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@Ramhound I think that's a good answer.
I suppose
But is it +80 reputation like my answer about will DDR3 1666mhz memory work on a motherboard that supports 1666mhz memory good :$
( sometimes the community does not compute )
Thus we get answers like this
"Firmware is not software. Firmware is the permanent code/program that runs the system."
Thats the first sentence ;$
* two sentences
my geek brain is hurting...
First a question on how to activate a subscription service without activating the subscription service and now somebody who says firmware isn't software but a program.
@Ramhound should've pointed him at Chew7 ;p
well, the key point of firmware is that it's more permanent (and lower-level) than what we traditionally think of as software
@Ramhound It's a Microsoft activation crack.
> "Chew7 is the main actuation result that cripples the hated \"calling home\" characteristic (spyware) that is implanted into the product assurance stage of Windows."
So its a program but not software but somebody writes it and it can execute just like software but its not software?
Wouldn't really work with Office 365 its a cloud base installation of office
Which was the entire point of that little discussion. :)
@Ramhound firmware is a very very very specific subset of software
Anyway, I see firmware as 'Software for the Hardware".
and it doesn't fit into traditional thoughts of software
@Bob I more then realize that.
to the point of it being confusing to call firmware software, at times (at least to the layperson), since it appears to be part of the hardware
MIL-STD-1750A or 1750A is the formal definition of a 16-bit computer instruction set architecture, including both required and optional components, as described by the military standard document MIL-STD-1750A.
Dealing with that recently :-(
You also don't normally interact directly with the firmware.
You don't? You interact with UEFI :-)
Wouldn't that make UEFI a software for the firmware? :P
I suppose
Wikipedia describes it as:

> The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI, pronounced as yew-eff-ee[a]) is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware.
Anyway, I have some TV to catch up on. ;D
@MichaelFrank UEFI is a specification.
Motherboard firmware implements the UEFI specification.
The spec doesn't say anything about the UI, either.
Anyone want to wreck some noobs in Heroes of the Storm :$
what is that?
the one moba that is better then dawn gate ;$
so angry that they got rid of dawngate
@allquixotic - I KNOW
I actually gave them money and EA actually gave it back i can't believe it :$
someone just didn't seem to understand the game's potential and gave it an early axe
the music was incredible, the art was incredible, the characters' personalities and VOs were incredible, the game mechanics were incredible
Smite took my heart for awhile.
It being entirely different also helps
but Heroes of the Storm is god now :$
I've played a bit of HoTS... But I just can't handle how zoomed in it is...
But yea, Dawngate was definitely the best.
@Ramhound I have to say, this is hands down one of the most insane questions I've come across here. A real doozy! He's still insisting BTW that it breaks all sorts of laws and FTC rules. Wow...
What it funny. I just took a course basically on business law. It went over User Terms of Service type contracts.
He couldn't even take Microsoft to court about if he wanted to because I am sure there is a clause that indicates they would go through arbitration instead.
He can't sue for breach of contract if he claims he never agreed to the terms, and by agreeing to the terms, he agrees to well to create an account baiscally
Through clauses have been found legal, we don't have a legal right to take a corporation to court, the courts don't even want to actually hear our case unless we cannot resolve it out of court.
Heh, I'm obviously not a lawyer but then again don't need to be one to know when someone is blatantly wrong, despite them claiming, as so many do on the internet, to being a subject matter expert. That's why I'd love to see him try to sue over this.
Interview tomorrow.
Real tin-foil hat type stuff, this. I'm wondering what sense this question makes here BTW. Legal questions are off-topic. Piracy or hacking/cracking - ditto. What makes this appropriate for the site?
Its not. Which is the reason I didn't even touch the legality subject.
BTW guys, someone edit this if possible to be on-topic since the poster refuses, or VTC it: superuser.com/questions/917451/…
@MichaelFrank We do, but it's really expensive to get a membership there.
@Mokubai Thanks :)
@allquixotic: and EA plain sucks and is the place good games go to get all the fun sucked out of them, or killed.
I mean, they managed to mess up dungeon keeper
Its amazing what a good night's rest can do. I managed to solve the issue I was having a good chunk of yesterday. If only I knew what I did ;p
@JourneymanGeek IKR? I spent until 3:30 AM the other night trying to solve a stupid problem with sshfs bind mounts on LXC, then solved it immediately the next day by just mounting the sshfs straight into the guest
when I solved it, I literally said out loud, "God Damn it!"
