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@bwDraco :(
Currently typing on a Skylake Iris
@allquixotic The problem is, while a nontrivial number of consumers are buying premium system equipped with Iris Graphics, there doesn't seem to be much attention given to it.
Consumers don't understand what Iris Graphics means and still think that "integrated graphics = bad".
> Duuuuude
@JourneymanGeek, care to explain?
Mar 31 '16 at 5:01, by Journeyman Geek
I write as I think :p
Just trying to be more socially adept here.
@JourneymanGeek We have a user answering their own questions
Q: How do you get out of MrChromebox FW and back into Chrome OS?

Logan AI really need to know how to exit out of UEFI BIOS by MrChromebox. I don't like it and I need it to be deactivated. I can't power wash the chromebook or reset it. I can't even figure out how to reset the RAM to where I can do it. My Chromebook is an Acer Chromebook 11

By answering I mean submitting a comment as an answer
@Ramhound and he seems to have self deleted?
Both users going by Logan, yeah, I doubt it.
Onlyhe used the wrong profile?
nuuu not seeing it?
He signed the original revision of his question as Logan though
My guess he accidentally created two profiles.
anyway, there's other issues
and submitting comments as answers is bad
@bwDraco quite literally what you see on chat the internet is a stream of conciousness.
so if I say baaaaaad, its how that comment sounds in my head as I think
(also dude, that's like over a year ago. I talk a lot. I don't rememeber why I said it all)
Do any of you guys know what this little ZIP icon inside of MP4 thumbnails is about?
I've never seen that before
2 hours later…
When modifying sshd_config do I need to restart for settings to work?
I believe so
I'm lucky this box is local... Apparently I can't log in through SSH anymore... :S
Weird... the network connection didn't come back up after the restart.
@MichaelFrank sshd, not the whole machine
@Bob Okay, that makes more sense.
I set PermitRootLogin to no. Now I can't log in through SSH on any account.
Does wheel count as root?
Maybe check the logs ?
Some fiddling with supersampling in AC Origins...
A 140% resolution modifier (1512p resolution) gives a visible boost to fine details without dramatically increasing graphics card burden (and lets me run the game with the graphics card in a power-saving mode without drastically reducing frame rates).
200% resolution modifier (2160p, 4K resolution) looks amazing on this monitor but pushes the limits of the 1080 Ti.
One of the issues with the dynamic resolution feature is that it needs absurd amounts of VRAM to work at high resolutions.
22 hours ago, by bwDraco
...EGVA Precision XOC is reporting 8 GB of VRAM usage on Assassin's Creed Origins (rendering 4K to a 1080p display, dynamic resolution enabled) o_O
@MichaelFrank usually people leave one ssh window open and try to connect with another. restarting sshd doesn't interrupt existing sessions.
I am lion, hear me..... Meeeeoooowwww!!!
@Bob I'll keep this one in mind!
Hmm.. now the network connection is timing out. :S
My professional opinion is... I think you brokeded it
Okay, now its refusing connections. better!
Now it works... which makes sense... 'cause I didn't change a bloody thing. :|
crazy, you have mass murders and baby eaters too
PNG is kinda weird though.
@TheFurryITSnuggleBuddy dude. That's just unacceptable here.
In fact it kinda crosses the line for content I find ok here even if its not oneboxed.
Eating babies is unacceptable here? Really? You have to actually say this?!
@FML little worse than that.
@Bob this is why I like Xperias
@FML Some imgur link... didn't click though.
@MichaelFrank I did. I think I might lose my lunch
Okay, well if it's that bad, it's probably against some kind of wider network rule.
Also, I got my settings to work. Apparently only root has the option for PermitRootLogin in the sshd_config file. shrug
TIL Google Search has a color picker feature
(was looking for a more sinister color for my RGB setup, came up with #e010ff)
That seems plenty sinister
Used to be #ff00c0.
Bright Pink is a clear sign you're not afraid of anyone.
Bret Hart, the saints from saints row... ;p
@JourneymanGeek ha love it
@MichaelFrank Why are you sshing in as root?
