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I'm using bash on ubuntu on windows on solus
via Windows 10 VM
@djsmiley2k It's supposed to be opaque. It's like asking why you can't just go in and edit a myd (MySQL database) file without the right tools...
FYI, the right tool in this case is using WSL, not trying to mount/access it via Windows Explorer directly.
@still_dreaming_1 They probably never will. Because there's no need nor reason to.
Pretend the whole lxss folder is a single giant data file. And never go inside it.
Since when does no need equal never will? There was no need for bash on windows.
@Bob but then why can you access it
It is only natural to want to use a mix of Windows and bash tools to edit files created in / for either one when you start mixing OSs like this
this makes me sad
@still_dreaming_1 Since it fell into the minus 100 point hole and never got out again.
There was a good use case for WSL that wasn't easily satisfied otherwise.
There isn't much of a case for directly touching WSL VolFS files.
It's like asking why you can't just modify a DLL directly.
Maybe, maybe at some point it'll be useful enough to do something about.
But at this point that's looking pretty unlikely. There's many other things they can (and are) improving - WSL is a pretty big project.
you remember how going into C:\windows would get the 'warning screwing around in here may seriously screw stuff up' ?
well turn that on D:
That's the problem with geeks these days. Any time you want a cool feature their first reply is the technical limitations.
Instead the first thought should be is it desirable, not is it easy to accomplish
If it is seen to be desirable there is almost always a good way to do it, but it may take time to figure that out
@still_dreaming_1 Honestly? I'd be more interested in seeing native support for VFS filesystems altogether (e.g. ext, definitely ZFS). But who knows.
@still_dreaming_1 ...that's literally what they're looking at here.
There isn't even any technical analysis until it passes the "is it desirable" check.
But the "desirability" check isn't "oh, this one random guy wants it".
If the Windows install was on the same type of file system would that be the end of it?
They get millions of such requests.
@still_dreaming_1 My answer is to not use windows :/
It needs to be sufficiently more desirable than the vast majority of these other requests.
True, but the first reply in general when someone requests a feature in most projects does not start with "that is or is not desirable because of x". It typically starts with "Oh no <insert technical jargon here>".
which is a huge mistake
if there is a will there is a way.
The conversation should focus on priorities and if it is a good feature
not if it is possible or not
that part should come last
how exactly to do it
but instead it typically comes first
@still_dreaming_1 I don't see how that's applicable here, though. We started with a "this is probably deliberately not wanted", then moved to a "also, there's other more important things"
@still_dreaming_1 People don't have infinite time - it makes sense to consider just how big a job is and weigh it up against 'desirability'.
@still_dreaming_1 is the will strong enough to work through the way tho?
There's a will to colonise mars.... will it happen? maybe
but just because 100,000+ people want it, isn't really pushing it into happening. One guy is making that happen instead lol
It's not like "oh, we want this, we'll do this" *POOF* feature created!
If someone is not willing to work for it they won't really want it that badly
If one wanted thing takes 1000 man-hours, and other less-wanted things take 10 man-hours each, the latter will probably be tackled first (at least until the level of "wanted-ness" of the big one rises high enough)
I agree scope should be taken into account before deciding to do something
it is part of deciding the current priorities
But enabling the feature in Windows should at least warn you not to mess with those files in windows.
@still_dreaming_1 so like I've already said basically.
11 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
you remember how going into C:\windows would get the 'warning screwing around in here may seriously screw stuff up' ?
I think they at least have that folder hidden, and maybe marked as system (can't remember).
As a native Linux user, I'd see no reason why I couldn't go and edit stuff
Those are the standard warning mechanisms... people have just grown used to ignoring them *shrug*
@Bob people ignore speed limits and smoking warnings, should we get rid of those too?
@djsmiley2k Then you'll be happy to note that they didn't implement anything to actually stop you. They just hid them ... and you'll probably break things if you edit them. Your loss.
Being hidden should warn you it is special to change it, not that changing those file will corrupt the file system.
