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5:36 PM
@Lord_Gareth That actually makes some sense, insofar as these reality-simulation rules are concerned.
The lv.20 fighter would probably burrow at full speed for thirty minutes, then cause a cave-in, and (if he's lucky) have to backtrack and start again.
On the flip side of that, Str/Con has no effect on mining. A cripple with lung diseases (plural) can out-mine a healthy man
Fantasy simulation physics are a fun thing.
I always love the one topic of, "What's the lowest level way to kill a Tarrasque" which usually involves a wizard, and a 'Read As Written' interpretation of physics in game rules.
Summon an Allip
Drain his ass down to nothing
Drag corpse into a major city and block up traffic with it until an archmage wishes it dead
I can't recall the actual solution posted, but I think someone suggested a level 7 wizard could make a hole big enough and create a scenario where the Tarrasque is an an eternal state of drowning.
Just to dispose of it
6:00 PM
I think another one involved getting it to ingest a quantity of immovable rods that could be activated.
I hate that foggy feeling
6:22 PM
Cookie clicker had a christmas update
@Aaron I just got out of there. Literally today. This morning. Don't pull me back in!
@lisardggY hehehe you can buy santa related upgrades now!
I just did a reset, got the last achievement I was going for (Nihilism), and am done with it.
/me is oiff
I have reset 8 times and I have 1084 heaven cookies.
@Aaron heh, I've got a touch more than twice that and I've been meaning to reset again for a few weeks
6:26 PM
@waxeagle Nice. I haven't played for about a week but there was an update so I thought I would investigate
Santa just went past my cube...
@waxeagle Cuuuuube?
@Aaron yeah I saw ortiel posted that on twitter, I'll check in on it when I get home
@ProfessorLokiCaprion sadly yeah, I'm a cubite...have a cool adjustable height desk though so it's not all bad
@waxeagle Oh! When you say "cube," I think it's a car, since I drive one of those! XD
@ProfessorLokiCaprion heh, I looked into those when we were car shopping
if I get a mini SUV i'm going with the Soul though
6:31 PM
@waxeagle I looked at that, but the back window is just too small for me to be comfortable.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion makes sense. I haven't driven one yet, I might change my mind. But I won't be new (or even newish used) car shopping for a few years again yet.
gonna have to replace my current daily driver soon, but it's going to have to be another beater.
If they make a tabletop cookie clicker game, I'm officially done with hobby games.
@MadMAxJr I think ortiel is currently tied up writing a mobile app, so I wouldn't worry....for a while
@MadMAxJr Perhaps with a hand-held counting device...
Cookie clicker gimmick with a pedometer.
6:36 PM
@waxeagle I can tell you, with no exaggeration, that it's my favourite of any car I've owned!
@ProfessorLokiCaprion cool. I think they're putting CVTs in them now too
@waxeagle Yes, mine has a CVT!
And it also has a big Old Republic symbol on the rear windshield, which has caused incidents at least twice...
img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/6710236/il_340x270.303659245.jpg Like this, only it fills my entire back windshield.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion fun
7:23 PM
I <3 CVT.
Club of Voluminous Thorns?
@Aaron continuously variable transmission, it's most likely something that will be in your next car.
Nissan is using them in pretty much all of their non-towing vehicles at this point.
(and non-sports cars)
7:49 PM
I'm amazed how well many of the hats fit my avatar.
Hahaha, I like that one!
@MadMAxJr Your avatar is of a guy whose sole purpose in life is to get hats. What did you expect?
@MadMAxJr what would be amusing would be to add hats in layers and wear them all :)
8:27 PM
@waxeagle I think that's even a feature request for future Winterbashes.
So yesterday I walked home at 1pm through sudden snow, from our first game of a new Dungeon World campaign. This was awesome in several ways.
(Note that in Vancouver, three inches of snow overnight is A Notable Event.)
@SevenSidedDie Vancouver, huh?
@SevenSidedDie it'd be a notable event anywhere I've ever lived
@waxeagle We on the Wet Coast are often mocked by the rest of Canada for completely losing our heads and ability to drive when one snowflake falls. (I'm partly from Ontario, so I sorta agree...)
@Metool The northern one, yeah. Bare streets earlier in the day, white a few hours later. The kids were beside themselves happy this morning.
@waxeagle 3 inches here constitutes an emergency and everyone acts like it's the apocalypse.
8:42 PM
@ProfessorLokiCaprion same
Growing up we joked that we got an average of 3" snow/year but it came every few years in larger increments.
@waxeagle *looks up Georgia on Wikipedia* Wow, yeah, rarely below freezing there. I have this highly inaccurate image of East coast states all being like Main, except for Florida.
