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traditionally, when RHEL blends two Fedora releases, they take a newer kernel for the updated device drivers, but the user applications are older
eh fuck it, I guess it's dev...
@billmalarky sure! unless you have some really odd hardware, it should work ;)
Oops looks like digital ocean doesn't support it. I'll just grab 19 64 bit
Fedora 19 x64 Fedora 19 x32 Fedora 17 x64 Desktop Fedora 17 x64 Fedora 17 x32 Desktop Fedora 17 x32
Is what they support
well if they officially support Fedora 19 then just go for that
@allquixotic Would it be safer to use their testing version rather than a different distro altogether? :\
@Bob CentOS doesn't do RHEL betas AFAIK, and I don't know if you have to be a RHEL paying customer to use their beta
but honestly if my target production system were CentOS 7 / RHEL 7, I'd definitely want to at least test my software against the beta of it and fix any bugs encountered ASAP, instead of being surprised by "whoa, I had no idea" when the final is released
@billmalarky it may help you to know that both Fedora 19 and Fedora 20 currently ship PHP 5.5.7
so either way, CentOS 7 is going to have PHP 5.5.7 or later, but probably won't have 5.6 out of the box
if digital ocean mainly depends on php and not many other packages, the chances of it working on CentOS 7, assuming that it works on Fedora 19, are exceedingly high
barring any extremely specific, unforeseeable bugs
from a package version compatibility perspective, you should be golden
I can't imagine needing php 5.6 at this time but who knows.
I mainly want 5.5 for their new password api
> CentOS-Testing - This repository is a proving ground for packages on their way to CentOSPlus and CentOS Extras. They may or may not replace core CentOS packages and are not guaranteed to function properly.
> These packages install but are waiting for feedback from testers as to their functionality and stability. Packages in this repository will come and go during the development period, so it should not be left enabled or used on production systems. This repository is intentionally not shipped with CentOS by default
very useful: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=redhat
I was reading the wrong damn thing... the one in parentheses is the latest upstream version; the one in the table is the version in the distro
> New major and minor releases are available about 2 to 6 weeks after upstream (Red Hat) publishes the SRPMs (source packages) of their product. This time is needed to rebuild, validate, test (QA), translate and integrate new artwork. Please see The CentOS Rebuild and Release Process for further details. Although we understand that some of our users are excited about a new upcoming release, we ask you to be patient or help out in the release process.
so... they have limited testing repos but no full beta
@Bob CentOS releases have historically lagged behind RHEL by months, depending on the build complexity
the testing repos are for security updates within a distro cycle, I think
well. security and bugfixes
@allquixotic Well ya get what you pay for ;-)
hey guys
After spinning up a new server what are the paretos principal things I should be doing.
I made my new user and I'm adding him to sudo right now
and I'm going to be installing LAMP with postgres instead of mysql
and I'm setting up my SSH key
wow, where to begin.... well, the first thing to do is to hope and pray that packages installed out of the box are "secure by default", rather than doing something stupid like listening on and having a no-password admin user
I believe that should generally be respected by the major distros
but to be sure you could become root and netstat -pan and look for listening connections on or a public IP
and if there are any, make sure those things are secure
Q: Hardening Linux Server

Mark DavidsonWe have already had questions on here about Hardening Apache, Hardening PHP and Securing SSH. To continue this trend I am interested in what steps people take to harden Linux servers. As in what steps do people always take when setting up a new server, that are not application specific. Such as...

fairly good question with links to other good questions, that should get you started down the path of securing your server
be sure to click on the ones for ssh, apache, etc and read those too
or maybe even flip through a dozen or so of upvoted questions with accepted answers from this list
okay opening new tabs now :-P
So adding people to sudo I just use visudo command as root and then add the line under the root user like so:

## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on
## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple
## systems).
## Syntax:
## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
billmalarkyexampleuser ALL=(ALL) ALL
yea, although you generally don't need sudo; it's not especially more secure than just using su
@allquixotic apparently, better logging of commands
sudo vs. su is more of a "6 of 1, half dozen of the other" kind of thing... Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora have debated it til the cows come home, but meh
I just use su on Fedora-based systems
I jus tlike sudo because I tend to forget I've switched to root
I tend to read my shell prompt every time before I type a command to be sure whether I'm root or not :P
recent question:
Q: Do Simple Linux Servers Really Need a Non-Root User For Security Reasons?

