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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Picking a graphics card: Get the reference GTX 1080 (the NVIDIA-branded one no less at the local Best Buy, $550 + tax), or an aftermarket card (EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW2 GAMING iCX, nearly same effective price via Newegg)?
The reference card has the advantage of local availability and is easier to upgrade to a waterblock for custom liquid cooling, but is slower and noisier in its default configuration.
It can't be noisier if it has a waterblock on it...
One of the big questions is, "do I want to upgrade to a fully-custom loop at some point in the future?" The reference card leaves the door open for the use of EKWB aluminum Fluid Gaming kits, while the iCX card does not (at least at this time). Hence, the former would allow for a far less costly upgrade to custom liquid cooling.
Current build plans call for a CPU closed-loop liquid cooler.
For reference, this is the EK liquid cooling kit in question, on Newegg: EK-KIT A240G
5 hours later…
this machine is now forgetting the proxy settings every 4 hours or so
and my god I'm so tired.
having a lil' nap at my desk
I just wandered off work to buy a hammer
/me sings 'if I had a hammer
@JourneymanGeek Are there many nails at work?
I dunno about nails, but there's some things here that need hitting.
@Ramhound I would be tempted to ask magicandre1981 to write a canonical question and answer about analysing dmp files, and then closing these as dupes of the canonical. I've left a comment for him.
@Bob now there are.
so tired this morning :/
maybe I need to adjust my mask or something, I'm not sleeping right ;/
your mask?
i went to bed at 8pm, slept all the way through to 730 this morning. i feel great :)
Ugh major hard disk failure at a client's site O_o
System performance is so degraded it takes like 20 minutes to open the controller UI
did their monitoring not indicate a problem prior to failure?
It did. I got several mails throughout the night
But that is when I sleep
And the drive is not dead, so the controller did not mark it as failed. So it is left in the array, dragging everything down with it
@djsmiley2k Have you tried blackout curtains/blinds?
hmmm this is sleeping at night
@OliverSalzburg you need a 24 hour service desk!
i have sleep apnoea
is the mask an oxygen mask?
just air pressure
i'd rather not explode the house (air pressure masks deliberately release air depending on the pressure...)
@djsmiley2k Ah. I thought you were referring to an eye mask :/
@Burgi Yeah, but those cost money :(
@OliverSalzburg While I can't not cost money
@djsmiley2k but it goes over the mouth and nose?
I can.... tell you about us :D
@Burgi yup
@OliverSalzburg are you customers not willing to foot the bill? ;)
And computer science exam went AMAZINGG
@Burgi Well, these issues are extremely rare. Having someone on the team for emergencies like that and who is capable of solving these issues would easily be 60k/year
And, well, you'd have to find someone willing to take a 60k/salary for doing pretty much nothing at all all year
And who would want to do that? Right?
@BenN oooh cool!
@OliverSalzburg looks at @DavidPostill
@Burgi "who is capable of solving these issues" would be a bit of a problem ...
@Rahul2001 Congrats :)
Not sure why I look so jaundice in that pic tho lol
@Rahul2001 ZING!
@OliverSalzburg 60k to go to a DC/Client site, and remove a bad disk from a raid array?
our ops team on 25k are expected to do this
yes there's 8 of them,
Q: Postgresql 9.6 over BTRFS. Good or bad idea?

Zardoz89I'm just preparing a VM machine (running onver Proxmox) to run a postgresql 9.6 over a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This postgres would be used to handle Jira/FisheEye/Confluence databases for a small company. Usually we are a few user at same time, so we not need to tune it for extreme performance/scalabil...

Opinion? Software-rec?
@djsmiley2k Borderline both, I think. It could do with some rewording, but I'm not sure what.
How to anaylise postgresql trends on Btrfs or something
@djsmiley2k you don't look very happy in that pic
very tired at the time
@djsmiley2k Usually you're not told in advance what the issue is
And you have to make critical decisions while no other staff is on site. Decisions that could have serious impact on the whole operation
Which is also why I have to take care of this client and not one of our guys :P
@OliverSalzburg So you're paid 60k?
then you should wake up when your phone buzzes in the middle of the night.
or have someone on call, who phones you, until you wake up
@OliverSalzburg Also I know of this fun, I've done 24/7 support, been up all night because others have screwed up, etc.
