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@Nick the chinese pictograms have also been taken by vietnamese, japanese and coreanese people :p
@satibel well, that's fun to know. No wonder asians are stereotyped.
@MichaelFrank Crossover! lol
@Nick did you mean Chinese? :p
@satibel no, I mean everyone from Asia except Indians and Russians look Asian Asian. It's a long running media trope that it's hard to differentiate between them and now you say there are common characters in their written language, egads! gadzooks, man!
@Nick see's 'past' it?
what do you mean
it's meant to see past it
and use the entire email address...
@Nick careful, you're verging on what some would call racism.
@djsmiley2k I can't seem to sign up two different accounts with [email protected] and [email protected] ... you get it?
fun, stupid facebook
that means facebooks stupid.
@djsmiley2k And how is racism a bad thing? It's just taxonomy. It's when you use it to value people and stereotype them that it becomes bad.
@Nick that was a joke.
@Nick So the eaiest way to do that is to not do it.
@Nick ahem.
@satibel ah, I see :P
@djsmiley2k Yes, absolutely...but also this : bullshit.ist/stop-making-racism-a-bad-word-6fbc3461e834
@Rahul2001 Yes, dear child. Any thoughts?
@Nick because there's a web page saying otherwise, doesn't make it true
I'm sure if you looked you'd find pages justifying nazism, flat earthers, all sorts...
@djsmiley2k sure, but it's an opinion and it too deserves to be heard. I'm not saying you should be racist, I'm saying it might not be a bad word.
Sometimes I can't safely remove hardware. I even tried Unlocker with no success!
@djsmiley2k I know a bunch, actually good human beings.
I have no other way than to force removal by unplugging device.
Anyone has this issue too?
@Boris_yo USBs? Unlocker can unlock everything. What you been pluggin, boi?
@Nick External HDDs
@Boris_yo Is it one which uses special software to increase transfer speeds?
@Nick hmm not all opinions deserve to be heard.
@Nick I usually stay away from this topic, and shall continue to do so. That said, I'm not sure if I agree with you...
I mean, did it ask you to install something when you first plugged it in?
@Nick lol
@JourneymanGeek I disagree. It's easy to be compassionate with things you can agree with but it is when you empathize with your enemy that you understand the true nature of the world.
why try and make a word with bad feeling into anything else?
just don't do it.
Also what's an opinion? I don't believe in giving a voice to idiots.
The idea of free speech comes with a provisio, that you're not an idiot.
@Nick To unlock/remove files used by processes. dpreview.com/forums/post/22050914
But when I use it it says no process uses external HDD. When I try to do safe removal Windows won't let me. I have no idea what is locking it.
@Boris_yo well, there are instances where unlocker doesn't work... and there are ways to (unsafely) remove the lock too.
well, power down is the safest way
I'd wonder if it's windows indexer service or something..
@djsmiley2k Well, I may be a flat earther nazi racist, but you, my good sir, are undemocratic. And that's far worse than being a flat earther nazi racist, believe me.
Yeah, @djsmiley2k is right. Normally shutting down all processes will allow you to safely remove the HDD
@djsmiley2k Remember, in a country of idiots, it's the smart man who isn't given a voice.
@Nick Being a sensible democrat doesn't make you worse than a Nazi
@djsmiley2k Probably but usually unlocker can deal with that.
@Rahul2001 Tell that to the Autobahn and Volkswagen.
@MichaelFrank Your mother!
Nah, it's not an arguement... just a bored afternoon discussion.
I seriously recommend that you watch that
Okie dokie :)
@Bob So I figured out why my script wasn't correctly resolving admin accounts...
Or more specifically my admin account. It's because I was using .trimstart("DOMAIN\") and assuming it would trim that from the start, instead of just dropping those characters.
@MichaelFrank that isn't an accurate picture. There aren't enough nazi's.... ;)
@Burgi They could be hiding.
@Nick Ways like? Disable write caching?
@Rahul2001 Do you hate democracy?
@MichaelFrank maybe the donkey is wearing an SS uniform...
@Boris_yo He doesn't. You need to watch the video. Socrates puts up a good point with the ship.
I guess the donkey is hiding as well... Since that's a cow.
@Boris_yo Maybe, I'm not sure.
@Nick I didn't say you were either. I said you could find pages supporting either.
@Boris_yo I do not, not at all. But I agree with Socrates​to a certain extent
@Rahul2001 I am undemocratic
@djsmiley2k how so?
@Burgi The child is a DPRK spy and the horse/cow thing is a Soviet Nazi preaching Jihad to her. I think it sums up our current world scenario nicely.
