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@DavidPostill Ohk, you caught me. I wanted to tweet this and couldn't find a proper compare image. Prolly going to tweet the merger one.
Want a proper compare? I can find more similar images
Hi all
@DavidPostill Do you mind if I make (y)our recent PMs public? And, if you do, is it a legal issue if a do so with just mine?
@Nick ^^ actually kinda makes sense-ish now
But still not really :P
@bertieb again, compare, not a merge but fuck, that's trippy :D
It is a compare, insofar as I could
I'll see if the imagemagick's compare works any better now
It was silently erroring before, presumably as difference was too large (across RMSE, AE, etc)
Hmm, could align them better in gimp and then compare
heads down the rabbit hole
Q: can I see the time of a certain chat post or is there just the time shown at posts here and there?
I see "posted NNm ago" in their drop-down menus but is there the absolute time somewhere?
@GeroldBroser Are you referring to the mod message? It's up to you. They are intended to be private but we can't stop you making them public.
@DavidPostill yes I am. Do I have to conform to "_user contributions licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required_"?
a) when doing so on an SE page (not sure, since the rightholder is probably the same: Stack Exchange)
b) when doing so on an SE-external place (most probably yes, due to the license)
@GeroldBroser Hmm. I don't know. Let me run it past the other mods. Where are you thinking of posting it and why?
@Nick ^^ more what you're looking for? Managed to coerce compare eventually
@bertieb Amazing. This a work of art.
@DavidPostill Why? This was not the only uncomfortable situation I experienced during the last few days...on a few SE sites (SO.DOC, stackapps, SU, physics). I'm not convinced that it was/is always me to blame at these occasions. I had a longer talk with another mod today and he agreed that sometimes some activities aren't really comprehensible, even impolite or rude. I'm thinking of putting my experiences on a meta site to see what a broader audience thinks about it.
@Nick Thanks... can get different outputs with different -fuzz factors (heh) or -metrics depending on what you want
(I should probably stop spamming Zachard Gallimankis)
Last one because it looks quite evil:
Off to make din dins
afk 10
@DavidPostill For instance, posting a question in good faith and reading a comment calling it "a bunch of gibberish" short after doesn't conform to physics.stackexchange.com/help/be-nice , IMHO. (the comment has been deleted after I flagged it accordingly, but, anyway, it happened)
@GeroldBroser This is not the place to comment about your experience on another site. Use the physics chat or their meta.
@DavidPostill I'm aware of that. You asked "Where ... and why?" I answered where and why. And I brought an example for the why.
@GeroldBroser If you want to comment about multiple sites then the best place is meta.se.
/hide bertieb
@GeroldBroser Re: whether you have to conform to cc-by-SA 3.0... by creating an account you agreed to the site terms of service. Everything you need to know is in section 3 of the Terms of Service (Subscriber Content)
@Mokubai Thx for pointing me there. I'm aware of that I agreed to Stack Exchange Network Terms of Service. But, honestly, who reads terms of service...ever? :)
@Mokubai I'd be interested to know how one could not confirm by it
@djsmiley2k Trying to apply your own licence and preventing people from using your solutions of supplied code, deleting content, or otherwise trying to restrict it or state that other places must be linked when attributing.... to name a few.
@GeroldBroser Uhhh. I read it once...
but you can easily delete your own content anyway
You can't
yeah i guess you can claim it's otherwise licenced, but that wouldn't actually stand anyway...
The community reserves the right to restore your content
