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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

Ok. First three episodes of The Myth Makers.
Why do you say that?
... it sounds interesting enough it'd make people go "AAAAARGH WE WANT THE LAST EPISODE".
Yeah, but it's one of the early histories. Although that makes it one of a very few serials of its kind (only the very earliest histories lacked any supernatural or science fiction elements beyond the fact that the main characters had traveled through time to get there), the reason there aren't any more than there are is that they were generally heavily padded and kinda boring.
@BESW Murphy's Law
If it's Murphey's Law, it'll probably be The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve or something like that.
@BESW why this one ? is it a bad episode ?
It spends far, far too much time on characters we'll never see again.
Hartnell spends a lot of his time playing an abbot of the time period who looks like the Doctor, rather than playing the Doctor.
Again, it's a pure historical so it's got a lot of padding and most of its tension banks on Dickensian drama or expecting the viewers to know the historical tragedy it's leading up to.
It's technically the serial with the first appearance of a new companion, Dodo, but she's only in a couple minutes at the very end.
@BESW your a brony right?
we've got trekkies, bronies... how do dr who's fans call themselves ? whoies ?
@BESW I Don't watch MLP but I will admit Rainbow dash is kinda cool.
that makes you citizens of Whovie
@Aaron Yes. Yes, she is.
@BESW I thought Rainbow was one of the few males?
Nope. All of the Mane Six are female, as are the majority of the supporting cast.
The males have a different model, most obviously with a more angular nose.
@Aaron Quite a tomboy from what I've seen.
Yeah, she's the "arrogant jock with a heart of gold" character.
Uggghhh. I wanna go home and sleep more.
@Aaron Yeah, that went about as expected. Needed more RD bragging, though.
@BESW I kinda saw it coming when someone told me to watch it. I saw someone playing a RD character in a rp and he completely owned the guy she was fighting.
That, and the PR backlash from the site showing a candy-colored pony getting killed would've been pretty horrendous.
@BESW It was a rp.
Most people made fun of the MLP room actually on that site.
[snerk] Derpy at 6:30.
@BESW Huh?
There's a background character called Derpy Hooves: a grey pony with a yellow mane and three bubbles for a cutie mark.
She had an animation error in the very first episode so her eyes went derpy, and the fandom instantly named her.
@BESW so her name actually became Derpy in the show?
Since then the animators have included her as an easter egg in many crowd scenes, and every now and then she comes forward for a bigger role.
@Aaron Yup. The creator had an idea for a similar character called Ditzy Doo, but the fan concept was close enough that the production team decided to run with it.
Derpy got short speaking part in season two.
And that VS video you linked has a cameo at 6:30.
So she is not used that often I take it?
She's pretty common in crowd scenes.
But scenes that focus on her, even momentarily, are much rarer.
In the second season she dropped a piano on Twilight, went bobbing for apples, and got a short speaking role "helping" Rainbow put up a banner.
@JonathanHobbs did the 4e weapon damage keyword discussion happen?
Hi @waxeagle @JoshuaAslanSmith
@JoshuaAslanSmith I tried to clarify some things in the comments there as it looks like they were talking past each other and missing the whole "what's a keyword" point
But the speaking role had some drama associated with it (someone said the name "Derpy" and the pony's clumsiness and eyes were offensive to the impaired), so the team scaled her back to a background running gag again.
@JoshuaAslanSmith There hasn't been any discussion yet.
I just thought it was super important that it got cleared up for kyle
@JoshuaAslanSmith [wave]
@waxeagle I've never seen Resist 5 Weapon.
@BESW it's not used as such. However when you have the opportunity to pick "a type" it can be chosen
I too have never seen that
Really? Got a citation for that? 'cause that'll blow Hobbs' answer's brain.
Well, it's not a damage type, so...
yeah Id really like a citation for that
@BESW working on finding it. I read it in a char-op guide
In the Venn diagram of 4e, damage types and "weapon" are all in the "keyword" circle but don't, to my knowledge, overlap with each other.
(@JonathanHobbs you should be taking notes for the visual.)
It is listed as a keyword, but it's an "accessory" as far as the PHB1 describes it, and doesn't fall under damage or effect type. Might count as a power type?
