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@ArtOfCode @Undo @tripleee @angussidney @Andy May be you missed my request yeaterday: Can you please add me to the list of privileged SD users again? I suppose that removal was just accidentially due to a github hicckup. If that was intended just let me know.
yesterday, by Andy
@πάνταῥεῖ Yes it was. 13% of your feedback is invalid. 121 out of 952. That percentage is to high.
Oh, sorry. I missed that reply. Ty.
Can I do something to improve?
Yep. We used to have a system that did this automatically, but didn't need it for a while and it got refactored out. Now it's just a query someone runs occasionally
@πάνταῥεῖ That's... a good question. @ArtOfCode @Andy thoughts?
It's such a rarely used thing that we don't really have procedures for any of this
@Undo I had a chat with rene yesterday about this, which I haven't passed on yet.
@πάνταῥεῖ TL;DR: if you can show that you're capable of making the right decisions, happy for you to have 'em back.
May be my rate of validated spam flagging could be used for improvement?
the issue isn't the 'validated' flags
it's the invalidated ones :P
Part of the problem here is that IIRC using a near-term timeframe makes the percentage go up
yep, 13% is way too high, even with the newest automatic resolution system
@πάνταῥεῖ Spam flagging and SD feedback aren't the same thing. They're broadly similar, but there are differences that mean you can be good at one without also being good at the other.
Other than spam, any tpu- response can't give feedback to SD, no? I turned recently to be more aware of NAA / VLQ or simply editing reported posts.
@πάνταῥεῖ huh? tpu- is a Smokey feedback. It's very much recorded.
@πάνταῥεῖ any feedback you give to Smokey is feedback. That is all recorded.
I am talking about responding VLQ / NAA
Flagging doesn't automatically feed back to Smokey; feeding back doesn't automatically flag (excluding userscripts here).
^ this
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, mostly dots in answer (119): How do I open a folder as root? by Nonetrix on askubuntu.com
those are flags; however, naa- feedback is feedback
@πάνταῥεῖ also feedback, also recorded
naa- by Erik the Outgolfer
@SmokeDetector naa-
@SmokeDetector Nuked by mod-diamond powers.
tl;dr: if you reply to a Smokey message with feedback (tpu- and synonyms, fp- and synonyms, naa- and synonyms), it'll get recorded
OK, I understand that. But now I can't give any feedback anyways? Or are there ways?
It seems to be like a vicious circle I am caught in :-P
works the same as it does for any other unprivileged user
I am willing to learn and contribute positively.
@πάνταῥεῖ That's a good start. What it needs now is for people to agree that you know what you're doing. Probably the best way to do that is to respond in chat to Smokey reports as you normally would - that'll create a record of what you would have fed back, which is something people can look at to tell if you're getting it right
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (86): How does cat > file << "END" work? by Borja Guerrero on unix.SE
tpu- by teward
naa- by ArtOfCode
@SmokeDetector naa-
sometimes I hate the userscripts that interact with flags :|
(and sometimes I change my feedbacks)
@ArtOfCode Is there a way to suppress SD's auto response telling I am not privileged? Just for sake of saving noise in the chat room?
@πάνταῥεῖ maybe just make it not a reply - just say "tpu-" instead of "sd tpu-"
And these will be recorded also?
they won't be recorded in MS.
well, only in the chat room
but they'll be here in the logs of the chat
we'll be able to see your feedback through the chat logs
Should I do that rather here or in the SOCVR as I am used to?
I recommend going here to specify your "feedbacks", since Smokey's messages over SOCVR are often automatically deleted
@πάνταῥεῖ wherever's easiest for you. SOCVR RO's are aware and happy to help guide.
@Undo In the last 1/2 hour, or so, I've gotten quite a few timeouts from MS API requests (issue could be on my end). I also just got a "MySQL client is not connected" error when trying to load the search page (definitely an issue on MS). This is consistent with progressively worse issues which I've seen other times when MS has later gotten locked-up. MS may be getting closer to the point where we've seen lockup.
Ty all for the information. I'll follow your guidelines.
