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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Restart: API quota is 9937.
^ My account for testing Smokey
!!/test-u somethingjuryam
> Would not be caught as a username.
!!/test-u frey juriya
> Blacklisted username
Username - Position 1-12: frey juriya
!!/test-t Improve Eye And Brain Health With This Cream
> Would not be caught as a title.
should be, then...
!!/test-t Improve Eye And Aging Brain Health With This Top Cream Product
> Would not be caught as a title.
Nice work
!!/test Improve Eye And Aging Brain Health With This Top Cream Product
> Would not be caught as a title, body, or username.
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
Ah, I'm trying to match the has_health method which is on selected sites only.
!!/test-t advice to be build muscle
> Bad keyword in title
Title - Position 20-26: muscle
CI on 187428e failed.
CI on 187428e failed.
@SmokeDetector why
@Gothdo Post - Keyword interested with email [email protected]
That's not spam, but the question is bad.
@SmokeDetector notspam, then
@SmokeDetector I still think that "or" is more logical than and in "Would not be caught for title, body, and username.", but won't argue with the testing module...
CI on a3cb2d1 succeeded.
CI on a3cb2d1 succeeded.
CI on a3cb2d1 succeeded.
Restart: API quota is 8183.
!!/test-q advice to be build muscle
> Would not be caught as a question.
Correct. Only as a title.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: How do I find out what web sites link to mine? by Sam Hill on webmasters.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Magisch
@GregP I was just reminded that we do have contract jobs (although we could be more clear about it); if you go to stackoverflow.com/jobs and focus on the "Job Title, Keyword or Company" text field, a little radio button form appears that lets you choose between "Permanent," "Contract" or "Any job type."
Hey pops
@Pops In considering integration with smokey, do you guys have problems/questions with our current reporter/flagger verification system (basicly its just whoever the smokey admins think is sane)
What do you mean by reporter/flagger verification system?
The main part of our data (signal) comes from people giving feedback on reported posts
the sd k or sd f you've been seing
thats us members confirming or marking as false positives reports
@Pops Thats not something just anyone can do - these people have to be manually approved. If there was to be more integration between smokey and SE, these people indirectly would hold significantly more power compared to now (1 flag). The SD admins aren't super strict about selecting who gets to feed back, though
You have permissions by default - all moderators do
Right. My gut reaction is, don't fix what isn't broken. Haven't really thought about that question before just now, though.
We do have a quality control system in place to ensure the people feeding back keep a reasonably high accuracy
sort of like audits
well less like audits but in the same principle
Metasmoke admins go through all feedback (generally) and invalidate invalid feedback. If you have 4% + 4 or more of that and more then 100 total feedback, your future feedback is ignored (sorta)
Restart: API quota is 7771.
Recovered from error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
Restart: API quota is 7755.
Restart: API quota is 7738.
Oy smokey
@undo @ArtOfCode Smokey has some difficulties here. Happened 21.00 CEST 12.08.2016
!!/errorlogs 100
    header = self.recv_strict(2)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/websocket/_abnf.py", line 346, in recv_strict
    bytes = self.recv(min(16384, shortage))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py", line 479, in _recv
    return recv(self.sock, bufsize)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/websocket/_socket.py", line 77, in recv
    bytes = sock.recv(bufsize)
error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
@ArtOfCode Of course
@Magisch 'long as it's still alive and processing
I figured you'd still want to know
aye, ta
Your slang gets worse and worse...
Basically all I do when Smokey has errors is check if it's alive and well, and boot my copy if not
@ByteCommander whit are ye talken aboot laddie
exactly that ^
I was kicked out of chat too, it's a websocket thing, not specific to Smokey.
ah canna ken whit ye're sayen
Coincidentally, I was just now reading a post on ELU quoting Shaw's Pygmalion...
... and got distracted into re-reading the play itself.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 2): Pokemon with unusually high attack? by windowappreviews on gaming.stackexchange.com (@angussidney)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 2 out of 2): How much data does Pokemon Go use? by windowappreviews on gaming.stackexchange.com (@angussidney)
tpu- by Gothdo
:31657831 n
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer: Show image from URL Xamarin.Forms by Rohit Arora on stackoverflow.com
sd k
sd f but OT
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with a link in answer: 1080p Rendering Problems 720p fine Though by user29433 on blender.stackexchange.com
sd n
sd n
Yay! Somehow managed to miss all the fun with Pops.
It's unlikely to be of consequence.
I'm back on my home network. I'm kinda surprised that Smokey didn't decide to freeze during the almost-two-weeks I was gone.
It's too hot for anything to freeze.
ugh, that'd be true.
@zaq You can say that again. I'm lying on the floor sweating and trying to get some shut eye
@zaq Oh? From what I've read, it will take six to eight weeks but it seemed promising.
Maybe I'm in optimistic mood.
