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To publish changes to a post, I need to press "Update" right?
@BloodPhilia Bought it used for 200€, it has 8 Mic preamps and a bunch of features. Which is incredibly cheap. It's like 680€ new.
@slhck whistle
@DanielBeck Yup.
@DanielBeck The interface on Drafts is so retarded. I accidentally published one a while ago.
@slhck Thanks.
@slhck Call me ignorant, but what exactly is it?
blog.superuser.com/2011/09/21/… ... should be correct again.
@BloodPhilia Haha, no prob. It's for recording (multitracking) music. You can hook eight microphones to it and record them simultaneously. It has pre-amps built in so you don't need a huge mixing console.
@slhck What do you use it for?
And it has a bunch of outputs for speakers and other interfaces … so basically, this is what every music recording studio has these days.
Recording music at home, and sometimes other bands @BloodPhilia
Cool ;D
I've got a few microphones attached to it so I can record acoustic guitar or sing if I want to
Also, if I had to guess, someone didn't pay attention when updating/reinstalling/migrating the blog software :-)
But I don't do that a lot these days, almost no time
@DanielBeck Haha, nice. Let's take that offline then.
Two days ago
@Mokubai Yup. Basically went on a retagging spree. But that's not all there's to it.
@Mokubai Yes, it was epic, he owned the entire front page with edits :P
@slhck, He apparently went on a rampage answering old questions I think, or at least a bunch just showed up in /review
I'd seen a swarm of near pointless edits, but I don't see how editing and flooding the front page was necessarily bad, Gareth pretty much owned the front page for months
@soandos No, that's not the cause really. You can read through Ask a SU mod chatroom for a sort of timeline.
@slhck, I know, I just find it interesting nonetheless
@Mokubai He was repeatedly told not to do it before.
@soandos Ah, fair enough!
I am aware of the retagging thing
@Mokubai The point is, after Gareth's retagging, we've become a bit more sensible I guess, which is why it hasn't happened ever since, but kino … well … ignored all warnings and "STOP" messages.
The background image on www.bing.com for today is pretty awesome. :P
@slhck I know Gareth was doing something helpful, but I really, really hope I don't see that kind of flooding again
@sidran32, lol. To make it a link you need the http://
I admit I've not been on a lot lately to see kinos spree, at least not the full force of it
Doubleyou tee eff.
@Mokubai Gareth also paid attention to post only during low traffic times, and no longer flooded the entire front page.
@soandos Picky. :P
Well, "low traffic" if you live in America :/
@Mokubai Low traffic for the site.
I.e. Fri-Sun 2AM-8AM UTC or so. I posted some stats to MSU.
A: What time of the day is Super User getting the least traffic?

Daniel BeckPost updated with charts for 2011 only, see below Using variants of @DaveDuPlantis' query, I created the following charts, that display the requested information in some more detail than the answers provided so far: All posts on SU by hour of day: select datepart(hour, Posts.CreationDate) ...

@DanielBeck What timezone are those charts posted for?
What that says about Google:
Server & Power Consumption Information
The average Google.com visitor visits about 11.9 pages before leaving again, this means that their servers handle about 2,809,151,140 page views per day and in term a total of 32,513 page views per second.

