strongest light weapon is 1d6 (3.5), the strongest finesse weapon is 1d8 (4.5). 2d6 expected damage is 7
@DavidCoffron Yeah haha. Concentration too, so if youre using it youre unlikely to keep it a full minute. So having a light finesse 2d8 weapon is so strong that its locked behind a 2nd slot and concentration per minute. Aka giving someone that weapon all the time is stronger than giving them the ability to have dragons breath all the time
@SirCinnamon Can you even imagine a rogue with 2 of those?
As a very rare magic item maybe
@GreySage Even legendary honestly
@GreySage A +3 is "very rare", on average youre getting more than that and on crits much more
If my DM has a +3 Battle Hoe drop in our next session, I'll know where to come looking for the culprit.
@nitsua60 People can have fun with something whether it is fair or not (probably). If we had a venn diagram, I'd say we have two different circles. A giant, slightly nebulous FUN circle and a more defined and smaller FAIR circle. There's a lot of overlap, but some things that are fair are not fun, and some things that are fun are not fair. My point with that comment was that fun is a different term from fair, and the one does not fully encompass the other.
have we talked about that wild magic item user question?
I'm inclined to say "no", but I want other thoughts
@goodguy5 You mean in past questions?
no, I mean in chat
Though, I suppose either answer would suffice
@goodguy5 I feel like it's come up on a past question but don't really remember. But no, no one brought it up in the last 10 minutes :P
@Rubiksmoose ohboy.SO they've done the research, but they haven't because they don't haveany sourcebooks.
@NautArch Yeah :|
Literally 0 sourcebooks (though I do like when they said they had "less than 2" books)
So I mean they aren't wrong....
@Rubiksmoose technically correct is the best kind of correct
@Rubiksmoose Yeah i'm seeing some of the confusion. Trying to homebrew with nothing but the SRD and google is going to be a struggle
ps The number of billions of dollars i have is less than 2
@SirCinnamon If you count fractions, then my number is > 0, just not by much.
@GreySage int(billions), sorry
well, including a "-" anywhere in your Google search results in telling Google "Find everything except pages containing the following" for example searching "Spider-Man" would search for all pages that contain "Spider" and omit any results containing the word "Man". If you wish to have me stop adding the Tags, then correct the Tag Descriptions, and the Tutorial & Help. My Question meets the criteria for which I have submitted and applied them to based on the information shoved down the throat of everyone who creates an account. — Blue Shocker 64 6 mins ago
Are we being trolled here?
@Rubiksmoose tough to say
@SirCinnamon @Rubiksmoose I don't think we are...which is a more difficult issue to resolve.
"But I thought all of the rules for the game were free and on the web." @doppelgreener is that what we may be running into here, in terms of expectations?
That might explain blue's frustration.
@KorvinStarmast I...don't think so. They seem to fully recognize that books need to be purchased and that there is a limited set for free from their comments.
From an old anger management course: "Root causes of anger are unmet expectations, discovery of falsehood, and unexpected change."
@KorvinStarmast that's why i tried to discuss expectations in my meta answer

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