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@BESW I like this plan
@Helwar oh? I agree this definitely wasn't my top choice for a new character (I would really like Sora), but so many people are going to be so pumped for AC on the Switch.
@Ash @BESW cutting them open and then using a spoon is the only way I've eaten them, but I really like the smoothie idea
It's just really hard to find any dragon fruit around here
I think I've only had it one or two times at all
@trogdor The last few Farm-to-Table crates had one or two each.
The farm just south of my old house grows 'em, but they throw out the imperfect/blemished fruit in order to keep the price up.
I've seen it at Pay-Less a few times recently too, it must be/have been in season.
Ah I don't go to the central Pay Less often
It's out of the way for me
I go to the one close to where I live and it's fruit is usually lackluster
Actually, I see it more at the MicroMall Pay-Less, which is even further out of the way.
Yeah that doesn't fix the issue XD
I definitely don't go to that one more than once every two years at most XD
And usually that's because my parents force me to because it has kosher hotdogs or something
I see them at hte expensive hipster grocery store a lot
but they're expensive :P
@Ash that's probably more out of the way still, just a guess
Island Fresh might have 'em, but they'll be 20% more expensive.
giggles what, you don't wanna fly all the way to Canada for 'em? :P
Just go to the FTT stand on Tuesday after work, they're across the street from the museum in Hagåtña from 4:30 to 6.
If they have any fruit left over after filling the crate subscriptions, they sell it individually.
@Ash will you pay for my flight? No? Really? Ok no I won't fly to Canada for some fruit
I have to pay for enough flights with my marriage being a cross border thing, I think you'll have to wait a bit on the fruit :P
It would actually definitely be at least two flights
@Ash oh I see, you care about your actual relationship more than me, how silly
@trogdor Nah, just take a boat ;)
@trogdor I know, I'm a ridiculous human :P
@JoelHarmon whoa yeah I'll just die in an arduous journey
Why didn't I think of that
Allllll for some fruit
I'll set sail next Tuesday of next never
With the captain of the USS Dragon is Dead
RIP Trogdor, he just loved dragon fruit too much
I mean if there's one fruit I think Trogdor would like it would certainly be dragon fruit.
They are really good
I also like watermelon but that is only seasonally easy to get
Oranges and apples are fine otherwise
@trogdor They may be easy to get year round, but I think the quality varies a lot seasonally.
@JoelHarmon hmm I've never noticed any particular drop in quality in oranges or apples generally
I assume we get the bulk of them imported though so
Not sure why
@trogdor I feel like, at least locally here, the oranges are less juicy out of season, and the apples come in less variety and are a bit smaller.
Here when you get to the dead of winter, local apples get kinda...mealy more because they've been in storage
Ah well that might be a thing here too
I don't usually see many more than 2 or 3 apple types at any given time
And oranges do vary a little I guess
In Ontario, apples are kinda our thing at least locally
(There's a small town nearish me that has the Apple Butter and Cheese festival every year)
(Apple Butter is SO yummy)
hey there @nitsua60
Hiya. Putting the girls down, back in a bit!
@Ash I've never had it, is it used as a spread basically?
@trogdor Yeah :)You basically slowly cook apples and spices and some brown sugar down for a looooong time. Like applesauce kinda but cooked more down so it's like super intense fall tastes in a spread :)
hey there @KorvinStarmast, want me on voice as well?
@Shalvenay I will be up on discord and see what happens, based on Nits latest message in re orolunga
@Ash that sounds really good
@trogdor It is! I like it a lot.
Jealousy intensifies
This recipe sounds pretty close to one that a local place uses: tasteofhome.com/recipes/all-day-apple-butter
Ah neat
That doesn't seem too hard to make at all
Famous last words.
It's mostly waiting
@BESW hey! What I can't try a really simple recipe without some kinda guff from you? XP
Just because last time I handled cinimon Grergerlax emerged from his lava Fortess,.....
That is a heck of a lot of apples though
You watch your h*ckin' language, young man.