@djsmiley2k i think he is on more than that as he owns the company...
nice, nice
never been on £60k tho
Where's the DC located? If it was close maybe I can help hahaha
@djsmiley2k My salary is not a point of discussion ;D
Also the server just BSODd
Could be more fun ahead
tbh i thought the german minimum wage was 40k...
It's also not a DC, it's a Hyper-V host. So several services are down
I meant a datacenter
Anyway I'm up for on demand linux sysadmining ;d
So if you're ever desperate at 3am ;D
your alerting didn't tell you a disk was being slow?
The controller reports block read errors from which it recovers. Those are an indicator that a drive is about to fail
yey another client running XP machines \o/
And those only started happening tonight, otherwise I would have looked into it
and yey people not providing the full infomation the first, or second time i ask them
I'm fearing a defective controller though :(
and then I pass said infomation onto a 3rd party, and they comment on the ticket saying 'this is incorrect, blah blah blah'.
Well that's why I asked you.... and asked you again....
@OliverSalzburg they are happening tonight? that is efficient!
@OliverSalzburg battery backed? unlikely, but I see so many dodgy batteries...
unlikely to be related I mean
After the reboot, everything seems more stable
it's a trap!
Well, I had marked the degraded drive as failed. So the controller started to rebuild with a hot spare. Someone on-site replaced the degraded drive and the system froze
Good to have RAID to reduce downtime! :P
what hardwae is this....
i need to make a note never to use it
The controller is an Adaptec 6805
And Seagate drives. I don't have to mention to stay away from those
And please don't give me the "I've never had issues with Seagate" talk :P
@OliverSalzburg I would have said that half a year ago :P
granted, at 6+ years, they've lasted as long as I can expect
This client takes recycling very seriously. They have bin for waste, one for plastics, one for paper, one for biodegradable stuff and one for Seagate drives
Of course I'm joking, but Seagate drives are a never ending stream of failures :P
I saw the same thing with Samsung drives
which I believe maybe rebranded seagates tbh
@OliverSalzburg what about WD?
> The owner of this website (offbeat.topix.com) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (IN) from accessing this website.
heey @rahul can you get online on telegram?
@Rahul2001 Not sure. The only drives that are failing for us are Seagates. But, of course, they are always replaced with drives from the same batch
But it's the same story with all our clients and our own systems
Everybody is getting burned by Seagates. We use to have WD HDDs in our own on-site system. Recently replaced with Samsung SSDs
And when we were running that system on Seagates, we actually once had two drives failing at the same time
That's the only time I ever had that scenario first-hand
Eh. I don't think hgst makes deskstars any more. Those things are rediculously tanky
Their Nas ones probably ought to be fine too tho
Anyway, all VMs are back up. RAID is rebuilding. Parcels can be shipped again, people can print again, everybody is happy and now the real work can begin
@OliverSalzburg real work is obviously playing Minecraft...
Like damnnnnnn
Nah, I need to implement a system into our schema module through which we can decorate our data models with extra validation and manipulation logic
Which is a lot of words to say: If there is a secret in a model, don't send that to a user who requests that model through the API, for example
@OliverSalzburg wait. do you have the model numbers?
there was one particularly bad batch of seagate drives
everything else is not far off wd/hgst/etc....
(just like there was one particularly bad batch of wd drives back around 2011)
@OliverSalzburg parcel shipping company, or just you ship lots of parcels?
@djsmiley2k The latter. They deliver their products through DHL
@Bob Yeah, they're ST31000424SS
@OliverSalzburg Ah, doesn't appear the be the terrible batch :P
ST3000DM001 was ... rather infamous
Maybe they are the SAS sibling with partially same components
No idea. Maybe they are fine now, but I still see Seagate failures more frequently than other drives for whatever reason. And I simply would not want to get burned again by a product that gave me this much pain in the past
@OliverSalzburg you know... they could be. they were introduced 2011, same year as the bad batch. also, thailand floods.
most drives (including other manufacturers) from 2011-12 have higher failure rates iirc
...spam's getting pretty weird these days
@Bob ...
