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@trogdor every enemy with weapon in hand will drop it.
@RollingFeles fair enough then
Even more, you can knockdown them and steal their weapon mid fight.
And they will be very angry and sceraming at you
that is cool, to be fair
It's hillarious.
I do think that one thing that would have mitigated the annoyance for me is, starting with a bigger weapon inventory
@trogdor weak monsters have weak weapons. Later strong, although thrash, mobs will have strong weapons. Though they will no be durable as some reward from some chest, for example.
I understand that you can apparently upgrade it, but maybe giving a few more slots from the start anyway still would have been good
Also the person who upgrades your inventory space is adorable.
I dunno. Expansion is delayed till you found the way to do it, but then it's pretty easy to reach the moment when inventory is not an issue.
it isn't like increasing your inventory space would make the weapons break slower right?
@CTWind this!
if the speed they break at is actually a feature rather than an annoyance I mean
@trogdor nope. just more slot for weapons.
I would accept that as a substitute to them not breaking as fast I think
also, breaking weapon while hitting monster it will deal critical damage.
then you could carry more crappy weapons that you don't care about breaking to kill weaker guys with
yeah, that's what I did.
Ah yeah, throwing a weapon deals extra damage. Breaking a weapon does extra damage on the breaking hit. Throwing a weapon at someone and having it shatter on them is a ton of bonus damage (and typically staggers them)
Then I had many great weapons, so I use what I like.
There is still some weapons that I leave for some special foes.
I probably wouldn't mind if weapons broke slower or if you had a 100% unbreakable fallback weapon or something, but in practice the system hasn't actually felt intrusive despite durability systems I've played with in the past mostly feeling like a tax.
But it's not that I'm afraid to lose it, and when I see these special foes I will use this special weapons without a thought that I will break it.
@Miniman @Magician actually, when you have plenty of more or less good weapons, you need sometimes sticks, because they can be used as torches. Of course, torches are better :D
To be fair, you always have an infinite-durability-fallback weapon in bombs.
Bombs in this game are an unlimited supply.
Wait, bombs are unlimited but your sword is a consumable? @.@
@CTWind have you visited Evening island?
Talk about overturning years of videogame history.
@Miniman bombs are weaker. They good at pushing back and initiating big badaboom.
@RollingFeles Don't recall that name off the top of my head, though I do have all the maps unlocked.
Also puzzles and shenanigans.
Might not've traveled there yet.
@CTWind that's the island far to the east.
If you swim from Lurelin to the east. There is small island with sanctuary and if you'll look further to the east there is big island.
Lets see... I've been to the big spiral island, the far southeast island, and the series of islands near Tingle's island or whatever it's called.
Doesn't sound familiar, then. Might need to go check it out!
That's pretty cool place. And pretty challenging.
I wanted to share a story about bombs, but it will be a minor spoiler for you :)
I'm currently working on the desert Divine Beast.
Random side note: we have no-one truly qualified to be a moderator. [tongue-in-cheek]
Woo, I'm rocking that 9 score. :-P
@Miniman I'm surprised how high I am on that list. 43rd by my count?
@Adeptus I'm more surprised that you have a unique score! In fact, you might be the only person with a unique score.
I still feel like a noob sometimes
Nope, I called that way too soon.
@Adeptus Hey, you've been here longer than I have.
@Miniman 23 is one of those conspiracy numbers, isn't it?
@Miniman What, are you sure?
@Adeptus ...you tell me.
@Adeptus Yep! 2 years, 8 months vs 2 years, 9 months.
The 23 enigma refers to the belief that most incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23. == Origins == Robert Anton Wilson cites William S. Burroughs as the first person to believe in the 23 enigma. Wilson, in an article in Fortean Times, related the following anecdote: I first heard of the 23 enigma from William S Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident. That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed...
So clearly, I'm going to win the mod-election, despite not nominating for it :P
I would like to make my final note on the fact that this particular Zelda game at least like, broke the formula they had going for a while
it's trying some new things they never bothered to try to do before, and that is good in my book
just to put a positive note out there after I bashed minor issues I personally have with it XD
2 hours later…
@Miniman Last night, being tired as I was, I thought this was asking about an RPG concept, not an election concept. What, indeed, is a negative campaign in an RPG..?