@Bob I'd just like some warning that you really shouldn't edit them.
@djsmiley2k ...they didn't get rid of the hidden/system warnings.
Though IIRC system can't be applied to a folder so maybe that's a problem.
@Bob yeah I thought your message was meant for my hiding files with the warning in the side bar thing
I think we agree
but from different arguements
@still_dreaming_1 I do think they chose a bit of an odd mix of actually keeping them as independent files. But there probably was a reason for that.
Using bash in ubuntu in windows in solus reminds me of the night after I watched inception
@still_dreaming_1 There's a screenshot floating around in chat somewhere from the time I ran a bunch of nested virt :P
I found myself that night questioning if I was in a dream or not. Then I decided I was sure I was not because I felt sure and normally I once I start questioning it I'm only sure if I'm actually awake. Then a little later I felt like I was in a dream. Then i woke up... or at least I think I did...
maybe I will wake up again and remember my life prior to this 34 year long dream (in dream years)
Oh here it is
Then there was that time with Hyper-V inside VMware...
@Bob needs more layers...
I did about 5 lxc's in side of each other before getting confused.
Also, ssh running in each one, to th next one...
@djsmiley2k but lxc doesn't use hardware virt :(
I kinda stopped there cause the VT-x emulation wasn't working so well and the OSes were trampling over the HDD and lagging quite horribly.
Maybe I should try again now I've got SSDs and a post-Ivy CPU...
containers are easier cause they share a kernel
hehe yeash
Oh. @JourneymanGeek speaking of rumors (in recent convos)... blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20170228-00/?p=95605
@Bob - So you ran Hyper-V within VMWare but what about Hyper-V within Hyper-V within VMWare head explode
Is it right to be jealous of an 18 year old?, lol
Hey I watched that.
It's a pretty cool video.
Is it cool or depressing that I get paid to work with that type of hardware?
I almost cried when he talked about Bus in Tag..
shrug it was mostly all Greek to me.
$100, heh
> please address your email to xxxxxxxxxx, amending the subject so
that it contains only the exact string: "<CASE:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" (not including the quotes). Please note, you must
include the < > brackets and use no spaces. Lastly, please do not include any other text in the subject, such as
'CREATE CASE', as this can result in incorrect processing.
Hmm... Please do not include THIS SPECIFIC PHRASE in any emails, eh?
@Ramhound yes
; GET username where uid = 1
Yes what?
Right kids, lets caffine up!
hooks @djsmiley2k to an IV
that is the best
'no matter what you think, your floor isn't flat, and 1500lb of mainframe will move itself'
So what were you saying yes to @JourneymanGeek
@JourneymanGeek plz
@Ramhound That wasn't possible until recent Win10 and Server 2016
Hm. I should try nested virt inside Hyper-V sometime.
@Ramhound at least one of the things you said, duh
@Bob for the record, the original DOID is back in action I think
@JourneymanGeek I need to try mine again sometime :P
But then I also need to get a proper 3.5" (12V) caddy
didn't ask a yes/no question :$
they're in the openelec box
@Ramhound you asked an or question ;p
sadly, wifi is a little too slow to transfer stuff over
OK, perhaps I need a quick sanity check: is it just me, or do we seem to get a lot of questions from people who encountered problems with their Windows/Linux dual-boot configuration?
@Run5k I've not noticed an overabundance...
Exactly! Some time ago, I started recommending that those people run Linux inside either VirtualBox or Hyper-V.
@Run5k I notice a lot of people have trouble with Kali
to the point where I post a good chunk of my aibobot answers on the topic in a snarducational manner
erf. Guess who has no running PCs with a SD card reader?
@JourneymanGeek, that's a good point. Kali is probably leading the charge in that regard, but I still see a steady stream of them pertaining to Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.
Heh... I ensure that I still have one computer in the house with a built-in 5-in-1 SD card reader, just in case.