Unless there is a good reason, you shouldn't be deleting your submitted content
@Mokubai "I read it once..." – You, Sir, are a hero! ;)
You may be dissociated from it, but you can't stop SE from keeping it public once you post it
i just realised
slowly the internet is moving to a post licence world
and it may never get there either... but still, awesome
@Mokubai Does that mean it is pointless if I post code with GNU GPLv3 mentioned in an introductory code comment? Or are cc-by-SA 3.0 and GNU GPLv3 compatible in this respect?
I don't believe you're allowed to post content with a license incompatible with CC-BY-SA
@djsmiley2k Isn't it rather "post-factual"?
That is, you're saying by creating a post that the content is under CC-BY-SA
@GeroldBroser hum, not sure i follow
@GeroldBroser I don't know enough about GPL v3, but by posting it here you agree for it to be cc-by-SA and so GPLv3 is irrelevant. If you don't own said code then you shouldn't be submitting it
There was a "sudo for windows" question linked her a while ago, wasn't there?
nvm, found it
@Mokubai I see. I'm going to clarify whether they are compatible somewhere else then.
Wasn't there something about SO being moved to a code "completely open" licence of some kind
They said they were going to the MIT license but changed their mind once the community explained why to not
@GeroldBroser seems like something that would have been asked on meta.se or one of the lawyer.se or workplace.se sites
You posted: "slowly the internet is moving to a post licence world"
I replied/asked – potentially rhetorically –: "Isn't it rather "post-factual"?"
@Mokubai I wasn't aware of that such existed. I think I'll take the lawyers then.
@Mokubai Huh, so you can't change your mind about a contribution?
Let's go for a ridiculous example and say the SE Overlords to make money doing $abhorrent_thing; you can't say "actually, I don't want them profiting from my contributions under those circumstances, kthxbye" ?
"The Q&A site lawyer.stackexchange.com doesn't seem to exist…yet."
"The Q&A site lawyers.stackexchange.com doesn't seem to exist…yet."
"The Q&A site legal.stackexchange.com doesn't seem to exist…yet."
@Mokubai Got it. Simply law.stackexchange.com
The help center says to not "ask questions seeking legal advice on a specific matter" - I'm not sure what the extent of that is
@bertieb No, you gave it to the site. You can leave it all behind, but you can't burn it down on your way out.
Hmm, that seems... pretty one-sided
@bertieb You are free to not contribute...
Anyway, by far the people who get the most from your contributions should be the person you are answering or the people it helped after.
That's not really a discourse-furthering option :P
@Mokubai There is the similar law.stackexchange.com/questions/14490/… since Oct 8, 2016 with no answer so far.
I agree that the community likely benefits more than the overlords
@GeroldBroser I'd have a look on meta.stackexchange.com first TBH. Probably been asked there
Thinking about it further, I suppose if a copyleft license gives anyone the right to copy (under the same provisions), it would necessarily give SE the same right
That said, presumably a person could delete their account so that they aren't associated with the content?
@bertieb Whenever I contribute, I do it knowing that if the day comes when I am completely disillusioned then I'll be doing nothing more than not logging in again. My content was given freely to help the people that it helped, and it stays there because SE makes it possible to stay there.
Might look a bit bad "StackExchange, the QA site that kills puppies, content proudly provided by: ..."
@bertieb Yes. An account can be deleted and it will dissociate your posts
@Mokubai Oh I do agree, contributions help the community, save people time, prevent reinventing the wheel etc; I am on board with that-- didn't mean to imply otherwise
Took me 5 minutes to come up with this:
A: Is there a command which can elevate the Command Prompt in place?