@doppelgreener Either an evil campaign, or a campaign where heroes fail by design. RPGs don't really do tragedies on purpose.
A negative campaign is where the NPCs break into the PCs' home, beat them up and take all their stuff.
@Magician You, sir, never played René.
@BESW Repeatedly. Every session. In the downtime between the games, players meticulously describe how they refurbish their homes, picking out items from a vast catalogue. Their "build", if you will.
@AnneAunyme That is true. Tell me more.
In this RPG you have three stats
rage, dispair, and enemy old age
(it's in French, the translation is a bit clumsy, but it's from Le Cid)
and at least one accessory that is flying in the wind
(your hair, your coat, your scarf...)
@Magician this would be a strange but possibly hilarious RPG
the goal is to die in the more romantic way possible
(not romantic as in romance, but as the literature movement)
this sounds amazing
Character typically spend the session to complain about their tragic backgrounds
their are often gathering for something like the burial of someone they knew
and there is drama about the legacy
@AnneAunyme (such as a previous player character, i imagine)
i guess, but not necessarily (I never actually played this game)
That sounds like another one of the indie games that are a neat idea but few people actually want to play it in practice.
I want to play this!!
It sounds extraordinary, hahaha
@Magician Exactly.
the reference (in French): philippe.tromeur.free.fr/rrpg.htm
It does sound like the kind of game that could easily be done poorly such that it's no fun.
the guy writing it is one of the big figures of the french RPG, and the game is actually playable (some friends tested it)
I don't honestly know if I like the idea of playing a character who has to complain about how bad they have it
I won't say it's automatically something I wouldn't like, but I have a feeling maybe it wouldn't appeal to me as much as @doppelgreener
@trogdor I'm interpreting the description it -- perhaps mistakenly -- as comedic satire of overwrought drama. If it's a game where the goal is to be making each other laugh, I could dig it.
fair enough
1 hour later…
I just learned that Japan has a symbol for "see below" notes (like how we use the asterisk* to indicate there's a follow-up note elsewhere), and their symbol -- ※ -- is affectionally called "rice" given its similarity to the character for rice (米).
have we decided how many moderator positions are up for grabs in the elections yet?
@Wibbs I don't believe so. (cc @SevenSidedDie @mxyzplk) We have this response on the meta question about it though:
Just some clarification - there is no necessary rush to determine the slot count exactly now, so discussion is free to continue. The number of slots to be appointed can be changed at any time during the election, though preferably it is best done before the voting phase begins. A runner up can also be appointed some time after the election if the need is called for, assuming that there was enough support and competition during the election. No matter the slot count, everyone always gets to split their vote among 3 candidates, so considering using those to support a potential runner up as well. — Grace Note ♦ 20 hours ago
Hmmm. I tend to disagree with the 'no rush' part of that, but hey ho
@Wibbs Someone responded suggesting that whether there's 1 or 2 slots can also have an effect on the nominations themselves:
A: Do we want three moderators, or four?

Journeyman GeekI know it feels like a pretty odd criteria but - least for us on SU, the single moderator slot apparently discouraged some people from standing cause there were one or two candidates who had a near certain chance of winning. I don't really know this community, and who would stand for mod, but its...

If you feel there's good cause to decide soon and/or make a particular decision, it'd be good to leave a response.
Currently our highest voted answers are all expressing "sure, we could, there's advantages, but we don't really need four, either would work, we could add one later or maybe not, whichever," which is not exactly helping make it definitive what we should go for. 😟
@doppelgreener so...maybe?
@doppelgreener Personally, given that more won't hurt, I'm keen to see more - if nothing else, next time someone disappears, it won't be such a big deal.
@Miniman I am keen to see MORE NOMINATIONS [nudge nudge nudge nudge wink nudge wonk wink wonk nudge nodge]
(no pressure though)
@doppelgreener Hey, if you're that keen, time to make some sockpuppets and nominate with them :P
@Miniman Bryant Jackson's nomination made me tempted to make a Vermin Supreme sock.
