@quartata Later (as in hours from now), I'll try to rewrite a small example app that reproduces my error so that I can post about it on SO. In the mean time, can you give me a run down of what daemon is doing, so that I can explain it without being eaten alive as a 20K user with most of my posts in Python? :) (also...rubber duck debugging may help too)
The apt package manager becomes unusable, as it is basically a set of Python scripts. SO you have to download and install the basic python packages apt needs manually with dpkg until you can use apt again to install all the rest.
A while back, I introduced an easter egg in FireAlarm. If a post ID was a multiple of 1,000 (or 10,000, can't remember), it would report that post, except the link would be a rickroll
The problem was, it didn't properly account for edits on the post
So it would often rickroll the same post several times in a row
I'm tempted to unmount the Windows partition and external drives, and then sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root --permission-to-kill-kittens-explicitly-granted just to watch it die