Rahul2001I saw this question and came up with a simple solution. This is a tiny utility called rsudo, which runs escalated commands from a regular CMD window. Note: A UAC prompt will come up. Hiding this is not possible, that's just the way that UAC has been designed. Usage: rsudo.exe "[command]" D...

@Mokubai Good guess: "CC-BY-SA is incompatible with GNU"


However, I can't tell how legally relevant this statement of a "theoretical computer scientist" is in fact.
Being able to remove your name from it seems a reasonable compromise to make in case of sudden-and-dramatic-shift-in-corporate direction
@Rahul2001 I thought the question specifically wanted the same process/window elevated :/
@BenN oops. I missed that part.
@Rahul2001 is that not jsut the same as using runas /u:administrator cmd ?
@djsmiley2k Hm, this doesn't require password if the admin account is logged in
FWIW I wrote a PS script to force a remote thread to impersonate and even that does not appear to do the job
@bertieb I don't think there's anything stopping you from creating a new account after the old is deleted, so yeah, if you have a reason to need "a clean break" then that could be done...
As the top answer has determined, the task is impossible
(well, not impossible, but you'd need a kernel-mode driver and an appetite for horrible hackery)
@GeroldBroser I vaguely remember someone mentioning that GPL is actually quite restrictive and in some ways at odds with a licence that states "go for it, just mention us"
@Mokubai OK, this one's better: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/60538/author-license-exception-to-cc-wiki/197302#197302

"You own the copyright to the content. By posting it on SF (or another SE site) you're agreeing to make it available under a CC-Wiki-with-attribution license. This is a non-exclusive license, and is not a reassignment of copyright."

"You are the author and you have the copyright. You can do with your work whatever you like. You decided to give it to Stack Overflow under a CC-Wiki license, but just because you licensed it to Stack Overflow, doesn't mean it's not
@Mokubai Yeah :)
@bertieb You'd have to be really sure though, because there's no going back afterwards.
@Mokubai But:

"Mixing CC-BY-SA-* with anything else is really problematic: for example, licence compatibility with things like the GNU GPL is an issue."

Seems to me that CC-BY-SA is the more restrictive of these two.
@Mokubai missed the time limit Please consider the last sentence as deleted...or changed to more problematic.
@GeroldBroser meta.stackexchange.com/questions/285711/… seems authoratative. They want to migrate to an MIT licence but;
> As such, the ToS hasn't been changed; your code on SO is still licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0
@GeroldBroser Aye, it can be problematic, but I'd never use code I found here in the exact form I got it. I'd have read it, realised what it was doing and written in in my own way. Anything I contributed I would expect to be used in the same way.
@bertieb (Late) Thx, but I hide you...I have to wear glasses, right. But it's not that bad that there's a need for monitor- and eye-stressing extra bright colors. ;)
@GeroldBroser No probs, I am done with the images anyhoo
@Mokubai That's how I do it, as well. But I'm 99.99...% sure that there are also heavy 1:1 C&Prs.
@GeroldBroser You aren't kidding! I know, like, 100 coworkers who literally write our line of business applications via copy and paste from SO
and if the exact situation they have isn't on SO but something similar, they don't use their brain; they ask a new question
Blankman, blankville
71.6k 212 584 962
Q: 50 question per month limit?

BlankmanI get a message: Sorry, you are only allowed to ask 50 questions in a 30 day period Why is there a question limit? 50/month is just not enough :)

@allquixotic LOL. But kidding wasn't my intention at all. That's simply my perception over decades of developing and using the Internet.
@allquixotic Are you allowed to tell your company's name? Just in case... ;))
"1544 QUESTIONS??? wait... EIGHT ANSWERS?!?!?!?" Now, that's a ratio. Is there a golden badge for such?
There is a Socratic badge for asking a boatload of well-received questions, but we're not really trying to reward asking only questions
@GeroldBroser actually Blankman has 2189 questions on StackOverflow
@GeroldBroser "You aren't kidding!" is an idiomatic expression where I come from that means "I agree!"
@allquixotic Thx for clarifying. Idioms are one of the hardest things in a foreign language...
he's still at it, too -- Blankman has been asking questions for 5 years on StackOverflow, and still has to ask mundane, extremely simple questions like this recent one:
Q: How to change indentation to 2 spaces?

