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Aren’t there OSS game engines?
@JF very very few are good
You have to really know your stuff to make something in BGE for instance
I honestly don't know how people make complete games in Unity
Especially without them being slow as shit
Even then honestly
Might as well spend 25k on a Source 1 license
then at least you could make something without writing thousands of lines of JS
You're not using UnityScript?
the person who had the idea to put those two terrible things together... needs to be found
IIRC it's not even good JS, it's ES5
of course it is
the only time Unity was ever good was when you could write in Boo
I guess it's C# or bust now tho
ue4's docs are actually decent, has some video tutorials too
ue3's sucked ass
Signs it's time for Art to go to bed:
> maybee u shuld aks a queschun on stack overfill and dey will giv u teh codez
now to be fair the smart money is on waiting for source 2
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: Is this real holocaust gas chamber depiction? by user42359 on skeptics.SE
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
!!/watch holocaust
@bwDraco Added holocaust to watchlist
Potential for FPs far too high to blacklist.
we already have something similar blacklisted
Too bad they reupload the image every time, we could blacklist it
@bwDraco umm.
That should probably be a keyword just for Skeptics.SE and History.SE.
FPs will be too prevalent otherwise.
I'm not sure how to watch something specific to a website.
Right now, it's just being watched. I'm not blacklisting it.
you do it in code
but I'm pretty sure we already have something for this
It's only manual reports that we're seeing.
Oh it was "holocaust denier"
because they used to post strawmans like that
Hmm, I guess that would be "strawpersons" for gender neutral?
I know but it bugs me
I guess since it's referring to a specific fallacy it's fine yeah
wtf lol
SmokeDetector server load hovering at about 10%.
@bwDraco Seems high, but I'm used to EC2 or a Pi
A Pi is pretty high-powered, really
1GHz quad core
> 4× ARM Cortex-A53, 1.2GHz
You can't really judge a processor based on that number alone, but it's no slouch.
That's just saying it does 1.2 billion clock cycles per second
A clock cycle could be "add a number" for one processor, and "find a billion digits of Pi" for another processor
Also, some processors can just do more per cycle. More commands, more data input, or whatever
I know slightly more than nothing about processors, and we've now hit the limit of that knowledge
There's an awesome youtube video out there somewhere
yeah, I think so
Huh, it is broken. All black
@Undo It's on a single Xeon core, ~2.5 GHz (have to check)
A: Why are newer generations of processors faster at the same clock speed?

bwDracoDesigning a processor to deliver high performance is far more than just increasing the clock rate. There are numerous other ways to increase performance, enabled through Moore's law and instrumental to the design of modern processors. Clock rates can't increase indefinitely. At first glance, i...

There we go. That was the answer I was thinking of
It's a single core from a Xeon E5-2697 v4 (2.3 GHz Broadwell-EP).
Heck, it was the Dragon himself who wrote this answer :P
@Undo It's one core, that's why.
This is Linode's most basic instance type.
Yep, I always run it on the absolute lowest tier of EC2
What's the typical CPU load on that sort of instance?
Don't remember, but a t2.nano is far smaller than a Linode instance
@Undo How much are you paying? AWS uses fully-decoupled resources, where every resource used is separately charged for, which provides greater flexibility but can get expensive with large workloads.
The Linode 1GB instance costs $5/month and includes 20 GB of disk and 1 TB of outbound transit.
eh sure
I usually forget about the existence of .get
I mean it's shorter
I don't know which is usually preferred
both are fine imo
syntax works
@quartata I'm going to be picky...what's the goal of this test? That there is data in the config file? That correct data is in the config file? That you can read a file? In all three cases...why are you reading a test config file then and not the real config file? I can mess up the real config and this test_config would still be valid.
@Andy Make sure the parse_room_config works
it actually did catch a bug
@bwDraco very little. $10 is a big bill, and I'm running quite a bit more than folks here see
Usually $6-10.