Maybe something has resistance to weapon powers.
Or resistance to all from weapon powers.
@BESW People always have to have something to B*tch about.
It's a keyword powers can have, but so are "Charm" and "Zone" and I've never seen Resist 10 Zone either.
I should get my Rules Compendium back from my friend at some point.
@Aaron For me, the real problem was that it was poorly thought through. The production team wanted to throw the bronies a bone, and didn't put a lot of thought into what it'd mean for the show's primary purposes.
And the instant the show starts being "for the bronies" instead of "a show enjoyed by some people seriously distant from its target audience," it'll stop being the show bronies came for.
@BESW How were they throwing them a bone?
@Aaron By giving a fan-made, fan-named character a speaking role and using her fan name.
If they'd thought about it, they'd either have made a choice they'd stand by instead of censoring Derpy's name and changing her voice in all subsequent broadcasts, or Derpy would've stayed a background gag for the bronies to notice instead of getting a moment in the limelight for no particular reason except that she's a brony icon.
I mean, I get that they wanted to show they knew and appreciated the bronies, that's great.
@BESW .... The amount of subtle stuff that goes into this show is misledmeme.com/templates/Too_Damn_High.jpg
But it's more appropriate to do so like this than like this.
@BESW Is that a reference to my comic drawing or a serious suggestion I create a visual? xD
@JonathanHobbs If it'll help, you should do it.
It could help!
Wait for Wax's link, though.
not finding anything. I'm trying to remember what I saw. I'm thinking it was in reference to resisting a specific keyword rather than a damage type. Still hunting but my comments are withdrawn
@waxeagle Ok. If you find it, I'd be interested in seeing it whatever keyword it ends up referencing.
@waxeagle thank you for your diligence
Yes, indeed.
wondering if it wasn't specifically in reference to the Amulet of Scales which grants resistance to a keyword when you're hit by a power
yes. that's definitely it.
> Amulet of Scales (D 365) - Scaling, immediate-application, encounter-long resistance to a keyword (which includes Arcane, Weapon, and the like, by the way) is nice.
Sounds like the kind of thing that'd get errata'd right quick.
it's a L13 item with a daily interrupt to add resist 5 -> 10 of a keyword, not encounter breaking by any stretch
saves you a surge once a day maybe
The Fairy Nuff puts it back in the box, disappointed.
I... understand this is put forward by Wizards forum optimizers (in theory), but... I still find this dubious.
The definition of Resist in the PHB1 is:
@JonathanHobbs to be clear, that particular item specifies that it grants resistance to a keyword not a damage type
> Resist: Resistance means you take less damage from a specific damage type. If you have resist 5 fire, then any time you take fire damage, you reduce that damage by 5. (An attack can’t do less than 0 damage to you.)
Rule of exception-based rules applies.
@waxeagle Hm. Are you able to see that weapon's wording? I don't have a DDI subscription anymore.
"Use this power when you are hit by an attack with a keyword. Gain resist 5 against this keyword until the end of the counter" it's an oddity for sure
@waxeagle Wow, sure is.
I'ma poke the errata.
@JonathanHobbs now that's dubiously useful. Because any attack with more than one keyword still hits
for full damage
so if it's
weapon and fire. you take all the damage
Yeah, since resist has to apply to every keyword to count.
Whereas if you just had Resist 10 Fire, you'd be better.
Because normal resistance doesn't check non-damage keywords.
and opening it up to keywords in general just... aaaaaaaaaaaa
There are reasons to be cautious with Dragon Magazine material and only allow any of it on a case-by-case basis after thorough checking, and this is why.
365, you said?
Amulet of Scales?
Taya errata for that item.
The material gets wacky.
@BESW Taya?
Zip, zilch, nada, nothing, no enchilada, the big zero, hole in the bag, cleaned out, empty-handed, you lose! Good day, sir!
Nice reference there.
I'm not surprised though, since it's Dragon Magazine material, not manual material.
Oh, the magazines have their own errata pdf.
They do, huh?
It is ten pages long.
I am impressed and confused
People playing 4e should probably keep the Official D&D Errata & Rules Updates page bookmarked.