@zaq I suspect something will come of it. Might not be full-on integration, but we might get a few nice-to-haves and a go-ahead on that autoflagging project
I'm hoping at least the networkid appears on the shallow user object
@TIPS I'm still here!
But describing me as "fun" is... really optimistic, at best. At least proves you didn't read the transcript.
You're fun.
You're fun.
@undo, a month or so ago you mentioned your EC2 prices...how much memory do you get? I'm thinking of moving my comment flashing stuff from a home server to something that is less susceptible to Midwest lightning storms
@Andy Memory or storage?
1 GB on a t2.micro
anywhere from 500MB to 2TB ;)
My t2.micro has 1G
way more than you need to run something like Smokey; a full Rails server takes about half your resources
I imagine your comment flagger would work fine on a micro
also @Andy, not sure how your comment flagger thing works, but you can scale up/down based on your needs in seconds.
Haven't tested it, but there's no reason you couldn't run a t2.nano to collect comments 23 hours out of the day, then hot-swap a bigger instance for 1 hour.
Amazon's pricing is confusing. I need roughly 4-6 gb of ram right now
just a sec, I have a better table
That would probably be kinda pricey.
That's what I thought too. I'm looking at Digital Ocean too
Also..hichris...storm headed your way
Smallest one with 4G is a t2.medium, 5.2 cents per hour on-demand.
Yeah... that'll be fun.
@Andy Also check Google Compute Engine. They recently announced a "create your own" instance type, where you could do e.g. 2 cores & 8 GB RAM.
@Andy ^ this button is your friend.
(greyed out there because you have to stop the instance, but that takes seconds)
You almost certainly don't need 4-6GB all the time, right?
Oh, and you can always use a reserved instance/spot instance with EC2. Lots cheaper.
That too
$25.55/mo reserved t2.medium
Not horrible...but higher than I really want to flag comments
@Andy What does your load cycle look like?
Are you bunching up work? Can you?
Why does it need to be alive more than one hour a day?
I think I can bunch it up. That shouldn't be a big change.
Yeah. I can adjust it
Go me for planning ahead on that
So if you can get it down to an hour a day, you can run an instance just an hour per day (something like aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/…). I'd just run it on-demand. That's ~30hrs/mo, $2.4/mo running a m4.large (8GB RAM, 2vCPU)
I think that'll work.
add $0.60/mo for the Data Pipeline thing, although I suspect there are better ways to do it. Heck, you could always trigger it from an API call on your local machine if you wanted to.
Thanks guys
Trigger starting it?
@Andy Yeah.
AWS has pretty awesome APIs
Hmm. ..I do need a mysql db. Forgot about that
@Andy I'd just run it on the instance.
I've heard the api is awesome
Q: Why is Charcoal such an excellent adsorbent?

Satwik PasaniCharcoal (also activated charcoal) is known to adsorb a huge variety of substances including a variety of paints, dyes and many different kinds of ions. Moreover, the amount of adsorption at normal pressure and temperature is high. I know physisorption requires high capacity of Van-der-waal bondi...

also @Andy, you'll want to tack on a few cents for EBS storage. $0.1/GB/mo
that won't amount to much.
orrr you could probably just make an AMI out of it and store all your data in S3, then import it on-start. That's getting pretty close to overoptimization, though.
Ok. I have stuff to look into this next week.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Terraria fishing rod for Android by ogisa ogsa on gaming.stackexchange.com (@angussidney)
Network usage will be dirt cheap, wouldn't even think about it.
Nah. I was much more confused about memory utilization pricing.
Network for this is tiny
@Andy Memory is on-instance. You're not charged for it.
You're just charged for what instance type you choose, which dictates how much memory/CPU/etc you have. Just like renting a physical computer.
I'm pretty sure they make this intentionally confusing
@SmokeDetector k
It's not really that bad
Mostly a byproduct of the fiercely pay-for-what-you-use model.
@TIPS That's it, from now on I'll always think of "effectiveness at blocking spam" as "ADsorbency."
<table flip>
I'm on mobile so real ones will be coming after I'm not on mobile.
Note to self: when I create my own DBMS, replace the traditional DROP TABLE x; command with FLIP TABLE x;
sd f
@zaq are you sure?
new user since today, only post ever, username matches website, last seen 30 min ago (right when the answer was posted)
The answer kind of matches the question, but I would still consider it (well crafted) spam.
Other opinions on android.stackexchange.com/a/154749/178857 ? Spam or not?
"Username matches website"... the user is explicit in saying it's their product. "We provide the solution", "our Test Factory suite".
Yeah, f
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: how can I add (subtract, etc.) two numbers with bash? by mATHkhad on unix.stackexchange.com
tpu- by Ferrybig
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe by qesrdgf on stackoverflow.com
tpu- by FrankerZ
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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