BlankmanHow can I change indentation to always be 2 spaces? I go to View > Indentation > 2 But this only works for 1 file, and it seems to reset after opening/closing the app.

he's the Jon Skeet of questions
and I bet he has multiple accounts and asks more than 50 questions per month using them @_@
@allquixotic But, well, he gathered 71+K reps this way. Does the rep system lack some...adaptions?
well, there's always a few outliers
@allquixotic At times of ancient Internet such people were called Dauersauger 'Permanent suckers' here when it came to Internet connections with shared bandwith.
SO is also strange
@GeroldBroser I think the sheer number of questions asked on Stack Overflow makes it easy for tons of questions to fall through the cracks; a sufficiently popular SE site becomes near impossible to manage
they have, what, dozens of diamond mods over there? and still can't cleave through the huge number of questions
SO has an overall quality problem, where awful questions are allowed to remain and great questions might get overlooked or roomba'ed
Then again, there are a few outliers here too. None that bad
also, the topicality rules are: (1) It has to be related to IT; and/or (2) you have to get lucky that nobody who cares about topicality looks at your question
@allquixotic Unlucky me! One of mine didn't, recently. :( ..._fall through the cracks_) Givent that it was my first there...extremly unlucky.
@allquixotic I'm not entirely awake, but don't you mean programming?
@JourneymanGeek no, I mean related to IT :P
Do you mean on SU?
no, I mean on SO -- show me the ~500k questions that aren't about programming on SO getting closed and I might change my statement
@JourneymanGeek By "outlier" do you mean "people who probably have 'breathe in' written on their left hand and 'breathe out' written on their right" ?
@Mokubai What if they wear gloves?
then they're an intruthteller
@GeroldBroser Then I assume that they have inexplicable fainting spells
@Mokubai people whose reputation dosen't reflect their actual engagement
Thats one class, yes.
Or people with high rep despite not having posted things in 5-6 years ;p
@Mokubai Is there an ICD-10 no. for that, too?
@Mokubai I parsed that as: spells (things you cast; Fireball; Lightning; Heal; etc.) that cause (themselves/others) to faint; and whose method of action is inexplicable
@allquixotic I had to use Google Translate...
@JourneymanGeek ol' Billy Bob Hilsum the Beloved Help Vampire Who Never Visits Except To Ask For Help?
@allquixotic ...and it translated not your way :)
@allquixotic John T
Carmack? lol
129K rep - above me and Wil. Last answer in 2011
@allquixotic Pretty sure in a game I once played there was an "inexplicable faint" spell that caused the castee to wake up confused a short while later...
A: Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?

John CarmackThe time to send a packet to a remote host is half the time reported by ping, which measures a round trip time. The display I was measuring was a Sony HMZ-T1 head mounted display connected to a PC. To measure display latency, I have a small program that sits in a spin loop polling a game contro...

Or was I just annoying a friend in Saints Row 3 by constantly tazing them?
@allquixotic that's one of those situations where the rep cap probably made sense
@allquixotic This is from 2012. Monitors evolved since. ;)
Think they were trying to shoot me dead, and I was "Why are you lying on the floor? Shoot me!"
@GeroldBroser he made a better HMD :p
@GeroldBroser not the point; it's John Carmack
Essentially a lot of the votes are cause he's a superstar he's the canonical source
> Last seen Jan 9 '12 at 20:28
wasn't sure if that was public
@allquixotic I see, didnt' realize that before. THE John Carmack? Apparently.
@GeroldBroser yes, THE John Carmack
I'm tempted to ask a followup question about the same thing but "nowadays" and tweet it at John to see if he'll chime in
@allquixotic NOW I understand...after all the years...why they released things like Wolfenstein, Doom, etc.