@doppelgreener comment added
why do people love to create their own answers...in comments? Fear of judgement?
Or just not understanding how the site works.
Or they feel it's only a partial answer
Given that those are not supposed to be posted, I guess that falls under "not understanding how the site works"
and it's easier to critique then it is to create
@NautArch It's common on some other stacks. It's a partial/lazy answer because surely someone else will follow it up with a proper one and of course you're totally right and helping.
(Even if everyone is guilty of it from time to time)
@Erik true, but you could get a bit more granular than that.
That's true
@NautArch they feel its a partial answer and don't have time to write a full one. Or they don't feel its an answer at all just some "related advice." Or another big one is because they think its a bad question that will get closed.
@Ryan i get the reasons, it just bothers me for some reason this morning
@Ryan or the question already is on hold, but they feel it shouldn't be and use the comment to get around the hold.
yeah that too
@NautArch it bothers me a bit anytime it happens. and it's not just us!
I have run into some stick at other SE sites regarding my persistent "make this an answer" comments to answers in comments. Quite frankly, I have you all to thank for that PoV, and I'll keep at it. — KorvinStarmast Apr 11 at 12:58
Yeah sometimes I'm on SF&F or Workplace and it just drives me nuts and I start flagging comments as "answer in comments." Though at least on Workplace they will delete them sometimes. — mxyzplk ♦ Apr 11 at 19:43
Very much agreed, and agreed that it definitely makes other SE sites harder to use when they don’t police this kind of thing. — KRyan Apr 12 at 17:26
I don't agree that we don't comment answer, but I agree (as others do) that we're really great at cleaning them up. For this reason, I remain neutral on this answer. And I also agree that it makes reading other SE sites who don't police their comment-answers a real PITA sometimes. — LegendaryDude Apr 13 at 13:41
@doppelgreener I don't feel so alone!
@NautArch It's also a little bit of a UI flaw: you read a question, have a thought, and right there's "add a comment." In plain English a comment is a short thought on the matter, and that's what they leave. It can be as innocent as trying to help. (I.e. "not knowing how the site works" need not always be willful ignorance or malice.)
@nitsua60 very true. not quite sure why i've got a bug up my arse about it this morning.
@NautArch have you consulted a doctor?
@doppelgreener just went to the bathroom. all good.
and by bathroom, i meant had coffee. then i went to the bathroom.
@NautArch That is both helpful to know and more than I needed to know. Please report to Friend Computer for decontamination and replacement, citizen.
@doppelgreener but i washed my hands!!!
@NautArch Don't worry--you're not the only one.
@NautArch Very good, citizen. This was a test. Many commies would have had their "jimmies" "rustled" by this according to intel.
Something wonderful has happened. I accidentally prompted the developers of Smokey (our anti-spam bot) to have the bot respond to "💩". They just a few minutes ago completed the feature for it.
That seals it: you've got my vote.
"@doppelgreener gets 💩 done"
"How'd you win the election?" "Well, 💩 happened."
@Magician [adds to resume]
@doppelgreener I was thinking, electoral posters
@Magician are you suggesting that putting 💩 everywhere will get me elected?
You mean 💩posting?
@Yuuki I guess it would be 💩posting! haha
Sigh. Gotta love it when there's a vote to close on my seven year old question...
Q: What Sort of Voting Method is Used During the Election?

PyrotechnicalI'm aware of a few different types of voting for elections, but the two that seem most likely are plurality voting (each individual may vote for 1 candidate) or approval voting (each individual may vote for any number of candidates that they consider acceptable). Which of these systems is used f...

@TheOracle "the way that does the most good for the candidates [users] have selected, in order of preference." (source)
What a lovely sentiment ^^
don't feel great about my thunderwave answer, but I also don't think it's a question that has a RAW answer.
@NautArch I feel like it violates a new law I just made up: Conservation of Damage Dice. "You can do that, but I'm still rolling the same number of dice for falling damage. You can reduce your mates' damage by as many dice as you're willing to assume, and that's how we model conservation of momentum in my D&D-verse."
