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Q: about génération password a minimum of 10 characters in length

Mohcin BahaddouPassword should be a minimum of 10 characters in length, have at least 1 uppercase character (A-Z), at least 1 digit (0-9), and at least 1 special character.

@JourneymanGeek That's about the same price as this: ebay.com.au/itm/…
@Bob: those cameras have pretty good IR vision, and overlay that over a normal image.
@JourneymanGeek What's "those"? :P
a IR camera has a different sort of output from a normal camera with a IR filter
"proper" IR cameras?
@JourneymanGeek Ya, different, but the latter works in a pinch and is probably more versatile overall :P
Kinda useless for what I want to use it for, ever.
@JourneymanGeek You can still false-colour IR images from a normal camera
@Bob: I can basically look at a motherboard and say "these are where its overheated"
or check for leaks
@JourneymanGeek That something you do often? :P
@Bob: If I had one of those I would!
(that's where versatility comes in... you can use a proper camera for other things too!)
meh. Not reeeeally
But, yea, if you needed to check temps often enough to buy a dedicated camera, sure.
also, I don't own one. So clearly I don't need one yet ;p
but that's essentially the cheapest you can get the proper capability
@JourneymanGeek meh, I'd rather just get an IR thermometer.
or use the thermocouple thermometer I already have :P
Bit slower, sure, but it does the job
Not as cool ;p
@JourneymanGeek when cool costs enough I could get a new phone, I think I might take the phone :P
(I don't buy 90% of the hardware I scope out)
> Software programmers and engineers are really just corporate lawyers who happen to deal with extremely asinine 2 year olds with extremely potent staminas.
> Asking "what language is used to program a CPU" is like asking "what language is used to write contracts". "All/Any of them" is pretty much the only answer.
Unless its a lisp machine?
then its any language as long as its lisp?
Might just be easier to borrow an IR camera though.
AQnd while you have it check the house for IR hotspots and insulate them better.
(<--- Person living in a cold part of the world)
Oh if you know someone with one.
Hmm. "To the first who offers a solution for my problem, I gladly expect that you will accept a kind donative via PayPal."
Q: Disabling or Blocking access to Chrome's Task Manager

9_VOLTUsing a Chromebook. Stable channel. After spending too much on distractive websites and loosing my focus on work... I would like to know a way do disable or block access to the Chrome browser's task manager. Since I want to disable all images, javascript and plugins on the entire Internet, excep...

I will edit that bit out of the question ;)
need to join Internet Anonymous , get into a 12 cookie program, read the big blog, and realise that you will always be addicted to the internet , so you cannot even follow the first link.
Unfortunatly most people have to hit rock bottom run out of open tabs, hit the bandwidth caps, and find themselves out on the street searching for a wifi signal, before they join the program
In the program you will learn that you are powerless over the internet, and will have to ask for help from a "higher power" which can be google, or bing, or yahoo :-)
Q: Android device is not able to ping my laptop on same network

Punit SoniLaptop: Windows 7 Connected to Wifi - "Hydra" IP: Gateway: Galaxy Nexus Android 4.2 Connected to Wifi - "Hydra" IP: Gateway: I am not able to discover or ping my laptop from any android app (I used Fing/network discovery). I see that the Gateway...