@trogdor YEah, because you have to cook them down so much
Ah ok
It's just that it's my parents fridge XD
And they use a lot of space in there
So I'm going to have to be strategic about getting that stuff together
We might have most of it already besides the apples though
@BESW you can go heck a heck heck you heck
Ooh I think I can make these in October
I expect to have the place to myself for a little bit at some time in October so, maybe I can do it then
And of course you'll add ginger to it.
I dunno
Not sure that fits
I don't take ginger in everything
> Reader, he does.
@trogdor if you do. let me know how it goes :)
@BESW hey, no fourth wall breaking
You won't let me break ANY walls. [sulks]
Seems like that's a responsible architecture firm he works for.
@BESW You don't do it right :P
Question: Is D&D Beyond considered "Official"?
@Ben it isn't just what they were calling 5?
@Ben By whom, for what purpose?
The 5e beta was called Next.
Beyond is an electronic toolkit.
In what sense are you asking if Beyond is official?
Like if there's a discrepancy on the wording of a rule between the book and the website, does one clearly outrank the other?
I'm presenting a Minotaur Storm Barb for a new game, and need to provide the documentation for it
Or whether Beyond is official in that it won't suddenly disappear in a deluge of legal threats?
Maybe the press release will help?
D&DBeyond is an officially licensed third-party product.
What sort of documentation do you mean? And what sort of new game? Why are they asking for "documentation"?
Minotaurs are UA-only. The Path of the Storm Herald barbarian subclass is from Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
Since the Minotaur is not in the PHB or XGtE, it's helpful to have reference material;
But D&D Beyond does have an entry for the Minotaur
Even though it does state that it's unofficial
@BESW And yes, that does. Cheers
I was just basically wondering if it was anything to rely on... in comparison to some other places like dandwiki, for example
@Ben So the minotaur is currently still UA, which means it is playtest material and not released yet. However they have begun adding UA stuff to dndb. DnDB is the most reliable and complete online source for 5e rules. It is an officially licensed source form WotC.
@Ben Dandwiki on the other hand...is a very dangerous place.
Yis. Lol. Just wanted to make sure I could present some solid documentation.
@Ben Yup just make sure they are ok with UA stuff. DM's are definitely not required or even encouraged to allow Ua in their games without careful consideration.
New group. So don't wanna look like that crazy guy that got the gun-slinging fire kobold as my character haha
Fair enough.
Yeah, they stated that,
And for future reference, if you ever see anything "unofficial" on Dandwiki just run far away.
Hahaha. I always double check the link before I look. If it's dand, I just keep scrolling lol
That is a very good policy. The site has a lot of issues.
Beware though, even dndb has homebrew content which is just as unreliable as dandwiki. So always make sure you are in the "official" sections
rpg.stackexchange.com/a/131650/22420 @Scrawnoisis: Well you managed to write a description of a bad guy that makes it appear totally worth it to use a city-buster on his general vicinity.
@Joshua personally, I think it would lead to the BBEG being the main dish at a draconic feast
would I put up with that sort of thing if I was transmogrified into a dragon and expected to serve at some BBEG's beck and call? HECK NO!
Yeah that seems to be the most likely outcome.
@Joshua I was tempted to leave a comment on the OP saying "please let me know when/where you game is so that I can show up and kill your big-bad."
@nitsua60 yeah, I'd bring Jherala and Teovanth to that BBEG-pinata-bash ;)
I would love to take that guy on as a level 15 lich with plenty of marvelous pigments.
@Joshua what would our friendly neighborhood lich's strat be in this case?
If a vampire spellcaster can exist it will do just the same.
@Joshua I'm pretty sure such can exist
1) True sight -> identify neutron star
2) force cage
3) mage hand -> marvelous pigment the appropriate amount of nuclear matter inside the force cage -- it won't take much
4) anti-magic field
small amounts of nuclear matter are unstable and explode with ten times the explosive power as the same amount of plutonium
@Joshua LOL, a neutronium bomb. "I saw that explosion from orbit, dude"
The nice thing about this explosive is it can be dialed down (or up if need be) to an arbitrary small size, and the lich caster doesn't get hit by it.