@Run5k Fairly typical... I've said it a lot, but GRUB loves to clobber BOOTMGR. And BOOTMGR pulls funny crap with UEFI startup order too.
@Bob, agreed on all counts. Like I said, I try to encourage people to utilize Windows 10 with one of the free hypervisors if they really want to run some flavor of Linux.
@Run5k I'm of the opinion most people who use ask kali questions are clueless
actually, that's uncharitable
I wonder, if there's some way to capture this post request, re-do it, and then autoselect soem of the fields too
I have a Kali VM :(
infact I'm sure there is, I' just don't know how right now
they've basically been thrust into a badly made, single purpose linux environment without actually learning the basics.
Granted, I've only used it once, and I can't even remember what for now.
@Run5k I have a few spare systems that still do
it's the ubuntu problem
and the thing is also the solutions are the same 'reinstall'
windows thinking :/
@djsmiley2k i've used and broken ubuntu installs many times in the past
Oh. Was to run OWASP ZAP.
@JourneymanGeek Google "linux for hacking" - kali.org is the first result.
oh is kali the distro that comes with metasploit 'set up' ?
it's the sub7 of the 21st century
@djsmiley2k eh. sometimes, a reinstall makes the most sense.
it also encourages people to use it as root by default
I'd not do that for a primary-use system, simply because it's a massive pain to set things up again.
@JourneymanGeek I certainly understand what you are saying. While they may not be clueless, I think that many of those people are computer "enthusiasts" who don't fully comprehend the complexity of their desired configuration.
@JourneymanGeek a bit like how one of the solutions in ubuntu to everything is 'use sudo' ? :/
But for a VM? ...if it's broken, easier to blow it away and start over.
@djsmiley2k but that makes sense in many ways
@JourneymanGeek depends on the problem, a lot of the times it doesn't make sense
@JourneymanGeek it's a tool, not an OS you're actually meant to run and spend time in -_-
but the correct lesson eventually is "use a non privileged account"
@djsmiley2k why?
In windows, do you tell everyone to just 'run as administrator' ?
@JourneymanGeek I can't write to this directory! - use sudo!
no, learn properly how permissions work.
- and then use sudo
@djsmiley2k see, that's what I mean by education
I can't run this executable! - use sudo.
or people set chmod777
Okay... so round two of troubleshooting the wifi...
@MichaelFrank does the gateway exist yet?
@JourneymanGeek oh that one is always fun
Yea, it's there.
I try to encourage people to not use octal permissions
or worse!
A: XAMPP why need to change application permission of application folder?

Journeyman GeekIts worth understanding what this does (and why its a terrible idea). chmod -R 777 gives Read + Write + Execute permissions to any account. While it works, its roughly the equivalent of leaving your home unlocked, while you go to work, cause you can't find your keys. Find out what user XAMPP i...

using things like +w forces people to at least kinda think about what they're diong
chmod 777 -r /
@Bob oddly I can remember the octals better
They're talking about increasing the bandwidth on the wireless http tunnel
deliverately failed to type that correctly :D
It's time for my yearly requote!
Dec 22 '16 at 3:59, by Bob
Jun 30 at 8:36, by Bob
Aug 27 '15 at 22:08, by Bob
"oh just chmod 777 it, it'll work!"
Huh... so the packet shaper is completely choked.
@MichaelFrank o_O
I remember a worse one where someone gave www-data full, passwordless sudo rights
@JourneymanGeek I don't like octals. Among other things, they overwrite permissions.
@JourneymanGeek I remember that!
you can do a chmod u+x to grant execute to the owner, but there's no easy equivalent with octal modes
you'd either clobber or have to check existing permissions
of course, the symbolic ones are kinda confusingly named...
g is group, ok
u is owner... user? close enough
o is ... is it owner or others? bleh.
(user, group, others is how I remember it)
@JourneymanGeek yea. then I occasionally get confused about others vs world vs public...
then again, I don't do this all that often
then there's suid...
but it's usually near a chown which puts owner in my mind instead of user :\
another 'fun' bad habit is to use root to work on /var/www then chown it later
So, something to 'record' and allow me to repeat a number of steps in chrome, stop, wait for some input, and then carry on?