@Avery ?
spam is getting pretty weird
@Rahul2001 You're not missing much :)
@DavidPostill lol
@Bob lol
@Bob There is an Irish airline called "Air Lingus". You can imagine the jokes.
@DavidPostill i thought it was spelt "aer"
@Burgi Slip of the tongue. You are correct :)
i think it is gaelic for "Air Link"
sorry for ruining your joke...
@Burgi You didn't. I managed to make a better another one :)
so good i missed it >.<
@Burgi lol
is it possible to find which account is linked to a google tag manager?
@DavidPostill are they cunning?
@JourneymanGeek All Irish are cunning by definition :)
@Burgi Yes. Please ask a question so I can answer it :)
@DavidPostill its off-topic for SU
also that link doesn't solve the problem
@Burgi lol.
@Burgi shrug
@Burgi do you watch GoT?
as we can't really discuss Dr Who any more :/
Tho in the first Ep, I just got kinda bored...
not watched ep2 yet
@djsmiley2k No spoilers please. Some of us are still watching S5 ...
oh not going to spoil
you read the books?
@djsmiley2k No. Working my way through the series.
Ah ok
Books soooooooooooooooooo much more than the tv series
i mean, I love the tv series, but they cut so much out, and change things to make sense to a viewer.
On my 3rd~ read through, and only just noticing some things now.
I joke one needs to read GOT with one of those large pinboards with multicolour strings
we've lost a customer because "we aren't proactive enough on developing their website"
@JourneymanGeek tis true.
i've been pushing the customer service team to try to get this guy to agree to a rebuild for about a year
@djsmiley2k I intend to reread them once (if?) they are all out
yeah it does feel like it maybe a bit like dwarf fortress @JourneymanGeek, the end may never come?
Tho the next 2(?) books are the last I believe, at least for a song of fire and ice
Q: What is the cause of a "No network connection" banner?

austinianThis banner randomly appears, persists across mobile and WiFi networks, and then randomly disappears, and I don't know where to begin to search for the issue.

I have that issue now :(
But my bar is on the bottom. Why are there no answers :'(
They mention C6 result. What standard is this?
It's for applying to institution of higher education.
I don't remember those qualificators in my exams.
o_O what is C6 o_O
> C6 Credit 64% - 54% 6
The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a type of standardized test in West Africa. It is administered by the West African Examinations Council. It is only offered to candidates residing in Anglophone West African countries. The academic school-leaving qualification awarded upon successful completion of the exams is the West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE). == The examinations == There are two different types of the examination: WASSCE (November/December) - Also known as the General Certificate Examinations (GCE), by its former name; all students from private...
Would it be that?
Nothing else on google seems to make sense,because.... context?
Who wants to be the NRO NC?
> The RIPE NCC Executive Board will select one representative from the nominees to serve a three-year term on the NRO NC beginning 1 January 2018. The decision of the Executive Board will be announced at the RIPE
75 Meeting, which will be held in Dubai from 22-26 October 2017.
enjoy l:D
@djsmiley2k Enjoy?
Why not go for it ;D
I hate 3d
Need to wear double glasses for no significant or especially outstanding difference
@Rahul2001 squashes @Rahul2001 and sends him to flatland :)
@DavidPostill :P
@Rahul2001 It's almost like we tried the whole 3D thing in the past already
@Burgi Do keep up :)
^^^ Proof that Turkeys do evolve :)
Q: Can't concatenate a string inside a batch loop

user4450016I've been struggling with this for a while now, and I can't seem to figure out why. I have this batch file: @echo on setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /F %%x in (FileList.txt) do ( for /L %%i in (1,1,16) do ( if %%i LSS 10 (set ctr=0%%i) else (set ctr=%%i) echo !ctr! ...

@DavidPostill what does !ctr! do, instead of %ctr% in this question?
@DavidPostill What's this, number of attempted coups in the last 5 years?
@djsmiley2k enabledelayedexpansion - Delayed Expansion will cause variables to be expanded at execution time rather than at parse time.
One of the most common issues with batch files containing for loops or other ( ... ) delimited code blocks.
ah ok
so it'd set it once, and never again?
@djsmiley2k Yes. That's a good summary.