On the basis this amulet defies convention and also happily breaks itself
Yes exactly like that.
it is an amulet of scales because people have to keep weaving the increasingly shattered pieces back together.
btw if you're watching, Reaper just broke another stretch goal this morning...
it was once an Amulet of Quite Solid Protection
"Um... guys? I picked up this dragon-scale-on-a-string thing, and it just crumbled up with a tiny wail. Is that normal?"
@JonathanHobbs lol
@BESW hahahaha
I dont know if this is terribly game breaking
Q: Where can I find other sources of Armor and Weapons?

krasawaveI'm no longer satisfied with the weapons and armor available to me. I always end up playing with the gun model from Player's Handbook, and armor with the same CA and properties. Besides this material (PHB), what other sources are there for new armor and weapon types?

@JoshuaAslanSmith it is, so long as the power you hope to resist has no other keywords
@krasawave didn't you play 3.5e?
@zachiel I think I edited it to what his original intent was
I left a comment.
@JonathanHobbs Would "martial" count?
@BESW yes.
All of those things are keywords
The amulet is now useless
however monster stat blocks are slightly less weighty with the keywords IIRC
That is true.
so you're likely to get a goblin with just a weapon keyword attack
though at L13 not so much
Heck, I've seen plenty of monster powers without any proper keyword at all.
@waxeagle Oh, wait. Standard, at will, and so on. Keywords.
And if you've got a GM who builds his own monsters but is lazy about keywording them...
@JonathanHobbs [face/palm]
Resist 10 Daily.
This is getting silly.
@BESW Embarassing.
@BESW I'd pick encounter. I'm only going to be hit by one or two dailies and if I do it's going to deal something like 60 damage at early levels anyway.
@JonathanHobbs IIRC the keywords are after the diamonds not the part before, but I'm not sure
@JonathanHobbs Nah, you'd be a fool to do that.
Resist 10 Standard.
@waxeagle "The first keyword indicates whether the power is an at-will, encounter, ..." - that's a part before the diamond.
All of those things are keywords.
Oh, wait.
That diamond?
yep the only keyword is necrotic
Ok, that solves this then in the negative.
The amulet can't resist weapon attacks.
Because, part 1/2:
Monster Manual explanation of keywords for monster attack powers, p7.
(I'm using PDFs for books I own, deal w/ it)
Glossary, part 2/2:
No Weapon keyword.
Oh, hey.
It's a keyword in MM3. There we go.
@waxeagle You smart cookie
So, one can resist weapon attacks made by monsters. But that's only a small percentage of melee attacks.
@JonathanHobbs yeah, because early monsters did not carry a weapon keyword
I need to update my answer tomorrow then.
And/or you should post one better than mine :P
Poor 4e. It tries so hard.
@waxeagle "the first key word indicates whether the power is an at-will, encounter [...]". But again, it's a key word, not a keyword.
@Zachiel Same thing, but in 4e it seems player character powers and monster attacks have entirely different keywords - monsters having the simpler ones.
@JonathanHobbs go for an update, I don't have the energy for 4e semantics this morning :)
@BESW Alas.
played RFS last night. so many civilian casualties
One of the primary rules of 4e is that what's true for PCs is rarely true for anyone or anything else.
@waxeagle RFS?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Roll For Shoes
If one resists the damage, could he use the amulet to be safe from a "target: all creatures in the zone" power?
@Zachiel no.
However if it's something that deals damage on the next turn he resists that if the keywords match up.
so if he's resistant to the fire keyword and it's a fire zone, the zone's damage on the following turn is reduced. But if the zone is non damaging there is no effect
(ie if he's slid, he can't resist the slide)
Whoever makes that new answer or edits Hobbs': the key to understanding why damage keywords are so strictly limited lies in the power of doubling up to overcome resistances.
@waxeagle Oh I was not clear. I was talking about friendly fire.
@Zachiel oh no, doesn't help with friendly fire
damage is reduced, but the targeting can't be negated
Anyone know where I can find a pathfinder character sheet I can view online before downloading?
It's usually a damage problem
Google is just giving me a bunch of download links.