@JourneymanGeek I think I've actually done that from time to time, minus the chown step.
But they're usually in kinda-throwaway containers that don't even have other users set up
@djsmiley2k I think @allquixotic uses... er... something for that for work
yeah heh
i mean postman can malnipulate and do posts...
@djsmiley2k Selenium
but I have some 'filling in' bits I do too
selenium would do that
copy stuff from the email, paste it here, submit the form, paste some more stuff there..
Q: Manual input from user while running selenium IDE script

Rohit Warecan user is able to give manual input while running selenium IDE script? For ex. If there is name field then can we open input box everytime script runs so that user can give his input for name field? Let me know whether it is possible or not.. If yes then please suggest me a solution. Thanks ...

Dang, SU has far fewer chat rooms than SO. :(
can selenium just run ontop of my existing chrome?
@jhmckimm we're a much smaller site, and most of the action is focused right here.
So I see. :P
tis awesome here
we have dogs.
I have some questions regarding networking, but I'm not sure this might be the place.
We can, at the very least, point you at a vaguely correct direction
for simple home networking SU for higher end server stuff even if it is at home, serverfault
there's also a specialist network engineering site
erf. That's barely visible
I see that... white-on-yellow! :-/
"The last message was posted 2 days ago."

Oh boy.
I have porkchat and dark background enabled - looks good here :D
I see it white on light grey ;p
@Run5k It's white on yellow because it's your comment.
@MichaelFrank, thanks for educating me. That one appears to be white on light-gray from my perspective, just as JourneymanGeek described.
I'm from the old days, so everything is just black and white for me.
@jhmckimm I always joke to my younger cousins that black and white photos are from the days before colour was invented.
@jhmckimm There's a running joke here that I'm a dog
and there's an urban myth that dogs don't see colour ;p
Sorry, I remembered that I wanted sandwiches. I'm back.
Well the wireless is working now.
Apparently they just took the tunnel down, then brought it back up. o.o
@jhmckimm Black and white? Naw. Black and green.
black and orange plz
@JourneymanGeek yep, lots of Selenium
oh did i mention i can't install programs? ;/
@djsmiley2k if there are (only) technical limitations preventing this, you can certainly get around that, 99% sure
if you can download zip files from the net and run exes, you're good to go
the concept that everything you download has to be installed somehow and go into the registry and Add/Remove Programs is flawed
trust me, I've dealt with permissions issues on Windows for more than a decade at various employers
@allquixotic sometimes it's policy and then you fail an audit
the way you deal with it is grab portable versions of everything you need
@Bob meh. 99% of places don't have visibility into individual files you have, only "officially installed" programs
mine, for example, uses Big Brother-style software to monitor what's in Add/Remove Programs, but you can grab any random EXEs you want off the Internet, and as long as they don't get flagged as a virus by McAfee, you're fine
and by "mine" I mean four different environments for four different, independent organizations
and if they block the download, just host an encrypted 7z on your server somewhere... you do have a server, right? :)
@allquixotic they're actually coming around and physically checking here now
I haz ssh ;)
I'm second line and expected to 'just fix it!'
@djsmiley2k oh, pssh, you're squared away then! any company that allows outbound ssh to arbitrary servers surely won't care about what you have installed
@Bob oh. poking around in your home directory looking for EXEs and stuff?
do you have a mandatory proxy with forced SSL MITM for Internet access? if not... you can almost certainly stand up an Eclipse-based, Maven-based Selenium environment if you have a Java 1.7 or newer JRE/JDK
if you do and it blocks the maven central repos, you can always poke around if the internal network has a mirror, as many orgs do now
@allquixotic not too sure, I've not been randomly chosen yet
@Bob that sucks. wonder if it's just a scare tactic or if they're for real
although I suppose if you did all your civil disobedience stuff using scripting languages, they'd never know unless they started opening random text files :P
throws a pipe from /dev/urandom towards @JourneymanGeek
:35752904 jobs like that need airgapped, separate locked-down machines where it is acceptable and understandable for them to !!no all non-approved third-party software, even scripts and such
but on your non-locked-down machine it should be free reign
@ThomasWard ceci n'est pas un pipe
I had to google translate that heh
can I borrow your hammer to do some antispam cleanup on this?