Democraticy has caused use to create a system where experts in situations are ignored because the people in charge say so
In an ideal world, people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk would be running countries
I don't think that is necessarily true
Elon Musk is brilliant in his field
but not everyone is good at everything
@JourneymanGeek ...
no, but clever people know how to work through a problem
@djsmiley2k or even you... Do you want a country?
Everyone has a problem domain
@Nick I'm in no way capable of making decisions on that scale
@JourneymanGeek You don't have to be. That's why you have a cabinet.
@djsmiley2k Neither is Trump to be honest.
@JourneymanGeek why do we take politicans, who start with a problem domain of 'what my locals want' and esclate them to 'what will change the world' ?
@Nick or may, or many others
Managing people is a problem domain too.
@djsmiley2k because people are self interested
instead, get all the people from cern, MIT, etc etc etc
and the people most interested in power are sociopaths
let them make decisions for the world
@JourneymanGeek so stop them getting it.
@djsmiley2k intellectual democracy > democracy by birthright. Maybe we should only let those people who have thought about world issues deeply to vote.
@JourneymanGeek And the few who aren't stay away from politics
It's a big vicious cycle
@JourneymanGeek That's the main problem. We need more Scott Pilgrims to rule the world.
@JourneymanGeek Exactly
@Rahul2001 unless you actually WERE the government's sheep and you were raised to uphold democractic value.
Imagine a country like in the Island. Everyone wears a uniform, they have their own cell to live in, free food that's rationed for them.
Ever hear of the Venus Project? thevenusproject.com
@Nick That's... communism
Well, the room header says that's on topic. And what's wrong with communist philosophy, really?
@Nick Nothing wrong with it. It's almost ideal. But it just doesn't work with basic human nature
As long as no one gets hurt, no blood is spilled and everyone's feelings are taken into consideration with great empathy and compassion, communism is great!
We just an ahimsa mod with modern communism and we're ready to go!
@Rahul2001 Now, imagine all legistation was created only on the weight of rational evidence. That's utopia.
@burgi, hello
@JourneymanGeek Psychopaths
@JourneymanGeek They operate from perspective of separation when all are part of whole.
@Nick That, again, is your perception
"Do to others as you would have them do to you"
Not an easy one. One does not simply...
@Nick nothing is wrong with communism, many things are wrong with humans.
@satibel You make a good point. Political models don't work not because they are bad, but because people are bad. They can't get together in any model.
democracy is pretty good too, though I've yet to see a democracy.
As long as they are self-serving oriented, no model will work and they will blame air.
@satibel yet to see a perfect democracy
it is mostly elected monarchy, Imo.
This is about as close as we will get
@satibel interesting opinion. Elucidate?
Vivid Sydney starting
@JourneymanGeek still at work?
@Rahul2001 we have only a few candidates, and we choose the less worse in them.
in France about 75% didn't actually want the president we have. (24% voted for him.)
.... just won a fight with my boss.
@JourneymanGeek by KO?
by bigger boss ;p
Boss was trying to get me to work saturdays. I basically said "this isn't in my contract, and if you insist, its in black and white"
I have a question , I would like to put dot points or small
circles in the corners of each cell in a table. Is it possible to do so in Excel?
@Dave hi!
hi @Burgi
anyone know how to view a site certificate in chrome these days?
@AndyK put a background on each cell?
how @satibel?
seems like excel doesn't do per-cell bitmap background.
so it's more hacky, but you could use a sheet background with your circles.
otherwise maybe inkscape can do that
bigger boss was all "DON'T MAKE ANYONE WORK MORE THAN 44 HOURS"
with your vast knowledge, I would have started something on my own
... with blackjack and hookers.
@Burgi I believe you have problems accessing your Sonos at work. Is this true?
yeah, working more than like 40 hours is urrrgh
unless $$$$$$$$
40 hours?? Ha ha, I'm pissed off at the moment, as I've only realised work expect us to work when we arrive. I mean, that's 8 hours a day. I was getting it, going to the cantine, starting work an hour later but by then it's lunch time, big lunch, and then you know you're feeling sleepy so a walk, back into the office at 3pm and of course leave at 4 to get dinner on at home! But no, they expect us to work !!!!
@Dave yeah but i have the app working on my PC now and i can turn it down as needed
its a shockingly bad bit of kit considering the cost
@djsmiley2k @Dave its literally the contract I agreed to, both verbally and on paper
So the Sonos is not locked in then?
and no, no $$$$$
maybe $$$$
Is it fun @JourneymanGeek
Its a job
oh dear :(
@Burgi rofl
@Dave no and we can't find how to restrict access
if you are on our wifi and have the sonos app you can fiddle with the settings, volume and track list to your hearts content
D'oh. Same issue I have. Some one in a pub has the sonos and locals are getting into it. I suspect we need a different network for the Sonos compared to the public internet access
you need to be careful in a pub, they aren't PRS compliant
just get a normal mp3 jukebox
@Burgi Dev tools
@JourneymanGeek lol
Well the actual compliance is his issue :) I'm more interested in stopping the locals playing the Birdie Song perpetually
@Rahul2001 yeah i find a solution on HTG which linked back to SU...