@Makyen Iiiinteresting
Nearly anything on MS is extremely sluggish right now
timeout here too
I believe my primary problem is to give k responses for posts which will be not considered spam. E.g. for linked blogs and such stuff. I got a bit more aware recently, and I have to admit I am quite annoyed seeing such stuff at SO and tend to do the easy judgement (instead of using NAA or VLQ flags and SD responses).
pings died o.O
@EriktheOutgolfer So you'd probably have to bear with me as a regular user of this room in the near future ;-)
And coming back
Rebooted it and got distracted halfway through, sorry :P
well, ROs over SOCVR are happy to assist too, as Art said
@Undo wags finger at you
@Undo totally not my fault
@EriktheOutgolfer I am in well contact with SOCVR ROs, no problem.
alright, the last ping was on 2018-10-19 17:26:37 UTC
on iBug/EC2
Lemme float something out there for the regex wizards among us: Hypothetically, are you interested in playing with a dataset of classified "want to see" or "don't want to see" HNQ titles from IPS? Would be neat to get a regex or something that can solve that problem.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer (86): data compression - machine learning for exponential distribution by Douglas Dana Goncz on stackoverflow.com
dammit undo got there first
alright, FIRE started acting strangely
well actually I was about to ask if people want to help classify, but that might not be the best group for it
we might be a little... jaded
I will try to kick a CE5001 instance to life, though.
I kinda thing a tag filter or something of the sort would get us better results than a title filter
@NobodyNada No reason it couldn't have all the SEDE data
Is there any room left for fun here BTW? Sometimes I just try to make fun or jokes :3
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): BIOS UPDATE Dell inspiron N5110 by Bapak Naga on superuser.com
@πάνταῥεῖ No reason why not
We're more relaxed than SOCVR
Good to know ;)
@ThomasWard teward/Solar Flare
also, oneboxes are awesome!
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 9adad56 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of instantdatacare\.com by Makyen --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare, Python 3.6.5)
Restart: API quota is 11166.
@Makyen metasmoke is up. Current failure count: 0
Restart: API quota is 19239.
@Glorfindel I seem to recall you have a HNQ dump that might be useful for this...
@iBug @Henders @ArtOfCode @angussidney It looks like MS problems resulted in each of your SD instances going non-responsive (at least wrt. status pings on MS). You each may need to kick your instance.
it's that MS ping logic again
Something is clearly not working there.
this we know
we need it rewritten probably
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): Find points within a distance using MySQL by dexxtr on gis.SE
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
@thesecretmaster damn your lack of readme
postgres is terrible
@ArtOfCode Heh. MySQL will work too with no code changes IIRC.
good good
that will help avoid throwing laptops out of windows
And into linux?
@EriktheOutgolfer That sounds great. So lemme express how silly I feel now with those latest issues about mine:
we get that, if you convince us that you have improved then we may give your privs back
@thesecretmaster well I'm doing this on my server over SSH through WSL, so it's at least kind of linux
@ArtOfCode It shouldn't be too hard to make ce5001 do HNQ titles, but let me know if you've got questions
@SmokeDetector Detected as a result of the blacklisted website regex matching only a portion of the entire domain.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (98): how to read this dynamic JSON ✏️ by Prasanth on salesforce.SE
this... can be abused to do what we want
what, erroneous detection of blacklisted parts of domain names?
no, ce5001
@ArtOfCode Uh oh
@ArtOfCode still waiting on a reply regarding your Teams question, by the way.
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
@Catija Heh, I'd forgotten about that with everything else going on. Cheers :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): HOw to convert BItcoin to cash or bank transfer by Leo on bitcoin.SE
tpu- by Erik the Outgolfer
@SmokeDetector Potentially bad ns, cheap "they give you best rate", too short...yep.
