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<--has reached the point of complete braindeadedness , is no longer here, have fun evry1
@DanielBeck 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7 TB?
@slhck: @JourneymanGeek: @DanielBeck: My DNS blog post has been scheduled, wrote it in the last half hour as I won't be available until after the blog post is published. Feel free to proof-read it and make corrections as you go...
@TomWijsman Sure, I'll have a look!
You still seem to be editing though?
@slhck: Just left the editing form right now. :)
@TomWijsman Great, I'm on it! :)
Cool, didn't know Markdown worked in WordPress!
Done @TomWijsman
@slhck: I didn't know either, was so surprised to see that my preview came out very well.
The only thing that doesn't seem to work is > so I had to replace that by a blockquote (in which Markdown doesn't work so I deleted the link in my blockquote as I have explained that in the post anyway, which came of a different answer of mine). :(
I always converted it with MultiMarkdown to HTML
@TomWijsman So yours is scheduled for 19th right?
@slhck: No, scheduled for today. 19:00
Ah, okay!
The monday on Trello refers to last Monday.
@slhck I find pastehtml.com very handy to share formatted text.
Haha, fine. I just scheduled mine for next Thursday then.
Anyhow, need to catch a bus in an hour or so and still need to eat and get myself prepared.
Sure, have fun!
Then after the lesson I need to do a trip back home (of an hour) after which I need to do evening dinner and drop my stuff here and get dressed and then go back there (another trip of an hour) to go to a party. I'll be more on the bus today than I know...
Best case someone brings me by car, depends on my mood. I can't see another bus anymore... :P
Haha I thought you had so many trains over there
Luckily it's a direct connection, it used to be 01:30 travel time before...
Yeah, but the time I need to take to go to the train and wait and take it is somewhat equal to the time I need to get to the stop of the train.
Ah, fair enough
And then I still need to take a bus of an half hour because there is no train stop in between. :/
@slhck Well, it's only like 10 - 20 mins by car or so.
Didn't put my exact locations for obvious reasons... :P
That sucks though.
Should get a car in a year or so, maybe, dunno.
Do you have a driving license?
No, need to get that as well. :D
The Google time is kind of optimistic, we usually have more busy highways.
As long as they don't make a bridge / build extra highways it's going to be like that.
Anyway, if I don't go now I could be running late, cya! :)
Haha, ok bye! :) @TomWijsman
RT @SathyaBhat: And so begins the locking down of OSX RT @Asfaq: OS X Mountain Lion Roars Into Existence (For Developers Today) http://t ...
Q: How do I create the Super User Logo in text?

user52032The superuser logo has a square bracket and a curly bracket. is there a keyboard or ascii character for the "eye" dot?