@Joshua agreed on the scaleability -- but how does the lich not get clobbered? XD
A lich casting an antimagic field winks out for the duration.
@Joshua LOL!
Alright guys, I got a new question for thought in the vein of TPKs.
Can a TPK ever be fair?
@JohnCarroll ask MiniLuv that question sometime ;)
If one of the PCs caused it, of course.
In theory, yes. Depends on context. The player group, the system, the point in the campaign, the warnings.
What if it is an encounter designed by the DM, uninstigated by the players?
Hmm. If you've got level 17 spellcaster fights that don't have a chance for TPK you're doing something wrong.
with no warnings
I don't like it much.
sounds unfair
@JohnCarroll what alternate resolutions to the encounter are there?
Probably unfair, but context is important
is this something that is "murderhobo or be murderhobo'ed"? or are there diplomatic or spell-trickery ways out? is getting out of Dodge an option for that matter?
In this hypothetical scenario, there are no planned for alternate resolutions. There is only the intent to kill the party. Now the real question is, is there a way for the TPK to still be fair?
what level?
D&D 5e?
And is this the scenario where you're trying to end the campaign?
(it's hypothetical guys, I plan for alternate win states)
5e, yes
Generally speaking, if you're unsure whether something is fair, try imagining it from the other person's perspective
In 3.5 that fight was totally winnable by a creative PC caster, but I found no publications of the method until after it got nerfed in 5e. Apparently some people had figured it out.
Are you referring to my actual encounter?
For example, sure it may be the end of the campaign, and you weren't planning on having further sessions anyway... but the players may want to influence how the story ends.
Considering the weapon I devised was originally against a Tarrasque there's probably no level 5 encounter it's not gonna win.
Mike, I don't like how my original question was worded and I have since then planned for multiple alternate ways out to the point that it could very well not be a TPK encounter anymore. That changes things. The fact that I changed the encounter to not be a definite TPK to make it fair indicates to me that TPK's aren't fair. But I am still wondering if that is completely true.
@Joshua That sounds broken
Expectations are also important. If the game is Great Ork Gods then TPKs are pretty much par for the course.
@MikeQ exactly
my point with invoking MiniLuv
those folks do the equivalent of a TPK, routinely :P
It was. We debated whether or not it would kill a Tarrasque, but it would vaporize the ground beneath it. (It's delivered from above.)
Good point, telling the players ahead of time seems to be a good way to set up expectations. Or as you say, playing a system where that is common is another way to temper expectations of survival
@JohnCarroll If the TPK is forced or railroaded, then it's as unfair as other methods of taking away player agency without warning. If the TPK is the result of a failed battle with a fair setup, then it's not unfair.
Shrink item was so broken in 3.5.
I think that would answer my question
So, a TPK that is designed with no win-states by the DM is a TPK that is planning to be unfair. If a player has an unfair broken item, however, maybe the players can still win out.
Another estimate of fairness is if 1. the players know the risks and 2. they accept the risks
True. I think the next campaign I run with seasoned players, I pitch the campaign with that disclaimer.
@MikeQ this right here
My agreement entirely with that there
If the players know ahead of time and agree to do the session anyway that is one of the best ways to make a mechanically unfair fight all fine anyway
@BESW ran a game where he got all us players excited to most likely die at the end
All because he told us beforehand that it was a very high probability
And by all I mean there were only two of us but wtv
The point still stands
If you're curious about the minotaur, the version on DNDBeyond is from this UA: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA-Centaur.pdf
(An older version of the minotaur appeared in this earlier UA: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA_Waterborne_v3.pdf)
Re: TPKs, it's very much a matter of playstyle. For those concerned with fairness in the first place, it boils down to whether the players saw it coming.
Not whether they should have seen it coming, unless specifically aiming for gritty and unforgiving player mastery games.
@V2Blast Cheers :)
2 hours later…
Got my Linux gaming rig to run smooth after installing better drivers :)
Project complete
Also now I know what a fstab is
(Funny how it doesn't actually have anything to do with, y'know, stabbing)
2 hours later…
@trogdor Which one was that?
