I can't see the post this report is referring to, so I assume it's deleted. MS is not showing the post as deleted though, which is strange. If someone has 10k on android.se could you let me know if it was deleted as spam?
Based on the deletion times for the rest, my guess was that it was all deleted within "about an hour" as MS describes it. I'm pretty sure the Tavern cracked down pretty hard on the very obvious pile of spam, especially after a few of us briefly discussed the fact that it was all spam.
Yeah, I tried SOX a long time ago, but never got it working well and didn't like a few things. I didn't spend a lot of time on it, so it's probably resolvable, but I just disabled it and didn't go back to it.
@RyanM Note that AIM is not currently enabled in transcripts due to the load which that would put on the MS API. It's expected that will be resolved at some point, but we're not there yet.
@ArtOfCode Yes, that's the current intent. I've written the code for FIRE to use GraphQL and am using it in the version I run. My intent is that the two scripts will share the data between them, so it's only requested once when both are in use.
Using GraphQL is dramatically better, but can't currently grab all the data for all reports on a page at a time. The limits currently in place for GraphQL result in between 10 to 15 posts being the maximum possible to request at the same time, due to the complexity of the request (i.e. it times out or the complexity is beyond the current limit and produces an error).
That results in 7 to 10 API requests for 100 reports, rather than the combined total for FIRE and AIM of in the ballpark of 500 to 600 requests currently.
@ArtOfCode Yeah, I'm good with that too. Less is better, but I don't consider it a large issue. Where it is without using GraphQL, at up to hundreds of requests, isn't viable. :;
@SmokeDetector Actually answers the question asked, barely. The extraneous text is merely additional filler to get around the quality filter. In general, we have not been considering such text on its own TP. Obviously, it's a LQ answer.
@ppwater Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, this is the report, right? metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/286346 I can't read the text in the image either, but it doesn't look like spam at all.
@ppwater That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad keyword in body, Potentially bad keyword in body, Potentially bad keyword in answer, and Bad keyword in answer; append -force if you really want to do that.
@NisseEngström Yeah, that's a decent way to find it. I often use the MS search to check these things, so I'll see if I can figure out why that didn't work. Thanks for the help.
Sure, you can dig all of this information up manually. And arguably should before you watch something, especially if you have watchlista privileges and no one else is going to check your work. But why should I do all of that digging manually when a bot can do it for me?
Yeah, that would be nice to be able to see more easily. Right now, I have to manually search for things in 2 different interfaces, MS and SE. A search command would be nice.
@cigien They're great. One of them is quite essential for searching what a regex is actually going to produce, since it automatically adds bookendings.
@NisseEngström Hmm, that's very strange. The MS report shows the original markdown, and then MS search strips away stuff from the Markdown when doing the search? That's very strange. Or at least surprising, to me.
Expand Short Links, Mod Popup Dialog Improvements (clearly irrelevant), No User Id in Share Links (clearly irrelevant), Personal Mod Message History (clearly irrelevant), Show Deleted Messages in Chat, Chat Redact Messages, CV Request Archiver, SE Chat custom notification sound, FIRE (currently considered pointless and probably will be removed soon)
I do look at other things if I happen to be here, and will give feedback on and flag them if appropriate. But since I have the tab open to view the post in its native environment already, I can just flag it from there.
What would be useful to me is a way to give SD feedback directly from the normal post page.
I believe that exists, and that I was also trying that at the same time as FIRE, and that I was confusing its functionality with FIRE, much to Makyen's confusion.
@CodyGray I know there's a userscript that at least shows MS status of a post on the normal view, I'd imagine that being capable of providing feedback too.
I have the one that adds a "smokey" link to the post quick-links. I think that was by Rob. I recently fixed it to work again after SE's latest changes to the quick-links, and submitted a PR.
That doesn't allow providing feedback, though; at least, not without visiting the MS page and providing feedback there directly.