@slhck Kind of what I'm worried about.
@Sathya Wow. The most pointless collection of "features" I've seen in a long time. Makes me feel good about the end user features of 10.6.
I'm pretty sure the people who cry the loudest about Gatekeeper ("Only allow apps from the App Store" by default) are those that are running paranoid application firewalls and need to authorize every program's registry or network access first before it's allowed to do anything.
@Sathya Nice improvement to the suggested edits list.
@DanielBeck yep - still expecting them to raise a storm about Gatekeeper
@DanielBeck thank you!
@Sathya I can't find it right now, but I read an article a while ago that was about anti-malware/security features on OS X, and the one that was missing, the one that actually would make a difference, is only allowing signed applications.
Another perspective, from four years ago: rogueamoeba.com/utm/2008/03/07/code-signing-and-you
Then one day Apple may decide that unvetted code is too dangerous. Maybe advanced users could still be allowed to use it, but a setting may show up, “Allow unapproved applications”. It will, of course, be off by default.
2 hours later…
Good $TimeOfDay - would you like this serverfault.com/questions/360690/… ?
@Iain any reason to migrate? I fear it might end up going back to Server Fault
windows home premium isn't a server OS
Apache is a server. ;)
anyhow It'll work fine, has got fairly detailed logs, but I'm not too sure it'll find too many answerers. @Iain
the apache setup seems fine to us - see his comments to my answer - I use w7 @ home but have no idea ...
ok. @Iain you're free to migrate if you wish, stuff's on topic
hola all
@Sathya thanks - tis yours now
@Iain cheers. @Raystafarian howdy
what's the haps @Sathya
ah just listening to music. Almost time to sleep. What's up with you @Ray
:( I no longer have a nice round 2^10 rep on SU
that can be corrected with downvotes :P
@Sathya not much. work, the usual
@Sathya I'm sure but as most of it is stuff migrated from SF it'll change again soon
@Raystafarian what do you work as?
compliance analyst for a school district. it's as fun as it sounds
you're fairly new to Super User - and most new folks don't come in to chat often, so welcome :)
what brought you to Super User?
1777 rep from 17 days ~100 rep a day, pretty neat.
I ended up at SO with a jquery question and eventually found a community I might be able to help with
I'm no programmer so sticking around SO was out of the question. I occasionally go back for excel questions
I was honestly intrigued by the SE network when I found SO
ah nice
@Iain yeh ;)
it's a unique spin on forums, I think, which is good because forum threads are difficult to find the answer in
@Raystafarian What, you don't want to find the answer on page 27 of 41?
@DanielBeck If only I could...
Which is what regularly happens e.g. on Apple Discussions. The question, 25 pages of cluelessness and users with the same issue, the answer, then 10+ pages of thanks and minor improvements that don't actually state the answer again, or where it's from.
I started this yesterday.
how long did that take nev mind ;)
@Sathya 24 hours or so now.
92000 files or so, all of them 8MB (sparse bundle stripes)
Over SATA?
And I found out that OS X Lion does not delete each file as it's moved, but only once all of them are moved. Horrible idea.
look of disapproval
@DanielBeck I was going to make a joke about the issue being that you're using Mac, but I see I don't have to. :P
@Raystafarian Firewire 800 from the Drobo, to the Drobo. It has three logical volumes, and one of them was getting full, so I'm moving an image over to another volume.
@DanielBeck better for security/file integrity, bad for knowing how long the process is going to take to finish
I think though that is a common way they implement it, but if it's a significantly large group of files, they should delete the originals as large chunks.
@DanielBeck ouch.
I think it's to make it easy to undo the move operation if you cancel it.
Quickly, taht is, since deleting is a lot easier than moving files back over.
@Mokubai No, the problem is how the Drobo assigns storage. It doesn't care which logical partition I fill, it has a fixed amount of storage for all of them. So moving 750GB starts out as copying 750GB. It's seriously at its limit now.
@DanielBeck That... is a problem.
Maybe you should script something that moves files one at a time in a directory listing.
And a Drobo at its limit becomes seriously slow. OS X was projecting 3 hours left about 8 hours ago.
That way it'd force the deletion after each file.
@sidran32 That would be the exact reason, if it deletes stuff as it's going along and you click "cancel" then you have the job of moving all your data back again so the you have it all together
@Mokubai That's what I thought
@sidran32 I'd do that in the future now that I know it, yes.
@DanielBeck nods
Ahhh, hindsight is always 20/20 :)
Indeed. :)
I actually copy only the stripes directory, because if I'd copy the entire sparse bundle, it would always have been treated as a single entity, which is what I didn't want.
is listening to Freezepop and approves of his decision to do so
Why did my laptop just beep through the speakers? ... confused
@sidran32 Your laptop disapproves of your decision to listen to Freezepop.
Good thing it's not my laptop's decision
@sidran32 Just wait for the blue screen / kernel panic.
It's a graduated response approach.
@DanielBeck I immediately thought of that too but didn't do anything >.>
And another problem with copying instead of moving: The last file takes forever.
@Mokubai That's the best "access denied" message I've ever seen. :P
@Mokubai I can't either, but there's a German site. The clips appear to share the same ID in the URL, so you should be able to find it easily.
@sidran32 It's missing the demonstration of his amazing powers though.
I know. :(
The best thing to do is just watch the whole episode, though :P
Or, all 3, as I think it's a trilogy one.
@sidran32 And an important one at that, with the shocking revelation in part 3!
Perhaps even more important than the episode where they reveal Cartman's real father! :P
@DanielBeck Humm … What are you doing?
Now it's deleting 750GB. If you ever thought the 100th percent of an installer took longer than it should, you haven't experienced this.
@slhck Moving a sparse bundle between Drobo volumes.
Should be obvious, given the file name :-)
… and the size
@slhck Well, it was 92000 files or so at the beginning.
Oh okay
The problem now is that when moving folders between volumes in Lion, the files are first all copied, then removed.
That's not really good design.
So I've been seeing that particular dialog state for the past 10 minutes or so, and will for another few hours while the source files are being deleted.
So what happens when you abort the copy?
All files stay on the source, nothing at the destination?
@slhck I wondered the same thing, but by then it had been running for 10 hours.
Deleting is at about 6GB per minute, so it should be done in one and a half hours...
File transfer is still such a PITA these days.
Trying to work with compressed raw video of 25GB per file, and then finding out that your PC doesn't have enough space on the drive to store the uncompressed version.
Then you need to buy tons of external drives, but they only connect with USB 2.0
I wonder what'd happen if I canceled the "transfer" now. Would it move the deleted files back? Delete destination, even though they're no longer on source?
I wouldn't try :)
@slhck There are Firewire 800 drives, e.g. Western Digital MyBook II.
Yeah, but I need to operate with normal desktop PCs as well.
It also has USB 2.0
So NTFS is not an option because I use a Mac as my main machine.
And ext3 isn't either.
@slhck exFAT?
Hm, never tried that.
@slhck From what I learned on SU, it's the solution to that particular problem.
I have such a disk at home. LaCie drive with 2xFW800, eSATA, USB. Pretty handy.
FAT without the ridiculous file and volume size limitations IIRC.
Interesting, I shall look it up.
From my facebook stream
user image
~1400 rep, srsly?
@Sathya Given that name and avatar, it might be the user formerly on SU as "OSX ninja".
ahh yeah, chuckles
Yep, it's him, now z-buffer.
There is nothing ninja about his OSX skills either.
Done deleting files!
So how did it work out?
It became fast once I was out of red alert capacity levels.
@slhck I didn't abort it. Successfully moved all files. What do you mean?
Ah, okay, well I only asked if everything went successfully :)
I'll know in a moment once I reassemble and mount the sparse bundle structure.
I copied the stripes files directory so the files are moved individually, but that plan was foiled by Lion...
Get Info: "123.880 bytes (748,06 GB on disk)"
It's really annoying mounting these images once they're larger than, say, 200GB.
Everything still there. Nice.
Haven't tried that yet, but I can imagine.
That one is really bad. Takes 10 minutes or so.
Does this make sense to anyone?
I mean, 1+2+2+1=7 was bad, but this?
Their math is seriously off :)
@DanielBeck What's that from?
By the way, I'd appreciate some support or alternatively feedback why it's a bad idea:
Q: Reviewing any tag wiki edits

