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ah, no wonder then
he was the perfect narrator for that
#30dayBurritoChallenge !!! Day 1: Dragon Charmer https://t.co/GyfdpYrZy9
That looks like my cousin
I do not like my boss. She constantly asks me "Do you have work planned for today?" or "Are you doing (xyz)?" and if not, "Why not?"

Because I have other s**t to do!
In light of the speedy sales of some of our recent products (ahem, Blades, cough), some info on availability: http://www.evilhat.com/home/an-update-on-hat-products-and-sellables/
@BESW @trogdor I just saw a "enough firepower solves everything" style compel in Black Lagoon: someone's trying to skimp on part of a deal and extort a higher price for it, one of the protagonists jumps straight to trying to threaten them with firepower, they respond in kind -- and things are at a standstill briefly until another protagonist negotiates (and makes subtle very severe threats) to get things back on track & restore the deal.
@doppelgreener Along those lines, and following the discussion about "RP lets people make remarks" that @BESW spoke about, I remember once where I played a PC that had no charisma (very low stat... I think -1 mod?) Anyway, it was a PbP, and I kept making very eloquent and inspiring speeches (by actually typing them out), and in the end the DM never made me roll for any charisma checks because the speech itself was so good
Now I think about it, I basically broke the system doing that
Sounds like a good example of the common dichotomy between physical action and social action in RPGs: you can just roll the dice to swing a sword or climb a wall, but for social action your IRL ability counts more.
As a player I've used social presence to ride roughshod over the rules and the GM. It's not a great way to go.
It led me to work on characters who'd provide a more legitimate outlet for that urge, like Jessie.
Yeah, in this instance I managed to rally the townsfolk to a cause after only 2 hours into the game. As well as allowing us to take up residence in the Mead Hall.
For context, this was an arms deal, the dealer withheld a weapon saying someone else wanted it but they'd still provide it for a higher price or other concessions. One person pulls out their handgun, so does someone on the dealer's side. Another protagonist goes off building a rapport, then openly speculates how the arms dealer might also be the lynchpin of some secret drug trafficking, and oh by the way we also do business with some traffickers trying to uncover + wreck the secret drug route.
... "Alright, fine, we'll give you that weapon at the normal price."
The townsfolk was all like "Who are these guys... what do the want? Let's be shifty, since we are being raided constantly by bad guys, and strangers are unwelcome."

[Rousing speech]