@djsmiley2k I'm not. I was turning it off.
Ah :)
yes, then there's a special option to disable it
Yea, I found it.
tho personally I'd go key only, and not generate any keys for root either.
urggh i come into work, sit at my desk and notice a P1 has come in
it's 10 minutes before I'm meant to start
wooo! Slowly migrating my Plex box over to a CentOS based system! :D
aaaaaah centos gives me nightmares
Also outlook has moved the 'unreadable item' from one folder, to another
but it's still there, grrrr
@djsmiley2k ehh, its ok
I still favour ubuntu LTS tho
it's just.... in the past.... shudder
I know of somewhere, that even now, is likely still running centos 4
because no one knows how it's actually working.
"Its stable"
I still keep somewhat current with centos (home box runs fedora) in case
@JourneymanGeek lol yup
and 'we had a contractor come in and set it up'
I run gentoo where I can, and ubuntu where i can't.
I'm a firm believer that good documentation means someone can come in 6-8 months later and figure out what the hell was done ;p
So "we had a contractor come in and set it up'" ewwwww
shut down schools for a few days..... why?!
they aren't going to have better air at home
its the travelling i think is the dangerous bit
but, if they are off school, are the they expected to stay indoors 24/7?
as a kid I'd have gone crazy
@JourneymanGeek What's that documentation you speak of?
@ThatBrazilianGuy in english it means "the bit that is missing from any IT system"
@JourneymanGeek I did too and now I really, really wish I hadn't and...
God, if that's a frequent part of being a mod, there's no money in the world enough for it. :(
@ThatBrazilianGuy sigh I was debating between redacting it, and just warning people
I'd at the very least ban the user for a day.
Have some cute puppies
(this little chap should be familiar, dang, its been almost 12 years)
@JourneymanGeek Dog pictures aren't doing it, I think I need something stronger... A huge stream of cat gifs
Oh, the first one is @allquixotic!
welp... i just used sysinternals for the first time in 5 years
our hosting company is physically moving our server in their data centre
so i've scheduled the shutdown to occur 10 mins before
fun times
i suspect shenanigans in the morning
!! Caaaaat
!! Caaaaat2
@ChatBotJohnCavil Hungover...
@ThatBrazilianGuy I see a lot of job postings on Upwork. Most of them are by individuals and not companies. Is this where everything is going? Companies cut employees, employees starting their business from home and hiring others on Upwork? Where is job stability?
give all the jobs to the robots
@Boris_yo nah
you know the film pacific rim?
why do they let the monsters get to land before attacking them?
@Burgi they don't always
Initially there was nothing that could take them out
later, Jaegers could, but you need to intercept them
i guess i'm just not a fan of kaiju movies
this is plausible
I've not actually seen it
its not very good
outside is dark :/
it's 1:40pm, and it's darkish
its quite bright here
also there's random bits of leaves and suff flying past the window, and I'm on the 1st floor o_O
@djsmiley2k as long as you don't see people or cars, its fine
annnnnnnnnnd huge storm
now i can't see anything ;D
superuser.com/questions/1266325/… might need to handle this question quickly.
@Ramhound vtc'd
sigh my brain has collapsed on itself
how do i find the mount location of a dfs share
i.e. so i can just directly access it on another machine?
oh ffs
and now i asked, they magically all mapped themselves again
@djsmiley2k but of course
@Burgi I find there's a certain kind of person who likes kaiju and giant stompy robots
so intel's running a closed source minix on the Intel Management Engine
fun times ahoy for cracking
If that's not a reason to not use intel, I don't know what is
I'm kinda of the opinion people freak out a bit much over IME
@JourneymanGeek hmmmm I'll decide if I'm scared, when I see it being exploited
of course then it's too late, but still.
and in a lot of cases they'd still need to get into your network first
I don't think it's going to be long before we see proof of concept exploits tho.