Daniel BeckRecently, several topics advocate using tag wikis for more than a cursory explanation of the tag: Tag wikis need a size and functionality increase Kill the book lists and put them home in their respective tag wikis On SU, a similar issue is currently being implemented as an alternative to top...

@sidran32 Drobo Dashboard.
What's Drobo, by the way? Never heard of it :P
@sidran32 External hard drive enclosure with a proprietary RAID-like system that supports different size disks and replacing them with larger ones.
For example, I have 4 hard disks in it right now.
@DanielBeck Well, upvoted. This is definitely missing. Not much to add there.
Two 1TB drives, two 2TB drives (ignore the bad math for a moment)
So I shut it down
pull out a 1 TB drive
put in a 2TB drive
turn it back on
and now I have 1TB more capacity.
So weird.
Actually, not...
The math is fine. It's storing the data using Qubits. :P
@DanielBeck Do you have an idea how I can close Character Viewer after I've opened it with ⌥⌘T?
(using the keyboard, of course)
@DanielBeck Is it freaking out perhaps because you have a drive (or drives) with bad sectors or something?
If it's proprietary, chances are it's not as well tested as RAID
@sidran32 No, what you're seeing are actual drive capacities, it's not like they're 2-2-2-1 or something.
I know
I'm guessing you're hitting an edge case they didn't test for. Perhaps because you have something funky going on elsewhere.
@sidran32 From what I read on the web, Drobo is somewhat unreliable, but I haven't had issues except for failing drives, and it recovered from those as expected.
@slhck killall CharacterPalette.
Posted by Tom Wijsman on February 16th, 2012

Some have heard about DNS and perhaps once configured in a router without knowing what it is or how it works. Others might know it, but haven’t considered to use another DNS server than the one of their ISP. This is what I will go through in this blog post.