Tom DworzanskiPlaying devil's advocate, Let's assume I purchase a Linux server from a hosting provider. I am given a password for the root user and am told I may login using SSH. The only purpose this server has is to host one or more websites, possibly with SSL properly configured and enabled. My initial lo...

and then there's sudo bash which acts almost like su but not quite because it takes some env vars from your user
@billmalarky Don't forget to disable password login
in ssh you mean. yes, absolutely
I used to be overly paranoid but I'm actually training myself not to be just because my fear of fucking up is actually what led me to fail in my last project due to not moving fast enough.
I've personally been very guilty of just logging in directly as root :P
@billmalarky I'm afraid of messing up when I'm working on a car, because if I do something wrong, I have to buy a new part
if you break software, you get to keep both pieces, but replacing it just costs time, not money
@billmalarky Never try to move fast... be sure of what you're doing
from personal experience, and even then I still fuck up by trying to move fast
software: better to break it and learn than to sit worrying and never learn
No doubt, but I had some crippling anxieties.
@allquixotic exactly
hardware / cars: better to be 100% sure instead of buying a replacement part for $250
@allquixotic you'll still want to make sure you don't break things too badly
I've overwritten a few newly-written source files with mistyped commands :\
i started working on software at a very young age so i learned how to properly cordon off my experiments to minimize their impact on other things i do, and i'm very comfortable with taking risks with software that make older people go "but what if you break it??????"
sure, you can redo things - but it's tedious and a waste of time
me: "if i break it, i reinstall, or boot a live CD and un-break it, silly :)"
@allquixotic This is EXACTLY what I am learning to do with this new project
@Bob I'm more careful with source code, but I mean, like, trying weird combinations of package versions and such
digital ocean makes things easier by allowing you to make images of servers etc
so I can try stuff quickly and if it explodes it will only explode the new server I made from a copy of my main server
@billmalarky if I know I'm going to be breaking things very often, I'll stick it in a VM and take snapshots using VMware Workstation -- that feature figuratively (note: not literally) saved my life hundreds of times when developing my Rhythmbox plugin
Also what with the versioning software and backups. I feel much more confident to experiment quickly.
I've moved mostly off VMs onto cheap VPSes
if only latency was lower, but meh
saveSnapshotOfWorkingSystem(); while(broken) { attemptFix(); checkIntoVersionControl(); broken = test(); if(broken) { restoreWorkingSystemSnapshot(); } }
it's a 2 min job to reinstall a system, another 5 mins to restore a backup
but it's also more fluid than a VM
hm. even faster more recently, actually - it's so easy to backup/restore a vserver machine :D
IIRC, when I broke my plugin badly, often I'd have to spend way too much time restoring the proper state of the system (gconftool, then later dconf, etc) so I'd just go ahead and restore snapshot, then pull down the latest source and hack hack hack, commit to launchpad, test, if still broken, repeat
@Bob vserver good. vserver yummy. vserver yummy AND good!!!! </ogrespeak>
@allquixotic copy folder, done! :D
@Bob I've been using various cloud providers for my code hosting ever since I discovered how wonderful git, github, launchpad, etc. (mostly github now lol) are. I remember how horrifying it was in the past to write code and have the only copy being on my hard drive, even if I was using git, or maybe the other copy was on my dedicated Hetzner box
somehow it feels safer on github than on my hetzner box :P
'course, if github ever has any kind of catastrophe, a ton of people are going to lose the only copy of their code that they still have around, and are going to be very upset
@allquixotic I'm talking about the working copy, though
Vim is great.
Though sometimes I just want NP++
also, you remember that progress thing?
...they released a new IDE
what progress thing?
it's based on Eclipse
with all the performance issues of Eclipse, naturally
Should I bother with vim-enhanced or just vim-common. I have very little experience with vim, only basic editing experience.
@allquixotic the language
progress? the language is called progress?
@allquixotic renamed to openedge abl now, I think
@billmalarky vim-common isn't actually any vim program, it's just common files to all vim programs... vim package is regular old vim command
or should be anyway
OpenEdge Advanced Business Language, or OpenEdge ABL for short, is a business application development language created and maintained by Progress Software Corporation (PSC). The language, typically classified as a fourth-generation programming language, uses an English-like syntax to simplify software development. The name was changed in 2006 to OpenEdge Advanced Business Language (OpenEdge ABL), by PSC, from PROGRESS, also known as Progress 4GL, in order to overcome a presumed industry perception that 4GLs were less capable than other languages. The language was called PROGRESS or Progre...
@Bob looks horribly enterprisey and bloated
@allquixotic Bingo!
So just "sudo yum install vim"
Remember NO-UNDO? :P
A site I'm reading says "yum install vim-X11 vim-common vim-enhanced vim-minimal"
for fedora
but wth? that seems like a mouthful.
...I'll leave you to your RPM-ness, I just do apt-get install vim
Or zypper in vim (my netbook is running OpenSUSE)
@Bob oh dear god, not on Christmas Eve (struck through for Australian-friendly communications)
wat do?
Yoda writing Progress: TRY NOT. DO OR UNDO. THERE IS NO TRY.
can I just yum install vim?
@billmalarky the package probably doesn't exist if they've split it up into vim-minimal and vim-enhanced
you can try yum search vim to see what packages are available
when in doubt, just install vim-enhanced and be done with it
the enhancements are just add-ons that you'll never use if you're just going in in insert mode
That's the answer I was looking for!
so just "yum install vim-enhanced"
that should pull in vim-minimal and vim-common as dependencies
vim-X11 is a separate thing entirely
you run vim-X11 as its own standalone window in your desktop environment; if you're headless or at a SSH prompt or CLI, you don't need/want that
what does headless mean? You've used it twice now
no output?
@billmalarky Means no keyboard/monitor/mouse are hooked up
so only connecting via ssh
or something else
Via a terminal of some sort
okee dokee
Could be a COM port, could be over ethernet...
But the input and output are being directed to a remote system, even though they are being processed on the host system
As an example, all the servers at my work are headless. They have keyboards and monitors hooked up to them (all Linux anyways), but are only ever accessed via SSH. The monitors are there for emergencies only, and hardly ever get connected
got it
@CanadianLuke I always thought it was more 'no graphical environment'
@Bob Nope, just that nothing is connected to it for input/output
I had a Windows 7 Ultimate box at home that I would just remote into. Had no graphics card in it. It was headless
!!wiki headless
Wow... That was creepy
!!wiki headless server
A headless system is a computer system or device that has been configured to operate without a monitor (the missing "head"), keyboard, and mouse. A headless system is typically controlled via a network connection, although some headless system devices require a connection to be made via RS232 for administration of the device. PC BIOS limitations related to headless operation During bootup, some (especially older) PC BIOS versions will wait indefinitely for a user to press a key before proceeding if some basic devices, such as a video card or keyboard, are not installed or connected, ef...
There we go!
Thanks @Bob
"headless" in the context of modern GNU/Linux is usually used in the sense of "are you currently running an X11 based graphical desktop environment, or not?"
@allquixotic that was the one I was thinking of
you could have a computer with a graphics card, connected to a keyboard, mouse and monitor, but if you're accessing it over SSH, your logged-in session is headless
...even if someone else on the same system isn't on a headless session
Never heard it like that before
But I also don't know everything :P
basically, for all intents and purposes, on GNU/Linux, if the DISPLAY environment variable is set to point to a running Xorg server, you're not headless; otherwise, you are
well by "Xorg server" I mean "anything implementing the server side of the libX11 wire protocol"
getting into specifics of X.Org architecture here
So we can define it as such:

