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Much better than my 10 HP and 14 AC :P
@Sciborg Are there stuff that increases my ability to like dodge attacks? Aside from AC?
Not unless you're a Rogue, no :P
Drat, going full aggro doesn't seem like such a great idea
Shout-out to my favorite Rogue thing, Increased Evasion, babyyyy
You don't die immediately at 0 HP
I can still run over to you and Cure Wounds
^ there are stages of dying, yup
At 0 HP, you fall unconscious and start making Death Saving Throws. Fail three and you die.
Oh I could get evasion for a Hunter Path at level 15. Wow!
I guess I have to kill everything before I get hit
Wait, Lucky applies to saving throws too
Soooooooo Mith can't die :P
> attack roll, ability check, or saving throw
Kith literally can look Death in the eye, fail her roll, and go "nope, I call shenanigains"
Not Death Throws.
Oh, that would've been HILARIOUS
but you called them Death Saving Throws
"Saving Throw" and "Death Saves" by RAW are different things
Death Saves involve no skill
it's silly, i know
then why are they called Saving Throws if an ability involving Saving Throws doesn't apply?
I was going to say, that means Mith has a (1/400)^3 chance of dying
they're just called that. I guess we can just call them "Death Rolls" for sake of more distinct naming.
Can we just give mith Lucky on death?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr do i have clones i'm not aware of?
but what about the mental image?
oh okay
it does apply????
no, they can die. that's not how it works
No, I say we keep Mith immortal
@Sciborg awwww
3 mins ago, by bobble
Kith literally can look Death in the eye, fail her roll, and go "nope, I call shenanigains"
this is how they work, basically
Oh, but really strong hits can bypass death throws, right?
apologies for misgender @Mithical i mixed up your pronouns with your character's pronouns
Oh, okay, so Mith isn't immortal
@Sciborg dw
> A Halfling has a 70.384588965% to survive their death saves
A: How does Halfling Luck affect the probability of surviving my death saves?

user27327A Halfling has a 70.384588965% to survive their death saves Refer to this question for calculations of the distribution. In brief, to re-roll at all, you need to roll a 1 first. The chances of that are \$\frac{1}{20}\$ out of the gate. Once you do re-roll, you have a \$\frac{1}{20}\$ chance of ...

What's difference between max hit point, temp hit point, and current hit point?
so Mith will not be immortal, but will be really good at not dying :p
Or actually, max and current are pretty straightforward
Max is how much you have total, current is how much you have left. What's temp?
(temporary hit point)
Temporary hit points are just temporary HP that gets added to your HP, but doesn't carry over between combats.
From certain spells or potions or some other effect
so like if you gained 5 temporary HP and I hit you for 8 HP, it would burn through your temp first and do 5 temp damage and then do 3 of your real hitpoints.
That makes sense
6.5 piercing avrg for shortsword, 7.5 piercing avrg for longbow
6.5 for warhammer and 2.5 for handaxe
again, Astrid don't like fighting
@bobble if you would like, you may have a Bobblie pet as well :p
@Sciborg *throes
At level two, I basically get two hits per turn with the duel-wield buff, don't I?
So my average becomes 13 piercing for shortsword (whistles)
But you also dedicate your Bonus Action to only doing that, meaning there is a tradeoff.
What other things can you do with bonus action?
Too long to list, but things like flipping levers and pushing buttons, drinking potions, etc
Minor non-attack things basically
@Sciborg flipping off your opponent?
(Technically drinking potions takes an Action by RAW, but I like to use the houserule of having it be a Bonus Action.)
@msh210 that would be a Free Action, actually :P
what's "RAW"?
> • (a) a Priest's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack
• A Shield and a holy Symbol
RAW = Rules As Written.
I'm missing both of these bullet points of equipment
RAI = Rules As Interpreted by the DM for fun.
and what's a free action?
Things that don't take up any time like flipping your opponent off.
Or insulting them
nice to know :-)
@bobble Are those written down on your sheet?
Ah, good to know
as a bard, shouldn't that actually have an effect
Nope, didn't know about them
me: "the dragon is coming closer"
johnny the bard: "i flip him the bird"
Do I get two symbols, since Acolyte gave me one?
@Sciborg Critical damage, the dragon instantly dies
@bobble Basically, the Packs contain a bunch of minor items that you don't have to note on the character sheet, i.e. ropes, candles, flint, etc.