There's no way I can test whether the room config is "valid", simply because there's no real semantics associated with the roles
I go through every few months and optimize stuff. It's kinda therapeutic.
I have three instances on Linode currently costing $30/month, but I could cut back on one of the instances and drop it to $15/month.
the best I could do is check things like whether Charcoal HQ has debug and all or what not
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Searching app users by Alisa George on stackoverflow.com
I would add however that we haven't tested the actual contents of ws.py's special_rooms in the past, so I don't see how this is different
AWS' main advantage for me is that decoupled structure. Means I can run small tasks for very very small dollars
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: OBAT PARU PARU BASAH by dediherbal on english.SE
one task bills at about a thousandth of a cent per month
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
tpu- by Tetsuya Yamamoto on Searching app users [MS]
One instance serves my website and Firefox Sync, one instance runs Smokey, and the last provides a Linux "cloud desktop" which can be accessed over VNC (this is the largest of the three instances).
Linode bills by the hour, so temporary stuff costs pennies. They also have block storage in the works.
DO has block storage.
@Andy They give you less RAM for the money, though.
Ah. I don't use either. It's just one I've looked at in the past
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer: Are bamboo leaves nutritious or poisonous to rabbits? by user10588 on pets.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: bambu logo font by TTGHGHNGH on graphicdesign.SE
tpu- by JamesENL
Looks reasonable. Little higher than I'd expect, but reasonable.
The period during which the usage was lower was when the server was on standby.
that's odd
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Admob not blocking dating ads in my app by Alisa George on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
@QPaysTaxes You don't have code privileges, but I've created PR#1152 for you.
That's far too broad.
Bleh. Approved.
Merged SmokeDetector #1152.
It'd be nice if we could pull it off of PFF, but we can't do that yet
!!/watch dateamillionaire\.org
@quartata You don't have code privileges, but I've created PR#1153 for you.
That is the best domain ever
yeah no point in watching just millionaire
Merged SmokeDetector #1153.
@Undo but but you didn't wait for CI
It would result in too many FPs.
@QPaysTaxes Doesn't look like spam to me, especially when looking at their other posts
Ah, okay.
It's not obviously spam.
@SmokeDetector false-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Why do cats like lasers? by laserpuissant on english.SE
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
!!/test buy.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
!!/test buy.com
> Url in title
Title - Position 1-15: http://buy.com
> Url in title
Title - Position 1-16: http://xbuy.com
> Pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title
Title - Position 2-17: veryonetobuy.co
Body - Position 2-17: veryonetobuy.co
> Url in title
Title - Position 1-17: http://tobuy.com
Is this a bug in the pattern-matching algo?
It's cutting off the first and last character.
!!/test veryonetobuy.co
> Pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title
Title - Position 1-16: veryonetobuy.co
Body - Position 1-16: veryonetobuy.co
Pretty sure ^ that part is the filtered expression, so it's excluding the e and m
> Pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title
Title - Position 2-17: veryonetobuy.co
Body - Position 2-17: veryonetobuy.co
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-Latin title: Floated ______? by Immanuelle on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Chinese character in title, bad keyword in body, messaging number in body, messaging number in title, mostly non-Latin body, +1 more: 办理Pisa大学毕业证【原版可查】(Q微2432056768)办比萨大学毕业证成绩单使馆公证学历认证University of Pisa diploma by user79901 on drupal.SE
tpu- by JamesENL
Ugh, subclassing dict is a pain
I mean yes but there's just a ton of stuff to override
I need to prune old reports and I didn't want to add sortedcontainers as a dependency so I'm overriding it to also maintain a heap of the keys
That way I can retrieve and delete the report data for the smallest messge ID when we go over capacity
extra memory but eh it'll be fast
...because I'm stupid and forgot the message IDs come in sequence?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, +2 more: alphajackedhelp.com/blue-fortera/ by ksamsyefdgd on meta.SE
although it isn't exact, we only lock sending messges per room so if it tried to send to to rooms at the sme time we don't know tbe order they'll come back in
An OrderedDict shall suffice though
@SmokeDetector tpu-
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Keytool opens than closes super fast by Nick Desai on stackoverflow.com
@QPaysTaxes no need to be even that precise, as long as we're getting rid of something not recent
first key inserted should be fine
which is already implemented for me in OrderedDict
it's by insertion order
fp- by DraconicPenguin
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title: infiniteallurehelp.com/radiant-revive/ by karishuler on graphicdesign.SE
@QPaysTaxes [:40567756] That post was automatically flagged, using flags from: Magisch, Ashish Ahuja, Sconibulus.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Methods So As To Enhance Person Fertility by angelazaleg on graphicdesign.SE
!!/blacklist-keyword blue\W?fortera
@tripleee Blacklisted blue\W?fortera
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +3 more: lumalifteye.com/radiant-revive/ by qhanmpkagzcv on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector I just destroyed that now. It took two hours to kill
!!/blacklist-keyword radiant\W?revive
@tripleee Blacklisted radiant\W?revive
@QPaysTaxes I'm not sure June?
