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> To sustain our growth, we'll massively open new positions in Paris in the coming months! You can already send us your resume at jobs at online dot net
Just got a Franklin Sensors ProSensor 710. It's basically an array of stud finding sensors with a 13-position LED readout. Wow. Just wow.
This thing absolutely works.
@bwDraco Nice
What made you buy one?
We used the tried-and-tested "drill holes until you hit something" strategy :P
Does that also work for cables behind drywall for example?
I mean the tool, not @Bob's strategy
I'm well experienced in the latter
@OliverSalzburg Sure does - if the power goes out you probably hit a cable ;)
Been there ;D
@OliverSalzburg Unfortunately not - but it does give exact stud position.
@OliverSalzburg I've tried to use the non-contact detector on my multimeter for that. Problem is, it ... well, it goes off on solid brick walls -_-
not much use for finding cables inside the wall
tap the wall
brick doesn't sound the same as coving for wires,..
boom, you know where the wires are :P
lol @Burgi my Cheshire Oaks photo of Krispy Kreme just hit 500 likes
@Bob We have a non-contact voltage detector for this purpose.
only works if you've got proper walls tho
does it work if the wires are in that metal ducting?
A: Excel questions should not be on SuperUser, another StackExchange should exist for it

allquixoticThe notion of "topic" or "subject" (of a Stack Exchange site, or anything in general) is completely arbitrary. The broader concept is called categorization. Enforcing categories on the natural world is a human construct that is completely synthesized, meaning that human beings imagine categories...

@bwDraco I literally just said a NCVD doesn't work on these walls
like, you actually replied to it
@Bob Whoops.
@Bob is the clay iron-rich?
bye folks
@Burgi hell if I know, the house is older than me
are they red bricks?
probably? behind paint and render
the exterior is red (ish)
red bricks come from iron-rich clay (iron ore is a weird reddish rock)
almost everything in manchester is made from red brick
Hello Rahul
@ThatREDACTEDGuy hey
Gtg, mum is pissed
Goodnight folks
pissed as in drunk or pissed as in angry?
@Burgi btw what makes the purple bricks I sometimes see
as you seem to now be our resident brick expert
@djsmiley2k unicorn poop
I hadn't made the connection between iron oxide, and red bricks yet.
(iron oxide, aka rust, is red)
1 min ago, by djsmiley2k
as you seem to now be our resident brick expert
As in "Help me @Burgi my phone has bricked!", or as in "I hate that guy, hey Burgi brick his phone"?
Step 1: Take one red house brick
Step 2: Place phone on the floor
Step 3: Drop brick on to phone
Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until your phone is thoroughly bricked
/me waits for someone to take offense
@djsmiley2k I'm offended by your mocking of people offended
Found a picture of @Burgi!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy i'm doing my pink floyd impression there
@ThatREDACTEDGuy nice penis picture of Pink Freud
Q: How to torrent anonymously?

user750912How I can download torrent and remain anonymous ? I know how I can torrent over Tor, but I know it's something I shouldn't do. Soo is there other way to torrent anonymously ?

that needs.... work
I flagged as low qual, but jeez not sure it's even worth saving
of course you can torrent legit, but if so, why anon? ( @Avery maybe you can ask this question better, considering your situation... ? )
VTC thinly veiled attempt at piracy
I have a question about REST and HTTP. It's a silly question that doesn't warrant an actual question on the site.
> This introduction will demonstrate how the set of design principles, known as REST, underpin HTTP
> un·der·pin
verb: underpin; 3rd person present: underpins; past tense: underpinned; past participle: underpinned; gerund or present participle: underpinning

support (a building or other structure) from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level or by substituting stronger for weaker materials.
support, justify, or form the basis for.
Does that mean that HTTP is built on top of REST?
I'm confused.
other way around @ThatREDACTEDGuy
rest, is underpinned by HTTP
as in it uses http
it should say REST/HTTP
say way we have TCP/IP
"the set of design principles (known as REST) underpin[s] HTTP" === "rest underpins HTTP" != "rest is underpinned by HTTP" == "HTTP underpins REST"
> In practice, most - if not all - RESTful APIs currently use HTTP as a transport layer, since the infrastructure, servers and client libraries for HTTP are widely available already
REST is an idea, which HTTP happens to comply to
Most REST APIs go over HTTP, but one could argue that the REST philosophy is the base of HTTP
VEHICLE is an idea, which CARS comply to.
@djsmiley2k Damn now I am even more confused.
FOOD is an idea, which CAKE complies to.
IMHO "cars" is a subset of "vehicles".
it's not about sets.
it's about vague ideas of something
"Commerce" is an idea, which "retail" is an... implementation?
But REST is not an implementation of HTTP
rest is the idea that a protocol should work in a perticular way
@djsmiley2k This quote makes sense. Where is it from?
I'll read it
it's hard to explain, i'm trying to think up a good way of ELI5
I know what they, and I mean, but without already knowing.... it's difficult
REST is an idea, not an implementation
a restful API works in a perticular way
as in you can expect it to do things
but it isn't coded in any perticular way
@JourneymanGeek New Dawn - Visions of Atlantis 🎶
@JourneymanGeek The Edge of Infinity - Lunatica 🎶
I'm noticing that questions about can vary a lot depending on the specific version of paint
It may be worth splitting it up into separate versions, similar to Microsoft Office
I've never really noticed changes in paint tbh...
Q: Where has "invert colors" gone in the new MS Paint?