@JourneymanGeek I don't trust standard soho firewalls
hense why I built my own :D
(also, most out of band management is a security/maintainance nightmare
still, iot device dials out (dials home to china)
@djsmiley2k I'm seriously thinking of going pfsense
gets new firmware, tells it to hax ALL tHE THINGS
oh god I've jsut given the IoT hackers an idea there
pfsense is awesome.
ok :D
A typo
Kinda have some idea what hardware I want
It's really nice, but nothing beats the understanding of building something yourself
but ugh, not really wanting to spend money
@JourneymanGeek a small box + a 4 port intel ethernet card D:
/me ponders if intel ethernet cards run IME XD
@djsmiley2k there's these nice chinese embedded systems with 4 port ethernet cards
I'm actually wanting something a bit more powerful/stable over secure tho
Seems relevant
@JourneymanGeek well that's fun
yeah, I saw key logger pop up on my right hand panel and was curious
apparently I was still joined to the room on this browser
well good to know someone's watching the channel when I sleep ;p
I also never noticed the topic of the room, but I went without backups way WAY too long. Still not sure how I managed to lose so little data
@Burgi I would flag your post as a joke, but it wouldn't stay flagged long enough to be funny
@AJHenderson considering the day we've had ;p
I'm not going to joke about anything moderation related ;p
Did I miss something?
Also, morning all
@JourneymanGeek I'm trying to think of a witty response to that but it's too early in the morning
@BenN eh, mostly handled ;p
@BenN something about eating babies i think
@JourneymanGeek Ah, good :)
i wasn't around but i saw some of the aftermath
anyway, you guys know what to do ;p
does this mean discussion on jelly babies and which way round to eat them is banned?
Oh that's fine. no graphical jelly baby violence tho
In other news, as far as I can tell, PHP didn't have a secure random number generator until version 5.3?
@JourneymanGeek vimeo.com/39822634
no onebox love for vimeo
@BenN you could work around that but it involved needing some scary php features turned on to allow command line execution
My host supports the newest PHP, but I'm afraid switching the version up from the default will break phpBB
I ended up setting up a private webservice that would call a PHP instance configured for allowing execution that only returned the function results and only responded to localhost and then called across from the main php environment
when I had to build a secure php app for a bill payment service
@BenN which version you on?
Oh, actually 5.6 \o/
I have a heavily modified PHPBB 2 instance running on 7 without issue, though I think I had to fix a couple little things
phpBB 3.something
i'll be glad when this fracking umbraco site is dust
3 I think updated fine to 7 with no issue. Is there a newer version out now. I haven't checked in a month or two
Oh, awesome
let me double check real quick
yeah, I'm running phpbb 3.1 on 7.0.9 without any issue
on one of my dev sites. (I just checked, I'm actually logged in to chat from my web server)
which doubles as my RDP gateway
Very good, thanks!
I keep meaning to update my custom code so I can move off phpbb2 which is getting scary old, but it's... complicated
given how they changed the architecture
my instance is modified to support oAuth integration with battle.net, with a roster tracker that integrates with armory API, automatically updates group memberships and handles account activation/deactivation, automatically syncs with and manages permissions and graphics in teamspeak, builds lua files to allow adjustment of in-game settings for users via an in-game addon, provides roster management for in-game teams (with TS integrated attendance tracking) and provides detailed stats.
it's about 150 hours of custom coding I really don't want to (or have the time to) redo
but back on the backups thing. Working with professional video makes keeping backups HARD... I have about 15-16TB of data before having redundancies
might actually be getting up closer to 22 TB now, it's been a while since I did a complete inventory of my archival stuff
@JourneymanGeek - I figured I might have been right. If a redaction was being made then, I wanted to bring up that miss, to your attention. Hopefully you are having a better day then it sounds like you are having.
@AJHenderson 8 TB HDDs are pretty cheap these days :P
@Bob yeah, and I actually do have redundant storage now
but I didn't for years
because at the time I couldn't afford it. I've got thousands of dollars worth of hard drives
Is having Flash enabled same risk as having Java enabled?