@nitsua60 i can dig it
(Oh, and you still thunder-damage them.)
Unfortunately, that'll probably lead to another law being broken (IRL): aggravated battery by dice, as players revolt.
oh crap
I feel like suddenly being snapped upwards by 10 feet would do worse things to you than just suddenly stopping.
it doesn't work. thunderwave is a 15' cube from the caster. DOesn't that mean the entire party must be 5' above you?
Q: Is Thunderwave centered on the caster?

GamerJoshThis came up in game tonight. Thunderwave is a spell with Range: Self (15-foot cube). The description reads: A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you... Players Handbook, 282-283 Does the area of effect center on the caster (ex...

did i read that correctly?
Also, have questions marked as duplicate always redirected to the 'original'? The recent "Do Skill Feats and Rogue's Expertise stack?" marked as dupe seems to be doing that, but I don't recall that being a thing!
@CTWind I agree. I feel like since you take falling damage when you end a fall you would take your falling damage when the thunderwave hit you, then you would take the thunderwave damage and be pushed up 10ft, then you would start a new fall with an extra 10ft of height
@CTWind @diego Yeah, included that in my response. the extra 10' of falling damage because you could calculcate it at X+10
@CTWind It's easy enough to test, just wrap an 8' rope around waist and jump from a height of 15'.
Does it hurt? Yes, okay, doing that at terminal velocity will hurt more.
@NautArch Ultimately, there is no set rule for switching directions during a fall, so it's the DM's call. Also, in addition to everyone in the party having to be above the cleric, you can't RAW elect to fail a save, so everyone would have to fail the saving throw too
On top of the fact you aren't just stopping but reversing direction
Q: Can you choose to fail a saving throw?

Khashir(Yet another) follow-up from this question: As someone mentioned in the question above, some 'friendly' spells (Calm Emotion, IIRC) specify that one can choose to fail the saving throw. In this case, the allowance makes sense, given that the spell has both a 'defensive' component--removes fear,...

@NautArch what part are you reading?
@NautArch The point of origin of a cube is on its face as per 5e's spellcasting rules. Thunderwave is a 15ft cube w/ range self, so as long as you're adjacent to a face (inside or out, above, below, or to the side) you can orient it however you want. You can hit a target 15ft away from you, or hit targets surrounding you in all directions 5 ft away.
When casting a cube, point of origin is any point on any face.
(depending on how you place it)
If I'm the DM I would allow players to fail a save in order to make creative, unconventional use of a spell as long as it's not abusive or intended to circumvent other rules.
@LegendaryDude I would too. But It's worth mentioning that such a decision is a DM call, not a rule
Well yeah. But, like, everything in 5e is a DM call.
@LegendaryDude It's also not clear in this (extreme edge) case what the attempt to resist would even look like. Normal use-case, you're bracing yourself against the shock wave, probably leaning into it... in mid-air?
There is no RAW, only Ruuls.
(So far I have resisted self-banishing my character who's from the feywild by my written character background)
@LegendaryDude 5e is very open yes, and encourages DMs to do as they wish, yes, but there are still written rules. Just with the caveat that "if you don't like it, change it"
@LegendaryDude Except there are some places where you've got "here are the rules, but of course you can make a ruling," and others where it's "there aren't rules for this, so you have to make a ruling." I think that's a useful distinction.
@nitsua60 I didn't really want to fully go there, so I just cited that question instead (is that bad?)
@CTWind I wasn't entirely sure on that and it doesn't seem like there is an absolute truth on that either so included the possibilities
@NautArch I'm not sure what you're talking about.
and the citation to the question
@NautArch you mean in your answer, as to where the party needs to be?
@nitsua60 I as asking about being with 5' or 15' of the caster. but I think the other questions help provide guidance for Lino to make a call
@nitsua60 yes
@nitsua60 Yes, the rules are there for consistency and a base-level of functionality. Ability checks and the other "core" mechanics of the game are rules but everything else about how they interact that's not mentioned in the rules is all DM purview. And I dislike when anyone tries to mold those rules interactions (what we would call "rulings") into RAW. I really prefer the AD&D approach to rules/rulings.
