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One of the reasons I want to save it
@Bob nice :) )
@HackToHell How are they supported? Who finances them? *undercover US double agent government.
@Boris_yo probably ad-supported
ah, yep
> ** This service is Advertisment and Donation based, if you enjoy this service, please consider donating so we can keep this a free service and add more servers in the future.
I think its NC
@Bob Where are advertisements shown? On their website only or in PPTP, OpenVPN surfing on websites?
@JourneymanGeek Norton Commander
not constructive
@JourneymanGeek If you travelled back in time and found yourself there and shook hand, would you die in past, present and future?
@Boris_yo no idea, I don't use it
@Bob: yes
@JourneymanGeek no
@Bob I would be leery transferring sensitive information over their servers...
@Boris_yo well, of course
@Bob But information is encrypted...
though anything sensitive should be transferred with end-to-end encryption (e.g. SSL/HTTPS)
> the fan starts to blow so loud I have to leave the room
if a fan in a laptop can reach ear-damaging levels of noise, I'd consider the thing broken
it's a cooling fan, not a jet engine
looks like I need a new keyboard
Welcome to superuser. Stop spamming long enough to read the faq. Thank you — Journeyman Geek 19 secs ago
and I'm just a LITTLE grouchy
free flags ;p
flagged both, feel free to pile em on ;p
Cat decided to "drop in"
Why is the best spot apparently always somewhere in my way?
cause its a cat
Good point
The only cat I've seen that was friendly and DIDN'T do that was this one eyed stray ginger
uhh.. @OliverSalzburg.. remember that email thing we were talking about?
a little over 24 hours later, I got the rejected message from Google :P
email thing?
Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

     [email protected]

Message will be retried for 2 more day(s)
I can't believe it took a whole day for the failure message
Well, I guess it retried to deliver several times

