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Microsoft is messing up so damn big time.
posted on February 27, 2017 by Jess Pardue

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast #102 recorded Thursday, February 23, 2017 at the Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today’s podcast is brought to you by rogue cows and SHA-1. SHA-1: You can depend on it. The post Stack Overflow Podcast #102: What Can We Learn from Uber? appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

@Rahul2001 that's. Just. Regular. CMYK.
@Bob idontgetit
@TOWMN would that be more KYMC? :P
@TOWMN uh. loops. programming. haha. no?
I take back all the positive things I said about UniFi the other day :P
How someone managed to pull off something as fucked up as this USG configuration is beyond me
Like, you have a router, but you can't configure it. You need a software to configure it. But you have to be in the same network as device. Sadly, due to the way they fucked things up, you always end up with the router offering a different range over DHCP than the address the controller is set to
Oh and the default username they're trying to set will also break your entire setup
bye folks
We need this over in NL
@DavidPostill I'm trying to calibrate a SEDE query in response to that meta question about downvoting, but it's entirely possible that I messed up the SQL, so I need to do some sanity checks. Does it sound reasonable that you comment on about 42% of the posts you downvote?
Please feel free to tell me that I completely butchered the stats
Actually, this same query is guessing that I comment on only about a third of the things I downvote, so something has gone wrong here
@Hennes That image is giving me a 503 response
@BenN Does the SEDE query return data on stuff that is deleted?
It includes counts of downvotes on deleted posts, but it doesn't see comments on those deleted things, which is almost certainly throwing things off
I think I'll abandon trying to guess that and rename the column to ArbitraryMentoringScore or something
@BenN If you want a more accurate system then you could implement a query that reaches out to mods and basically says "Did X comment on Answer/Question Y? Here's a paypal donation in $LOCAL_CURRENCY$ for your trouble."
It might be a bit slow, but I'm sure increasing the value of $LOCAL_CURRENCY$ could directly affect execution speed...
Hmm, cannot upload images atm
imgur is borked
Might be related to an Amazon AWS outage
Live stream starts in 15 minutes.
Oh yeah, imgur is properly broken right now...
@Bob I don't get the relationship between a tomato and a do while loop....
I know I'm piling on here, but Amazon's stock price is a better uptime indicator than their status page. #AWS #S3… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/836641520321179648
@Mokubai someone testing the webcam botnet against them now?
@djsmiley2k I wouldn't be surprised, they've been about a lot recently. Didn't Cloudflare get hit not long ago?
and so yesterday
@djsmiley2k SO is still going on...
An outage in Amazon's S3 is affecting display and upload of images on our sites, unrelated to the DDoS that we're still sustaining. #hugops
we need to start a grayhax movement
start fixing stuff...
The dashboard not changing color is related to S3 issue. See the banner at the top of the dashboard for updates.
"The system that tells us that all the systems are broken is itself currently broken"
Oof, so they're getting hammered I take it?
Seems it
I have the perfect gif!
Oh... but it's on imgur.
Okay, nope, not helpful at all
@MichaelFrank lol
@Rahul2001 reads like someone complaining "I pays mah money, it should always be up!"
@Mokubai xD
@BenN Probably not far out. I do try and comment if I downvote.
Someone offered me INR 3,000 today to hack into an account on a major social network. In order to put them off, I said that I would charge 10,000. They agreed
what network? facebook?
oh, £120. pfft
Definitely Probably not going to do it, but this is a different level of desperation from a 15 year old. Apparently the person 'insulted their ex'
tell em to grow a pair, and have a duel.
@djsmiley2k A whole lot here in India. I can buy a super decent smartphone for that much
@djsmiley2k I did. He said that the resulting fist fight wasn't satisfying enough, whatever that means...
@Rahul2001 it means he got his "pair" handed to him
@DavidPostill lol
@Mokubai Eh, tried to scare him with authorities and prison. Dude doesn't care, just wants prison.
@DavidPostill sudo tail dog.log
@Rahul2001 Fake an account, copy some of the content, pictures, etc. Give him the details and gtfo.
@MichaelFrank idk if it'll work. The social network in question displays post date very prominently, and I'll also have to fake replies and stuff. Too much work to make it even remotely convincing.
take the money
deny everything
don't issue recipt
@Rahul2001 just create a new website and leech the content. maybe faceberk.com
wow, that website isn't actually taken...
@djsmiley2k his deal was you hack it, prove it, take money, then give me login details
that sounds like a setup.
@Mokubai lmao
you hack it, you get arrested, he runs away?
@djsmiley2k lmao
Take his money, buy him a copy of McAffee?
That'd be enough to ruin anyone
Hm... This weird person is sending me repeated follow requests on Instagram
@Rahul2001 The same person? Report him for stalking :)
@Mokubai lol
@DavidPostill nope. His best friend's girlfriend 0_0
This is weird
I shall not follow back ;P
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 17 mins ago, by Nathan Osman
The whole internet is down... except Hillary Clinton's email server, because it's not hosted in the cloud. Who's laughing now? #Amazon #S3
England is, we always have cloud.
Been a good amount of it the last couple of days
Sjees. Finding a mechanical yet affordable keyboard with cherry MX-greens is hard.
Goodnight folks
You guys ever bought any of this?
Got 2x 9m rolls... $800 D:
@MichaelFrank duct tape!
Maybe for concert... but not for the corporate office!
cheaper to get an electrican in?
Also, I've seen hard rubber ones
which don't stick to anything
yea, and slide all over the place. We've got them at the moment. Hella annoying.
so you got wood floors?
It's all carpeted.
But the rubber ones still skid around.