Ah. Finally found one.
Why are people so against answering simple questions?
@Aaron Like which one?
I ask someone something I know they know and it would take them less than a minute to tell me. Then they end it with "You could have looked it up." and it would have taken me over five minutes.
Oh, I know why. It's one minute less for them. Who cares about how minutes more it's for you? (hint: they don't)
I guess I don't mind explaining stuff. It never bothered me when people asked me stuff unless I am really busy and then I just tell them to ask me later.
@waxeagle Answer edited, but... I'm going to leave out that amulet of scales if you don't mind. c(:
and... pretend it doesn't exist.
Weapon sure is a keyword for monster attacks, but just like with players, it's also not a damage type, so it's not pertinent to this particular answer.
@JonathanHobbs completely fair.
(that is the weirdest item I have seen yet.)
yeah, when you actually start to think about how it functions it loses value to me very quickly
Can Homunculi learn new skills? You can add HD but can you increase skills? This is in pathfinder.
Should I ask this in a question ^
Sleep time!
@JonathanHobbs Gnight
@Aaron Yes, and you can answer it too because this page says that HD always come with skill points, and this page tells you how many skill points a construct gets per HD.
"simply multiply the total number of ranks per Hit Dice gained by a monster of its type times the total number of added Hit Dice and add that number of ranks to its existing skills. "
Where does it say how much ranks it gets per HD? or am I miss reading that
The second link, 4th dot
A construct has the following features.

d10 Hit Die.
Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression).
No good saving throws.
Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. However, most constructs are mindless and gain no skill points or feats. Constructs do not have any class skills, regardless of their Intelligence scores.
@Zachiel Sorry should have read further I get excited lol.
For the record, this looks exactly the same as 3.5.
I am making an Aasimar character and I am thinking of having him be a cleric and I found the Homunuli while browsing the bestiary and want one :)
That's how I answer PF questions: I look them up on the SRD and if they're the same as 3.5 I can answer them.
The only time I think I ever answered a PF question that had rules different from 3.5 was the animal Survival thing.
And that was more like a personal vendetta.
@besw when ever anyone says vendetta I think of Dune miniseries
Better than thinking of the Wachowski brothers.
I dislike V for Vendetta as a comic work too so yeah haha
The comic isn't among my favorites, but I appreciate it for its style and craftsmanship and earnestness.
The film... well, instead of having something to say about important issues, it just kinda mentioned them and waved its hands shouting "Look! Topical issues! I'm mentioning them!"
I disagree with it as I do with all of Moore's works for core philosophical and political differences
Oh, surely. But I don't have to agree with something to recognize that it's a brilliant piece of craftsmanship and an earnest, vehement treatise on what the author holds dear, and I can value that without buying into it.
The film didn't feel like it valued much of anything, nor did it feel like it had a single earnest bone in its body--although its actors tried to make up for that.
@BESW You're not Voltaire. XD
@Zachiel Goodness, no. I don't have that kind of singing voice.
Or, if you prefer, I'm not a deist.
The second one. It was Voltaire who said he didn't agree with someone's idea but would fight to the death to let them express it. I know it's a bit more extreme than valuing it, but...
I believe that's a commonly misattributed quote written by one of his friends about his attitude, but the point stands.
"To preserve the freedom of the human mind then and freedom of the press, every spirit should be ready to devote itself to martyrdom." - Thomas Jefferson
Ah, my mistake. It was a biographer of Voltaire, not a friend.
Hi everyone
How are you?
Pondering what I'd read if I only read authors I agreed with.
@Zachiel I can't watch any video at work...
Ack. It's the scene from Snatch where they call Bullet Tooth Tony. In wikiquote's words:
> [Tony repeatedly slams a car door down on a man's head, then a phone rings; he politely answers] Bonjour?
The phone was already ringing to be true. I'm gonna change the wiki
It's not the kind of movie I like, so I don't know it.
To be exact, it's the first time I've heard or read something about it.
Once I surprised my dad watching it. Turns out he doesn't get black humour.
Snatch happens to be my favourite movie. I saw the first 10 minutes once on TV just before I had to go sleeping and I knew I would have liked it. Years passed. And now between my friends you're nobody if you haven't seen Snatch.