@SmokeDetector I can't determine what exactly happened, so I'm not currently appending a u to my tp.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Error during upgrade to Magento 2.1 from 2.0.7 ✏️ by Tobias on magento.SE
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
@SmokeDetector Unfortunate coincidence.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer (346): Will my Indian debit card work in the U.S.? by computer planet on money.SE
tpu- by bertieb
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad pattern in url answer, pattern-matching website in answer, phone number detected in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (331): Cargar valores en combobox anidados JAVA by user104125 on es.stackoverflow.com
tpu- by Erik the Outgolfer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): Is it safe to use paper towel as a filter when brewing? ✏️ by CoffeeSupremacy on coffee.SE
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (66): What are these random tags/variables doing in the code? by PeteTheBush on stackoverflow.com
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): post_tag tanonomy with custom post type by user152647 on wordpress.SE
tpu- by Erik the Outgolfer
!!/watch safirak\.com
fp by Nisse Engström
@SmokeDetector And it's not a "Shortened URL".
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): Не подключается Infinite Scroll by dinarkino on ru.stackoverflow.com
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (97): How to overcome shyness at the gym and build my confidence? by raheemmcdonald on interpersonal.SE (@AJ)
fp- by Erik the Outgolfer
!!/report meta.stackexchange.com/a/317061/377214 "possible user is trolling based on past behavior on other sites"
@gparyani Where are you seeing the "past behavior on other sites"?
@Makyen User has accounts on three other sites.
fp- by ArtOfCode
@gparyani Yes, but there is no non-deleted activity on those accounts and there's nothing for this username in MS.
naa- by Makyen
@Makyen The posts were probably deleted, and it probably wasn't reported because they thought it was isolated incidents and not an overall pattern. It seemed extremely suspicious to me that a user with four overall accounts would post something like that.
@thesecretmaster You run into SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (unable to get local issuer certificate) on /oauth/return before?
@gparyani have you actually seen any evidence of past trolling?
@ArtOfCode No, but I'm reporting them so that they can be investigated.
@gparyani so... why is trolling your immediate assumption without being able to back it up?
@ArtOfCode "It seemed extremely suspicious to me that a user with four overall accounts would post something like that."
so your only evidence for trolling is "user has four accounts"?
@ArtOfCode ...which potentially have deleted answers with the same content from the same user.
yeah no
not spam, not reportable
@SmokeDetector fp-
Right, sorry.
While not reportable here (i.e. not TP), it is NAA rather than FP (cc @ArtOfCode) .
@Makyen point
now that it's been reported anyway, let's put a naa- there...
(not that it will remain there forever with Art's FP, but still)
(or will it, hm...)
Actually... that one's a dead tie
4+2 vs 3+3
yes, that's what my "or will it" means (i.e. a look over the user data)
@SmokeDetector naa-
now it's very much NAA :P
and then, Art proceeded to resolve this derelict, abandoned conflict...
!!/watch- thedevicesupport\.org
!!/watch-number +1-888-370-1999
!!/watch-number 888-370-1999
!!/watch- hackerplanetsolution(?:@gmail\.com)?
!!/watch- orientmct\.com
@Makyen I don't think you need to do that
I just searched for this number, and that form hasn't ever been caught by SD
@EriktheOutgolfer Given that the number detector A) includes the +, even when matching just numbers (according to iBug; I haven't looked at the code), and B) the 1 is usually, or at least commonly, not written with US numbers and there's no way to tell the number detector that a number is optional, then, yes, I feel that adding both forms is needed.
Actually, you really should have 3 entries: +1-888-370-1999, 1-888-370-1999 and 888-370-1999.
then I think only the last one is necessary
!!/watch-number 1-888-370-1999
according to iBug, the regex is: (?<=\D)\+?(?:\d[\W_]*){8,13}\d(?=\D)
Let's test.
regarding +1-888-370-1999: the +1- part will simply not be matched by the regex, but the 888-370-1999 part will still be matched
!!/test +1-888-370-1999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in body, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 18883701999
Title - Position 0-15: +1-888-370-1999
Body - Position 1-15: 1-888-370-1999
um, that's still watched
and... o_o
Yeah, that doesn't appear to be working.
!!/test 888-370-1999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 8883701999
Title - Position 0-12: 888-370-1999
yeah, does the number watchlist work at all?