Some (minor) Socket AM4-related trouble two days before launch: tomshardware.com/news/…
I don't see....
TL;DR: Screws for securing HSF backplates may be too long, resulting in insufficient heatsink pressure on the processor and thereby compromised cooling performance.
they using amd's backplate with a 3rd party cooler?
@djsmiley2k no no no. Gaffer tape.
sounds to me like AMD issue 'you need this setup to mount'
they then provide a slightly different setup with the stock cooler
lazy 3rd party goes 'we can use their back plate' and designs to use it, using the specs AMD issued.... and chaos ensues
as AMD are perfectly fine to edit their own design and even go outside their own specs
no one else should be using it after all.
Of course this whole theory just came out of my sleep deprived head...
2 more night shifts to go yey
I'm actually feeling shockingly 'ok'
but I know I'm tired - the windscreen wipers started going on the car, and I jumped thinking I'd hit the kerb :/
@TOWMN Expected egg, got tomato? *shrug*
/me wibbles
guys if you get a chance go see this guy: thejohnrobertson.com
absolutely hillarious
"Live demos are like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets loaded."
hey I'm phoning Singapore!
I guess razer is running AWS too
synapse is failing to let me log in
the joys of 'too big to fail'
The joys of everyone's eggs in one basket
not to mention, without synapse my mouse is stuck at a lower DPI
The joys of highlighting to terrorists exactly where to strike to take out parts of the internet XD
@JourneymanGeek The joys of requiring login for what should be a totally local program, more like...
*opens Logitech Gaming Software* :P
@djsmiley2k if a dog answers you know who you are talking to
note to not buy a Razer mouse xD
@Burgi :D
unless... plot twist, everyone in singapore is a dog
this might be racist, not sure....
is Singoporeese a race?
i meant the dilbert
luckily india is asleep right now
Is it bad to modify the linux files from windows file explorer when using bash on ubuntu on windows?
Yes, very
wait what?
as in you're running bash, and modifying the bash files from outside bash?
Interesting facts:
1/ The current population of Singapore is 5,754,427 as of Tuesday, February 28, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
2/ Singapore's pet population is projected to hit 824,600 pets this year - up from 816,115 in 2014, according to statistics from Euromonitor
3/ The number of canine pets increased from an estimated 47,000 in 2006 to 62,000 last year.
I'd argue not really
just source ./.file you changed
@still_dreaming_1 There's a bunch of hidden metadata (e.g. Unix permissions) attached to it that you'll possibly corrupt if you try modifying it from Explorer.
I think I read somewhere that there's metadata about them that doesn't show up to normal Windows APIs and will get destroyed if you change the files outside Bash
depending if it needs sourcing.
ok that'd be bad xD
ok, well what about the other way around? Is it ok to modify the Windows files from that bash?
@djsmiley2k It's not about modifying files from outside bash. It's about modifying files from outside bash on Windows, aka WSL, aka Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
If not that seems really stupid
@still_dreaming_1 That's fine
@Bob I stupidly thought linux on windows, from ms, would support linux on windows, from ms
@still_dreaming_1 As long as you don't try anything tricky :P
the most stupid thing?
If you go through the normal mountpoints, that's fine cause there's a translation layer.
I can edit a file on my linux server, via scp, from my windows desktop, and it WON'T BLOW UP.
@djsmiley2k ...and? It does...
my brain actually hurts from the stupidity...
@Bob it doesn't blow up
@djsmiley2k Funny thing? You can do that with WSL too.
it edits the file content.
So I should be able to create files using git from bash that are in the normal windows file system and then interact with those files from both Windows programs and bash programs right?
@Bob you just told him not to :/
@djsmiley2k You're talking network access. You can host a SCP server on WSL and run a SCP client on Windows and it'd work fine too.
@djsmiley2k He's talking the equivalent of loading up a raw ext drive in Notepad and fiddling with it.
so why isn't that the default d:
or why aren't the files hidden so you can't screw it up like this
erm, i believe windows 7 (and I guess 10) can mount ext2 and ext3 quite well
@still_dreaming_1 Yes, as long as it's via the Windows mountpoints and appears in the normal Windows filesystem, it's all fine. Just don't reach into the private WSL directories.
@djsmiley2k They are hidden.
@Bob ah ok
so users be cray cray?
I don't know why you're bashing MS for this...
still feels stupid to me, but what do i know
Rule of thumb, don't touch anything in `%LocalAppData%\lxss` since that's supposed to be private (only accessed via VolFs).
Anything via /mnt/c, /mnt/<driveletter> goes through DrvFs and should work fine from both OSes.
I read VoIFs as voice over installable file system .-.
Ok. I placed a symlink to /mnt/c form my home in bash to make thins easier.
@JourneymanGeek sans-serif sucks :P
@Bob I read an angry rant about comic sans haters ;p
also, its not sans at fault here. All the letters make sense ;p
@djsmiley2k VolFs is intended to be opaqe from Windows. You treat it as a separate OS. If you happen to make a filesystem driver that can mount VolFs properly, then, sure, you can access it directly. But you don't have one. So it's like trying to access an ext filesystem without the appropriate drivers.
so they released a fs without a driver?
@JourneymanGeek It's VolFs. As in, VOLFS. That's a L, not an i. That's why sans-serif sucks: I and l look the same...
lol. kinda proves my point :P
@djsmiley2k ...no? Maybe you need some sleep...
hiding offline mode as a undocumented option sucks
and since updates on this specific system is broken anyway....
plz stop shouting at me :(
@djsmiley2k Well it's still in beta. Hopefully they will release a driver before going out of beta, but I'm not holding my breath
@Bob 5 nightshifts down, 2 to go (including tonight)
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