bool isHeadless(bool xorgRunningOnSession) {
return !xorgRunningOnSession;
for instance, on the superuser container that runs Cavil, $DISPLAY is set to point to an instance of Xrdp, which is a virtual framebuffer that we can RDP into to see the Firefox instance within. is the server headless? NO -- that specific user account is not headless
@CanadianLuke on systems where the graphical environment is xorg, yes
on Windows it's completely different because you can't really have a Windows system with no GUI environment
although you can have certain situations where programs don't have access to it
damn, we really need some way to invite these guys into chat: superuser.com/questions/692771/portable-linux-environment
@allquixotic Only cause I know of some exceptions, but I understand what you mean
for instance, on Windows, you can run Windows Services as the Local System account, and opt whether to grant them access to the display environment; if they don't have access, Java for instance will say that it's headless
it's also amusingly related to our current discussion
@Bob he has StackOverflow rep. Would you like me to ask if he wants to join us?
@CanadianLuke but not enough for assoc bonus, and their chat is separate, no?
It's global.
o.O ok, that'd be great
thanks @CanadianLuke
No problem
I'm not gonna superping, but I at least left him a comment to join us
yeah, as long as he has 20 rep on any SE site, he should be fine in here
oh wait
Hi, I have a question.
chat.SE and chat.SO are separate, aren't they lol and there he is
The Amazon micro tier AMI sounds like the method I'd prefer, because any machine that has an internet connection should in theory be able to get into your environment. You could host something like GateOne over HTTPS to provide a web browser based (WebSockets based, actually) SSH wrapper, in case you go to a public library or something where you can't run an SSH client on port 22 outbound. — allquixotic 1 min ago
Just ask @Chris, and welcome to Chat
there's my answer :P (well, the most I could come up with in a few seconds)
ya, if you're close enough to the server to not have any significant latency, I'd say go with the VPS
@Chris Thanks. Any other alternatives to Amazon AMI that are free/cheap?
@ChrisOchsenreither lowendbox.com
don't trust them to stay up, in general, but for dev it's usually fine
if you want something a little more trustworthy, buyvm.net is an established "low end" provider
ramnode.com is another one
yeah, actually, Amazon tends to be super expensive relative to the alternatives if you want a 24/7 box that's up and don't need very high specs
you're in luck; the Christmas deals are coming out today if you want a cheap one :P
buyvm looks... different... then expected
@allquixotic Amazon EC2 is great if you want something versatile and easy to expand for production
but for dev? I'd say overpriced in most cases
and once you set up GateOne on it, it comes down to this: if you have a web browser with WebSockets support, you have access to the VPS/CLI/compilers (note that you can also still access it over regular SSH if your ISP lets you)
usually I don't care if my dev server is down for a few hours
!! s/today/tomorrow in the US, or today in Aussieland aka Bobland/
@allquixotic you're in luck; the Christmas deals are coming out tomorrow in the US, or today in Aussieland aka Bobland if you want a cheap one :P (source)
@Bob This is just for comp sci classes. I would probably rent another AMI for doing a real website.
sorry, it was buyvm.net
@ChrisOchsenreither hey hey :P
lol comp sci classes :D so you might actually be doing this on a library machine then :D
I'm actually using a cheapie VPS for my compsci course :D
though I usually just ssh into the uni servers, actually
type password, hack hack
and this is all assuming that uni doesnt provide you with any servers
1 min ago, by Bob
sorry, it was http://buyvm.net
@allquixotic, no I have 2 laptops from a computer thrift store, one Macbook from my employer - don't anticipate not having a computer at all times
so why do you need a server then?
> for working on my programs / scripts / applications so that I can switch clients
got it
Because I have to switch computers
yeah, grab a BuyVM or something and ssh away then
Plus I might change jobs and give back the Macbook
you could just stick them on a central repository, like github, and push/pull
he wants his toolchain to be remote as well bobby tables
compiler whatever etc
in any case, avoid trying to sync a whole virtual hard drive :P
@Bob I use github but I need a configured environment
ya, fo sho
BuyVM looks good. I will try it.
That's kinda crazy. How do you "opt to delete them manually"? I'm assuming this also prevents people that aren't logged in to see them, and search engines from showing them? — Aki 25 mins ago
oh boy, another person who wants to delete the internet
YAY, I learned recursion in C++!
Q: Make the ToS more prominent on registration