"Oh! Definitely not the bad guys now! Sure, we'll let you govern our town! And we'll even let you run the Mead Hall!"
@Ben In Fate the solution would be to compel you that your speech actually winds up making everyone angrier because your character sucks at them and they probably insulted everyone without realising it.
(but also to stick with the rules a bit more)
Actually, anyone familiar with the 40k universe?
I've indulged in the Lexicanum quite a bit for some topics
We had a game going (I've mentioned several misadventures from this campaign), but there was one point where we found a Dead Space Marine - Gene Seed still intact. We decided to take it with us, but the only problem was that we found it on a derelict Space Hulk, floating in the Warp.
Oh, I remember this.
You asked about this one on main a while back. :D
This presented a problem: We could take it back to the Inquisition, and then likely be killed for rimes against the Inquisition, or sell it off to some Black market vendor, to likely be ratted out, and suffer a worse fate.
@doppelgreener Yeah.
So all in all, we ended up just stashing it in the fridge on the ship (imagine a fully-armoured Black Templar stuffed into a deep freeze, in the back corner of the docking bay).
Occasionally, through our adventures, we kept remembering that we still had a Space Marine in our freezer.
It got to a point that my character (A slightly unhinged Explorator), would have to make checks against blurting it out during bartering deals.
(And by "slightly" I mean verging on the cusp of Tech Heresy)
I'm impressed
You also have the heresy of not collecting the second gene seed
Collecting it would have been heresy, leaving it abandoned and just taking one is similarly just so bad I'm sure they'll find a way to make it seem like it was the worse decision
@doppelgreener Actually, I think we had the option haha. But we were thinking "One is proving to be enough of a burden... so let's just leave and tell nobody that we were here."
@doppelgreener So yeah, exactly that haha
(for those reading on: a gene seed is an implanted organ. You need it to make a space marine. Space marines keep theirs for life, and their body also grows a second one. It's Holy Duty for space marines to recover fallen comrades' gene seeds; that's how they propagate. There's no other way to get them, they can't be manufactured.)
@BESW once again, the advice you find is hilariously fundamental
@doppelgreener Oh! I lie, we went one step further... we had one player - a scout that aspired to be a space marine.
[grin] I much prefer the simple, straightforward techniques.
I suggested the possibility of giving the gene seed to him... to make a Space Marine
The look the GM gave me. Priceless
Did nobody tell him it was too late?
@doppelgreener ?
I'm under the impression space marine... "creation" for lack of a better word starts when the subject's a kid
@doppelgreener Oh, right yeah, the whole process is very much like a Star wars type thing.
But there's no reason it couldn't be forced...
@Ben Thought: The DM still should have required a roll to see how convincing your character pulls off that speech. The only case in which the player's eloquence should make the roll obsolete is if there is literally no way that speech could fail to achieve its goal.
(The GM should remember that people need not reply rationally - instead of countering the arguments the player presented, the listeners may very well just go "And who made you the boss, eh? Sod that." in case of a failed roll.)
@doppelgreener The wikis say "adolescents or very young adults."
> ...the recruit must be about 10-16 Terran standard years of age, although the process has been documented to still work in recruits as old as 20 as long as they have not yet reached their full adult growth. (source)
Plus, if you though that keeping a dead Space Marine in the deep freeze was bad enough...
I'm surprised the GM didn't take my character sheet away for just suggesting the idea
@doppelgreener this works just fine, though to be fair it isn't designed for any specific PC's
@doppelgreener so wait, the second was not in the same body?
it sorta sounds like they have the whole corpse, does the second one like, fall out and run away or something? XD
@trogdor Yeah. the grow it inside them... then poop it out
hey there @nitsua60
oh gross
Though the process isn't quite so simple
@Shalvenay hiya
how're things going?
good--super-busy day, so I'm excited to slow down in a little bit and host our inaguaral chat-event in about an hour =)
@nitsua60 Isn't it more like half an hour?
@nitsua60 OK, have a physics question tho (and a chem question too, but I doubt we have any chemistry teachers in the room atm :)
@Shalv we're learning about chemistry today too
Specifically: the Gene Seed process in Space Marines
well, my chemistry question was "is peroxyperchloric acid a thing?"
that sounds more like a chemistry question
and all I know is, it entirely depends on if those elements will bind to each other
if they will, it is technically a thing
HOClO3 we know exists (you can get it by the tank car load I'm sure)
though I have no idea, and if they do bind I also have no idea if they do so in any natural environment, or if you would actually need to have someone do it
also, wouldn't it be HO2CIO3?
@BESW Yes--sorry. Roughly 20 min, now.
@Shalvenay What's the physics question?
(Whatever it is, you can probably blame it on turbulent flow. Or tensors.)
"blame it on the tensors baby"
@nitsua60 Or just blame physics
@Ben but that isn't any fun
"Why physics?" "Because physics."
(afk ten minutes)
Did anyone see Neil deGrasse Tyson's explanation of what happens after we die?
@nitsua60 "how is the vapor pressure of a liquid influenced by the gas pressure above it?"
@Ben I think I have seen clips of this
@Shalvenay are they in the same relative space? touching?
@trogdor same space, yeah -- this is "you have a container with liquid in it, vented to some level of pressure"
because if so, it does depend on the relative pressure of both
if the gas is more highly pressurized, it will actually put more pressure on the liquid
but I think it would have to be a lot more pressurized
not sure by how much
@Shalvenay Do you mean "what's the effect on one of changing the other?" or "why does that effect <-- happen?"
"Because Physics".
See? Works everytime :P
@nitsua60 what's the effect on one of changing the other
I think that raising ambient pressure above the liquid's surface will drive down the partial pressure of the evaporate. I'd put better-than-even money on it, even. But it's been a decade and a half since I've thought about that equation of state, and I'd need to do some re-reading before I felt confident.

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