Having to perform such high-tech experiments there's an urgent need to satisfy males' basic instincts for compensation.
hmm, my Crapple Watch just rebooted randomly :/
tbh, my (new) ticwatch has been a champ so far
and I suspect they beveled the glass on the new ones so they don't crack like mine did
I need to save that one for Bob; he'll love hearing me say Crapple
@DavidPostill i will... soon...
We need cheese. Take this stone and carve holes in it. Why are so many holes in it? Take this picture of a cheese. Clients are getting poisoned when they eat the picture. Where is my 1 ton of real cheese? I need it in 3 days. You have budget for a cow. Oh, it is dead. We now need 2tons of cheese in 2 days.
at the tip as i was launching my old PCs into the skip i saw 3 or 4 old dells from about 2006...
if the jobsworth high-vis jacket guy hadn't been hovering about i might have "recycled" those dells
what does an uppercase space look like?
how about a bold space?
@allquixotic is looks like toUpper(' '), obviously.
@allquixotic Like this
@DavidPostill oh, I see :)
Eeew, who picked the colors of this site? A vomiting sick cat?
@ThatBrazilianGuy hey! what do you have against sick ca-- blech
@ThatBrazilianGuy I've seen worse :)
@DavidPostill yvettesbridalformal.p1r8.net Have seizures fun
@ThatBrazilianGuy we use that plugin, i strongly suggest NOT using it
@Burgi Huh? Why? I've never used it, but I've only heard praises about it.
if your license expires you can't update it
@Burgi What? The license is single-payment, lifetime.
we have the older license
And besides I'm going to use the free version, because IT BUDGET? BUT IT IS AN EXPENSE!
it stores the fields in the DB so it needs extra calls to the DB each time you build a page even if you aren't using any custom fields
At least that one had some cats pictures :)
its simpler to write a custom plugin and generate your own metaboxes
@Burgi I never did that and have to deliver this project in 3 days... +_+" >_<" 0_o
did you not have today off?
@Burgi Why would I? It's the second person I see mentioning this online...
catholic country, easter....
@Burgi Yes, easter, on Sunday. Easter,[nb 1] also called Pascha (Greek, Latin)[nb 2] or Resurrection Sunday...
do you not get the monday off in lieu of the sunday?
@Burgi They don't have banks any more in BR so no Bank Holidays :)
@DavidPostill LOL! man brazil sucks... ;)
@Burgi We already have O(n^2) holidays and if it happens on thursdays people skip fridays.
Do you really think we need more? Are you secretly Brazilian?
i'm british, i always think we need more holidays
@Burgi Huh?!?!
@Burgi Yeah, and the Spanish they speak there is really unintelligible
Aw, if a question gets deleted you lose answer points :-/
(I guess there really is no harm to cross-answering?)
@Burgi There are probably many more countries that don't have Mondayised holidays if they fall on the weekend.
i just thought it was a thing in christian based countries
i figured that maybe in saudi arabia they wouldn't celebrate easter
timeanddate.com/holidays has the list. Scroll down a bit to see who has a holiday today :)
Nah, some parts of Australia don't have a public holiday for Easter on Monday.
@Burgi we have the least in europe
glad we're leaving so we can stop making that comparison!
> Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday. It is a public holiday throughout Australia each year.
hey i want tomorrow off
Tuesday Apr 18 Last day of Passover Argentina, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States
and on friday I'm moving to Brazil
what on earth for?
they got a hjoliday xD
they don't even speak proper spanish there! ;)
@DavidPostill Yea, except I was speaking to some Australians last night that were saying it wasn't a public holiday in all states. o.o
@bertieb, what hurts is an old question that should have been off-topic, but you answer it anyway, and the answer attracts a ton of upvotes. Later, it's decided that the question should be closed and deleted. The loss of rep gives you an appreciation for "I felt a great disturbance in the Force".
@fixer1234 Yeah, seems a bit arbitrary. The community giveth with one hand, and the community taketh away...
@MichaelFrank Well if the AU governent says it's a holiday they must be wrong :)
@fixer1234 If the answer is more than 60 days old and has at least 3 upvotes, you keep the rep.
Ah, I was just wondering whether rep gets 'baked in'
Q: How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?

jjnguyWhat circumstances can cause a question or answer to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? How can a post be deleted? When can't I delete my own post? Can I see a list of my deleted posts? How can I undelete one of my posts? What does deletion mean for a post? How do votes to delete wo...