Jesus christ, 3 answers and they're all completely wrong.
Jeez, and it's two years old and nobody's bothered downvoting the absurdly wrong answers.
Here was his question Is there anyway to connect these two devices using wifi in this case?
And here's the answer: "Ask your network administrator".
The "This is my office network, so I cannot control IPs and Gateways assigned to my devices" kinda gave that away didn't it...
@qasdfdsaq Eh, the one that mentioned subnets started out alright. Until he got to the VLAN recommendation.
Two devices connected to the same AP
@Bob Yeah I only decided to downvote that one on the second pass.
Correct diagnosis, wrong solution :P
The one about the Local Area Network started out rubbish but the end solution was probably the easiest for an end user
(We've had people in the office use the hotspot functionality on their desktop iMacs because they couldn't be bothered asking us how the WiFi worked)
@qasdfdsaq You let them?
No, but I was asked to holster my LART.
One device is statically assigned other one is dynamically assigned... OR the AP has a guest policy setup
@qasdfdsaq I mean, any way you can lock that down?
@Bob Nope. Macs aren't very conducive to enterprise security.
Ah... that sounds... dumb.
An office using wireless rather than wired networking? How queer.
Sounds like a great way to get a lot of wifi noise, and risk having an open network.
@Dave On larger networks it's not unusual to have different devices assigned to different VLANs and subnets randomly.
@qasdfdsaq Maybe rip out the wifi chip? :P
It is possible. Using a nice controller and lots of radio's
probably soldered down isn't it :\
@Bob LOL. That would fix a few problems. Actually it's not soldered down.
And preferably not SOHO multifunction 'access points'
Unfortunately the new iMacs are glued together.
maybe disable it?
So you would need to add a Wifi jammer ?
I've seen networks assigning devices to VLANs based off their MAC hash, or username hash, or user domain, or any combination of the above plus random fudge factors. When you have 20,000+ clients multiple subnets is a necessity.
@JourneymanGeek Users get admin rights on the machine.
20.000 clients and broadcast gets ugly.
@qasdfdsaq: oh dear.
ugly is an understatement.
@Hennes s/gets ugly/sets the switch on fire/
@Hennes Indeed
@Bob Eh, our Shitsco switches were rated at 2Tbps.
But the same is true for wired and wireless.
Just partition the network in subnets. E.g. one per building.
Or even one per floor
@JourneymanGeek Again, Macs absolutely terrible in an enterprise environment.
@qasdfdsaq: oh we had a tool that took some of the pain out of it
Why? They run windows just fine.
@Hennes Physical partitioning isn't really feasible. People expect mobility from their wireless.
So. No problems with mobility and subnetting.
You still reach the same fileservers
Ditto printservers, AD or other authenthication
etc etc
It was still terrible but for other reasons.
Except clients bork when roaming from one building to the next and their DHCP allocation becomes invalid
@qasdfdsaq true.. you can also set up a repeater to run in nat mode
for wireless
Meh. They should just put they laptop in sleep when doing that.
Ultimately it would make no difference anyway, it's all encapsulated back to the core router and then onto the Cisco WiSM
@Hennes Laptops in sleep are even worse. Not to mention Vista. And once again Macs just disregard DHCP requirements entirely.
They're macs. They're just terrible.
And at some point in the future I'll force myself to use one for 6 months.
"Oh look there's another Mac on the network. I'll just steal his IP without permission. Mhmm."
That pissed off the guys monitoring the arpwatch output...
Hm. My bag of 50x 1A fuses arrived.
But the fuse holders haven't yet, so that's rather useless...
@Bob Kitchen foil!
DO you like fire?
@qasdfdsaq The point of the fuses is to prevent fire and melting, not cause it :P
I set my UPS on fire once.
I couldn't find the fused high-power bridge cable so used an old speaker cable.
...*now* I know why British plugs are required to be fused.
Running 20 amps through a 2mm speaker cable produces enough heat to melt through a lead acid battery apparently.
@Bob Fusing the plugs would have not made anything better in this case, it was the running off battery that caused the problem in the first place
Why would macs (or rather, OS X) disregard DHCP?
@qasdfdsaq that was a joke :P
@Hennes And not to mention tablets, or more importantly, VoIP phones.
@Bob British plugs are better than anything else.
@Bob The battery was supposed to be fused though
You step on a british plug, it hurts you.
60 amps supposedly.
You step on any other plug, you hurt it.
@JourneymanGeek Have you tried... not stepping on a british plug?
@JourneymanGeek Oh, I've stepped on plenty of AU plugs. They survived just fine. My foot, on the other hand foot...
@qasdfdsaq One learns this quickly.
@JourneymanGeek I dunno, stepping on one of these is quite painful too:
They're sharp.
@qasdfdsaq French Hermaphodite and... the right one is what?
@JourneymanGeek Israeli apparently:
Q: How to use grounded European plug of coffee maker correctly in middle east countries?