DNS simply stands for Domain Name System, which is a hierarchy of Name Servers that have the intent to translate host names into IP addresses on a global scale. A name server hosts and/or caches these translations. In the case where they are at least hosted, the name server is often called a “DNS Server”. If you gave the ho …

@DanielBeck Heh. Clever. Should just trigger that with Alfred or something.
@slhck I think the program just unregisters itself as handler for any keyboard events, so it can be used like a system-wide palette.
@DanielBeck Yeah, I'm sure that's intended, but it's one of those pesky windows you can't navigate to.
@slhck osascript -e 'tell application "CharacterPalette" to quit' works as well.
Sure, yeah.
@slhck You're supposed to use the mouse. It's a Mac.
I hate using the mouse. I really do.
I get along just fine, normally, but there are some tiny things that want to make me scream.
Me too. I live on the keyboard as much as possible.
Moving my hand 1 foot to the right to use the mouse is wasted time and energy
Also, apparently using the keyboard is a bit more ergonomic than using the mouse?
@sidran32 Trackpad.
Trackpads aren't too bad. I use them on my laptop, and don't mind them.
But on the desktop, I use the keyboard.
I really need to get a Tragic Macpad for when I'm using the desktop.
I make copious use of keyboard shortcuts. I can use Windows without using the mouse at all, if I wanted. But tabbing through everything sometimes is just more effort than using the mouse.
@sidran32 Remember there are new Windows+[Other Modifier]+[Number] shortcuts in Windows 7.
@DanielBeck I know about those. I'm talking about things like desktop shortcuts, links in a webpage, or buttons.
@sidran32 OK, tabbing instead of alt-tabbing, right.
Ya. I'm fine with alt+tab, actually. For launching, usually I just use the search bar in the start menu, because it is awesome
I don't usually run so many programs that alt+tab is a burden.
@sidran32 It's really irritating to use a Windows XP computer now because of that. I open up the start menu and start typing, and other people (whose machine that is) look at me like I'm insane.
I know :P
I do that too
Heh, people look at me like I'm crazy too.
It's part of the reason why I bring my laptop to work and use that instead of the computer here, which still runs XP.
My dad used to say, "Don't type so fast, you're destroying it!"
Or when I use complete keyboard-based navigation in the browser.
My dad used to chide me for clicking through windows and stuff so quickly (like, really quickly) because he was always trained to double-check your actions just in case you do something before you realize it and regret it.
@slhck What's that?
Which he has a point about. It's his job to troubleshoot broken equipment (including computers) and when doing that, you kind of have to be very cognizant.
@sidran32 We just got another "How can I undo rm -rf" topic today.
@DanielBeck Really, where?
@sidran32 Yeah, I mean, that's not a bad intention per se :P
@DanielBeck You know, once I was using a Linux LiveCD on my parent's Windows XP computer long ago, and accidentally reformatted their HDD into an ext3 partition. :P
I still blame Linux's tendency to name disk devices cryptically. :P
(I was trying to reformat a USB drive)
@slhck Nice. Is there anything like that for Safari, do you know that?
@DanielBeck No idea tbh. I haven't bothered to check out Safari's extensions yet.
I only use that browser for fancy simplistic screenshots.
The math gets more accurate.
So my task over the next weeks was to find software that can recover data off an NTFS drive that was reformatted to ext3, then replace their HDD with a new one on which I reinstalled Windows, so I didn't overwrite any data they may wanted later, and recover everything on that drive to the new one.
Since my mom had many digital photos on it that she couldn't recover otherwise.
The bad thing about it is that my brothers had apparently used the computer to browse some... eh... "adult" websites and despite the fact that they did clear their tracks, of course this software recovered all that cache data. And my mom had to sift through all of it to find our family photos :O
And there were thousands!
Needless to say, she wasn't happy :P
@sidran32 Ooooh dear.
Indeed. Eventually, though, we foudn a way to sort the files in details mode and using meta-data, be able to quickly filter out the unwanted stuff.
But that wasn't until much later...
@sidran32 They even made jokes about not having backups on Sex and the City.
Q: How to find and remove "spicy" media files from my PC

ScottI have an embarrassing problem: during my younger and wilder days, I used to download a certain type of movie clips and pictures. The combination of youthful foolishness and a couple of beers apparently caused me to put these files in odd places on my hard drives. My girlfriend is moving in with...

