A Halfling has a 70.384588965% to survive their death saves
Refer to this question for calculations of the distribution.
In brief, to re-roll at all, you need to roll a 1 first. The chances of that are \$\frac{1}{20}\$ out of the gate. Once you do re-roll, you have a \$\frac{1}{20}\$ chance of ...
so like if you gained 5 temporary HP and I hit you for 8 HP, it would burn through your temp first and do 5 temp damage and then do 3 of your real hitpoints.
my favorite use of Vicious Mockery in a campaign was when a bard used it on the final boss villain, who had been beaten down and only had like 3 HP, and said "hey. hey. look at me. you're a b*tch" and that was the final shot that killed him
hm, I guess I need a reason to be traveling instead of home... though that's not hard to devise. And then once I'm traveling it's easy enogh to fall in with a party
https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56665602#56665602 is Kith arriving, https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56666149#56666149 is Ink arriving...
If we did it that way, then the "Bobble-North-Gray" group could meet at 10:00 UTC-ish and then the "Msh-Mith" group could meet later at a time they can both make it. (I don't mind if that means I have to stay up late)
improvised weapons usually do 1d4 bludgeoning by the rules, but because i was a rogue covered in pointy objects and also flailing in panic the DM upped it to 2d8 :p
the kobold: "Korg, you can't use PEOPLE as weapons, that's not how friendship works" the half-orc: "well we WON didn't we"
but then later on we had a combat where he jumped in the way of an attack for me and it was really adorable and i forgave him
his character flaw was that he had to win at all costs, so there was a big story arc around him learning that it's okay to put yourself at risk for other people
it was a total Legolas/Gimli thing where at the beginning of the game our characters totally hated each other, but then by the end we had bonded and kept helping each other out while pretending to still hate each other
confession, i was going to go over character sheets but then i laid down on my couch on this comfy blanket to play Pokemon and long story short i am dead and you must leave me here to die