Total number of missing Doctor Who episodes returned to the BBC over the last 25 years, prior to today's announcement: 8. #perspective
Maybe I'll watch it oneday... or maybe not
@Shkeil You could do what I do. "I will watch it" Then completely forget about it.
@Aaron I'm honest : I said 'maybe not', because I'm almost sure I'll forget about it tonight.
@Shkeil I think I will watch it and really mean I want to be then forget :(
> Serene Blade: This option, like Defiant Word, is WIS-based, and it's more defensively-oriented, helping you survive with an endless fountain of temporary HP rather than harming enemies for attacking you.
> It grants you proficiency with military one-handed and two-handed heavy blades, so you have access to a decent +3 proficiency weapon without a feat or background, if you so choose. Likewise, this Artistry opens up light armor as an option, allowing you to apply your WIS to AC if you choose to do so.
> This requires a stricter stat spread than wearing heavy armor, but it also opens up other enchantment options and gives you a higher speed. Note that you do not have to wear light armor if you do not wish to; you still gain the other benefits even in your typical scale armor. Thanks to the abject silliness that is the Elven Chain Shirt, this Artistry has the highest AC potential of all of them, though it's pretty close to just matching the others if you don't go down that road.
You see, @BESW, @waxeagle, @JoshuaAslanSmith... that's the sort of things I get called to allow or disallow in my campaign...
@Zachiel I don't see a balance issue there
what class is that for?
Runepriest, right?
oh heck, give it to them, RP is going to need the help
@waxeagle I tought it was one of the best classes if played right
@Zachiel perhaps, it has too many conditional things for me to really value it as highly as I probably should.
It requires tracking a lot of fiddly bits and orchestrating the whole group to take advantage of them.
If there's a "group organizer" who takes the runepriest into account, it gets pretty good.
Compared to some other leaders, who can give the group their benefits without needing the group to do anything in particular, the runepriest takes a lot of finesse and coordination.
@BESW so maybe it's a bad class for a group with first-time gamers?
No, it's fine. It'll be missing its full potential, but it'll still be useful and it might give them good training in the value of tactics and positioning.
The thing about runepriests is, they like to have their allies around them.
The rest of the group is a monk, a knight and a mage (pyromancer)
One neat trick if your party is melee heavy is to give their 2HW Reach 2, so they can stand behind the frontliners and buff three melee at a time, with the ranged standing behind the runepriest (three squares from the target) and still getting buffed too.
We don''t have a 5th character (yet) so who knows
I fear the combat will be less dynamic with classes that like allies to cluster, what's your experience?
ALL of my 4e games had at least one character who liked to push, pull, or slide. So I don't know.
But if you do find that the fights are getting less dynamic, throw movement-emphasis monsters at them.
@zachiel runepriest requires both the player playing the PC and every other party member to be on teh abll all the time
Forced movement on the PCs or letting the NPCs move often and freely--think kobolds and goblins--can spice up a tactically dull encounter.
its such a complex class that I even asked a question about making game aids specifically for that class' features
Adding hazardous terrain + forced movement monsters
also there are a lot of defendery type soldier monsters now which punish shifts
Also consider moving terrain with benefits or dangers, like drifting acid fog or floating bubbles that heal whoever starts a turn next to them.
Generally I avoid soldiers (marks are a pain to track and soldiers just make combat take longer).
And I prefer to give the monsters more options rather than reduce the options available to the PCs.
But those are style choices.
@besw there are some that mark but there are also knight like soldiers that just punish in an aura
theres a minotaur and a drow I know of for sure that work this way
I know, only about half of soldiers mark.
But they've all got high defenses, high HP, and generally slightly lower attacks, which just translates to "combat drags." Marks make combat drag more because they force misses--either with their -2 penalty or by forcing attacks against high-defense targets.
And I have no interest in whiff-fests.
Any monster that looks like it's going to turn a fight into a grind, I modify heavily or toss in the reject bin.
I'm not sure I understand how kender have survived as a race in dragonlance...
@shatterspike1 basically on the assumption that if they die, the world goes boom
@Zachiel It does?