We use a wierd, slightly brittle set of text files to set hostnames
It didn't work yesterday (and it determines what packages are installed)
Today, I come in, realise the git commit didn't work, and fixed it.
(installed centos rather than rhel6)
ahh. Why is it not installing RHEL?
Maybe you put the wrong disc in? :p
naw, its erroring out ;p
Some thoughts on the NVIDIA GameWorks issue.
I have a feeling NVIDIA could wind up in court.
Remember AMD's lawsuit against Intel over rigged compilers?
ICC was found to generate code that disabled multiple optimizations on non-Intel processors.
Given this precedent, AMD may have a meritorious antitrust case against NVIDIA just as it did against Intel ten years ago.
2 hours later…
k i feel like i'm going bonkers
php has finally broken me, just after a few weeks ;D
if( (strpos(!empty($z['3']),$mpan)) .... ){

do something
Oh ffs
Is the bracket for !empty in the wrong place? I can't even tell D:
each time I think I'm making progress, finally figured out the problem, I make the change, refresh and........ disappointment!
And now I've really found the issue, the array is full of arrays!
not data, as I thought it was D:
(just restarted the testing AD FS server)
1 hour later…
heh. Troubleshooting samba again. LOTS of turning off and on again
@djsmiley2k That is messed up
@OliverSalzburg SORRY, WHAT IS? :D
Oh, right
Why? ;/
|| == OR
I had no idea you could write "and" and "or" in PHP
&& == AND
But it makes sense, since it's PHP
me neither ;D
then I did accidently and it worked ;)
@OliverSalzburg: You mean, rather that it dosen't make sense, but is entirely internally self consistant?
@JourneymanGeek I mean it's on the same level as using \ as a namespace separator
hm. my smb issues are getting wierder. Its only xls files that are slow o_o
Apparently the test files I uploaded to test work. The files I actually need to download won't
@JourneymanGeek Consistent? PHP? You need to lay off the cheese.
@Bob: the term entirely self consistant implies complete inconsistancy ;p
And one does not deny a wauzer his cheese.
@JourneymanGeek @JourneymanGeek on a very full ntfs drive?
reminds me of an issue we had with wav's
naw, linux. Client is windows 7
due to 1 million files in a single dir on ntfs; it would try and load the metadata for every file in the dir even if not accessed.
Odd :<
virus scan?
That is one thing I've not considered
scanning for macro's or osmething like that requiring more intimate file access...
dude. I THINK you cracked it.
I knew something \o/
Its either that or flow control. but good nuff
Its the AV
Which is annoying. I need to circumvent it in a MPAA approved way ;p
This is why I have a chat window at work XDXDXDXDXD
Its a combination of a few things - distance (we have 200ms latency from the server in london), the fact that they have VERY few windows systems, and most users are using XP VMs
Also the associated system makes me want to hide under a bed.
well now i've finally concoured that stupid php, I've got to refactor the same script into a headless version to run automatically.
1 hour later…
Hmmm heres a fun one, doing a sql match on something like: where z y or z contains ('blah', 'foo', 'bar')
@JourneymanGeek ...
SMB1 200ms = death
@Bob: tested it. Works fine
We also tried setting a test system to SMB1
Setting up an ansible playbook
2 hours later…
Processed 300783 of 8549
Something is wrong here...
not sure how that comes under respectign users privacy
but as my new tab page == blank, meh
1 hour later…
@djsmiley2k s/refactor the same script/rewrite the script in a different language/
@HackToHell o.o
> Fingerprinting countermeasures: Fingerprinting is a series of techniques allowing to uniquely identify a browser based on specific characterisics of that particular instance (like what fonts are available in that machine). Unlike cookies the user cannot opt-out of being tracked this way, so the browser has to avoid giving away that kind of hints.
oh yea
@allquixotic did you see my pings over the last couple days?
...or was it just yesterday?