KonerakI'm wondering where the old "invert colors" feature from MS Paint has gone. My new version of MS Paint 6.1 doesn't seem to have this feature?

Questions like this are fairly specific to one version
@StevenVascellaro there's only 65 questions total...
and the version is already clearly stated in the question, I don't think it's an issue currently
@djsmiley2k That's a good point. I hadn't actually noticed that
what am I forgetting.
Also, it's [tag:microsoft-word]
ty :D
for example
It needs the versioning, even without specific versions there's 4.8k questions
Even more helpful, all versions of microsoft word with microsoft-word*
5,964 questions
well that's clearly wrong then
Tag wildcards are one my favorite hidden features
as there's 8.4k just tagged with microsoft-word.
oh wait
4.8k, duuur
@djsmiley2k Some questions are only tagged with a specific version of microsoft word
so ~1k questions removed, by using specific version tags
Yep. <s>Example: https://superuser.com/questions/241799/how-can-i-make-just-one-page-of-a-word-document-horizontal</s>
Better example: [microsoft-word-2010 -microsoft-word](https://superuser.com/questions/tagged/microsoft-word-2010+-microsoft-word)
Does chat not support <s>?
In chat, it's ---strike--- (strike)
Hmm... Which would make a better question:
"What version of MS Paint shipped with Windows XP?" or
"What version of MS Paint shipped with each version of Windows?"
I'd prefer the second one
I'm also debating whether I should frame it as "What changed between versions of MS Paint", since I know there were changes made in Windows 10's creators update
But that might be too broad?
@djsmiley2k seedbox
@Avery and pay via bitcoin or w/e ?
I honestly just rented out a vps and just run deluged on that
@StevenVascellaro I personally dislike questions that aren't a problem.
You end up just asking for lists.
And if you want a list of things, wikipedia has you covered - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Paint#Initial_versions
I mention that in my question. Wikipedia doesn't list version numbers
Also, Wikipedia only lists 5 versions of paint. Windows 7 uses 6.1
what point does the question serve?
who is it going to 'help' by existing?
That's what annoys me about this kind of question.
'What happens if I put a light bulb in the sun'.
'What happens when my toast is blue'
wat. ;D
@djsmiley2k It's helpful because it helps me solve issues with MS Paint other users have had, since I can correctly identify their specific version
It's why versions of Microsoft Word include the year in the program title
And you can never actually accept an answer, because you can never be sure it's correct. And if you could, you already have your answer.
@StevenVascellaro except when they don't?
@djsmiley2k It shows the version on the startup loading screen
Is the version of paint not tied to the version of windows
@StevenVascellaro really?
because 2016 doesn't
Wait, it doesn't?
MS has moved away from the ideas of versions for software, because in the end they don't make sense any more.
Also, Wikipedia says that Windows 7, 8, and 10 all use paint 6.1
i.e. Chrome 600420320t-3u3-u29u394u2349u2w!!!!!!!1111oneoneone Extreme Uberfast mega upgrade edition.
@StevenVascellaro ...
Do you have proof they don't?
But I believe that version was incremented with Windows 10's creators update
I know 'Fresh Paint' exists, which is a upgrade of the original paint program
but I believe the old 'mspaint' still exists.
I'm specifically trying to find out what version was used in Windows XP
I can check tonight
I thought that was Paint 3D?
so from vista, it looks like they didn't do any major changes, until creators update
so I have a list now of pre-6.1, 6.1, post-6.1
I'm also asking because I'm a Wikipedia editor
I want to add the version numbers to Wikipedia
fire up a xp vm?
/me tries to think if he has any here at work he can check
Is that in every chat server?
just here ;D
for example on gaming.se's chatrooms if you send a message saying "insert coin" it has an easter egg
@StevenVascellaro I have an XP Paint file that has a version of 5.1.2600.2180
Thanks. I've updated my question so it includes a more direct problem per djsmiley, and includes Ben's reported version from XP. gist.github.com/Stevoisiak/20fd1afcc70ba6f6f57772a2ab97d7c0
Paint did change somewhere along the way from Vista to the current Windows 10 - it now has an "Open Paint 3D" button in the Ribbon
@BenN I believe that was the Windows 10 Creators Update
i believe my wifes laptop may of taken 4 hours last night to install that update
it was finished by the morning, it managed 15% while i watched GoT.
@djsmiley2k Thank you for the feedback about addressing an actual problem. Leading with "I'm an editor for Wikipedia trying to update the version history" gives a much more clear purpose to my question
I'll probably check the version on my Windows 10 machine at home before posting the question.
I'm fairly happy with the current draft: gist.github.com/Stevoisiak/20fd1afcc70ba6f6f57772a2ab97d7c0
Just finished drilling some holes into porcelain tile.
Diamond drill bit and all.
you managed it without shattering?
With a diamond drill bit, you're basically grinding down the tile.
I've heard stories of shattering
You're not hammering it or anything.
when we spoke to builder about our bathroom
@StevenVascellaro for example this question
Q: Does restoring a previously deleted Google account somehow someway change its status?