@Boris_yo depends which one's had a vulnerability lately ;)
I'm very glad to be at the point where I'm far enough along in my career to be able to afford redundant storage now though. It was stressful not having it
my bad thing now is having a limited amount of off-site
I've only got about 3TB of off-site
well, plus another 7TB for a particular project I suppose
so I guess about 10TB of off site
@AJHenderson What do you see next to Version when yo visit Adobe Flash? get.adobe.com/flashplayer
@Burgi another one....
maybe we need robo truck drivers more than we realise
@djsmiley2k you've done a terrible job of blotting out his reg
I couldn't care less
also wow that's terrible ;D
took me a minute to figure out where it was
you should tweet them
sorry i thought it was your image editting
can i go home yet.
@Burgi Why to blot number in first place? This is international chat room.
I dont see any blotting
@Avery Why did you?
@rahuldottech body positivity stuff.
@Avery oh :/
@Avery I managed to get smartphone back, so I'll be back on Telegram in a bit :)
Which makes me think... Haven't seen @CanadianLuke around in a loooong time.
I was talking yesterday... And last week...
Remove me from your ignore list and you'll see me more :-P
can someone tell me what is the best practice for cron jobs considering the following: small cron jobs executed separately or a single big cron executed
Small jobs
... Most of the time
I have it that way in my server to identify issues quicker
but not sure if on the long run it will be worse for the server
What are you trying to monitor? Hardware, updates, disk storage, memory usage, etc?
well, I meant the scripts devs use for their apps in production
.... What is the actual question and use case?
oh snap gotta go
@CanadianLuke Nah, I just haven't been coming online for long periods of time
And we're in completely opposite timeszones, so yeah...
I know, I don't talk much unless I see something interesting AND work is slow
Anyone got a Chromecast hooked up to a Windows PC?
@CanadianLuke Closed as unclear what you're asking.
How do you hook a Chromecast to a PC? Thru the HDMI port?
Trying to figure out how to wirelessly run a powerpoint from a Windows PC to a TV
Start Chrome, from a few months ago Chromecast support is built-in.
There is a menu item where it will transmit your entire screen to the Chromecast
But what is unclear is, will that cast the entire screen or just the Chrome window?
You have both options. In fact, you can cast the entire screen, you can cast the chrome window, or you can cast a media content from the page, if it was built to support chromecast, i.e. a youtube video
Read this article: howtogeek.com/199565/…
OK, perfect!
So I just need to see if there's one I can demo in my building first before the school buys one
Meh, it's a few dollars. If your school don't have budget for $35, you have much bigger problems.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I agree, but we're under an audit right now, so people are not thinking long term -.-
@TomWijsman LOL, why would they suggest that?
I'm so confused by that. xD
@CanadianLuke, there's an extension called "Google Cast for Education". Dunno what it does.
Nope, it's for a display board, not a teaching tool
But thanks
So, turns out Google Cast as an extension was discontinued because it is now built into Chrome. As I use Chromium, I still need the extension. It auto-updates into a useless "hey stop using me" warning (package down from 1MB to a few KB). I found a site that features old versions (crx4chrome.com) but I'm suspicious...
Oh lovely... Lol
@CanadianLuke Audits are extremely counterproductive and destructive. They make organizations and the people in them make the stuuupidest decisions that they'd never rationally make otherwise, just to be completely risk-averse and ascetic so nothing shows up on the audit.
I understand. But I work for public education, so accountability is required
The whole concept of auditing is fundamentally flawed. Let's be super strict with the rules while we're being audited, but every other time, do what you want!
Oh, I know a thing or two about accountability. I work with the federal government. I would surmise that some of the jobs I've been in are much more strict with their accountability and audit trail than a school, but I've never worked at a school so I don't know for sure
All I can say is that federal government agencies operate with probably the most red tape that has ever existed anywhere in the history of humanity
Federal Government here - My MIL works there, and they can't use any of the tissues bought with the government's money, only the clients can
Anyways, I'm going out to buy one of those Chromecasts for myself, test it out, then tell the school yay or nay to them working
powerpoint to chromec*a-st?
it might work if chrome will display the thing in the window nicely
Well, just bought one for myself, so I'll get it set up and test it. Worst case scenario, I use it for home
> In a fairly definitive expression of its stance, a director of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has signalled that virtual currencies like bitcoin won’t be allowed in the country. “Our current position on bitcoins is that we will not be using it for any payments and settlements…though the technology underlying crypto-currencies will not end,” said S Ganesh Kumar, executive director of the RBI, at a conference in Mumbai on Nov. 06.