Q: Deleting comments that add context

starwedI'd suggest its bad form to delete comments that add context to an answer -- edit that information into the answer first! (Obviously preferable for the person leaving the comment to use the edit button, but the world is seldom perfect.) This is especially true since there's no notification that...

yes also they have the one and only true wisdom
@shatterspike1 They're like the incarnation of innocence, I guess that people in Krynn believe that without Kenders innocence would be lost. Most good guys don't like that to happen.
I guess it's just like the reason why I don't kill small children on sight. Especially when they start shouting or stomping feet during cerimonies.
@BESW This series of posts may be relevant to your interests.
Hmmmm. What is a good healer in pathfinder aside from cleric? Preferably the class should not need good physical stats.
@Aaron a wand of cure light wounds
AFAIK, the best way to stay alive is to kill whatever is hurting you, even in PF.
Most of it comes from cures being a standard action to cast and whatever lets you cast cures as a shorter action could do the same to damage spells.
So there is no point of a character in the back healing?
It's usually better if you have a character that can damage enemies - and drop a cure if it's really, really necessary to do it NOW
You know. The more games I play, the more I realize that balance is entirely overrated. The most fun I've ever had in games has been abusing imbalance. Just like how that's the most fun I've had in life.
@DampeS8N! how're things?
@waxeagle Good good, going to be soft-opening the business here in a week or so.
@DampeS8N awesome
You in on the Bones KS or do you have enough minis already?
I have well over 5000 minis. So no. But I will be holding some mini painting parties along the way. :)
@DampeS8N fun :). Wish I was still relatively close :(
@waxeagle You'll always be welcome to stop by if you are in the area. And eventually, we'll be rolling out the online tools.
Here, a sneak preview of an early design.
And why not, the pumpkin I am carving this year.
oops, wrong one
there we go
I'm in on the Bones KS! I kicked myself for weeks after missing the one last year by a few days :)
@Ravn yeah I chickened out at the last minute last year and was rather envious of the folks who got their minis this summer
Aaaw :) yeah, I've been very envious, too. That Cthulhu.... swoon!
I'm still not sure whether or not to go through with it. Overseas shipping has turned out to be an extra 40ish bucks, so it suddenly turned into quite the investment.
@Ravn yeah I don't envy folks who have to ship it abroad. Still a good deal, but it's quite a bit pricier.
How much are you going for then? Just the core?
I figured I might as well add lots of stuff since shipping doesn't increase much per additional mini. And, well, it's SO cheap!
@Ravn I'm getting a core and the core expansion, wife is in for 30 at the moment and that will likely go up.
Nice :) the last installment of the expansion did have a lot of nice ones, but 50 is just a bit too much for a lot of figures I don't really want :/
Did you follow it last year?
@Ravn only towards the end, I didn't hear about it until the last maybe 24 hours
that's part of the reason I didn't back it at that point.
Ah, alright. I was wondering if it slowed down this much last year too.
if I'd had the whole month to find the money I definitely would have been in
Yeah, fair enough
@Ravn it didn't even hit 1 mil until about 3 days from completion last time so I'm really not sure
Damn, it's impressive how much momentum it's gathered this time then! They reached 1 mil in a day and a half I believe?
@Ravn yeah just over a day
1 hour later…
Q: How to avoid sidetracking and keep things together in cooperative storytelling

MrJinPengyouI've been playing Dungeon World for a while and I encourage players to collaborate to make the game really "our game" by using the principles to the letter. But when I look back at the world we created, it looks nothing like a coherent settings. I think this is the consequence of improvisation mi...

looking to try out fate
how do?
@BESW or others.
it good
1 hour later…
Is it just me or did the CSS on the site just break?
Hmm, I haven't noticed anything
the site isn't exactly using Web3.0 though anyway
@Metool Download the Fate Core or Fate Accelerated manuals from Evil Hat's Fate Core download page
Read through them so you understand the concepts and ideas therein
then find someone to play it with. ;D
I set up a day on Meetup to play a week from Saturday... sadly, only one guy has signed up so far :(
(play FATE, I should be clear)
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