@BESW oh the evil campaign
you told us from the start we were very likely to die at the end
Oh, right.
I also did a one-shot with Ben and Lars where they went into a drow stronghold to destroy it, and knew it was probably a one-way trip.
But they were playing characters they wanted to retire from the bigger campaign and that was a great way to do it.
And I suppose every Cthulhu Dark campaign technically counts.
If even one character gets out of a CD game both alive and without severe mental trauma, it's surprising.
@BESW yes I remember that happening but I wasn't even in that one XD
anyone fluent with the Sidekick dice roller bot?
I want to try and see if there is a command to reroll a 1 or a 2 on a 2d6 roll
What's Sidekick, aside from an insulting way to refer to Batgirl?
It's a dicerolling bot that I think @doppelgreener might have suggested?
i might've mentioend it, one of my discord servers uses it
1 hour later…
@Joshua Social encounters, trap encounters, and "don't let them hurt the hostages" encounters would all easily fail that trick.
Also, I'd expect TPKs to be common in games like Paranoia and Great Ork Gods.
@JoelHarmon In both of those games the point is to ensure other characters die, but you're alive while making that happen. In the sense of a TPK being "every player is dead at once" that's not common.
Every player will have their character die at least once, just at different times.
... with the exception that it's likely every character will get disintegrated during mission debriefing by Friend Computer
& maybe some plots to kill fellow characters will go wrong and everyone dies
I would argue the concept of "P" is not very universal in the first place :)
that too :D
they're probably only a party in a loose sense in both cases
oh I was slow in the uptake there
I didn't get what P was
but in TPK that is the "Party" part
So topic for discussion: I think there is a problem with the homebrew tag in that I think people are generally misusing it. Do other people sense this as well?
@Rubiksmoose o/
I've had to fix a lot of homebrew tagging recently that was inappropriately applied. I'm just curious if this is something that only I am noticing or am just imagining or what.
@NautArch \o
@Rubiksmoose seems to be one of those things where there's unfortunately a binary split in usage
@Carcer how do you mean?
@Rubiksmoose sorry, that was an agreement and a hi :)
for half the pop homebrew means "stuff I came up with" and for the other half it means "not official"
@NautArch Very efficient :)
I think the homebrew/houesrule stuff is harder - but i've also gotter stricter interpretation of what's useful/good here than what the site is actually for.
there's an obvious place where those two definitions overlap but the other part of the venn diagram is the tricky bit
@NautArch I do think that discussion is a difficult one as well. I think the main issue I am seeing right now is the one that @carcer just said.
I'm not sure there's a good way to deal with it though
Though I'll admit to being a bit unsure at times on the homebrew/houserule split in practice even if I understand theoretically the difference. And that is a good point because that is another potential vector for misuse.
despite probably having been in the latter camp historically, I think the definition that we are trying to use on the stack is the most useful/helpful one to use on the stack
@Carcer No doubt. And I have some ideas, but I was just kind of curious if there was an issue from other people's perspectives so I wasn't just chasing ghosts.
@Carcer i think critical role is the first time i've seen that last one come up
usually there's been a pretty clear distinction that "published in a book by anyone else" = 3pp and not homebrew
but then critical role has a single class come out that's also put in an official spot by wizards and everyone's losing their mind
is it official? is it 3pp? is it homebrew?
@doppelgreener FWIW my anecdotal experience (well before crit role was a thing) would be that my groups described non-official content as "homebrew" whether or not it happened to be published
and the weird thing to me is: someone made it, seems to work, it got published, is exactly the process for the official stuff too
@doppelgreener this one also seemed to use it in the generic 3pp sense (though it also does contain the BH I get the impression it would have been added regardless in this case.
