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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Responsive website but manual not boostrap (need help) by screm3k on stackoverflow.com
Beloved author, Nicholas Sparks how could you?! ^
@Rubiksmoose That's still alive, too.
oh, sometimes I forget I'm working with posts that can reasonably be measured in days now and not years lol
@Spevacus oh my goodness the report wasn't old but that answer certainly is lol
@SmokeDetector k
fp feedback received on [MS] How do I align text with a form?
fp feedback received on [MS] migration from springmvc to springboot
fp feedback received on [MS] Search plugin breaking parts of theme
fp feedback received on [MS] Datatable vs Dataset
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (72): How to Buy pet essentials online and Best place to buy pet products online? by Jolloli on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): blender 2.7 gesture inputs are discontinued? by Aaron Elkins on blender.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Proper way to convert HTML to PDF by Atir Tahir on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, luncheon meat detected, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in title (298): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxd ✏️ by Ogi Sinik on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector v
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): how to get response_time and response_size while using aiohttp by Sergey Geron on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received
naa feedback received on [MS] how to protect my USB stick from Viruses
@SmokeDetector "Can anyone share the already installed Visual studio? It's just that the installation requires admin rights which I do not have."
real tempted to mark metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/domains/62009 as 'not-spam' if only because it's our infrastructure lol
Does it count as spam if it is a huge log of spam?
@ThomasWard i mean...technically it is spam
just other people's spam
bulk spam
well a not-spam domain tag at least indicates that we know that site isn't spam, though it doesn't necessarily mean that there's no posts that will show up as TPs containing it I believe
@SmokeDetector why
@NobodyNada Blacklisted user - blacklisted for //ru.stackoverflow.com/questions/1174049 (metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/262636) by the metasmoke API
same concept for a google search, etc.
@ThomasWard applied the appropriate tag
@ArtOfCode XD
@ArtOfCode i see that xD
@Mast @double-beep I don't think this is spam, just a link-only question
@ArtOfCode Now that's awesome.
@ArtOfCode do we have a tag for us to use for Charcoal infrastructure sites (that ARE NOT spam)?
that one :P
that's a new tag ain't it :P
@ThomasWard yup
@Spevacus User blacklisted (13928191 on stackoverflow.com).
@SmokeDetector From this report, just didn't hit tpu
fp- feedback received
sd why
@ThomasWard [:55564893] Potentially bad keyword in body - Position 1777-1857: watch:sass": "node-sass sass/main.scss css/style.css -w", "devserver": "live
fp- feedback received
Smokey hates sass I guess
There's been no scan activity for 3 status pings. There may be a problem.
that's fun
blender.stackexchange.com: 4
es.stackoverflow.com: 4
gis.stackexchange.com: 2
magento.stackexchange.com: 1
pt.stackoverflow.com: 3
ru.stackoverflow.com: 2
tex.stackexchange.com: 2
codereview.stackexchange.com: 1
I guess smokey really hates sass
gis.stackexchange.com: 2
magento.stackexchange.com: 2
pt.stackoverflow.com: 4
ru.stackoverflow.com: 2
tex.stackexchange.com: 2
codereview.stackexchange.com: 2
blender.stackexchange.com: 1
stats.stackexchange.com: 1
hmm, it looks like we're scanning
1 min ago, by SmokeDetector
There's been no scan activity for 3 status pings. There may be a problem.
maybe I need to poke it
kicks Smokey
Makyen/EC2-linux received failover signal.
When the AI overlords take over, the systems administrators die first. Then the programmers. Then, maybe, the rest of the world.
Restart: API quota is 19995.
All those kicks and all those "pokes"... you think they won't remember every single one? ;)
@Spevacus I did apologize for the nap thing. I hope they remember that XD
@Spevacus all glory to our machine overlords?
oh i see what happened
smokey started in stdby
that's my bad
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): How does Mobile Signal Booster Works? by Richa Singh on superuser.com
tpu- feedback received
teward/Osiris received failover signal.