(without the delayed expansion)
it runs through, sets it, goes it's already done this bit blaurggh
ok.... why do I have a blister on my finger?
@djsmiley2k Yep. Parse time happens once. Execution time happens multiple times
I think I'm coming down with smething :/
@DavidPostill beautiful, explained it in a way I understood, ty. :)
this is only tiny tho. just randomly appeared in the last few hours.
I need a less jerryrigged network
@JourneymanGeek heh
take the nails back out l;D
Oh, that's at WORK
Wait a moment, along wiht a hammer, did you buy string, and some tin cans?
@JourneymanGeek I though the "ugh" was for my link for a moment :)
Oh at home? :(
sadness for you.
Vending machine...
I kinda want a mesh network rig
but too pricy
Wiring stuff up would be a nightmare
Oh, was looking at asus' lyra
yeah I'm lucky in the fact we moved into our new house - there's ethernet in the wall that happens to go into my home office...
Oh, if I moved out I can probably do my own cabling at this point
I got a shedload of practice at this job
yeah no chance I'd get to do that in a fully decorated house!
Nicely decorated too
I'd need to get married first ;p
(singapore is odd)
what happens if you get divorced? would you have to move back in with the parents?
oddly, one person can be the sole owner of the apoartment
its the buying stage where they see if you're married for eligibility for public housing
@JourneymanGeek Is there no private housing in SG?
> In summary: it is a common condition, and the US military pays for the healthcare of millions of men, meaning it spends a lot on Viagra and other such drugs.
I should start reading everything from the bottom. It's where they hide the tl;dr
@DavidPostill Too pricey
@JourneymanGeek It is somewhat amusing when other posts appear between mine and the one you are replying to :)
@DavidPostill - please do not post the same comment to multiple answers. — Robino 1 min ago
in response to:
Please do not post the same answer to multiple questions. If the same information really answers both questions, then one question (usually the newer one) should be closed as a duplicate of the other. You can indicate this by voting to close it as a duplicate or, if you don't have enough reputation for that, raise a flag to indicate that it's a duplicate. Otherwise tailor your answer to this question and don't just paste the same answer in multiple places. — DavidPostill ♦ 13 mins ago
> More than 80% of Singapore's population live in HDB flats. HDB Flats in Singapore are sold on a 99-year lease agreement. The remainder are rental flats reserved for those who are unable to afford to purchase the cheapest forms of public housing despite financial support.
closed questions can get upvotes?
hmm. Oddly, I don't remember
My one seems to have. ;D
It's on SciFi...
> Unfortunately our certificate provider ,Trustwave, are no longer able to issue SHA-1 certificates that the version 2 platform uses, therefore we are adopting the SHA-256 protocol.
a card transaction provider...
using SHA-1
> Unfortunately
> Stuff
Oh yeah, @OliverSalzburg :D
'we didn't want to upgrade...'
Why does the name trustwave ring huge bells in my head
Ah, SpiderLabs
> Critics claimed that Trustwave had enabled its client to issue arbitrary SSL certificates for any domain
Ah :D
All the SSL providers are -_- tho
what we need to do is enable generating your own cert at home
signing it using their cert
and hosting it on their system (they being whoever's website you are visiting)
Let's start by you trusting my root cert!
You'd then be verifying yourself, against yourself.
For example facebook.
They're happy enough to host gb's of my photos and videos
I'm sure they could cope with a cert for me as well
now implement this for every site i visit
boom working security :D
you know what, satirical comedians should put up or shut up
if stephen colbert thinks he can make a better president perhaps he should stand for election
@Burgi Pretty sure he doesn't write his own material
Which politicians do neither, I guess :\
@Burgi Meh. You don't lose your right to criticise the government if you aren't a perfect fit for a president yourself.
true but that guy seems to have a personal vendetta against trump
he was never this critical of obama
@Burgi Yeah and I don't blame him
Obama wasn't an asshole
in the UK our satire pokes fun at all parties equally
@Burgi Trump calls all critical media "fake news", promotes violence towards journalists, and discredits them
@Burgi The Democratic party is not very active right now. Republicans have majority in both houses.