Boris_yoI have bought a coffee maker with a European plug which doesn't have a grounding pin like our plugs here in Israel have. Here is a picture of the splitter I use and the European power plug: As seen here, Israeli power outlets have a grounding hole at the bottom as opposed to the grounding pin ...

Hm. That's nice. Just got an email. Backup failed because... someone forgot to put the cartridge in. Nice.
ahh boris
@Bob Our tape loader said "Unspecified error" yesterday
Tablets should handle that. They are designed to be mobile.
No tablet expericne here yet though since I have insane tablet demands
read: (15' or 17' tablet with not-on-screen keyboard and many expansion ports)
@Hennes There's another name for those.
It is not laptop since those lack expansion capabilities. I want moar
But yeah. I started with 'tablet' and 'insane'.
@Hennes Not really. Different subnets on the same ESSID actually violates standadrs.
@Hennes There's the 18" Samsung "tablet"
No needs for the same ESSID.
Just proload all relevant corporate wireless networks to the computer
No, we need to have the same ESSID.
Firstly because eduroam, and secondly because city council wifi
(And preloading doesn't work on the 2000+ public visitors per day we get)
Ah. Visitors.
Plus the whole point of eduroam being... you use the same ESSID and login at any institution in the world
Why was this voted down? – johnny_s
What you did is pretty dumb. – qasdfdsaq
Some of us actually make mistakes. Please don't comment unless you have something productive to add. The question has been answered as you can see. Thanks. – johnny_s
And THIS is why nobody comments when they leave downvotes
getting voted down is not the end of the world
If you're just going to lash out don't bloody ask!
I don't call people dumb tho.
I just point out why stuff is wrong
and then they argue.
Well it was quite literally that.
He pressed the "Reset firewall to defaults" button on a remote server.
Without knowing what it does. And without any other way to access that server, than the RDP that he just cut himself off from.
Yes, people do that
the action was dumb, possibly
And that's what I said!
(I shortened it for chat)
but its lovely to pick it apart so the slow realisation dawns upon them...
that they. dun. goofed.
Specifically what I said was: "Because pressing buttons you don't understand on a remote server you don't have other access to to fix is pretty dumb."
Alrighty back
that makes sense
@qasdfdsaq I'd say doing something stupid that leads to a question does not necessarily mean the question should be downvoted.
"Ok, I did something dumb. Now how can I recover?" <== perfectly valid question
@Bob True. But he didn't say "I did something dumb"
What he said was "I found a button while messing about on a server remotely. I clicked this, and the screen froze shortly afterwards. I was booted from the session and haven't been able to rdp since. How do I reboot it?"
lol that guy
Yes, I'm that guy :-(
the guy who enabled windows firewall , i remember that guy.
@qasdfdsaq IMO, the question itself is actually fairly well-asked.
Far better than a lot of the typical crap anyway :\
@Bob It's detailed but IMO shows little research or understanding of the matter at hand
@qasdfdsaq Research is a tough call (personally, I'm in the "Google should lead to SU anyway" camp). Understanding... hm.
I used to provide consulting to an isp when i was 17 :(
Understanding is more of an SF thing.
SU doesn't really have minimal understanding requirements, as such.
Ah, I thought most SE sites had broadly similar rules
I've spent countless of hours between 15-16 reading RFC's and simulating stuff in my nerd lab.
@Dave Why sadface?
@qasdfdsaq Broadly, yea, but specific sites deviate.
Minimal understanding is SF-specific, I believe.
They did that because they want to target professionals.
@Bob Ahem.
First line in big letters: "Search, and research"
I hate to say it
Maybe the votes are for the user, and not the question?
I wish I could vote for users.
I'd upvote you and downvote Ramhound. Honest.
@JourneymanGeek And that's the problem. IMO votes should only be for the question/answer content.
the voting spread is wierd
@Bob: agreed
Then again reputation is supposed to be cumulative votes for a user
Of course, I'll trust a high-rep or known user more. I'll go "Hey, that's Journeyman Geek! This is probably right.".
Shit it's nearly 3pm and I've forgotten to log on to my MMO at work today
@qasdfdsaq Yea, but SF has (had?) a "minimal understanding" section in theirs.
Looks to be removed now.
Q: Rewriting "minimal understanding"

Michael HamptonThis current close reason is confusing and potentially misleading. Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Try including attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See How can I ask better questions on Server Fault? for further...