Certainly not the way that I'd expect. (cc @iBug)
no "Potentially bad phone number in {}"...
!!/test +18883701999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 8883701999
Title - Position 0-10: 8883701999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 18883701999
Title - Position 0-11: 18883701999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 18883701999
Title - Position 0-12: +18883701999
alright, I feel like this is very serious
not to mention there's no reason regarding the number watchlist yet
although those two reasons alone are already enough for a +120 reason weight (currently)
Looks like the blacklisted numbers reason is "bad phone number in {}" and the watched numbers reason is "potentially bad keyword in {}"
yeah, "Potentially bad keyword" isn't very good for phone numbers
I want to be able to differentiate between the keyword watchlist and the number watchlist
I agree, it's not. It should have it's own reason.
yawns it's 01:34 already...
My system has apparently completely forgotten how to SSL - you're going to need to set it up, @thesecretmaster
(also a challenge for @ThomasWard, if you feel like it)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (68): Breakout of iFrame into a New Window? by Cryptonizor on ethereum.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Naked RSA decryption by user189325 on security.SE
@ArtOfCode hmm?
@ThomasWard I have a system that has forgotten how to SSL
throw it in the river.
(FYI: I've been drinking, not sure if you'll get much from me while drunk :P)
specifically, doesn't know where it's own root certificates are... even when I draw a giant red circle around it on a map and say "THEY'RE RIGHT HERE"
did you reinstall ca-certificates?
or is this Chrome or Firefox which keep their own cert stores?
API quota rolled over with 8635 requests remaining. Current quota: 19999.
math: 548
stackoverflow: 378
askubuntu: 146
superuser: 105
physics: 93
english: 78
serverfault: 53
apple: 52
unix: 47
electronics: 38
money: 34
meta: 33
workplace: 32
es.stackoverflow: 30
dba: 29
drupal: 27
codegolf: 27
academia: 23
salesforce: 23
travel: 23
graphicdesign: 22
worldbuilding: 20
gis: 19
sharepoint: 18
anime: 18
ell: 17
history: 16
diy: 16
mathoverflow.net: 15
scifi: 15
stats: 14
arduino: 14
security: 14
wordpress: 13
ru.stackoverflow: 13
gaming: 13
bitcoin: 12
tex: 12
mathematica: 11
!!/watch- [a-z_]*(?:1_)?888[\W_]*370[\W_]*1999[a-z_]
@Makyen That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body; append -force if you really want to do that.
!!/test 18883701999
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 18883701999
Title - Position 0-11: 18883701999
If it's actually already caught, then why not say so. Are the phone number tests being excluded?
!!/blacklist-number +1-888-370-1999
!!/test foo +1-888-370-1999 bar
> Numbers-only title, phone number detected in body, phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 18883701999
Title - Position 0-15: +1-888-370-1999
Body - Position 1-15: 1-888-370-1999
> Bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, phone number detected in body, phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - +1-888-370-1999 found verbatim
Title - +1-888-370-1999 found verbatim
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
Body - +1-888-370-1999 found verbatim
Body - +1-888-370-1999 found verbatim
Body - Position 5-19: 1-888-370-1999
@ThomasWard many times. Literally everything on the system has lost 'em - ruby libs (Net::HTTP, open-uri), wget, curl
Interesting. It needs some additional text.
!!/test foo 8883701999 bar
@ArtOfCode is torching the computer out of the question?
> Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 888-370-1999 found verbatim
Body - 888-370-1999 found verbatim
fp by Tetsuya Yamamoto
> Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 8883701999 found normalized
Body - 8883701999 found normalized
OK, so it doesn't detect if there's nothing other than the number.
!!/unblacklist +1-888-370-1999
@iBug FYI: When I did !!/blacklist-number +1-888-370-1999 it did not remove +1-888-370-1999 from the number watchlist.
@ThomasWard mostly, yes... it's the server running all the things
!!/unwatch 1-888-370-1999
@Makyen thanks for letting me know, mine's back up again now
@Makyen No such command 'unwatch-number'.
@angussidney np. Great. Thanks.