You'd think they could send the warning a little earlier. Like, 23 hours earlier.
Yeah, it will keep trying to deliver
No, that would be a bad idea
What if it was a time sensitive email?
Then you should have sent it via express email :P
If the target SMTP host tells you "Try again later", you try again later
This is perfectly normal and shouldn't cause the system to warn a user
It could be for numerous reasons. Maybe that one mail exchanger has a problem, but another one would have worked
Or maybe it was simply down for a minute because some admin messed up the config
retry, yes. but the threshold before warning feels far too high
Well, there are also connected issues
Like someone is sending from a fake email address to a non-existing one and the MX sends the warning mail to the fake address, containing the whole body of the original message
I guess I could always request a delivery notification
Some people don't even send out failure notices
I never really thought about it :D
@OliverSalzburg the warning does not necessarily have to contain the original body
in fact, it doesn't (on Gmail)
I guess they know their stuff ;D
@Bob Seems like the warning is 4h in the Debian Postfix default config
But the default default is to not have them enabled :D
I wonder if I should enable it...
I actually started following our mailer logs since yesterday. While debugging an email related incident I noticed an email being rejected to one of my ancient addresses
Ok, Looks like I'll be tossing out my old logitech. Now to decide between getting myself a new keyboard and handing down the BW, looking up a cheaper cherry blue with no macro keys, or getting something cheap and cheerful ;p
oh, and dig up an old keyboard if I kept any and praying it works
@JourneymanGeek I like my Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. Would recommend
@OliverSalzburg: I hate ergonomics
But I understand if that won't change your mind ;D
Jeff rocks a Black Widow now ;p
same model I have
Just took the psu out of the package to take a look at it before I take a shower, dent in the side of it big enough to fit my finger in
Hope the sller pays return shipping
its embarassing how much my system build was inspired by his
sweet mother
I'm confused how he went from an ergonomics to a "standard" layout. Did he ever post about that?
I have 4 flat screens, but they're spread out around my room not all in one place
codinghorror.com/blog/2011/07/… same case, same keyboard, newer version of the same motherboard, one generation newer non K processor....
@OliverSalzburg: codinghorror.com/blog/2010/10/the-keyboard-cult.html this probably is when he switched sides ;p
What the... I just closed that tab :D
Yeah, pretty sure I read both articles at the time. Oh well
and its entirely his fault I ended up getting my case
tho in black
I still love this keyboard, would still recommend it ;D
(but I have a 120mm noctua fan... since the fan on my shared desktop packed up)
well, pondering getting the cheapest mechanical I can get
or just some cheap logitech combo. This keyboard DID work since 07
@OliverSalzburg: I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to switch back from a mechanical.
@JourneymanGeek Well, one doesn't exclude the other, does it? At least it shouldn't
@OliverSalzburg: for some bizzare reason, the only mechanical ergo keyboards are bloody expensive
think maltrons
I used to use one of those Model M keyboards
god, Want one but they don't ship here
no idea why
Getting one if I ever move to the US
I honestly have a hard time sitting in front of a desk with a normal keyboard
My body refuses to bend that way :P
Maybe I should just split one right down the middle
Ergonomics are shit for gaming that is for sure
someone apparently grafted cherrys into a microsoft ergo
Ctrl + "Any key on the right side of the keyboard" = Impossible
When I was playing Starcraft, I could use a max of 6 control groups :(
It sucked
I'm kinda picky/oldschool about my gear
I like non ergo keyboards, and symettrical mice
Can't hurt to be picky about something you'll use all day every day :P
I'm sorely tempted to get either a razer taipan, or dragonload's kone
@OliverSalzburg: shared computer currently has a wierdass asus mouse I want to set on fire
@JourneymanGeek You like to switch hands, or simply just because?
@OliverSalzburg: just cause
@allquixotic Greets
anything else feels wierd
@JourneymanGeek I would love to have a comfortable mouse for once
@OliverSalzburg: I have one thats NEARLY perfect
other than the additional buttons ;p
i'm sick :( workplace ethics question: I would technically be able to make a meeting at the customer's site about 5 minutes late, but I wouldn't have anything to take notes on and I'd probably make everybody sick... will it be ok to tell my boss I missed it because I didn't want to make everybody sick?
Well, I have an MX518 and I only get a comfortable, non-cramp feeling in my hand when I slap the hand on the mouse like a pancake. But that's hardly optimal for use :P
probably better not to even show up if you're contagious and going to be crammed in a small room with a lot of people
@allquixotic Why not take a sick day?
@OliverSalzburg i have stuff to do at the office that is due today
I think this is bloody brilliant and great value for money logitech.com/en-us/product/gaming-mouse-g300?crid=825 (in short, if you're shopping for a mouse, and don't mind the wierd placement of those 4 keys at the edges of the mouse... its awesome)
I wasn't a provider of information at the meeting though so at least the meeting can go on
mechanical keyboards are just too expensive for me :(
@Bob: its the first serious piece of hardware I got for my personal rig ;p
@JourneymanGeek those buttons could do better on the side (near the thumb)
Q: "No operating system" after installing new hard drive

Shelia Holtzclaw TateI bought a laptop from eBay. The previous owner took the hard drive out, so I replaced it with a new hard drive. I installed the new hard drive, did a hard drive self test – it passed. I downloaded a Windows Vista driver and put CD in drive; it still says "no operating system".

@Bob: thats precisely what annoys me
you're way too forgiving
@JourneymanGeek I was thinking about trying one of these ;D handshoemouse.com
I'm lucky enough to have a membrane keyboard that's halfway there (i.e. not all that gummy) :P
@Bob: the logitech was decent
cheapest thing that shipped with a Dell computer. currently trying to find a replacement
it's lasted a surprisingly long time
I think my spare is cheap and chinese
and LOUDER than my mechanical
tried a mechanical, could not call it loud
my current one is louder XD
@Bob what is a membrane keyboard?
what kind of keyboard do recent thinkpads have?
@allquixotic: scissor key
that's a slightly better varient of the membrane keyboard
membrane => dome switch
journeymangeek on August 01, 2012


Most of us don’t give our keyboards (or mice, I suppose) a second thought. Most of my keyboards tended to be budget logitechs, which while decent lack a certain something.

I preferred the ThinkPad keyboards on my laptops, but when I need to, and tend to write at a single sitting, essays that are a few thousand words long, I needed something better.