Tho I'm pretty sure at least one of my top answers was posted what my doctor should call "loopy as shit"
The answers here are also highly-relevant, even though they're on the SF meta:
Q: Should we punish and also close questions with blindingly obvious answers?

Falcon MomotThere are questions that get asked, from time to time, whose answers are fundamental and blindingly obvious to anyone with a reasonable amount of knowledge about the topic being considered, such as this one: Using DHCP, is it possible to obtain an IP address & MAC address for a cluster? These q...

@qasdfdsaq Yea, I've got a problem with that. I also know the tooltip on the downvote specifically mentions lack of research effort. I don't agree.
Because the point of SU, and SE as a whole, is to serve as a searchable repository of knowledge.
@Bob mac addresses are stored in dhcp lease files which are assigned on the dhcp server and also found on the dhcp server lol.
for dhcp assignment*.. This is a funny question
If you're telling people they should research more off-site, now you're just fragmenting knowledge again.
@Bob: Its probably meant for "gimme the codez" questions
a good question covers everything that didn't work.
And then people search off-site and the top result is their own question because Google ranks SE highly.
I've seen a lot of people copy-paste some "We are not a code writing service" comments
Can't you just make my brain a searchable repository of knowledge?
@qasdfdsaq Ya. Different case. "Do the work for me." is a bad question. As JMG said, "gimme the codez".
But a question where someone did something stupid but does not understand why isn't necessarily bad.
"Any background research you've tried but wasn't enough to solve your problem."
Q: Setting and keeping resolution settings for a display that's not autodetected on KDE/Fedora 20

Journeyman GeekI have a non standard 1280x800 screen which isn't detected correctly by my linux system The screen is a 1280x800 native, 10.1 inch tablet display with an external controller board. I've got it connected to a brix with a N2807 Celeron via HDMI. I run Fedora 20 KDE spin with official intel i915 d...

this is my favourite non brilliant question
That particular one doesn't necessarily have as much research effort as we might like, but it's not terrible either.
@JourneymanGeek Haha
I cover 1) what's wrong 2) what my setup is in detail 3) what I've tried.
To me, it's in the "meh" category not really deserving of upvotes but not really deserving of downvotes either.
But the audit thing whines at you if yo ureview something as "Needs no action" when it's "Meh"
@qasdfdsaq That's general advice: we would prefer more research, but it can really be hard to quantify 'lack of research'.
@qasdfdsaq: I have a few questions which dumb answers.
@qasdfdsaq Eh, audits suck anyway :P
I feel pressured into voting on things I don't want to... waaah :'(
Like the time my NIC acted wierd, was misidentified, I asked the question got pissed off, unplugged the system and went to bed. Worked fine the next morn
In this particular case: it's not particularly obvious for an inexperienced user that enabling firewall = blocked RDP.
Perhaps you're being harsher on them because they're dealing with a server, but that in itself doesn't mean much on SU.
@Bob Well, IMO one of the most obvious answers to "Why can't I connect to RDP" is "Firewall"
@qasdfdsaq Yes, because you have the relevant experience.
But SU also caters for the relative newbie.
Well no, I just googled it.
And when "Check firewall" is the most reocmmended action and you just clicked a button you don't understand on a firewall, most people would twig "Hmm... Some sort of connection?"
@qasdfdsaq ... point :P
@qasdfdsaq I've lost count of how many times I've asked people what the last thing they did was.
Maybe it's the Dunning-Kruger effect kicking in agian
@qasdfdsaq Though, the question does ask what they should do now. That and the fact they included the firewall change indicates they know why but want to fix it and don't know how.
Sometimes someone will come along with an unexpected solution. Often worth asking anyway.
Subject: <xxx> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported

I am a user of the cluster and would like to install some software, using sudo apt-get paraview, and it seems my user name is not included in the sudoers file. Please could you advise me how to solve this issue.
I remember one, I think it was on SF, where someone accidentally blocked all IPv4 access and couldn't SSH back in.
^^ And someone just sent that to the all users mailing list
Someone answered with using IPv6 local addresses from another machine on the same subnet.
That was an amazing answer.
lemme see if I can find it
@Bob That is a good one indeed.
A: Is it possible to SSH access a server with a misconfigured subnet?

kasperdYou need to be able to log in on another host on the same network segment. Some of the ways to get access to the misconfigured host requires root on the intermediate host, but there also is one easy way to get access without needing root on the intermediate host. The easy way to access the host ...