!!/standby makyen
Makyen/EC2-linux is switching to standby
!!/standby Makyen
!!/watch- avasystemssignals\.com
(Sorry, piling up commands)
Restart: API quota is 9045.
PR#4848 ("Spevacus: Watch avasystemssignals\.com") opened by SmokeDetector
!!/approve 4848
Oh, this is highly ironic. Somebody lecturing someone on asking a question properly misusing an answer to do so XD.
@DanielWiddis brews a cup of Mocha for @DanielWiddis
@Rubiksmoose hah
@Rubiksmoose Goodness.
@DanielWiddis No such command 'waffles'.
^^ That should be rectified.
@ThomasWard No such command 'chaos'.
... damn it we need that too evil grin
makes it so Smokey zalgofies everything until chaos is turned off oopsies did I do that? :)
Pretty sure the ideal world is "No more fun commands," but that doesn't mean we can't make the current fun commands better... ;)
@Spevacus yep. I occasionally inject a chaotic command when I'm running the dev instance of Smokey I have - "The Call of Midnight" - but that's rare nowadays :P
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Pandas - Fillna or where function based on condition by Bernke on stackoverflow.com
@Spevacus It generally does; the policy applies not just to new fun commands but also to extensions of existing fun commands:
> The situation with extensions to existing commands is slightly different. If there's a bug in one of them, fixes for that are always welcome. If you're doing a major refactor or new feature and you happen to accidentally extend a fun command too, it'll probably be overlooked. Beyond that, though, pull requests or issues requesting extensions to existing commands are also likely to be declined.
@NobodyNada Hm. Gotcha. Reasoning's sound, too.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Question about Diabetes Prediction using ML? by Sricharan on stackoverflow.com
the MS preview seems to be off here metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/231631 . Parsing style url?
fp feedback received on [MS] Вопрос по поводу URL
fp feedback received on [MS] countSmileys from CodeWars
fp feedback received on [MS] Mobile view needs fixin'
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Skype link in Email Signature does not work on gmail client ✏️ by kevoh on stackoverflow.com
tp feedback received on [MS] Where does Redis store the data
!!/bisect info-4geek.com
@Rubiksmoose 'info-4geek.com' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
!!/watch info-4geek\.com
@Rubiksmoose You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#4849 for you.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer (36): Search word structure using grep by Bob on unix.SE (@Pandya)
@Rubiksmoose Still alive
naa feedback received
looks like an actual answer though, so a modflag + comment is probably better than a spamflag
Good call
> This is a good link to solve all your problems
All of them? Really?
Go big or go home I guess
@Spevacus Relevant xkcd
@DanielWiddis Yaakov Ellis made good use of that one here.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): Determine the size of a block device ✏️ by user1684122 on unix.SE (@Pandya)
@SurajRao heh seems to be pre & code tags
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Should I let my cat go outside? by M.Hamza on pets.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): How to load up CSS files using Javascript? by Anurag Pal on stackoverflow.com
fp- feedback received
@Rubiksmoose not to pester you, but I happened to notice a U&L post was flagged by you as NAA -- metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/264904 -- I believe it to be a plain (lower-quality) answer. I'd like to hear why you decided NAA, or convince you to switch to "fp"
fp- feedback received
@SmokeDetector why
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): TypeError at /accounts/register/ by Yiğit Yıldız on stackoverflow.com
@JeffSchaller No bother at all. I'm fully willing to switch. I tend to be on the border with one-line code only answers with no explanation.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): Getting Error While doing pagination in angular 4 by RøHäñ on stackoverflow.com
@Rubiksmoose IMHO, it attempts to address the question, which turns the corner for me away from NAA
Fair point, definitely would flag as VLQ on a site, but that makes sense
I've switched now FWIW.
You may come across similar feedbacks of mine. If you do, let me know and I'm happy to switch to something more appropriate. (not that it matters a huge amount here since the system treats them the same, best to be as accurate as possible)
@Rubiksmoose you need not worry -- I only get pinged for the U&L ones, and that site is (thankfully) low on the spammers' radar

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