[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Nuavive derma serum by obyr isdaq on apple.SE (@CalvT)
@HyperNeutrino the literal plus can't be part of the bad_keywords.txt pattern directly (because of the context in which the regex are applied) but we can use a regex lookbehind to assert a plus immediately before the match
the search I linked obviously shows you the matches in the Metasmoke spam database
Oh, hm. That is weird. I don't know much about regex but cool!
Yes. I'm surprised that this number shows up so many times (as in more than once).
@Andy My suggestion only pertains to stuff that we make publicly available on our website or posts, like graphs you sometimes post publicly or analytics we discuss publicly
So if you don't want to release something obviously you can do that.
The idea behind it is to have, much like with the repo, a unified license for stuff that IS published so people can see "oh these guys posted this interesting analysis of stuff, let me use that" without having to ask our approval.
[ userscripts ] github/pages failure on b11ef7d: Your SCSS file fire/fire.scss has an error on line 3: Invalid CSS after "@import "compass"": expected selector or at-rule, was "$blur: ...
> Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username ---------- Title - Position 1-10: net worth Body - Position 1-10: net worth Username - Position 1-10: net worth
🔥 I've just updated FIRE to 1.0.6. FIRE should now also show a user's reputation, inclusing a red highlight if it's greater than 1 (only for non-deleted posts). I also changed the HTML escaping code, so if you see any HTML tags pop up, let me know.
TL;DR: We did it, so... yes.
What is this?
Charcoal is the organization behind the SmokeDetector bot and other nice things. This bot scans new posts across the entire network for spam posts and reports them to various chatrooms where people can act on them. If a post has been created or edite...