In the US, satire is not only about poking fun, it's also about generating awareness
that is the wrong job
please understand that i am not defending trump but it feels like they need some balance
The Trump new is so depressing, many, many people don't read news anymore, and get information from satire itself
@Burgi Sure, I understand. Colbert used to make a lot of fun of Clinton too during the campaign trails
@Rahul2001 thats an indication of a wider societal failing
There is literally no one else for him to make fun of right now
the two party system doesn't work
two party
And why would you want to get rid of the thing that allowed you to win? :)
CPG Grey has done some really good vids on this
@djsmiley2k Because it allows half of you to lose? ;)
@DavidPostill sometimes it allows everyone to loose.
@djsmiley2k Indeed
The moment you attack the system that gives you power, the people start to doubt the system, and so doubt you should have power, and so doubt that you know wtf you're talking about either....
@djsmiley2k Straw poll: Does anybody here actually believe Trump knows WTF he is talking/tweeting/ranting about?
Star this if you think he doesn't!
@DavidPostill here? or in the glorious land of the free?
I'm sure in some aspects he's a very clever man
Star this if you think he does!
I sometimes wonder if this whole thing is a HUGE troll too.
WHAT THE F***ING HELL huffingtonpost.in/2017/07/26/…
(trigger warning: underage rape stuff)
@djsmiley2k Here, as in this chat room. Judging by the inane supporters on C4 news interviews at least some US people think he does ... his supporters always have a spin on whatever he says ...
@Rahul2001 :/
who cares?
i'm just being grumpy
you still should apply for that AMD job i posted
I think this is a huge deal because AMD now has an answer for the cost-sensitive mainstream market.
The Ryzen 3 1300X handily beats Intel's competing Core i3 processors in anything that's even remotely multithreaded.
I thought AMD has always been the answer to cost-sensitive people
However, Intel has the advantage of an IGP. AMD's answer is Bristol Ridge APUs which use the older Excavator cores. The new Ryzen CPUs need to be paired with a discrete graphics card.
Was Intel ahead in that sector with the i3?
But for entry-level gaming systems that are going to pair the chip with something along the lines of an RX 560 or GTX 1050 Ti, AMD has the edge.
@OliverSalzburg It's more of an AMD disadvantage. We're still waiting for the Zen / Vega based Raven Ridge APUs to come out.
The Ryzen 5 1400 is disadvantaged during the tests because of its low clock frequency (4C/8T @ 3.2-3.4 GHz).
@OliverSalzburg Well, yeah. Ryzen 5 costed more than the i3s and was only slightly better than them unless you had heavily-threaded workloads.
The Ryzen 3 processors drop SMT, so they're 4C/4T. This still gives them an edge over Core i3 processors, which are 2C/4T, in practically any workload that requires more than two threads.
It's surprisingly easy to peg two hardware threads these days.
Even having just a few browser tabs open with moderately-intensive pages can require more than two threads, especially considering the usual Windows background tasks.
The only stumbling block is going to be the lack of an IGP. This is a serious limitation because most cheaper systems rely on the IGP provided by Intel's processors, and even a cheap graphics card is going to add some $50 to the BOM.
The Ryzen 3 1200, on the other hand, does not seem to perform all that competitively and AMD will need to price it lower. However, as with all Ryzen processors, it does have the benefit of overclockability on a B350 or X370 board.
Tom's Hardware:
> Make no mistake, you’ll see the Ryzen 3 1300X on our Best CPUs list soon. [...] Meanwhile, the Coffee Lake processors can’t come soon enough for Intel.
@bwDraco Awesome. Thanks for the update. And I totally agree on being able to easily saturate at least 2 cores these days
A: What is the cause of a "No network connection" banner?

Oliver SalzburgIn my case the bar is gray and at the bottom. The bar is drawn over all other apps and is always visible. To check which apps have this capability: Open the Settings. Navigate to Apps (under the Personal section). Open the configuration by tapping on the cogwheel icon in the top right. Open Sp...

What a relieve! :D
cc @djsmiley2k
drums fingers on desk
anyone know any jokes?
Broadcom's wifi firmware?
I think I prefer the elegance of the original PoC that builds a worm that spreads over wifi and runs entirely in the wifi chipset.
Thats brutal, I never read about that one though.
@Burgi You stuck inside a police cordon again?
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