@Dave take it away
no sonos no birdie song
sonos are all about opening up music. the official advice is to put it on a restricted wifi network. which is extremely crap.
@Burgi Hey, that was my advice too!
but yeah, stupid xD
@Burgi you could..... hack the api, flood the device with requests xD
but who has time for that?
A: Chrome - how do I actually VIEW a https certificate?

jcbermuPress F12 on Windows ( Cmd + Opt + I if you are on Mac) to open the Developer Tools. Click on the Security Tab and you'll see a Security Overview with a View Certificate Button.

So, heh
Wow google, wtf
So now only developers care about looking at certs?
if people annoy me in client services i open the sonos app and shove their volume up to max (they are on a different floor)
@djsmiley2k dupe
Q: How to view SSL Certificate details on Chrome?

tyteen4a03Before somewhere around Chrome 55, I could look at the details of a certificate a website is using by clicking on the Green lock icon. Now that functionality seems to be gone; see picture below. How can I bring this back? I know I can go into Developer Console -> Security but it's tad bit inconv...

@Burgi flag it then
i did look through simular tickets anddidn't find that one :/
@Burgi ROFL
@JourneymanGeek Do I approve an edit like this on an off-topic question?
hmm. I'm torn.
@Rahul2001 eh, I suppose. If I were at home, I'd reject and delete ;)
why do I even click on ubuntu.se questions anymore
example of an answer with little idea of what the question is => askubuntu.com/a/917604/150985
it annoys me
because it's all "boo, windows is insecure"
...while discussing security features that are both irrelevant to the question and have been part of mainstream Windows for almost two decades
longer, if you include NT 4.x
in fact. re-reading the answer. I have no idea how it's supposed to answer the question o.O
Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool.
Wise words indeed
@Burgi, sadly he done'st have that as an option... I think because he spent £500 on the speakers... I'm still convinced a second router will fix it but, ultimately, it won't stop some one pressing the button on the speaker
@Dave yeah as i said they are stupidly priced for what you get and are missing some critical functions
Yes. It would be better if it was password protected, which really shoudln't be that difficult to implement
@Dave Plus it's basically linux running on it.
@Dave easy way is to just chuck it on a different subnet
better way would be VLAN if you're able
that's assuming most people won't bother trying every static subnet to find it :P
hm. wait, maybe no. depends how broadcast works with the app
basically, you shouldn't use Sonos in a pub
or. yea. buy a $20 AP and hook that up :P
Yes, I'm thinking about a different subnet... although I need to read up on that but I believe it will be well documented :)
thanks @Bob
@Dave tbh I think it's a bit hacky, but fairly easy to try... set static ip to, say, with a mask of, and then set static of on the phone with same mast... let the DHCP server assign addresses on the normal subnet to other devices... downside is you won't have internet access from that phone anymore :\
wait. no. that won't work at all. forget I said anything.
cause the media player won't have internet connectivity without further hackery (gateways and static routes)
...the $20 AP is easier :P
it's basically the same idea but in a premade box
@Dave check if your AP does "guest networks" or "network isolation"
how is he controlling the PRS?
e.g. anything like this
@Bob, yes, the router does guest networks
but it fails!
@Dave fails how?
TP Link Archver VR400. Set up guest network and prevent any one accessing other devices. The Sonus can't be accessed (hurray). Use a casting app, such as Tibio (or Tubio) and it can still acecss the sonos speakers via the guestnetwork. Connect to the speakers. Return to the Sonos and the guest network is no longer preventing me from seeing other devices on LAN
@Dave AP isolation enabled?
I don't think I saw the option, only guest network tp-link.com/us/faq-1082.html
There is no wifi password - since it's a pub, he dishes out the password any way!
@Dave I assume you have "access my local network" unticked?
which pub is this? i want to go there and steal observe everyones traffic
@Burgi :)
also does he do real ales?
what about a quiz?
and pig snacks?
I do @Bob
one last point: if we rock up and say "hey we are from the internet. @Dave said he was buying us all a beer". thats ok with you, right?
The idea was to try and lock things down. I mean previously, they just added a router and that was it! So I had to demonstrate sticking a text file on his computer from my own to show there were issues
ha ha ha, yes. I live in... another country though
where are the '7 NSA Tools Wannacry replica uses and how! Click here to find out more!'