Didn't realise along with the t-shirts and hat you get mind reading powers when elected...
> Reputation changes from bounties, votes (both up and down), and acceptances on deleted posts (including answers to a deleted question) are nullified. (Exception: Reputation earned for posts with a score of three or higher, and where the post has been visible on the site for at least 60 days, is retained).
@bertieb 2 t-shirts :)
I lost my SU t-shirt, I'm still bummed about that.
@DavidPostill Okay, along with the tshirten...
@DavidPostill, I had that happen a while ago with a question that was a year or two old and the answer had 6 or 7 upvotes. They went bye bye.
@fixer1234 Hmm
> delete
Is now a weird word after reading it too many times in that Meta QA
@bertieb Most words sound weird if you say them lots of times :)
@bertieb, you have it backwards. You need mind reading powers to qualify.
Yea, semantic satiation or somesuch
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature in various forms since 1967, when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence employs three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: the city of Buffalo, New York; the verb (uncommon in usage) to buffalo, meaning "to bully, harass, or intimidate" or "to baffle"; and the animal...
@fixer1234 I knew you'd say that
(nicely works with the mod/Judge Dredd ref too)
@DavidPostill, I just used that a few days ago in a comment on another site. If you don't have mind reading powers, you've got something close. :-)
my girlfriend is brilliant
she came over to my new flat for the first time last night and she brought me a LOAD of beer as a house warming present
@Burgi, don't tell us, that's just bragging. Tell her if you want to get some mileage out of it.
@fixer1234 i did tell her
@Burgi And here's me thinking you were going to say she helped you christen the ...
@DavidPostill :D
@Burgi Don't drink to much beer then ;p
Steady on :P
@DavidPostill oh, I like that one. It came up earlier today...
@DavidPostill she has gone home now, leaving me home alone with a LOT of beer
@Burgi Drink it all.
"James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher" is an English sentence used to demonstrate lexical ambiguity and the necessity of punctuation, which serves as a substitute for the intonation, stress, and pauses found in speech. In human information processing research, the sentence has been used to show how readers depend on punctuation to give sentences meaning, especially in the context of scanning across lines of text. The sentence is sometimes presented as a puzzle, where the solver must add the punctuation. It refers to two students, James and...
@MichaelFrank on a school night??? what could possibly go wrong there? ;)
@MichaelFrank Might aid the whole 'spontaneous furniture disassembly' thing
@bertieb i built this furniture!
@Burgi Hence the comment :P
Beer and furniture make Homer something something
Or words to that effect
> Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish
and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"[4] This sentence is much easier to read because the writer placed commas between and and & and and and And, & and and and And & and And and and, & and And and and & and and and And, & and and and And & and And and and, & and And and and & and and and. (46 ands in a row)
@bertieb the pictures in the wardrobe instructions seemed to indicate it needed two people
i managed it solo
another person would have just got in the way
@Burgi I'm imagining you saying this while sat around a makeshift campfire, cigar in one hand, eyepatch on one eye...
Best David Hayter Keifer Sutherland I guess voice
@bertieb ...wardrobe door nailed to his arm.
@MichaelFrank "I was lucky to get out... alive"
@bertieb See, I just started watching Designated Survivor, so that doesn't have as much weight at the moment.
"Trust me, kid. Don't mess with wardrobes."
@bertieb i do like camping...
@MichaelFrank I am unfamiliar with it, any good?
i have a bear grylls flint thing
never used it as i always remember to pack butane
@bertieb It's okay so far. I have only watched a couple episodes though.
@DavidPostill, now this is just getting freaky! "James while John...."--I was saying that to my wife just the other day. There's no way you could possibly know.
@bertieb Why? In case you have a wardrobe malfunction? ;P
@fixer1234 You hope...
(too much?)
@DavidPostill Heh. If I can write a scene out of it, you'll get punchline credit :P
@DavidPostill mind blown
@bertieb, Designated Survivor--I'm hooked on it.
@fixer1234 I'll keep it on my (admittedly long/vague) 'to watch' radar
@bertieb, It's hard, though seeing Kiefer Sutherland as a bookworm President after all the 24 series.
@fixer1234 If I can forgive him being Snake, I can forgive that
Though it would probably help than I haven't actually cough, seen 24
To the off-topic close voters - smart phones are on topic when they "interface with your computer" — DavidPostill ♦ 46 secs ago
That includes you @bertieb :)
Quick everyone change your votes to "Too broad"!
@MichaelFrank Too late I reopened it (which cancels all the votes) ;p
@DavidPostill, so @bertieb is on-topic if he interfaces with a computer?
@fixer1234 lol
Eh, fair enough.
Next time I ask want to ask an Android question here I'll make sure to mention I have my phone plugged into my computer :P
Oh, hey another potential grey area- is it fair to VTC off-topic so that a Q can be migrated to an overlapping site (eg SF) so that it can receive better attention there?
@bertieb If it's on topic here it should stay here. If it's a poor question it shouldn't be migrated.
@DavidPostill It's at +21 at the mo, but not answered in >2 years
Fair to say not poor, just might get an answer on a more specialised site
@bertieb Linky?
Q: Jenkins realtime console output for parallel threaded fabric command