And I really prefer not rushing to ask the Rules Czar on Twitter when something isn't specifically stated in the rules.
@NautArch Yeah, a link strikes me as just fine. The only thing that's germane to your interpretation is "party needs to be in range and above the caster." The other question can be the place to argue about what exactly is in range.
@LegendaryDude I do not bend my knee to that particular medium.
@nitsua60 Yes, I think we've discussed this before. And of course that's not to disparage the esteemed Jeremy Crawford, just that I think it's silly that we've gotten to this point in the world of TTRPGs. I fully blame 3.5e.
@nitsua60 altered the third bullet point accordingly
@LegendaryDude Probably--I grind that axe more-frequently than I probably should =\
@LegendaryDude To a point where players aren't happy when the DM makes a judgement call?
Not trying to suggest you're wrong or anything. I just want to make sure that I'm picking up what you are putting down, if you get my drift.
(chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/… is the last time I recall this discussion.
I think part of it is that TTRPGs are somewhat different these days. With the ease of communication offered by the Internet, it's a lot easier to find multiple DMs if you live in a big city.
And if someone doesn't have one DM that they've played with for years, they might value the consistency that comes from Sage Advice and official rulings a lot.
i don't necessarily think Markov's answer is wrong, but it does seem like he doesn't answer the question of does the fall distance counter get reset. He's assuming it doesn't, but without evidence for it not.
@Adam To the point where every time there's something that comes up that isn't covered by the rules, people need to go the designers for a "canonical" ruling on it which then becomes the actual rule.
Gygax is turning in his grave.
Ah, yes, indeed he is
@Yuuki What did those people do 15 years ago? Write letters to Dungeon magazine, I guess.
it seems like the problem with 5e is they made a very simple system which often doesn't jive with real world expectations.
and that makes the rulings harder.
@NautArch I don't think it's the system or the edition that has created this issue. I think it's a problem created by WotC with 3.5 and their endless rules supplements.
It's a social issue, not a mechanical issue
(it probably goes without saying, but this is all IMHO)
Rulings are fine for one-off situations, not so much for something a character can be built around doing. At that point you need a rule. House rule, official clarification, anything.
@Magician "Rulings" are rules. If your DM makes a ruling in a game, that ruling should apply the next time that situation comes up. It doesn't need a tweet or a Sage Advice. If your DM is acting unfairly, tell him.
And possibly dump him because he's probably a jerk!
@LegendaryDude But what if we signed a pre-nup?
@Yuuki Then you'll need a lawyer.
@LegendaryDude It might not be remembered. Or, worse, it will set a precedent that the players will (unintentionally) abuse.
@LegendaryDude A... rules lawyer?
@Magician Again, these are all social issues. I don't see how Jeremy Crawford can make you a better DM or improve your memory or prevent your players from abusing the rulings you make.
good morning
@Magician I can say that even rules that are written in the books don't get remembered. As for abuse, it isn't hard for the DM to say "no" when players are trying to game the system.
@Adam You can say that and it'd be 100% the truth.
@Adam And having DM'd 3.5 for years, I can say that many players take it really hard when you tell them their build is not going to work, especially after a few sessions where the problem becomes apparent. This is where consistent rules come in handy.
Whatever it takes to keep the table moving and not debating the exact circumstances under which your ruleset allows an apple to count as an orange every third tuesday when roses are in bloom.
I myself feel that GM's at some point got so concerned with saying "yes" to everything that saying "no" fell out of the vocabulary. Now, the word "no" should be used sparingly, and be treated with respect as a powerful tool, but I feel there are so many issues that are solved just by saying "no"
Or "not right now" or "no for now, and we can talking about more later"
@Adam "Yes, but"
that too
"Yes you can but you will die afterwards."
It's like saying no but without ever saying no!
@Magician There is nothing that stops six people around a table from being consistent with their own rules and rulings
@Adam Memory problems might.
