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I'm making good progress on a utility that lets you call DLL functions from the command line (like what people mistakenly think rundll32 does)
Ever want to know how big the Registry is on your system?
newslot int used; call kernel32.dll!GetSystemRegistryQuota /return int (nullptr, slotptr used); readslot used
Want most system text to turn blue?
call user32.dll!SetSysColors /return int (int 1, blockptr(int 8), blockptr(int 0xAA4400))
The Windows Autoplay popup just clickjacked me. D:
It popped up just as I was clicking on something else and associated my mobile phone with an app I don't want to use.
There's an AutoPlay section in the settings where you can undo that
Huh, my phone has like a zillion entries there
@MichaelFrank Windows UI fail.
And by a zillion I mean six
But still, it probably shouldn't be doing that
Open the Windows Settings app. You should be able to change the default behavior there.
What should we do about these questions?
superuser.com/questions/1231764/… and superuser.com/questions/1234685/… neither question is particularly clear but the answers a really good windbg answers
ok thx u are the best eat my organs — bob higgleton 59 secs ago

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