If you want a shorter version of this whole blog post,I’d advice that you look at the layout(ergonomic vs standard, and number of keys), the switch type ( membrane/scissor vs mechanical (switch or buckling spring) and Key style (full sized concave, low profile or flat). …

at least, I think it's a dome switch
@allquixotic probably scissor
my current HP uses chiclet keys, a la macbook
@allquixotic: the cheapest keyboard are a sheet of rubber over three sheets of plastic
all new HP laptops I've seen imitate macbook keyboards :(
the slight better ones have a little scissor lift
if you didn't go and specifically buy a mechanical, you probably have a membrane keyboard
@JourneymanGeek heh, the distance the keys move are almost the same as the MX Blue blackwidow I tried
if its a laptop, iots a scissor
not as sharp a click though
@Bob: thing with mechanicals is, the actuation point is before the bottom out point
@JourneymanGeek same here
so you move the keys less, once you get used to it.
but not as predictable, I guess
if you're bashing it down all the way like a membrane keyboard, well... DOING IT WRONG!
ya. one reason I tell people, the hell with the noise, get a blue as your first mechanical ;p
I don't hate my T530's scissor keyboard, but it's possible to get a finger or fingernail accidentally trapped just under the edge of the key, and if you move your hands fast you could end up breaking the key as I did, and have to get the whole keyboard replaced
thing is, I don't usually press it all the way down on my dome switch.. which leads to missing letters cause I misjudged the distance :P
@JourneymanGeek that would be quieter
@allquixotic it's usually possible to put the key back on
or replace the scissoring component
@Bob there was a physical piece of plastic, a "clip" that broke off
@allquixotic: sad thing is, thinkpad keyboard are the only laptop keyboards I can stand
scissor switch / dome switch refer more to the method of raising the key/resisting force
and I couldn't find any replacements for that piece of plastic
they all use a similar membrane 'switch'
@allquixotic that's the scissor spring thingo
the keyboard was replaced for free under warranty though :D
(god, I want to kill whoever thought the chicklet keyboard was a good idea. Even thinkpads have gotten infected by it)
it's hard to find a replacement, unfortunately
@JourneymanGeek go blame Apple
I'm pretty certain MacBooks started this wave
there were a couple
but none as mainstream, I would say
I forgot to pay for a domain. It got canceled. Ok, nothing weird so far. How do I get it back? I wait for a random date where I have to re-apply for it, and if I'm luycky enough and no one applies to it as well, I get it. If someone else applies for it, it gets recanceled, wait many months again, go back to steap 1, wash, rinse, repeat.
stupid design
@RudáAlmeida: thats odd
I'd contact the registar since there's usually a grace period
if your domain showed up on google, a bot will almost certainly nab it and domain squat
looks like you're trying to buy it as a 'new' customer after the grace period expires, rather than renew it within that period? :S
@JourneymanGeek There was a grace period for 3 months. I kept forgetting to renew it. It got cancelled today, I got an email, went ot pay for it and I can't...
@Bob bingo.
@RudáAlmeida nono, the grace period should be after it expires
Domain drop catching, also known as domain sniping, is the practice of registering a domain name once registration has lapsed, immediately after expiry. Background When a domain is first registered, the customer is usually given the option of registering the domain for one year or longer, with automatic renewal as a possible option. Although some domain registrars often make multiple attempts to notify a registrant of a domain name's impending expiration, a failure on the part of the original registrant to provide the registrar with accurate contact information makes an unintended registra...
The Redemption Grace Period is an addition to ICANN's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) which allows registrants a number of days to reclaim their domain name for a number of days after they expire.[2] This length of time varies by domain, and is usually round 30 to 90 days.[2] Prior to the RGP, individuals could easily engage in domain sniping to extort money from the original registrant to buy their domain name back.