on Pets
did you know I came 3rd in the recent SO mod election?
I plan to run again
@QPaysTaxes you've missed a lot
!!/watch everyonetobuy\.com
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Pattern-matching website in answer and Pattern-matching website in body; use !!/watch-force if you really want to do that.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev e38109a ([email protected]: Revert test.) (running on bwDraco/Linode)
Restart: API quota is 16437.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Store this complement in a cool, dry and darkish area by stancejuri on apple.SE
tpu- by JamesENL
@TetsuyaYamamoto [:40567908] That message is not a report.
sd - - k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: lenviagedefyingcream.com/derma-luminous/ by Parsonr on askubuntu.com
tpu- by suraj
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, +1 more: maxxmalesite.com/md-science-lab-max-testosterone/ by michparham on apple.SE
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
[ charcoal-se.github.io ] continuous-integration/travis-ci/push success on 987c38f: The Travis CI build passed
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username: Count function execution by wingding on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, +2 more: dermaantiaging.com/derma-luminous/ by ChangMcroy on askubuntu.com
tpu- by JamesENL
It's spam o'clock!
Still watching server load, seems a tiny bit higher than before.
they seem to be deploying new domains which have not been used before, or used 2+ years ago
the last three were registered in 2013-2014 and one of them was seen in spam 2 years ago (8/8 and the last 7 all below auto but also more than a year ago); the other two were new to us
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Count function execution by wnigdngi on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by suraj
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Plus IQ Points - It enhances the brain health in an organic way by ethelclements on superuser.com
1. [:40568060] <processed without return value>
2. [:40568056] That message is not a report.
@SmokeDetector autoflagged
@tripleee That post was automatically flagged, using flags from: Ferrybig, QPaysTaxes, Mack M..
it was autoflagged using your credentials
!!/blacklist-keyword derma\W?luminous
@tripleee Blacklisted derma\W?luminous
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted website in body, +2 more: Derm Naturale Reviews by Rseniktlestin on gaming.SE
tpu- by DraconicPenguin
@QPaysTaxes I agree but we seem to be a minority here, I proposed a mechanism for avoiding autoflagging on behalf of users who are currently actively flagging but it was not seen as useful
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: You may also find it to be quite enjoyable. by Kristen Shake on security.SE
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: Alpha Hard Reload by Beanclarkcee on askubuntu.com
tpu- by Tetsuya Yamamoto
@SmokeDetector k
!!/blacklist-website meatspin\.com
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Pattern-matching website in body, Blacklisted website in body, Pattern-matching website in answer, and Blacklisted website in answer; use !!/blacklist-website-force if you really want to do that.
!!/blacklist-website-force meatspin\.com
@bwDraco Blacklisted meatspin\.com
uh, it was already blacklisted
Oh, okay.
I thought it was blacklist-keyword.
$ fgrep -nis meatspin *.txt
line 1515 is the new entry from just now
@tripleee I really need to learn to use tools like fgrep.

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