@SevenSidedDie I live in NW GA so you'd have to look more at the weather of somewhere like Chattanooga TN than all of GA.
Yeah, we're in Baltimore. It snows here rarely enough that people freak the crap out whenever it happens, but often enough to make rational folks wonder WHY people are freaking out.
we see a few dozen days a year in the teens and twenties but mostly our winters have highs in the 40s and 50s
tomorrow I think it's supposed to be 60s
@waxeagle That must be unbearable heat.
8:49 PM
@Metool :P
(all temps F because I can't arsed to translate to C)
@ProfessorLokiCaprion yeah, I grew up around Salisbury so I know what you mean
@waxeagle That sounds similar to here, if I'm translating to C right. Usually it rains. I think I prefer the snow, because it doesn't soak so quickly.
@SevenSidedDie I like snow as long as there is enough to keep me home from work (it doesn't take much with where I live)
@waxeagle I used to feel that way until my kid started school. Now I have a weird double-vision where I catch myself hoping for a snow day and keep having to remind myself that they suck now.
Hearing rumors of a foot or more of snow this weekend in the midwest.
@SevenSidedDie yeah
@MadMAxJr hopefully they are all dug out before I have to go up there Monday
9:04 PM
If you're going through Topeka, Witchita, or Kansas City, it could be rough in eastern Kansas where it's nothing but a flat plane with nothing to stop the winds.
spam flags at the ready folks: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/30972/1084
@MadMAxJr good deal, we'll be far east of there
chicago is only barely midwest
@waxeagle Got it!
@MadMAxJr I think every collectible card game may count as a tabletop cookie-clicker-type game.
@SevenSidedDie I CAN QUIT WHENEVER I WANT! [Scratches]
9:21 PM
@waxeagle spam flags for what?
@Aaron The answer is gone, already, it seems!
I think I, uh..
It was something like "Akjhtoweiutyhaskdtroieut"
@ProfessorLokiCaprion sadly enough I actually saw a word almost in that randomness.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion The end kinda looks like Detroit.
@Aaron Oh, damn! There could have been a really good answer in all that!
9:23 PM
@Aaron I thought I saw trout.
I see a word!
Akjhtoweiutyh ask dtroieut
@Aaron [registers askdetroit.tumblr.com]
"Detroit: How do I get gum out of my carpet?"
... it auto-corrected to "Detroit". That is even better than I'd hoped.
[Registers "askdetroit.tumblr.com"]
Oh, @metool already got it! Damn this browser.
Time to go home and go to the wife's company Christmas party! See yous!
9:29 PM
see ya
Christmas Jazz is like the post-apocalypse: the familiar rendered unfamiliar and new by unusual juxtapositions. And spidergoats.
9:49 PM
We three goats with spidersilk are / Spinning gifts, we travellers far. / Baaing, bleating, ne'er repeating, / Swinging we canter 'long.
@BESW Nice meter to that.
Ooh, oh! Goats of science, goats of scat...
And that's where I have better things to do than continue.
Wow, China landed a thing on the Moon, the Canadian Supreme Court struck down anti-prostitution laws nation-wide, and Ohio overturns the same-sex marriage ban. This is what happens when I ignore twitter for any length of time.
Or wait, Utah? One of them.
10:52 PM
@SevenSidedDie No, I think Utah's court said that the anti-cohabitation part of its polygamy laws was invalid.
Oh, also same-sex marriage in Utah. Huh.
gah, I only need 25 more rep to cap out today
@AlexP yeah two big decisions affecting Utah in 2 days, craziness
11:32 PM
I would not be surprised at all if the SSM and anti-cohabitation turnarounds were of a piece. The Republican argument that SSM logically leads to legalising polygamy might be seen as a feature.
This is a kindly preemptive reminder to keep discussions of this nature amiable, remembering that other chat citizens may hold cherished views contrary to your own.
@BESW This is a good reminder.
@SevenSidedDie The Browns (the Sisters Wives family, who are involved in the polygamy-related ruling) did actually compare their situation to same-sex partnerships, IIRC. I'm not sure if it's part of their legal strategy but it's part of their public presentation. Utah in general has an interesting situation because it's the state that's most opposed to polygamy but also the one with one of the larger populations of people in (non-legal) plural marriages.
11:49 PM
@AlexP Yeah, it's actually a fairly solid argument, despite the partisan opposition from the liberal end of the spectrum (simply because it's coming from Republicans). It's essentially the "why is the government in the marriage business?" argument.
@AlexP Utah is most vehemently against polygamy for (as I understand it) legal and historical reasons, since it was a condition of joining the Union. That just pushed it underground though, rather than extinguished it, making for a very mixed public opinion, I gather.
I'm pretty sure the overwhelming majority of Utah'ans are against polygamy.

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