@Dave where is this pub?
@Dave for 1k I can come and fix it
in fact, all of those options are unchecked so guests can't see each other @Bob. I then have a password on the main 'channel' which the Sonos is on. Of ocurse, it's still the same network!
ha ha, I'm paid in beer so probably won't help @djsmiley2k
@Dave which should work, in theory...
And it does work to a point but this Tubio app seems to corrupt it!
@Dave go with the easy solution. buy $20 router. hook it up to the main one via its WAN port, chuck sonos on the cheap one.
that'll stick it behind NAT by default
Hmmmmmm.... does this mean I don't need to do any subnetting ? @Bob
you probably could figure out how to get it working with the 'good' router but probably not worth the pain, specially if you aren't getting paid :P
@Dave think of it as the main network is the 'internet'/your ISP, and the cheap one is a private network
Can the cheap router can still access the internet via the one it's connected too?
@Dave ya. it just treats everything outside of its WAN port as 'internet'. one-way, outgoing only
When you say one way, I assume it can still stream?
@Dave can you still download files on your main router?
I don't know...
I'm assuming this is standard TCP/UDP streaming. they'll work. if it's IGMP (like iptv) then nawp.
I'm assuming TCP/UDP as well. He has a paid account with Napster
so he needs to stream the music
now that's a name I've not heard in a long time
ha ha, me neither
he mentioned it - apparently it's a legit streaming service now
although no idea if it's licensed for the pub but ... let's not worry about such things
oh, how times have changed
you'll probably be fine
where is the pub!?!?!
(UK for those not in England, just North of London)
Right, I'm off to do some work. Thank you all for chatting to me, thanks @Bob
Thanks @Burgi
Thanks @djsmiley2k
Thanks @satibel
Bye all
'work' => down at the pub? :P
Cider pub then :D
we have been provided with very scant information to go claim our free drink from @Dave
I think the only answer is a tour of al the pubs in Herefordshire
until we find one where we can control the music on the sonos
and then demand our drink from dave.
Who strangely, has 28k rep, and a guitar in his pic
i miss guitar shoe dave :(
who is that?
someone before your time <pat on head>
@satibel there was a time when we had two @Dave's in the channel so one of them changed his name to guitar shoe dave to take the mikey because everyone thought real dave's picture was a shoe and not a guitar
@Burgi He's still on the telegram group. I asked him to take a look at gossipmonger a couple of days ago, but I don't think he got around to actually doing so.
@Ramhound around?
@SalmanA - Software recomendations are not on topic here at Superuser. — Ramhound 3 mins ago
I don't feel like he's asking for a reccomendation
@djsmiley2k Its the actual dave, who inspired guitar shoe dave
which was my fault ;p
> It doesn't take her long to follow his path, nonchalantly asking him why he has a Scottish accent. "I'm not Scottish, I'm angry," the Doctor says, before he topically japes that people from Scotland are "all over the place, demanding independence on every planet they land on."
Which episdoe is this, it's old iirc
ok, not that old
but i'm sure clara asked that too
you seen the latest one yet @Burgi?
rose asked ecclestons doctor why he had a northern accent
next series he'll be a viking?
Oh wait... hmmm
Answer: lots of planets have a north
@djsmiley2k it was a proper dr who episode
weird, scary and asking deep questions about reality
I actually think it would be amusing if it was a grannie.
there are lots of rumours that the next dr will be a woman
there was also a rumour that the next bond will be a woman
which is just plain stupid
that's just dumb
I don't like the idea of Idris Alba as bond either (though less cause he's black but more that he's cooler scruffy)
David Harewood would be a good shout for both bond and the doctor
@Burgi Hmm
I kept thinking it'd b e Clara
and then GoT girl
and now maybe Bill
@Burgi yup, was awesome
very much enjoyed it, wife is honestly scared of the baddies
@Burgi last episode tho
the very beginning
didn't it also have the weird buzzzzz screen going weird stuff
like.... all of that was simulated too?
/me might go recheck
@djsmiley2k i didn't notice that...
oh wait, no it was 4
the house one
maybe it was in 5 too
my GF hated the river thames episode and was doing the hiding behind a cushion thing
the tree episode was great, truly creepy
@Burgi I can see him as a doctor
Serious one tho.
Also I think Nardol will be awesome at some point.
this one?
have you watched with headphones?
lol no
i watch at home with the wife
sometimes i rewatch on iplayer, then I do
the BBC demo'd some new tech with the sound on that episode
bi-aural sound or something
binaural sound isn't new
they can "place" the sounds in space and it sounds like they are coming from that direction
Its about the recording technique really

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