BobCurrently, we have a little line at the very bottom when asking a new question as an unregistered user: By posting your question, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. There is a similar line in small text when registering an account, almost hidden away. These messages are ...

@CanadianLuke FANFARE
@Bob nice :D
> Why were there raining monopoles?
@allquixotic Maybe for once they'll listen to their own UX site :P
A: Automatic agreement to terms of service

JohnGBIt is legal to do that, but you will gain no legal protection if the default state is to agree. Unless a user explicitly agrees (which means actively doing something rather than not doing something), any legal agreement that you have will be unenforceable in court. This has been tried and teste...

@Bob nice find!
And another:
Q: "By posting this, you agree to our terms and conditions"

Mark BoulderIs it okay to have a "By posting this, you agree to our terms and conditions" (i.e. like 4chan) as opposed to a "I agree to the terms and conditions" checkbox? I read about automatic agreement to terms of service here on UX and how autochecking these checkboxes makes them void in court. On the o...

@Bob nah, adding more text to the bottom of the Q/A form would hurt performance.
H-B-Day @Oliver
i should send lemon cookies from germany to oliver for his bday :D
out of the letters in "Jesus Christ", the only ones in "Oliver Salzburg" are "esur" o_O
"esur" is just a typo for "sure" -- so it's sure that Oliver Salzburg is Jesus Christ because he was born on the same day! O_O
whodathunkit, the Christian demigod is bald, German, and always sarcastic
@allquixotic HERRESAY
@allquixotic Nah, they're spending all their time on this:
Q: What should we consider for next year's Winter Bash?

Abby T. MillerAt this point, I am relatively confident that Winter Bash will become an annual event. The event is oodles of fun for our communities, and almost everything we do as employees in putting the event together is done with an eye toward repeatability and automation. With that in mind, I see a lot o...

@Bob hahahahaha
@allquixotic They pretty much agreed that christmas wasn't the actual birthdate :P
just a date chosen to replace the winter solstice or something
@Bob meh, just trying to re-find the wit of this (:
@allquixotic you were left witless with that?
@Braiam wit is like the mana pool in Diablo 1 for me
spend some and you have to find potions to renew it
unfortunately I can't cast Wit Shield and protect myself from attacks with sheer wit :P
and I think I cast as slowly as the warrior

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