mVChrWe have a Python fabric command that runs in parallel across several hosts, something like this: $ fab --hosts=prod1.server,prod2.server,prod3.server --parallel copy_cache This will copy cache to the production servers listed in parallel. There is various logging that occurs throughout the pro...

> Only questions which are less than 60 days old can be migrated; this rule applies also to moderators
Q: What is migration and how does it work?

Yaakov EllisI posted a question which was closed as off-topic and it seems like it could fit on another site in the network. How can I go about moving it there? What is migration and how does the process work? Who can migrate questions? When should I consider migration? What can cause migrations...

@DavidPostill Okay doke, cheers! Hypothetically though, if it were a good, unanswered, uh, 'young' question- it is it worth VTmigrate, or only if actually off-topic here?
@bertieb only if actually off-topic here and it is a good question worth migrating and the other site would accept it.
@DavidPostill Figured as much, cheers!
So just to follow the train of logic; the user could then self-delete if they wanted to re-ask on a sister site
Assuming there are no answers
And if there were (but didn't address the question to the satisfaction of the querent), could mod-flag for deletion?
@bertieb If there were valid answers I (as a mod) would decline a flag for deletion of the question.
A: Please stop migrating crap

Journeyman GeekTypically when people ask if something should be moved, I've typically had a small wishlist of things. Personally I feel migrations should be a little rare - if a question is off topic here, on topic there and is an exceptional question, there would be no question about moving it (other than wh...

@bertieb This is worth reading:
We are also able to contact foreign mods and ask if they would like a question. If they say no then we keep it :)
@DavidPostill Okay, presumably the querent in that case would have to accept your decision that the answers are valid (their own misgivings aside) and re-ask on the sister site, and state in the question that they don't feel the answers are valid to avoid cross-post dupe flaf?
Much like how a same-site-Q has to demonstrate why it's not a dupe
@bertieb Something like that. Normally cross-posting is OK if the question is tailored for each site it's posted on.
@DavidPostill Gotcha, cheers!
@bertieb That doesn't mean just changing a couple of words of course ...
@DavidPostill You mean people can't just rephrase the opening fluff of "Dear [SO/SU/SF/Math/Woodworking], I have problem install NetBSD on toaster, plz halp" ?!
(checks NetBSD is still a Thing™)
> The problem with this request to expand copyright liability is that it will do too little to stop online piracy while doing too much damage to internet services and news sites which are following the law. Current law is based on a cost benefit analysis of copyright infringement and how third parties can help remove it — without facing penalties that would dry up investment for tech companies and curb access to legal information and content for internet users. It deeply concerns us that Hollywood is constantly trying to move the legal line by expanding liability for noninfringing innocent
(Ed Black, President and CEO of CCIA.)
Installed 8gb more gbs for a total of 12gbs in my t420 thinkpad. No more chrome not enough memory windowse.

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