@Bob I'll look
yesterday, by Bob
@allquixotic Current plan: grab a SYS or SP-64 (still haven't decided), chuck deb + lxc/lxd on there for Linux containers, chuck kvm on for a Windows server to play with
sounds good to me
yea, was a couple more though
was wondering just how much you had to customise on top of lxd
yesterday, by Bob
@allquixotic Hmm... ovh.ie is 82 EUR, while ovh.com is 109 USD. Something doesn't add up.
looks like they're using old conversion rates
so now also debating between using ovh.ie and ovh.com :P
.ie is ireland
@Bob (1) git master lxd (one git clone and an easy build procedure); (2) linux-image-generic bog-standard (un-customized) kernel; (3) (OPTIONAL) I chose to use ZFS on Linux as my FS for the guests, but you can use xfs or btrfs if you want; (4) editing and applying profiles; (5) echo nameserver > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head in each container
oh and I had OVH assign a randomly generated MAC to each container and plugged that, along with the IP, into the config file
@allquixotic I've never played with Linux FSes...
probably should test all this in a local VM first
probably have to use the .com one... apparently that's their 'worldwide' one
@allquixotic how much do they charge for KVM/IP?
@Bob no clue about SYS or KimSufi, but OVH SP line is included/free KVM-o-IP
@allquixotic can't see that on their site for some reason
> For the EG, MG and HG series, the KVM IP is included with the Extended Features.
For the SP series, you can order your KVM IP via your Manager.
permanent KVM IP $25.00 /month + $189.00 setup fee.
'cept I'm not even looking for permanent
name: nameofcontainer
  raw.lxc: |
    lxc.network.ipv4=222.333.444.555/32 222.333.444.255
    hwaddr: 02:00:00:no:you:cant
    nictype: bridged
    parent: br0
    type: nic
@Bob huh... that seems wrong... my brand new SP-128 has free KVM over IP, and my SP-64 does too
that config file I just posted is a sanitized version of my lxd "profile" for one of my containers
pretty simple overall
oh it mentions that price is pre-2014
still can't find anything mentioning it on the server page
if SP-64 has free KVM/IP, that'll tip the scales in its favour
it shows up on your bill
when you get the order summary
it says KVM over IP $0.00 or "Free"
@allquixotic is it something you have to request per use, or is it always on (BMC, etc.)?
@Bob always
oh, for br0 I forgot to mention, just s/eth0/br0/g in /etc/network/interfaces and remove the auto-plug eth0 clause and you should be good to go w.r.t. br0
might need that KVM over IP if you brick networking :P
@allquixotic oh, I will
I always stuff up networking
usually several times
also since canonical has some fulltime employees who seem to be working heavily on lxd, the lxc-users mailing list (yes, lx C) has very good, basically 1-2 day support for any lxd problems
super responsive, high development velocity to stabilize it, etc
got a reply from Ubuntu's systemd maintainer and the lead developer of lxd
that question stemmed from the fact that I tried 15.04 in a container at your request, Bob :P
sorry about the whole server-rebooting thing
lol no problem, I used lxc stop vividtest --force
hm.. SP-64 would be almost double what I'm currently paying
$109 > $69
ok, more like 1.5x
I don't math good
for that I get... bit more memory, more powerful CPU (by far), much better reliability, worse latency
promotional offer of no setup fee right now, so I could try for a month and drop it with no harm
as for IPs... I need a /28 (counted 9-10 used containers right now, that I'd probably give individual IPs), and a /27 would be nice but hard to justify :P
or I could go for NAT again
@Bob You perv! jk
that was in private browsing btw, no personalised results
@allquixotic wait, that's in the container's interfaces, right?
not the host?
@Bob Wrong. the br0 is on the host.
The way lxd works, it uses a veth device, which is a double-ended networking "tunnel" through the namespace barrier.
@allquixotic But if you're replacing all references to eth0... I don't know Linux networking at all :(
Think of it this way: cgroups create namespaces that isolate different aspects of the system and cordon them off as a separate, untouchable environment (especially in the sense that they're isolated from each other; the host can still see inside if it really wanted to).
On the host, you create an ethernet bridge device in software. LXD bridges the host-side end of the veth device into your ethernet bridge.
@allquixotic yea, I know what cgroups do... don't know how replacing eth0 with br0 keeps the host connected though
In the container, the namespaced veth manifests as a completely separate eth0 in the guest.
@Bob It's like when you go into Windows' Network settings and select 2 devices and tell it to create a bridge.
bridged networking examples on the deb wiki explain nothing
@allquixotic and in the process delete the networking devices
that's what this sounds like to me
@Bob it doesn't delete anything; it uses the physical device behind eth0, and feeds it the IP address that the bridge is configured for, but allows other ethernet devices (namely, the host-side of the guests' veths) to bridge onto the ethernet layer, thus declaring their own MAC addresses and IPs.