@ThomasWard urandom? huh... stuffs insecure numbers into @ThomasWard's urandom and makes Geek run arbitrary code
gains a diamond suddenly
somehow gains the godly abilities of SE devs during these happenings, and laughs evilly
@ThomasWard handled
@allquixotic not sure how you're going to adjust my urandom seed, it's being fed by haveged
@JourneymanGeek thank you kindly
so, silly thing I'm trying to work out. I've gotten a PC connected to an old widescreen plasma TV. Openelec picks up 640x480 and 1024x768. The latter looks dreadful, and there's a tiny pink noise border at the bottom...
oh, didn't know about this haveged... TIL
is it really 640x480 with shitty upscaling or am I missing something?
@JourneymanGeek unfortunately, if it's a really badly designed monitor/TV and only supports VGA, you may have to manually adjust the modelines/scanlines
^ this
I know nothing of it ;p
@JourneymanGeek I have the same issue with widescreen LCD TVs, except the HDMI is "supported" but it doesn't support a valid 'widescreen' resolution
like its so old I don't even know the model and its literally as ash
@JourneymanGeek recommendation would be to scour the corners of the Internet for anything resembling a matching model number and see if anyone's already done the work
I once went a month with a 720p TN LCD TV as my primary display for my main desktop while on a work assignment
Oh, I've adjusted the aspect ratio and such
it looks REALLY good for the crappy resolution
I have no idea what model it is
Since I have no access to the back
and there's identical models with different features.
... which apparently has HDMI
the problem is now tv's res's caught up with monitors... monitor makers are getting lazy too
@allquixotic STATTB
what's twss again?
@djsmiley2k "that's what she said", usually
The phrase "Said the actress to the bishop" is an informal (and usually vulgar) British exclamation, offering humour by serving as a punch line that exposes an unintended double entendre. An equivalent phrase in North America is "that's what she said". Each phrase is an example of a Wellerism, exposing a second meaning of what precedes it. The versatility of such phrases, and their popularity, lead some to consider them clichéd. == History and variations == The term, or its variant "as the actress said to the bishop", may have been used as far back as Edwardian times, and is apparently British...
So, any default behaviour in Debian 8 that I should be wary of for a web/db server environment? Pretty new to Linux. I'm a Windows user.
MD is different here...
default behaviouR?
@jhmckimm #TooBroad
rm -rf / will delete everything, maybe
I literally can't be specific.
What web server? What database? What're you using it for? Is it on the public Internet, or local? Scalable/HA or dev?
well if you can't be specific then neither can we
my answer would be "Possibly"
hope that's useful for you
what's the E for?
so Nginx, MySQL and PHP?
Yup. :)
...wait. how does E translate to Nginx?
@Bob "engine x" pronounced?
Nginx is pronounced "Engine X"
Also LNMP is harder to say.
@jhmckimm well -- it may not be issues in the traditional sense (like, security issues); in fact it may be the opposite; but one thing to be aware of if you're new to Debian and Debian-based distros is that for packages such as Nginx and MySQL, they have a ton of extremely custom, Debian-specific default configuration files and package management installation scripts
I believe the defaults are designed to be "sane" in some sense of that word, specifically to make the default /etc/init.d/whatever start not open up a huge attack vector
things like only listening on localhost for mysql, for instance, should be default; or at least a default random password for the root user
Also you'll be on an older, stable, version of them unless you specifically install from backports or stable. (You'll still get security fixes but maybe not non-security bugfixes.)
so in some sense it's a good thing, because they do the security hardening for you. or part of it
But that's good for a production system.