I think we're seeing it come up on the stack frequently in context of the Blood Hunter because crit role is popular, but it's a symptom of a deeper divide
@Rubiksmoose well, it's third party, and it's published, but it's specifically talking about the critical role thing and how it's not in the homebrew section (which is the only section other than the official section)
@Carcer That is very interesting. Is this a new development? I just bought a 5e Kobold Press book and I would never even think to call it homebrew. I paid cash money for it!
the ironic thing is that some 3rd party publishers put out higher quality, better tested, better functioning, better balanced material than the 1st party publisher
but 3rd party content sometimes gets put into a "doesn't really count" category??
it's weird
@Rubiksmoose Define "new" - I started RPGing in earnest back around 2004/2005 as a teenager, and that was my experience as then and going into university
@doppelgreener Yeah I wanted desperately to comment something to that effect. Especially since that poster is using UA as a bar for "high quality". Some of that stuff is a complete mess! Some of the official stuff is too!
@Rubiksmoose it doesn't seem to be used that way going by broad internet usage
half/half is probably an inaccurate assessment of the division of usage
but I'd be curious if the variability happens to strongly correlate with location
@doppelgreener That is the thing that is kind of worrisome to me. Why are we trying to shunt 3PP into a different (arguably lesser) category? I would prefer us treat all material the same regardless of source.
@Rubiksmoose as a site we are not trying to do that at all, but some people do
i would agree we should be treating third-party, first-party, and homebrew material equally
@doppelgreener Fair. I should be careful about "we".
i.e. answer it the way you would as if it was first party
@Rubiksmoose We're never going to do that, though. If someone asks "Does D&D 5e have a spell that svirfs neblins?" we're going to look at the official resources, not every third-party-compatible-with-5e-D&D-book
there is a default assumption that when someone is talking about a system they're interested in the officially published material of that system
@Carcer answering a question with first party rules and sources by default is not really an issue.
we also do need to be mindful as answerers that not all groups are prepared to use third-party sources
@doppelgreener I think in general we do. When folks post dandwiki stuff, we give answers - but also warnings about the quality and balance.
The issue comes when someone asks "I found this [third party] spell that svirfs neblins, [X question about it]" and some people wanting to treat that 3pp as something lesser or different than an officail rules source.
It is generally helpful to know the source for context, but that should not change the way we answer something.
@Rubiksmoose sure, agreed on that front.
There was a thing where a couple of years ago we were less helpful with homebrew (one's own or from D&D wiki or some random blog) because users would be inclined to dismiss it out of hand as not worth the deep analysis we'd give first party material simply because it was homebrew
that wasn't super common, but it was present enough people were agitated by it
@NautArch But we've also struggled with 3pp content getting closed for various reasons I think may be specific to it being 3rd part content. I don't have the data to back that one up though.
BEsides the fact that it was brought up in the last community thread.
@doppelgreener as you know, I can get agitated...but I don't think that's one that did it for me :) I think the harder thing with homebrew is there are moving parts that we may not know and it makes it harder to assess without a lot more information than we usually need.
Sometimes that too! I think there was a homebrew question I stepped in on recently (for some generous value of "recent") that'd been closed as POB solely because it was homebrew, and I was like what, no, that's not how any of this works
and reopened
@NautArch I mean we have discussed this before and I think we kind of disagree here. But this matter specifically hard to talk about without presenting specific examples.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, I think in general you are more comfortable answering with less constraints. I like to have clear constraints that may not be necessary for the OP, but they are for me.
So I guess there are at least a few issues all tangled up with this homebrew tag issue (as I see it). I'm not sure it warrants a Meta yet, or if it is even something that is concerning to others.
One issue is that it is hard to keep track of mislabeling issues since the tagging gets corrected.
Well I'll keep an eye and mind open and see if things cool down on this issue with a little firmness on mistagging or if things continue as they are. Let me know if you all notice anything or think of anything regarding the issue as well if you can :)
The 3pp content question, which I didn't VTC, may be worth keeping open. I have a feeling the answer is that WoTC doesn't officially endorse anything outside of their own published content. And not even BLood Hunter would fall under that.
Q: What distinction is being drawn between house-rules and homebrew?

