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Has anyone else noticed enlarged text with the new creators update for windows 10?
Nope. Only non working wireless, non working sound. Errors during boot up, no association of files. NO option to set anything but edge of ie for webpages until you reinstall existing browsers, ...
So I am trying to avoid the fail edition upgrade
My desktop icons and text in File explorer are enlarged. I can change the scaling of text in the display settings to some what correct it, but then my taskbar and icons are too small and hard to see.
@TimmyJim do you have a high DPI (>96 DPI) display?
How can I check? It's a 4k monitor if that helps
yep, it's high DPI, unless it's absolutely enormous
i think 27 inch
definitely high DPI
when you change the display scaling setting in the Settings app, you probably have to restart the computer to have all apps properly adjust to it
When I adjust that setting the icons adjust with it. I don't think I need to restart for those. It's really only the icons and text in file explorer that are larger. Chrome looks fine
right, but it doesn't scale properly unless you actually restart the PC
change the scaling up a bit and restart before you try anything else
I guess I'll try a restart and see. Previously I had it on 150% by default (it's what windows recommends). It still is on 150 atm
That seems to have fixed it. Guess I should have tried that first :p
Just thought it was odd how when I first started the computer it did that
@Mokubai American ones. Actually and some british ones
We have a couple of providers here that lock the phones you "get for free" with your plan.
Sadly that also happens over here. I think they are legally required to offer to unlock them after a year
Yea, I think these ones are unlocked after the payment term (normally 24 months)
of, payment also works. After the 12/24 months they need to do it for free though
For my old phone I unlocked after 2 years and sometimes looked at a new one
In Canada, we didn't have that choice. The carrier could charge whatever they wanted, for as long as they wanted. The new law goes in to effect December 1st where it will be free
here, a siml only contract is half the price
-10% for us... Lol
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