Once time is up, the domain status changes to a "redemption period" when an owner is required to pay a fee (usually around $100) to re-activate and re-register the dom
unless you somehow managed to get into the deletion phase
@Bob It's not a .com domain, it's a .com.COUNTRYCODE domain
Luckily it's a site I had abandoned a couple years back
However, I use it to manage the dashboard of my shared host server where I host a few sites
In the worst scenario I guess I can get my hosting company to move the dashboard into a different domain
@Sathya I play the Good Mod – Bad Mod game all by myself. Next thing you know, I'll post an offensive comment again.
@slhck haha.
well you did close it & then reopen few hours later :P
@Sathya Yeah, I closed it because it was a mess. I reopened it after the OP came back and at least made an effort to write in full sentences.
@slhck: you don't need to be a mod to be grouchy
but it helps ;p
speaking of grouchy
I see reasonable disclosure, but product whoring and nothing else
@JourneymanGeek Yeah… Disclosure alone isn't good if you have nothing else to contribute.
I've commented to that effect
Well guess I best start buying local at all costs , message from seller, we're sorry we shipped you a damaged product, if you wish to return it you will have to pay return shipping
Probably will work regardless of the dent in the case, but none the less
user image
@JourneymanGeek @Bob @HackToHell ^^ :P
It was better with the turtle
@allquixotic do one without the moustache? :P
I knew that was going to haunt me
Good addition to any Markdown CSS (IMHO)! li > p + ol { margin-bottom: 15px; }
I guess it could also apply to li > p + ul
It "fixes" the padding in nested lists
What do you do with a user who calls you about every single UAC and/or prompt?
I'm starting to get grumpy at her.
@Tanner Suggest him/her or boss on a basic computing course. Strongly.
From personal experience, it will be ignored. For years. All these years, said person will keep nagging you.
@Tanner: eheh. my dad's company, thats encouraged.
(But my personal experience comes from elder family relatives, so might not apply for work scenari)
@RudáAlmeida Blar. We actually sort of tried that. She and her coworker were upgraded to Windows 7, and I was going to just hang out all day and just babysit, but she decided to bail on me that day...
@RudáAlmeida: as I see it, I have 2-3 users. I'd rather they annoy me a little, rather than break something major
@JourneymanGeek I think I'll tell her we're wasting more time being scared of breaking it than it would take to fix it.
Because we are. :|
@JourneymanGeek I have 2 "users" I support: 85yo granma who knows virtually nothing except Word and Outlook Express on XP. Can't grasp the concept of folders, and if you change the order of email display sorting she is lost. But she is extremely nice and docile, so no problem on helping her (the only problem is she can't get to the point, will talk half an hour about the weather and her nighbours before stating the bug on very loose terms).
But I deal with hear a million times better than with my father that only thinks he knows something and yells at me when things don't work according to his completely distorted notion as how the things should work.
about the same
though my hardware fails in cool ways to keep me on my toes
I just let them jabber and find a good hole to poke in what they're saying.
and I've been handing default search engine hijacking a lot
"Bladdy bladdy bla anger anger anger anger broken broken broken and then you told me to reboot my computer." "Rebooting your PC would never fix the terminal server."
@allquixotic my paper on clod computing got rejected :(
@LittleChild ?
@Tanner Hey you got your work done with OCR ?
None of them were accurate enough :(
Well, basically I was to write a research paper on cloud computing. If selected, I was to explain it in front of industry experts
so somehow my paper was rejected :(
I dont have an idea why :(
any1 wants to review it ? :(
I assume it's in English?
@Tanner alternatively, you could take the sheet accounts dept gave you, convert it to PDF adn use Adobe. it has in-built OCR
yes, it is :)
How do I share it then ? Google drive ?
That would be perfect
let me show u something funny first
@Hennes Going to be testing the psu in a hours time, may want to be around if it works or doesn't
clippy never fails
share IT ? share what you naughty paper clip? ;) :D
My current favorite is the time he asked if I wanted help understanding myself.
Didn't know he was a psychologist too =D
@Tanner have you tried cleverbot.com ?
@LittleChild How does it work?
Two AI chatbots talk to each other:
@Tanner cleverbot is artificial intelligence. you can TALK to it and it will give intelligent replies
That is the link to the cloud crap paper by the way
I know my paper sucks :/
@Tanner @LittleChild the link I provided is cleverbot talking to another instance of itself.

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