nitsua60While thinking about Does stuff strapped to the outside of a Backpack count toward the total weight a backpack can carry? I ended up looking at both the house-rules and homebrew tag descriptions. What distinction is being drawn there? Is it that house-rule = a tweak to an existing rule to try...

@NautArch I agree with that answer though I can't back it up (I would need to look into the DMsguild program to see what claims are made about it for one thing) but I think the Shopping critique has merit.
Since they are asking for a list of products essentially.
Quick aside and sanity check here: true polymorph. If a creature under is under its effect for 1 hour that means it lasts until dispelled. That means dropping to 0 HP no longer transforms them back correct?
@Rubiksmoose kinda sorta. Isn't this similar to "what are the official products?" taht we do have as a legit question?
@Rubiksmoose correct
@NautArch hmmm maybe?
@Rubiksmoose But I still think the answer is none :) While they have a sales platform, I don't think that equates to approval.
@nitsua60 Yeah I've read it before. It is just that in practice I find it hard to apply sometimes.
@NautArch yeah this would have been the just likely avenue for that dnd.wizards.com/articles/news/guild-adept-program
But I see no judgement about quality there.
@NautArch I changed the wording to say "are there any" instead of "which" that way an answer would not have to be a complete list and I think it pushes it a bit further away from shopping.
@Rubiksmoose Oh, no--I'm not really any clearer after the meta than before =)
Q: Can non-human fantasy races be vampires in D&D?

LordMarkusI don't recall ever hearing about dwarven, elven or halfling vampires in D&D. Is the vampirism curse something that is only human specific? I'm planning to introduce dwarven vampire lord to my PCs (cause no one expects a dwarf to be a vampire, even if he's a butler in a ruined castle in the mid...

How does this one ^^ not have a Durkon image in an answer yet?
@nitsua60 oh ok same boat then lol
@nitsua60 I've only read a little bit of OotS. He's the cleric right? Did he go vampiry?
yes, he gets vampirised
Vampiric Durkon, aka Durkula, then bluffs the rest of the group that he is still the old Durkon they knew and loved, just also a vampire now
Has anyone here heard of Pools of Radiance?
@SirCinnamon rings a bell but couldn't give you any details
@Carcer It's a book (which i am just now learning is a novelization of a game) from 1988
btw, most recent OotS - SUPER META
It's honestly pretty... trashy? A cheesy love triangle and pacing on par with my own D&D games - "You're heading there and then suddenly.... ORCS!" but it's kind of a fun read
it makes no attempt to rationalize the D&D ruleset really - some parts are ignored but the characters talk about their classes a LOT. Including the guy who is a multiclassed range/rogue
sounds kind of awul
hey there @KorvinStarmast
Certainly not high literature but enough fun for now.
Recent OOTS has been so good.
Granted, it helps that the series has also been updating more frequently.
@Shalvenay Howdy
@KorvinStarmast alright here, what's up with you?
@SirCinnamon Pools of Radiance also comes up in some AL modules.
@Shalvenay doin' OK, coffee break, did you get your "sage" session in last night with nits?
@Rubiksmoose Oh? which modules?
@SirCinnamon Well one that I know of: The Scroll Thief.
@KorvinStarmast unfortunately not
I think I still have Pools of Radiance game for DOS systems on a shelf somewhere ...
@Shalvenay Aaaaw, I saw you on discord. ???
@Shalvenay I won't post my notes in the R20 journal until we have all had that experience. Don't want to have a chance at spoiling ... I just made some notes on my char sheet on page 2
@KorvinStarmast couldn't get sound working
@Shalvenay arrgh, I hate it when that happens on discord. I find I have to keep going into windows sound settings and turning it back on.
@Rubiksmoose "Marten" talking about Ren o' the Blade and the pools - Ren is one of the main characters of the novel
@SirCinnamon yup! I did some digging when I DMed this. It was a fun module btw.
@Rubiksmoose Maybe i'll run it as a one shot sometime. Right now I dont want to read tooo mcuh into that part because I think there might be book spoilers
@SirCinnamon good call there are certainly lots of spoilers there actually. Should have warned your about that.
@Rubiksmoose No harm done

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