JimmyI previously deleted my Google account, but then decided to restore it, and I successfully did. I was thinking, does going through this process make the account different from other accounts? This is a noobie question from a noobie guy, please try to ignore any noobieness if you can. :)

what is the point of it.
If answer is yes:.... do nothing
Basically, it's a drill bit with pieces of synthetic diamond welded to the tip. You're grinding through the tile and eventually the concrete behind it.
if answer is no:.... do nothing.
maybe it was cutting the tiles he warned us about, I can't remember
@djsmiley2k My issue with the linked question is moreso what "change its status" actually means
That's an incredibly vague description
Before that I'd want to ask what exactly the "status" for an account is
@djsmiley2k They use an angle grinder for this purpose. That's still grinding down the material.
@StevenVascellaro nod
it changes from disabled tho ;D
@djsmiley2k I've always thought of Super User as a collection of solutions to specific problems. Users finding a specific question can share the same issue, even if the why changes from person to person
That's why I'm usually not concerned with discerning the reason why a question was asked. Everyone can have their own reason for the same question
I agree to a point
but there comes a point where you're just trying to be google, and index 'everything'
I suppose the difference is that Super User (and SE in general) indexes information for solving specific technological problems under a single community, while Google tries to bring together scattered information by indexing everything
As an example, when I search technological issues on google, I've started checking results from Stack Exchange first
Because it's typically the fastest, most direct way to an answer
I agree
But I'm unsure what problem said question would solve :)
Also, it's really annoying to ask a question, only to be told "Why would you want to do that?"
That the user stating 'I have version X of paint'
@StevenVascellaro lots of people don't know they have X->Y problems
@djsmiley2k There's a comment on MSE I've always liked about the XY problem
"XY problems are sometimes useful because the answers could help the questioner understand why their solution wouldn't work, and better understand the original problem in the process."
I judge questions based on, "Could this be helpful information for someone in the future who may have a similar issue"
Or, if it just seems like a really good question. :P
@StevenVascellaro oh yes
but soetimes you can't answer a question, because the user hasn't accurately discribed it
Yesterday I saw a question stating 'I won't use powershell because it's missing a command I need' -- the user then didn't provide whatever command was missing, so there's no way to diagnose if they could have a solution without it...
My cat wants me to know that it's her.
> Me!
@djsmiley2k Well that means the question simply needs more detail.
On an unrelated note: It's amazing how much higher the average question quality is here when compared to Stack Overflow
The average post in SO's review queue is simply mind-shattering
@djsmiley2k That can be because the tile is not properly supported. If it's already on the wall or floor there may be insufficient adhesive behind it, leaving a void and uneven stress on the tile when you drill. Alternatively somebody can forget to switch off the hammer mode on their electric drill :)
@DavidPostill or because he's just a bit of a **** i guess
(he is lol)
The real trick is to cover the proposed hole with several layers of strong tape. That stops the drill bit wandering about when you start the hole. And if you are drilling a large hole drill a smaller pilot hole first.
Been there, done that :)
ALso makes sense
so I need help embedding disqus into a static site anyone have any guesses/is there a SE site that this is an appropriate question?
@Mokubai Would my question be more on-topic if I deleted it and reposted to only ask about Windows ME?
@StevenVascellaro I've just posted my thoughts on your question.
My main problem is that your only real problem is "gathering information to put on Wikipedia"
Which isn't really a problem.
At least not one with computer hardware or software. It's a problem with information availability that is only broadly computer related but not specifically a "computer" problem.
@StevenVascellaro I get that you're wanting to be helpful and gather information, and your questions do tend to be clear and well asked, but questions need to be clearly about a problem with computer hardware or software.
Not just tangentially related.
@Mokubai Does that mean similar questions about versions should be considered off topic? (i.e. What version of java (if any) comes with Windows 7 default install?)