@DanielBeck Oh? I never watched that. To what degree was it?
@slhck Ya, saw that one before. Different, but still interesting problem :P
@sidran32 No idea, I just saw a single clip somewhere.
Oh, @DanielBeck btw – don't know why I remember this now, but the user's called Gareth, not Garrett, in case somebody wonders :)
But ya. Now my parents are intimately familiar with the benefits of keeping regular backups, and had me set a system up on their computer. :P
I tend to be the reason my parents know a lot more about computers than your average baby boomers... experimenting around like that, they kind of get exposed to all the fun stuff that can happen, heh :P
@slhck Thanks, will try to remember that.
@DanielBeck About your MSO request. You do know this page, do you?
I just remembered it existed, and it lists tag wiki changes.
It's a 10k tool
@slhck Only those that needed to be approved. If trusted users or a tag's most active users edit something, it won't show up there.
Yes, that's true.
@slhck But it's a great excuse to push the topic to the top again by adding that bit of information :)
That's what I do with the Escape key topic on MSO too. Every push to the front page are another 3-5 upvotes.
Which is a good sign that MSO is too high traffic to be useful.
@DanielBeck Changed the title if you don't mind
More feature-request-ish
@slhck Sure.
You're on the "allowed to edit my posts without me complaining" whitelist.
haha, thanks
@slhck It's your own fault, your edits are actually useful.
the funny thing on MSO is, you can place a 50 rep bounty just for some attention, and almost every time you get a net plus at the end of the week
If I spent a minute on average for each of my edits on SU, I would have been editing for more than three days straight.
And imagine just reading all those answers too.
Heh, yup.
I just reviewed your edits. What I wrote (and you fixed) is pretty embarrassing :-/
superuser.com/posts/375699/revisions ... "fly" (stupid autocorrection)
And many many times I got the formatting wrong.
It was hard to spot actually. I knew something was wrong but the difference between y and v, well.
Hm. WordPress obviously breaks the formatting of MultiMarkdown-generated multi-line pre/code HTML.
@slhck Wordpress is a useless piece of shit.
… or that.
I think the migration to the new blog broke my bash article yet again.
"regular text [33[0;32m] green text [33[m] regular text again"
Right, remember you had p0rblems there.
Seriously. What the hell.
haha, epic
Now the problem of course if, I need to get the edit right on the first run, because the WYSINWYG editor breaks the post when opened again.
Can't you stay in HTML mode and preview in a new window?
Otherwise, do a copy-paste from a proper text editor, at least that's what I'll be doing next time I guess.
I can't even open HTML mode right now and not break the post worse than it is.
@DanielBeck Wasn't that where you left the commend about this being not a dupe? superuser.com/q/390747/48078
Anyone know how to see their stored passwords in chrome 19?
@slhck Yep. The system deletes the first comment linking to the dup topic, which was mine.
Okay so my memory wasn't betraying me.
@slhck +1
@soandos Preferences » Advanced Settings (bottom) » Passwords and Forms » Manage saved passwords
That is how it was in previous versions. None of those options exist in chrome 19
@soandos Advanced Settings (bottom)
As I said ;)
Wow, i guess i just missed the passwords and forms thing on the next age
very sad, thanks
Sure, np
Haha, Spotify's commercials are beyond ridiculous sometimes.
hi @SimonSheehan
heya @slhck, hows it going?
Pretty good! Not much going on … Just got my sound system running again, first time listening to music in like forever.
:D awesome, thats great. Whats the setup like?
Well, I abuse my outboard equipment since I don't have "normal" PC speakers
@slhck That looks rather expensive

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