@Adam Well, @Magician's comment really sums up my beef with 3.5 (as does @SPavel's starred chat message in the sidebar)
@Adam A consistently applied ruling is essentially a house rule. But until such a house rules is established, having to rely on rulings for frequently repeatable actions is a problem.
I've avoided most extended debate at my table by reminding the group that the rules system is an emulation and not a simulation. It tries to let you do a great number of things as a player, but it isn't perfect and has some holes. While I will work with them when such issues arise, they fully understand it will not always be worked out in their favor and/or as they intended.
And it sort of illustrates the history that I think has greatly contributed to the current landscape re: Twitter Rules Czar. Sage Advice is a little different, it's more like errata than a ruling for every question that comes up.
@LegendaryDude Also, in 3.5 days at least, sometimes Sage Advice was blatantly wrong.
(Not talking about the SageAdvice.eu site which is just Crawford's compiled rules tweets, but the actual Sage Advice column)
@Magician I mean yeah, if a group keeps coming up with different rulings every time said comes up. But if it's common enough that it's coming up all the time, somebody is going to remember what you guys did the last time it came up. And if it isn't coming up that often, then it doesn't seem very repeatable.
Hello, good RPG.SE folk. I come with a request. Anyone comfortable with AnyDice?
@eimyr yes
@eimyr how comfortable/complex?
@Adam That's what I mean by setting precedent, though. You give a ruling once that works great for the players. They'll try to replicate the situation, because hey, it works great. On-the-spot ruling can't be very thought out or balanced, for lack of a better word. Which is perfectly fine, for a ruling. But then players try and turn it into a rule.
@LegendaryDude Brilliant! I require a script to model the following: You roll XdF. You pick Y dice out of the results and "sum" them. I need the likelihood of being able to pick any given +/- value out of the roll based on the X and Y
do you need to write a function or are you trying to parse why it output the results it did
Which isn't to say rules never enable silly situations, of course they do. But there's at least some hope the major issues will have been ironed out by the designers.
So, for example, I roll 5dF, and pick any 2dF I want. I want the probability of me being able to pick +2, +1, 0, -1, -2.
preferably demonstrated on a chart with final value on X axis and probability on Y
@Magician I'm not sure that I agree that an on the spot ruling can't necessarily be balanced or very well thought out, but I get what you mean. The designers have the benefit of months of playtesting, you only have the rest of the session. If you start seeing those issues though, the DM has right, and the responsibility, to iron the rulings out. Preferably by talking to the players and working together.
As usual, talking to players solves most problems :)
Content that isn't well thought out was a point of debate at my tables for a time. Then we decided we would no longer use 3rd party content. Didn't fix everything, but it did reduce severity of issues.
Ew, communication. That's what I play D&D to get away from.
the idea in this system is that you have a skill-derived pool of dice and need to pick a static number of dice, to influence a roll either in plus or in minus depending on what you're doing (e.g. sometimes you need +1 or better, sometimes you want exactly 0 etc.), but I need to see how the changing of the pool affects the likelihood of getting your preferred result
@Yuuki You must not like playing a bard, then.
A bard lets you roll dice to make people think you're good at communication.
Bard with a Vow of Silence might actually be an interesting concept.
@Yuuki You just described a mime.
Bard with a Bow of Silence might be better.
@Magician I said "bard", not "literal Satan".
@Yuuki It's not Satan unless the mime is named "Teemo"
The only time a mime is appropriate is on an airplane. They're quiet and they know where the invisible walls are.
@LegendaryDude (Dragon, actually. And they argued in the letters-forum. For months. And years.)
@LegendaryDude @JoshuaAslanSmith Anyone up to the challenge?
It's interesting, though, how rulings are hailed as some old-school true way, abandoned by the strayed roleplayers when the Devil of 3rd edition came to tempt them. Fate, for instance, doesn't require any rulings about rules. There are constant rulings about which mechanic to use for a particular scene, or which aspects are appropriate, but those are by definition situational. I suppose Fate is less mechanically complex than D&D.