!!/test foo 18883701999 bar
> Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 8883701999 found normalized
Body - 8883701999 found normalized
> Phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
!!/test foo +18883701999 bar
> Phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
:47262634 > Phone number detected in title
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
!!/watch-number 1-888-370-1999
!!/test foo 18883701999 bar
> Phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 18883701999 found normalized
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
Body - 18883701999 found normalized
!!/test foo +18883701999 bar
> Phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 18883701999 found normalized
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
Body - 18883701999 found normalized
OK, so the + is stripped, at least from the text being tested, which may be contrary to the information previously provided.
!!/unwatch 1-888-370-1999
!!/watch-number +1-888-370-1999
!!/test foo +18883701999 bar
> Phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 18883701999 found normalized
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
Body - 18883701999 found normalized
!!/test foo 18883701999 bar
> Phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title
Title - 18883701999 found normalized
Title - Phone number: 00 18883701999
Body - 18883701999 found normalized
OK, the + appears to be ignored in the normalized test (as it should be, but contrary to prior information).
@ArtOfCode not sure if I can be of much help
SSL suddently not working sounds like an update went awry
whats the OS?
Ubuntu, 18.04
Ahh, crud. It looks like the changes were not actually made to the watched_numbers.txt file.
!!/unwatch +1-888-370-1999
@ArtOfCode stupid question, but have you done sudo update-ca-certificates recently?
and are all the CA certs within /etc/ssl/certs/ ?
yes and no
openssl's default location is /usr/local/ssl/certs for some reason
@Makyen Nope, they were. Looks like I failed to reset my local master to the remote, although I thought I had.
@ArtOfCode eh, whichever, so long as it works.
just going to ask but...
can you use openssl s_client -connect thomas-ward.net:443 and get a connection without a ton of SSL validation errors?
you might get one about the root ca cert
!!/watch-number 1-888-370-1999
@ThomasWard unable to get local issuer certificate (20), but other than that looks okay
@ArtOfCode mind sharing its output?
'unable to get local issuer certificate' is typical for a standard chain
$ openssl s_client -connect thomas-ward.net:443
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
Certificate chain
 0 s:/CN=thomas-ward.net
   i:/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
 1 s:/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
   i:/O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
Server certificate
yeah that's typical
so we know the CA Certificates are actually present but your other things aren't able to read them
(OpenSSL is always a good test heh)
this'll sound stupid too, but i take it a reboot isn't feasible.
if the SSL libs aren't working, then I'd think that things need reinit / rebooted because of an SSL Libs update
but there's been nothing of that nature in 18.04's updates lately
reboots I can do
you didn't make any changes to the system majorly did you?
SSL config changes, or what not?
reinstalled ruby
no changes that should've hit SSL
i'd try a reboot just to see if it explodes or fixes it
sometimes things get fixed oddly enough by rebooting :|
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev a9d9089 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of 1-888-370-1999 by Makyen --autopull) (running on teward/Solar Flare, Python 3.6.5)
@ThomasWard not fixed :(
Restart: API quota is 19827.
@ArtOfCode well i'm in #ubuntu-hardened on IRC so short of you changing an SSL lib or installing a PPA or something else busted, no ideas about why it's broken :|
maybe rebuilding a server is a job coming up at some point
@ArtOfCode can you give me an ls -al of /etc/ssl/certs/?
what all runs on this server again?
couple websites and smokey, mostly
$ ls -al /etc/ssl/certs
total 636
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  20480 Oct 19 21:58  .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root   4096 Aug 31 13:33  ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     45 Oct 19 21:58  02265526.0 -> Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority_-_G2.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     36 Oct 19 21:58  03179a64.0 -> Staat_der_Nederlanden_EV_Root_CA.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     27 Oct 19 21:58  062cdee6.0 -> GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R3.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     25 Oct 19 21:58  064e0aa9.0 -> QuoVadis_Root_CA_2_G3.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     50 Oct 19 21:58  06dc52d5.0 -> SSL.com_EV_Root_Certification_Authority_RSA
and none of those symlinks show up as red or broken I assume.
all blue
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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