They are mostly for flavor
@Mithical yeah "vicious mockery" is a bard's cantrip
You can have two symbols, as well - that's fine
...not one I chose to know, though, as I get only 2
"Vicious Mockery" = "You roast the opponent so hard that they take damage"
My favorite spell
(I keep seeing it as "catnip")
in my groups, anyone who uses Vicious Mockery must describe what they say
@Sciborg also for Dissonant Whispers?
("You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain.")
I just automatically assume you blast some terrible Soundcloud rap.
I guess you'll have to see......
my favorite use of Vicious Mockery in a campaign was when a bard used it on the final boss villain, who had been beaten down and only had like 3 HP, and said "hey. hey. look at me. you're a b*tch" and that was the final shot that killed him
@Sciborg :-)
the Discord call was just 5 minutes of us dying laughing
I don't think Astrid would need rations for herself - she could forage some vaguely edible-looking food and then purify it
That's adorable, I love it :D
by the way - see the current xkcd
apparently rangers can forage for several people as well?
@msh210 incredible
If Astrid has a spell slot, she'd insist on purifying all food & drink before a meal
You may claim you can forage safely, but better safe than sorry
@Mithical On favored terrain, I believ
@PrinceNorthLæraðr believ?
Pfft I should've gone druid
They have some OP spells
Like conjure animals
8 1/4 animal challenge rating?
Oh wait, that's a ranger spell too
Pffft that's amazing
Why are dice rolls sometimes called "roll" and sometimes "throw"? Is there a difference, or is it just two terms for the same thing?
(In D&D, I mean. That wasn't a general English question.)
just two terms
you throw dice, you roll dice
no, I know that's true in English; I just wonder whether in D&D there's a difference between the two verbs
as far as I know there isn't
There's no difference, it's just terminology. "Saving throw" is just a roll you make to save against certain effects, etc.
You could just as easily call it a "saving roll" but the first one is catchier
okay, thanks
@Mithical dunno... can we just say that I met up with y'all?
I think we figured out how the other four of us met - maybe 'borg could arrange a Plot Event to throw you in with us?
Are we starting today
hm, I guess I need a reason to be traveling instead of home... though that's not hard to devise. And then once I'm traveling it's easy enogh to fall in with a party
Not today, I still have to comb over sheets, finish Plot Planning, etc. :)
We can contrive a Plot Event for everyone to meet up, no worries
Googles "plot event"
Did Ink meet Lae+Kith+Astrid?
I don't remember but i think yes
Accept Jesus into your heart and be saved! Alternatively, make a successful saving throw!
"Roll to accept the Word of the Lord"
(that's what I think of every time I see "saving throw")
12 hours ago, by Graylocke
https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56665602#56665602 is Kith arriving,
https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56666149#56666149 is Ink arriving...
(No offense intended to any Christians in the room. Trust me, I make fun of my own religion all the time -- but in company that will get the jokes.)
The "Kith arriving" link actually is Kith and Astrid - not sure why those two are together though
The best kinds of Christians and other religious people are the ones who regularly crack jokes about their religions
@bobble Have starred for future reference, in case that becomes canon
@bobble Something like the latter can be how João joined the party too -- I just need a backstory to explain why he's on the road at all..
If he's self-training to become a Bard, maybe he's travelling to an acclaimed College of Valor (a Bard School for your subclass, basically)
or just generic Bard School
Ooh, I like that idea. Then he can complain about the adventure interrupting his studies :P
"All these dang dragons are cutting into my schoolwork"
hm... maybe
I prefer some sort of running away over a running to
like to escape his demons
Maybe you were involved in a big academic scandal and had to flee?
something of that sort
Like you were caught using performance-enhancing spells
i.e. you would secretly cast longstrider on yourself before the competition
well there was the event that made me leave athletics... maybe I feel a need to leave home for that reason?
Potentially, sure
I do not yet know what that event is :p
oh I (msh210) can tell you. João doesn't talk about it, though
you can DM me if you would like, to keep it a secret?
you said I don't need to choose a subclass now, right?
(by the way)
Your subclass is the College, so you're already picked it i think
or wait did you decide to not do Lore? i may have missed that in transcript
I did say Lore. I just didn't know if I needed to pick it yet.
We're probably not playing until next week, so you don't need to officially pick it yet - no worries.
no, Lore is fine
do I put that on my sheet somewhere? I don't see a spot for subclass
It goes under "Features & Traits" :)
You get a first-level perk from it IIRC, so that goes there, too
alright, so if there's no chance of starting tonight I think I'll retire
@Sciborg Doesn't appear to - first thing I see is a Level 3 feature
@Mithical good night :)
I don't see anything at roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/College%20of%20Lore#content about a benefit from it until level 3
I remembered wrong, my bad
Nothing until Level 3
no worries!