@eimyr so 2 random dice from a pool of 5 rolled each time with the normal fate/fudge dice faces as possible results?
If elected to moderator position, I pledge to abolish rulings, Jeremy Crawford, and one third of the rules (chosen at random).
This ought to make things less confusing.
@doppelgreener Is the thing to be abolished chosen at random from the list provided? We might need a ruling on that one.
@Magician Yes, we migh— wait a minute, you almost had me with that one!
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yes, random in terms of the script but they would be picked by the player with a certain intent
@JoshuaAslanSmith in a way, an equivalent question is "how likely (P) is there a set of X dice summing to Y in a ZdF roll. Draw P(Y) for different x and z"
@doppelgreener hahaha
I plan to declare jeremey crawford the anti-rulesmaster and myself the new, true rulesmaster for 5th edition
new 5e canon will henceforth be delivered
@JoshuaAslanSmith by cannon?
the canon cannon will be the first resort/argument of myself as king
Hmm... how would I make a Lawful Good Rogue?
... a military scout?
A detective?
@Yuuki Sleight-of-hand food and coins into poor and needy people's pockets.
sleight of hand food into peoples mouths
I actually didn't choose Sleight of Hand for proficiency, interestingly enough.
All of these options sound good
Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, and Stealth makes me think detective.
But I also took Athletics and Perception from the Sailor background.
I propose an even more confusing 6th edition with daily rule changes texted and emailed to you as a subscription service. It will be Mad Hatter edition. CHANGE PLACES.
@Yuuki security systems specialist, security advisor, trap inventor...
And then two weeks after we release 6th edition, we'll launch 6.75 and 6Classic.
Halfling security specialist, I like it.
Now to figure out how to make a Lawful Good Rogue (Assassin)...
@Yuuki One that provides a quick, quiet, peaceful death to the terminally evil.
the edition Release notes - Fixed an issue where Clerics occasionally dealt damage.
nah balance patch - magic users scale linearly, non-magic users geometrically.
Fighters now scale expontentially.
Warlocks now scale non-Euclideanly.
Clerics now level in reverse
Sorcerers use letters instead of numbers, wizards use roman numerals
Lizardfolk are covered in scales.
Fixed an issue that caused Rogues to occasionally only exist in two dimensions.
STR mod now useable for any skilltest or saving through
Skillmonkeys scale asymptotically
Introducing a 7th ability score, Pizza
@CTWind They never reach the target number? So, just like right now?
Paladins are now proficient in whatever is most popular at the time.
Fixed an issue where wizards could sometimes escape the bounds of reality and see the truth that lies beyond and between realms, resulting in all knowledge being revealed to them.
Paladins automatically receive moderation privileges on all SE sites
Minor text fixes
Divine classes are now allowed to metagame.
(Wizards now receive 1d4 knowledge facts instead of all knowledge)
Fixed an issue where Dave wasn't paying for his share of game night pizza. (Don't think we didn't notice that Dave.)
("Divine classes are allowed to metagame" is actually a running joke from a campaign I played in. :-P)
@MadMAxJr deliver a rulebook, and then stickers you paste over paragraphs in the rules (like Risk Legacy, if you've played it). Pages which get errata frequently will eventually become unreasonably heavy. At this point you ship them a new, corrected page, and instructions on tearing the old one out and pasting the new one in.
Fixed an issue where Jeff was missing. Jeff added back in.
@doppelgreener Didn't Hackmaster do this?
@MadMAxJr i am not sure.
Rules are now based on the Mao card game's rules. After each session, please email us a recording of it and we'll tell you if your group lost.
Resolved a lingering rules issue by allowing a player to mutter the name 'Monte Cook' three times while looking into a mirror. Cook will dispense a ruling, then ritualistically feast on 1d4-1 players before returning to the dimension of endless design.
This is a playtest rule and subject to change.
@doppelgreener risk legacy was sooo good, all joking aside a sort of narrative rpg experience in a similar vein would be highly enjoyable
Have you played pandemic legacy
Fixed a bug where players with an incorrectly set system clock could use rules from older editions.