It'd be the same as having eth0, eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3, etc. each have its own /32 IP address on your routed /27 or /28 subnet, except that rather than having :1 :2 :3 off of eth0, your host thinks it has one IP, and each guest's veth thinks it has one IP, and a separate MAC address.
So the raw ethernet packets flowing through the ethernet cable have different MAC addresses and IPs, depending on whether it's the host or the container.
@allquixotic I've always visualised bridging as adding a link, not replacing anything.
Confusion stems from the act of replacing eth0 with br0.
and that appears to be what the deb wiki example does, too:
 iface br0 inet dhcp
        bridge_ports eth0 eth1
now you're telling me to s/eth0/br0/g, which obviously has a different result
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_fd 9
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_waitport 0
        bridge_maxwait 0
        address 192.99.nope
        network 192.99.nope.0
        broadcast 192.sanitized.255
        gateway 192.99.nope
that's my entire /etc/network/interfaces
> bridge_ports eth0
so you don't mean a literal s :P
@Bob figurative -_-
<== no longer confused
@allquixotic Though, do the other bridge options really do anything useful?
bridge_ports all seems to be the minimal config
eh, depends -- best practice seems to be to turn stp off
_fd 9, from a default of 15...
just brings it up a bit faster?
> default has
changed to off for security reasons in latest kernels, so you
should specify if you want stp on or off with this option, and
not rely on your kernel's default behaviour
the file descriptor chosen is arbitrary
@allquixotic ...file descriptor?
_fd is a forwarding delay
> bridge_fd time
set bridge forward delay to time seconds, default is 15, can
have a fractional part.
lol whoops
that'll teach me for not reading the docs
> bridge_waitport
wait for a max of time seconds for the specified ports to become
available, if no ports are specified then those specified on
bridge_ports will be used here.
> bridge_maxwait time
forces to time seconds the maximum time that the Debian bridge
setup scripts will wait for the bridge ports to get to the for-
warding status, doesn't allow factional part. If it is equal to
0 then no waiting is done.
hm... I don't see why you'd want to set them to 0
copied them from random blog posts i think... it's the best way :D
@allquixotic help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, goaway, status, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh, whocares, snore, toostupid
bababababat, plz, whee, lol, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cancer, theplan, thisplanet, win, suat
@allquixotic deb wiki recommends fd and waitport 0 for virt envs
well then I'm just incredibly prescient aren't I :P
thanks for all the info, @allquixotic
pretty sure I'll be going with an SP-64 after I figure out the money and test everything locally
oh yea, how did you configure the RAID, @allquixotic?
is the OS on ZFS as well?
@Bob Stupidly, but it works and it seems performant. 3 x 2 TB HDD in hardware RAID-5 (LSI RAID controller). The root filesystem is btrfs. Windows and the containers have their images/files on zfs.
@allquixotic Ah, hardware RAID.
I wonder if I should go for the 3x 300 GB SSD :P
ZFS RAID-Z might be more featureful, but I doubt it's faster, and it certainly would eat more CPU than letting the RAID controller do parity calcs.
@allquixotic I'm not paying >$20/m for hardware RAID, so it looks like I'm stuck with software :P
hm... probably stick with the 2x2TB
though adding a third is only $7/m extra...
the ideal would be 2x2TB + small SSD
use SSD for host and cache
but that's not available
Just came back from the interview—after less than two hours, I already have a job offer
Was called on the bus on my way home, and I went "oh my God" :)
Hi all, a little question, Advanced Routing Protocols questions are in the scope of Super User?
Hi out there
I guess I almost broke my linux box... I'm doing a dist upgrade and I got the error message that I have no PAM profiles. I cannot choose some, the message repeats itself. I also cannot open a new ssh session, but I'm lucky that I have a second open ssh shell what can I do now?
@FranciscoTapia probably, but if you can give a little more detail, we'll be able to provide a more certain yes/no.
@allquixotic ^^
Junior sysadmin.
@DragonLord best whishes with that
@rekire "linux"? What are we talking about here? Mandrake from 2006? Ubuntu 15.04? Fedora Rawhide? Don't make me guess
@allquixotic Linux raspberrypi 3.18.7+ #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015 armv6l GNU/Linux
@rekire Okay, and what is the exact error message text? I see "no PAM profiles", but what's the larger context?