@StevenVascellaro The part which states "Is java even installed by default in windows 7?" is a simple problem and can have a reasonably definitive answer, which it does. I'd class the "What version" part to be too broad.
@Mokubai I'm a bit confused why that would be considered too broad. I'd have considered "What version" to be a more specific question
Is the suggestion of supersoftshower.com from chrome, evidence of some malware?
@barlop It could just mean someone else visited the site while using your computer
I cleared my history.. the only place it could have checked is bookmarks but I don't recognize any of those from bookmarks
@StevenVascellaro Service packs, point releases, updates, hotfixes, slipstreamed discs with SP2 or SP3 preinstalled. It needs to be clear what you are asking for. What version is installed is meaningless without knowing what version you are asking about.
@barlop it's google trying to complete things for you
go to google.com
type in super and see what it autocompletes with
sadly it's mostly questions about going supersayen or whatever, but the answer stands
no supersoftshower
@Mokubai Since I'm not sure where else I could ask about versions, should I discard my question and consider it unsalvagable?
@barlop Have you been to superdrug.com?
it's a shop btw.
yes I know
Or would focusing on a specific version be enough to make it borderline on-topic
the supersoftshower in the url bar didn't look right.. it's not on the web interface.
and interestingly not currently in the url suggestions either.
@barlop what about superdelux.com?
@StevenVascellaro Apart from correcting Wikipedia information, what is the actual problem you are trying to solve?
not heard of it and also not in the web interface was only in the url bar earlier
@Mokubai ^^ This is my point.
There is no 'problem'.
looks like super soft shower are very good at google
maybe that was all it was.
@Mokubai The other reason I wanted to know was to help me better answer the select few other MS paint-related issues on Super User
i guess they paid google too
one of my mspaint questions might've got closed i think
It can be difficult to answer questions if you aren't sure which version you're dealing with
about what version did it become mspaint.xe when it used to be started by pbrush
@barlop indeed
they are also very good at youtube/facebook/etc
@barlop I get a similar list:
@barlop I only ever recall mspaint
my list is just stackexchange, etc
windows 3.1 i think it was pbrush
For instance, one question simply asked "Where did the Invert Colors option go in the 'new' version of MS Paint"
Thankfully, the description specified the version, so I edited it into the title
If someone asks about the Windows Vista version of Paint, I'd like to know what version of paint is actually being used
@StevenVascellaro Does it ever actually matter?
Do you ever, 'normally' - i.e. without manually installing a different version, get a different version of mspaint, in vista?
Does the 'vista' version, ever change?
@djsmiley2k If you type in the location bar it will match items in your history and in your bookmarks.
@DavidPostill nod
@StevenVascellaro Knowing about Windows Me isn't likely to help anyone, it was released about 10 years before this site went live...
and was probably dead almost 9.9 years before the site went live as well
As soon as I did www.supe I get supersoftshower as well.
@djsmiley2k The question would then be, is the 'Vista' version of paint the one from XP, 7, or another version entirely
@Mokubai What is dead can never die
If they aren't saying what version of Windows they have, and it is important, then you need to get clarification
@StevenVascellaro Does it matter?
It's clear I'm in the minority on this one, so I'll agree to disagree and scrap my question. :P
@djsmiley2k huh? is that a Lovecraft reference?
@StevenVascellaro Sorry, it was well articulated, but it was ultimately more of a research task than an actual focused computer problem.
@Mokubai Game of Thrones
@StevenVascellaro Sorry!!!
Ahhhh. Not watched it.
There's a relgion, who deliberately drown themselves, then are revived on the shore
that's their motto
@djsmiley2k No need to apologize! Not every question is a fit for surer user
Just wasn't sure if it was worth spending time revising or refocusing the question to try and make it on topic
why is that torrent question still open?
5 hours ago, by djsmiley2k
Q: How to torrent anonymously?

user750912How I can download torrent and remain anonymous ? I know how I can torrent over Tor, but I know it's something I shouldn't do. Soo is there other way to torrent anonymously ?

because edited, it isn't actually a truely terribad question, just questionable in it's current form...
it wasn't edited
it should b e, to remove the illegality bits
wish I knew wtf i was doing wrong in cod lol
1 hour later…
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