I dunno how I should start on the sudoers guy
That was the answer that really convinced me that it's worth asking what might seem to be a stupid question.
1) You can't sudo
2) apt-get doesn't exist
3) Why are you mailing the all-users list?!
This may sound odd but, I find it funny that understanding the low level of networking (packet level and services / daemons) that 99% of the time when an issue comes up that i generally know whats wrong right away.. Its freeking weird.. I may suffer from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
@Bob Hey at least that guy knew what they did wrong and that what they did was wrong
@qasdfdsaq: red hat environment?
Could be worse
The RDP guy: sure, he could just contact the <VM admin/DC guys> directly, but it's worth asking the question simply because there might be an alternative that one would not know of beforehand.
@JourneymanGeek Yep.
@Dave No it's an oddly unusual talent. Having to explain how the series of tubes that is the internet works to people all the time is quite tiring.
Q: How to do sudo apt-get on an AIX machine

alvasI don't understand this AIX. How do I do sudo apt-get on AIX? -bash-3.00$ sudo -bash: sudo: command not found -bash-3.00$ apt-get -bash: apt-get: command not found

@JourneymanGeek LOL
Another gem that once came through the "All-users for-sale" list:

Apologies for the mass mail, but the digital conservation team has encountered a rather troublesome problem, and we are hoping one of you could help.

We have misplaced a server:  <servername> somewhere in <department>. The computer is still switched on, as the website is up and running, but we would very much like to know where it is physically!
@qasdfdsaq, agreed.
@JourneymanGeek OH GOD ! LMFAO
@Dave Ya, it's surprisingly easy to guess sometimes.
But that's why people ask. Because they don't know and someone else probably does.
@qasdfdsaq: "Its been walled in. If you listen carefully, you can hear it banging and yelling "for the love of god, montresor""
@JourneymanGeek Haha, not quite. Though that email became quite a laughing stock around these parts and down at the pub.
@Bob, My system admin for my old company used to come to me for support because he never had that low level knowledge... Which scares the shit out of me because how did he get his position without the understanding of that knowledge.. Really bothersome especially when you're a dba and you know more than your system admin.
The ads mailing list usually goes something like this:

Pram for sale
Cottage for rent!
Where can I find a good driving instructor?
Stolen bike for sale
Help! I've lost a server!
Hm. Going through my old (shitty) questions... @studiohack, why did you delete this answer?
@Dave This puzzles me all the time. How I'm schooling people in similar or more senior jobs than me on the most basic things.
amusingly my last workplace used discourse for that.
After about 4 or 5 people the email eventually found it's way to me... "The server is located in the server room." is the answer.
@bob, nothing like having to write on a chalk board how a tcp 3 way handshake works.. and go over basic fundurmentals of sequence numbers source ports destination ports source ip/s dest ips.
The positive part of schooling more senior people all the time, is that now my boss listens to me more than I listen to him.
@Bob Haha, yes. Now imagine that coming through the departmental "For sale" mailing list!
@Dave I mean, there's not much point trying to teach them that if they won't look it up for themselves.
@Bob And to be honest, that happens to my phone every other week.
"I can ping it, I have no idea where it is. Lemme see which router has the strongest signal coming from it..."
@qasdfdsaq I've debated installing one of those 'find my phone' things on my watch
Decided not to in the end
@Bob It's built-in to most Apple and Android devices now. Although in my case it doesn't work.
Might change my mind the next time I lose it
@qasdfdsaq Oh, I mean one that just rings the phone.
I wouldn't bother with the location trackers. Useless indoors.
@Bob Yes, that.
And I keep GPS off anyway.

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