Alright. So I'm completely safe leaving everything as-is, pretty much?
but yeah, the config files and init scripts you get with Debian for specific packages like web servers and databases will be wildly different from what you get by untarring the source tree of the upstream package
@jhmckimm "completely" -- not exactly; with nginx in particular, the default is to listen on all interfaces, so you're open to inbound HTTP(S) traffic... if you are doing development on that and not ready for public to see it, you should change that
and if you want to open it up to a limited test group but have it on the public internet, you could use some form of authentication combined with TLS for a pretty good way to stave off the script kiddies and bots
if it's a production box, and your software is already written/debugged/tested, you should be able to fairly soon open up the ports needed and just let the Internet rain down upon your website with only enough configuration done to install your app and map the directory path to your PHP app
but if you're doing new development, hold off on that until your app is at least ready for testing or beta
also look into security hardening guides for Linux webservers... pretty sure you'll quickly stumble upon good suggestions such as a NIDS (like Snort) and an active virus scanner if your software does any form of storing user data files on disk
and make sure your OpenSSH server denies password-based authentication entirely; set up certificate-based authentication ASAP
also good security practice to run netstat -pan | grep LISTEN and audit each and every listening service on either TCP or UDP, and make sure (1) you know what it is and (2) if it's only intended for internal consumption, don't listen on the public IP, just localhost or a local subnet
Oh, that cert SSH thing might be useful.
if there are services you want to access temporarily during dev that you'd normally have listening on localhost during production, one nice hack that's quite secure is to (assuming your SSH server is secure), use SSH as a port forwarding mechanism to open up, say, the server's MySQL port to your specific local dev box only and not the whole Internet
definitely better than having MySQL accessible on the public IP from everyone on the Internet
(MySQL is difficult to configure so that its TCP wire protocol is airtight, and even then it's had a history of protocol vulnerabilities)
I see.
@allquixotic On the topic of publicly accessible...
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti announced: 3584 CUDA cores in 28 of 30 SMs on Pascal GP102 @ 1600 MHz; 11 GB GDDR5X @ 11 Gbps on 352-bit bus.
@allquixotic Thanks for that wall of text btw.
(looks like they disabled 1/12th of the memory controllers and ROPs this time around, unlike the TITAN X)
> "Spiral Toys was not contacted by any cyber security professionals nor a hacker holding the data for ransom": Yes they were, it's all documented above and whilst the ransoms didn't involve contacting them, when the only databases remaining on the system demand Bitcoin in exchange for the return of data, that's a bit of a red flag
The card is slightly faster than the TITAN X. It will retail for $699; lesser cards have had their prices reduced to make way.
Also, the exhaust vent at the back of the card has been widened by removing the DVI port; this should reduce the thermal throttling problems the TITAN X had.
Aug 20 '16 at 5:28, by bwDraco
$1200 graphics card has bad thermal throttling. Seriously, NVIDIA?
@bwDraco wtf, less than the 1080 FE :/
How do I configure SSH to use certs then?
oh. my. god. What is that paperclip doing here?
@jhmckimm easter egg
I'll update build plans and will lay out plans for a new Ryzen-based system (codename Astaroth) soon.
Q: Pick an easter egg for chat.superuser!

Jeff AtwoodOn chat.meta.stackoverflow, there's a little easter egg where text entered as [status-blah] will be rendered as a moderator only tag. We'd like to do something similar, but specific to superuser -- namely, when you type a magic string, something amusing and in-joke-y for superuser.com happ...

basically ssh-keygen -t rsa on your client, then put the .pub file's contents in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the user you want to login to on the server side
then edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and find PasswordAuthentication (should be commented out) and set it to no and uncomment it
Oh, my local is Windows.
but only do the latter and restart your ssh server after verifying that key login works
ssh-copy-id is the win
I s'pose I can fire up a VM.
putty + puttygen will do keys
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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