.... Why?
They're about to ban digital crypto currencies
Why though? Just cause they can't track them?
how do you ban something that you don't know who has it?
Neither can any other government, but at least the USA and Canada allow them and will tax you on them when you spend them or redeem them
@CanadianLuke qz.com/1121363/…
Interesting read ^
Horrible excuse, but hey, bitcoin is open sourced, so I guess they could make their own cryptocurrency...
I lost my reputation when adding a bounty, 50 is required to comment. Can someone post a comment to this Firefox answer stating that the extension is not a WebExtension? https://superuser.com/a/1266187/741672

"If you know a suitable extension, make sure it is a WebExtension as legacy extensions are deprecated in November 2017, when Firefox 57 is released."
Here the developer verifies that the extension likely won't be ported: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=522643&start=1005
"Due to ABH2 is totally based on hacking Firefox's XUL code, migrate to WebExtension that means totally rewrite the extension, it is impossible for me now.
So, it might be the end."
@user598527 You have 874 rep, plenty to comment, unless you have a second user profile here.
Following your profile from chat to Gaming to SU
if this is also you then maybe you need to merge your accounts
mahhhhh car broke again
/me cries
@djsmiley2k what happened?
the throttle valve or sensor is acting up
Had to leave the building to activate an iPhone because the restored backup included a WiFi profile of our open, but captive public WiFi.
Good thinking Apple! D:
Oh, the joy of SIM locking. Trying to figure out if the G900V model needs to be CDMA unlocked to use carriers like net10, which already use verizon. An hour of searching hasn't gotten me far either way. G900V = Galaxy S5... does anybody here know?
@CanadianLuke public education... accountability... what crazy world do you live where the government is held accountable to anything?
@person27 Other than verifying the wireless bands are compatible, I haven't used locked phones for years now because locking phones is stupid to me
@ThatBrazilianGuy In theory. Apparently, it happens every 4 years
@CanadianLuke Well I went and flashed from Android 4 to 5 on an S4 device and now it won't read sim cards. Did that a year ago and got a reminder when I went for net10.
Trying to call customer service lead to their complaint about my voice quality, which is all part of this fiasco. (But if anyone knows if "sim card unreadable" can be fixed, please let me know!)
Does the SIM work in another device?
I haven't tried it, but 3 brand new Sims (1 net10, 2 verizon) didn't work in the same phone. I should try it, though. And probably get a friend's phone to ask customer service my first question.
That's what I would try first. Once you verify if the SIM works or not, then I would try a factory reset on the phone in question, and see if it starts reading SIM cards
If it still doesn't, then I'd assume a hardware issue, but it could very well be a software issue too. So then flash a new firmware
I can test the SIM; the phone was already factory reset. But you're saying that flashing it again could work?
If it's a software issue, yes
Could be an incorrect baseband version?
You can try the original from the manufacturer, or another one like Cyanogenmod
My baseband version is I545VRUGOF1. I know Lineage OS doesn't support it, didn't look into Cyanogenmod recently. I learned it was considered defunct; might check it again.
And thanks for the help.
@person27 What idiot carrier locks their phones? You're locked into a contract to pay for it either way, what do they care if you use it on another network and pay someone else as well?
Canada is finally making it free to unlock phones from carriers, starting December 1
But every carrier in Canada does, by default
@Mokubai Mine is second-hand, which might be an excuse for vendors to lock their phones since it opens up the possibility of getting a second contract from the same phone.
@person27 but it's already paid for
Unless the first owner requested it to be unlocked after a contract, the second owner won't be able to. Not all phones are sold on contract either, and there are non-contractual plans available.
I never even heard of LineageOS, but it's not available for my phone
Shame about CM
Afternoon, Bob
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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