We estimate that this website uses 7,869 server(s), and with the average internet server using about 2,400 kWh of electricity per year, Google.com will use more or less 18,885,600 kWh of power in that time span. Looking at the average cost of 0,17c per kWh, this website uses an estimated total of $3,210,552 USD on electricity per year.
@sidran32 UTC
Super User has no time zones.
All times displayed on the site are in UTC.
Smaller sites I've helped admin would usually default to the timezone the server resides in. But Superuser isn't necessarily small like that.
That's what the "Z" stands for in tooltips.
From what I've seen, unless the site has a country-specific superdomain, like .co.uk or .ru or something like that, chances are its traffic is dominated by US-based hits.
Unless you're the CIA. Or Google. ;)
Then it's dominated by connections from China. :P
@sidran32 I love how Verisign has been compromised and didn't report it.
They were? :o
Oh, was that the thing that happened several months ago?
That'd be interesting for SSL and e-commerce, if the browser vendors had to revoke trust in Verisign.
Ya, that was fun.
Oh, this is a separate thing from when falsified certificates got through...
> "Oh my God," said Stewart Baker, former assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and before that the top lawyer at the National Security Agency.
Ya, that about sums it up...
Companies need to take this stuff more seriously...
Google for "nortel hackers site:wsj.com" and click the link to get the full article.
We are legion? :P
Oh ya, I saw the Nortel thing.
Fun stuff.
SE uses DigiCert
Anyone who uses Chrome?
Yup! @BloodPhilia
Why should I prefer it over FF?
For me, FF was terribly slow and bloated.
Firefox on OS X isn't the prettiest, although I think they did an overhaul of it not too long ago
But on Windows or GNU/Linux, Firefox is easy to use, has lots of worthwhile features, and updated frequently with support. Doesn't suck much.
Chrome sync is nice, FF didn't have that in the beginning.
Indeed it did not, but it now has since version 5 or 6.
Is it still worth the hassle of switching to Chrome on Windows?
For me, I honestly ended up moving back to Firefox. Just was overall a better experience for me.
It's really up to your own personal opinion.
@BloodPhilia I'd just try it, see what works for you.
For Chrome, I've found the beta branch to be stable enough.
Well, I like fastness (H)
And yes, I know fastness isn't actually a word
What hassle of switching to Chrome?
I did it.
(On Windows)
@sidran32 In FF I know every button and setting
Ah, so it's a familiarity thing.
@sidran32 Yes :P Unless Chrome has great advantages of course
Chrome has a few differences, but the interface is dastardly simple.
It seems to be rather fast now
But I'm afraid time will take that away just like it did with FF :c
@BloodPhilia The main advantage in my opinion, which keeps me from going back to Firefox, is the fact that Chrome sandboxes everything using process isolation. That way if a tab or even plugin crashes, it won't bring down anything else but itself.
Flash could crash but you can still browse the page. Nothing else is affected.
IIRC, Firefox has been promising something similar but has yet to deliver (but I stopped keeping track a while ago, to be honest, since I'm happy with Chrome)
@sidran32 Okay, thanks! I think I'll give Chrome a try (:
@BloodPhilia Sure :) People do complain that it creates additional resource usage due to all the processes spawned, so if you have a system with low memory, it doesn't make a good lightweight browser. Just to be forewarned :P
@sidran32 Nah, i5 with 4 GB RAM should work no?
Oh that should be plenty enough.
So long as you aren't running a system with, say, 512 KB of RAM. :P
That would be erm... difficult :P
These days, ya. But I had to deal with that when resurrecting a very old laptop last year. :P
Or, a couple years ago, I think.
And... um... I meant 512 MB XD
@sidran32 Ah! That sounds a awful lot more plausible
Yes. :P Sorry
does anybody have a good grasp of TCP that can answer a question?
I've got an exam in an hour...
and was hoping to get help on this one topic
It's been a while, but I'll try...
thanks sidran
so it's correct that you can have only one active TCP connection per IP / port number pair right?
you can't have two TCP connections per port?
IIRC, yes, because they handshake.
so then how would an FTP or HTTP server service multiple requests concurrently?
Yeah, two per port wouldn't make that much sense.
does an FTP server only allow one host to connect to port 20 and 21
HTTP is a very short-lived connection.
at one time?
Basically it connects to send the request, gets the response, then closes.
so if i'm downloading a 2GB file off an FTP server, nobody can access that server's services until i close?
You can connect over FTP over any port, so long as the server is listening on it. The general rule is that port 21 (I think) is the agreed upon port.
@slhck done sir. :)
Isn't it that with FTP the server would open another port just for the file transmission? @sidran32 @noobler
@studiohack Cheers!
I believe so, but servers that do expect to serve many connections at one time will generally have some system in place that forwards connections to other servers or ports, until it hits a max number of connections.
thanks sidran
that makes sense
No problem.
Hope you do well in that class. :)
me too... it's covering an insane amount of detail
The topic of networking has a lot going on in it, so I bet. :P
@sidran32 So, just curious … what do you do for a living?
@slhck For tech people: Design verification. For non-tech people: computer programming. :P
he's uh... works somewhere with a blank DAS keyboard :P
Haha @studiohack Actually, that one is at home ;)
Well, sounds interesting! Not a big programmer here …
To each his own :P
Programming is like a passion for me... it's weird. It's not that it's fun, I just get so absorbed in a project that it eats up my life. I'm good at it and I don't hate it so it's all good.
Programming is on some level fun, too, but it can be more stressful than fun on occasion.
Well, it's amazing how fast time passes when you're programming.
Now that it's my job though, I'm not doing much programming on my own time. I do some but not nearly as much. :P
Still good to do it on your own time though. You have to keep up.
PennyArcade actually did a good video on this... at least the part 1 is good. Part 2 isn't out yet :P
Yeah, that's true.
It's a love/hate thing for me. I love being productive with my Ruby scripts, but when I need to do some C++/Java stuff for university, that's a different story.
Ah. See, I love all that.
But some people like it more as a useful tool than as the end to itself.
lol @sidran32 :P
IT type folks are more into programming as its usefulness in creating tools to get some other task completed.
@sidran32 that's probably where I'll end up as a IS major
@studiohack Probably. IS is more or less synonymous with IT, from what I can tell.
^—————— heh
@slhck Lololol
@sidran32 pretty much. I say it is IT with a business slant
@slhck HA!
oh dear
Q: Gaming PC building

Alexi want to build a gaming desktop pc. And i want to buy an AMD Phenom II processor ( 4 or 6 cores ) and as video card, i thought an ATI RADEON HD 6850 will be wonderful. I want to ask what kind of processor do i need in order to play all games on ULTRA ( ex. Battlefield 3, Call of Duty MW 3 ). Fir...

@slhck Sigh... I really wish people would use proper formatting at least...
@BloodPhilia I really wonder how some completely fail to look at the preview. Or if they even care about how a text flow looks.
@slhck Exactly... I go through extraordinary lengths to format my documents D:
I like Chrome's desktop notifications!
@BloodPhilia I mean, with new users, fix their posts once, then they learn … but I've seen some that really seem to be forgetting that there's this little neat code button :P
@BloodPhilia Doesn't FF have them?
@slhck Nu-uh... Or it does a pretty good job at hiding them!
@BloodPhilia bah, humbug. :P
Ah, it's quite useful indeed. Works with Gmail as well.
@studiohack Ah, then it's like Software Engineering as it relates to Computer Science. :P
@slhck I know, love it
@sidran32 sounds weird. I'll figure it out when I get there. right now, general ed & macs! :P
@studiohack Still fine :P
But ya, Software Engineering is more the managerial side of programming, when CS is more theory and pure computer programming type stuff.
lol, one of my coworkers came over to show my Das Keyboard off to one of the other coworkers. :P

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