@MadMAxJr is that a minimum of one or zero?
Fixed a bug where players with an incorrectly set system clock could use rules from future editions.
Support - Legacy meta information from previous editions no longer supported
@doppelgreener Minimum -1, sometimes you will end up with an extra player (see the comment about Jeff above)
Legacy meta infromation from future editions no longer supported.
The feasting depends on how many players at your table understand Numenera and can engage him in conversation.
Holding up a copy of Ptolus is absolute protection from Monte Cook.
@JoshuaAslanSmith i have not played it much. My gaming group can't play pandemic together, due to one player wanting to coordinate the others but instead coming off as a back seat player.
@eimyr Sorry, had to step out to grab something to eat. I was hacking away at it before I left, looking at it some more now.
@doppelgreener yeah normal pandemic does have the quarterback issue
@SPavel Found a bug where players with an incorrectly set system clock show up consistently late. Bug could not be reproduced in isolation; adjusted system by 30 minutes to account for bug.
but I feel like the changing nature of pandemic legacy helps to curtail that
you only know how to win the game really for the first month before changes start to set in regularly and dramatically enough
both games were some of my finest boardgaming memories, im actually framing the boards to hang on my wall in my new apt where the game room is
and basically eagerly awaiting pandemic legacy season 2 this fall
@eimyr Can you clarify a bit? When you say "I need the likelihood of being able to pick any given +/- value based on the X and Y" do you mean the sum of +/- value, or the individual +/- values of the Y dice?
@LegendaryDude the sum
38 mins ago, by eimyr
@JoshuaAslanSmith in a way, an equivalent question is "how likely (P) is there a set of X dice summing to Y in a ZdF roll. Draw P(Y) for different x and z"
@eimyr gotcha, ok
@JoshuaAslanSmith is there a decent way to eliminate quarterbacking?
in our group it wound up with people doing deliberately uncooperative moves because screw you, I want to actually have some independent thought and choice in this game, which is then followed by players being frustrated with each other, and then advising each other on what to do next.
@doppelgreener For our group it's basically table talk; should we do X or Y? It also helps to keep your cards hidden even though it's a co-op game. A houserule to only share what cards you have when you're in the same city might help?
It also might increase the difficulty drastically
@doppelgreener I'd like to know this too. I try not to do it, but when everyone else plays with their cards face up, and they are asking for advice it is hard not to fall into it.
@eimyr Okay, do you want the odds for hitting a number exactly, or hitting at least a number?
ok, I think this will do it
@doppelgreener social contract, also how big is your game group pandemic legacy is only 2-4 players
mechanically speaking someone could still believe they have the optimum planto a turn or next few turns, but because of the rule shifts and goal shifts they dont have the "ive played 50 games of pandemic etc." backing up their judgements
@eimyr anydice.com/program/b5d6 -- a simplified version (it uses only one function because I was being silly in the first one)
I played it having only played 2-3 normal vanilla pandemic games beforehand and did not feel out of my depth (to a certain extent my risk legacy experiences gave me more adapatability)
@doppelgreener most of pandemic legacy was a lot of table discussions about what actions to take, it was really collaborative, from what characters to use for a game to the, here's my plan for this turn, does that make sense, how does that affect our overall game strategy
we really did act like a group of professionals trying to solve the problem as a bit of roleplay
@eimyr anydice.com/program/b5d7/table/transposed And this, with the loop, will tell you the odds of any given value within the loop range (the 0 set is the set of P to miss the number given the number of dice rolled, 1 is the set of P to hit the number given the number of dice rolled)
Wait, I've missed something.
You wanted the P value of summing two of the dice :(
@JoshuaAslanSmith 4 players (not including me, because I wasn't joining in on that kind of board game at that time).
@JoshuaAslanSmith okay, that could help a lot. hm. need to recreate psychological safety in that group.
@LegendaryDude Yeah, I had a go and it doesn't seem to do what I wanted
@eimyr I'm not sure anydice can do it. At least, not gracefully. I'm sure someone who has a little more experience with algorithms could figure it out.

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