Is there a specific package that breaks when trying to upgrade it?
uh I have set my system to german. Not sure if I can translate it correctly
just paste it in German :P
I'll be able to figure it out
no pam profile selected. There is no pam profile for the usage of this system. This would allow all users without authentication and that is forbidden. please choose at lease one pam profile from the existing list
Es wurden keine PAM-Profile ausgewählt. │
│ │
│ Es wurden keine PAM-Profile für die Verwendung auf diesem System │
│ ausgewählt. Dies würde allen Benutzern Zugang ohne Authentifizierung │
│ gestatten und ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte wählen Sie mindestens ein PAM-Profil │
│ aus der verfügbaren Liste aus.
I googled the German short error message on the first line, which brought me here
then I found the message string in English right above it, and googled that
this led me to here:
Q: How do i move past a stuck PAM configuration on Ubuntu-pushed update?

mlncni am on Ubuntu 13.10 (probably have been upgrading since Ubuntu 10). On a routine suggested update of a bunch of things including libkleo4, libkpgp4, libmessagecore4, girl.2-gudev1.0, kde-config-primactivity, konsolekalendar, etc. it sets up libsystemd-daemon0:amd64, systemd-services, and then s...

did you try to do what the first answer says?
checking now brb
anybody familiar with offline files
@allquixotic the dpkg database is blocked by another process (I guess by the dist upgrade in the other shell)
@rekire wait until the dist upgrade completes in the other shell, or if it's truly hung, kill it (Ctrl+C or killall whatever-the-process-name-is) and then try the dpkg --configure -a as that answer suggests
or if it's waiting for your user input, give it some input
I can just press enter which throws me back to the same screen...
@rekire Sorry, enter on which screen? the dist-upgrade?
should I kill the whole apt-get process?
@rekire If it's been frozen for a very long time and isn't progressing or asking you any questions, you may as well kill it.
@allquixotic that blue screen as known from the kernel build tools. with the text I quoted above
from ps aux I would guess the dialog is displayed with the command whiptail
@rekire oh; that's actually from debconf
I'm a little surprised that it isn't giving you any choices of profiles from a list
@allquixotic ups now where you saying it: right
@allquixotic me too since I found some profiles in /etc/pam.d
I guess thats a no
@snipe sorry I have no idea about it, I'm using linux only for server proposes there are all files online, except the server offline :)
/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/pam-auth-update --package --remove un...
/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/sbin/pam-auth-update --package --remove unix
those scripts are listed in ps aux if that helps...
@rekire This looks like a pretty weird problem. Could be permissions or anything, really. If I were to really delve in and try to fix it, I'd need to strace -Ff whichever process(es) are using PAM and try to figure out what it's erroring out on. The closest I could find on the mailing lists is this, but that's not quite the same thing, and there's no fix.
great I guess I need to reinstall the linux :(
I try to kill the script now and see what happens
I'm running now sudo dpkg --configure -a and it is doing something^^
Hm I guess it is a bug. I think that libpam-runtime should been updated and step one is to remove that, but this seems to been not permitted
finally someone pointed me in the right directioion for why my raspi qemu isn't working
Going to get an iPhone 6 (non-plus) with one of my Verizon upgrades. Android 95294 is just too much. Plus my Note 4 has been having severe LTE connectivity issues lately. Plus the vibration motor is damaged and sounds weird. I'm going to flip back and forth between the Note 4 and the iPhone 6 as needed. Going to compare bluetooth and LTE signal and connectivity between the two.
I'll have 7 days after buying it to return it if I don't like it. Specifically, if the bluetooth dropouts and LTE signal problems aren't fixed, I have no reason to own it, and will simply get my money back.
I would not buy an apple device
wohoo now I killed my box finally ls does not work anymore :D
@rekire :(
backup, backup, backup
vim is also dead I use less for backing up some ssl keys. crazy shit
1 hour later…
Notice to the community: Beginning June 1, 2015, I will no longer be able to contribute at a substantial rate before 7 PM ET (0000 UTC standard time / 2300 UTC daylight time) on weekdays because I will be on a full-time job. I will do my best to respond to inquiries but cannot guarantee a timely response during this period.
heh np ;p
get in there, work hard, impress 'em for the first few months, THEN you can slack like the rest of us ;D
cc @ FellowSlackers @Bob @JourneymanGeek
@JourneymanGeek, I'm like you now: I now have a full-time job.
See the star wall and the above "Notice to the community".
Junior systems administrator.
2 hours later…
Anyone work with XML a lot?

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