@Mithical good night
Ooh, you know what would be cool for plot?
what are you thinking of?
Hit me, I need ideas :D
If Astrid and Lae meet first, and then meet Gray later, while Kithri and Johhny meet separately and then we cross paths
And it could fit for the timezones
The raw chaos of Kithri the Mostly-Immortal Halfling meeting Johnny the Bard would be incredible
So for now, we would have "two different mini-campaigns" if you will
Until we figure out an actual time
We could probably manage to arrange weekend sessions on a case-by-case basis when everyone could be together
Two different mini-campaigns in different timezones is a good compromise until we can figure out a more solid "everyone can make it" time :)
And it'd make sense that we meet Gray just slightly later because he's he would be able to join, but probably slightly later
(than me and bobble)
If we did it that way, then the "Bobble-North-Gray" group could meet at 10:00 UTC-ish and then the "Msh-Mith" group could meet later at a time they can both make it. (I don't mind if that means I have to stay up late)
How about waking up early?
Also, Mith and Msh are no-go anyways on Friday
I kinda hate waking up early, getting up for work is hard enough :p
But staying up late is fine
We don't have a tank on our team, I realized
I have 16 AC and 12 HP - not tanky enough?
Astrid is pretty dang tanky
Well, clerics aren't a tank build, are they?
They're more support
granted I'm not great at hitting things, just staying alive
In 5e clerics are tanky as heck depending on the build
Dwarves tend to tanky
Hm okay
I initially was thinking of going dragon-born paladin but I stuck with my wood elf ranger
3.5e clerics = will die in one hit
5e clerics = 50% healing, 50% "so anyway i started blasting"
1d8+2 with my warhammer isn't too shabby
It's not craziness, but I can hit things
That's very solid for our level
Astrid doesn't particularly like hitting things but will when attacked
I'm trying to figure out if I go duel-wield or just single-wield. If I take up my bonus action just to attack....
Oh wait I only get two spells per rest
calculating ways to maximize damage
North :p
It's about having fun
Yeah, that's what my friend told me too
He's like
DnD combat is nothing like what you think it is, just focus on what seems cool
But I'm all about analysis ;-;
See, my usual groups are entirely RP-focused and we make character choices based on "this would be goddamn hilarious to roleplay" :p
We sometimes have entire sessions of just talking to NPCs and doing funny stuff with our characters
I tried to do that with Astrid. Not sure if I suceeded
Astrid is a treasure, I am excited for the RP there
I think she's going to be delighted when she meets Kith, because she's short for a dwarf and dwarves are short for a race.
She'll be taller than someone!
awww <3
yesterday, by bobble
So if you climb on top of me, we could be taller than Lae!
something we figured out: Kith + Astrid is 4 inches taller than Lae
y'all are my precious adventurer children and i love you
are your normal groups a mix of races like us, or more homogenous?
In a group where one of my friends took turns being the DM, we had a kobold, a genasi, a half-orc, and my regular human ass
there were many jokes at my expense :p
who made the jokes, mostly?
the half-orc mainly :p
there was a combat where he picked me up and threw me as an improvised weapon and the DM allowed it because of hilarity
how much damage did you do?
improvised weapons usually do 1d4 bludgeoning by the rules, but because i was a rogue covered in pointy objects and also flailing in panic the DM upped it to 2d8 :p
it was hysterical
did you yell at him later?
very much yes
did he apologize?
not even a little bit
did anyone else support you?
the kobold: "Korg, you can't use PEOPLE as weapons, that's not how friendship works"
the half-orc: "well we WON didn't we"
but then later on we had a combat where he jumped in the way of an attack for me and it was really adorable and i forgave him
his character flaw was that he had to win at all costs, so there was a big story arc around him learning that it's okay to put yourself at risk for other people
Or other people at risk
he was a hilarious character, we had fun with it
it was a total Legolas/Gimli thing where at the beginning of the game our characters totally hated each other, but then by the end we had bonded and kept helping each other out while pretending to still hate each other
1 hour later…
@Sciborg was there anything I needed to fix? :)
confession, i was going to go over character sheets but then i laid down on my couch on this comfy blanket to play Pokemon and long story short i am dead and you must leave me here to die
lol <3
i'll do it later i promise :p
I will go along with everything except for 6 words.
I haven't recopied Astrid for what is the Final Time, For Sure, This Time It's For Real The Last Time, I Pinky Promise
I still have half of Ink to colour but I am becoming lazy -.-;
did you see Kith?
i love the art :D
yes! :D Our team is awesome.

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