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Both of those will have to remain in the database, unless we change the sign up process (which I can't do now, and I'm not going to do without consulting people). I can make it so that admins can't see them.
In progress...
Why do IPs need to be in the database?
@Andy they don't, but Devise puts them in there. I'm not sure if that can be changed, but it might be possible - @Undo?
@Andy Because they're there by default in Devise.
99% sure we could remove them, and probably should.
@ArtOfCode Yeah, last IP doesn't need to be in the db, much less in a page.
@Andy Email addresses aren't shown anywhere that I'm aware of now
Except if you don't have a username set, but I'm pretty sure everyone has that now and we require it on registration.
@Undo Review feedback, but I'm going to solve that one
This thing is supposed to be a dashboard, it should probably stay that way
With a few tools to hunt down bad feedback, but that's it.
@Andy I'm not either; at the very least emails and IPs should be nuked.
@Undo pushed, ready for deploy
@ArtOfCode k, I'm going to nuke IPs then deploy
@Andy @Marshmallow My apologies. Once this build is deployed, there's no personal info on display anywhere I can find, and I'll remove it if I find it anywhere. Please do call me out on it if I make mistakes like this :)
People are more valuable than tools.
heh, I think I managed to make almost all the test fail
@Undo excellent, what did you break? :)
@Andy currently it's me, Undo, and ArtOfCode. I'd hope we don't need more admins - if the "workload" gets that high, boy have we gone of the meta deepend. ;) This is a simple tool, hopefully it doesn't become a bureaucracy.
@ArtOfCode Fixtures expecting there to be IP columns
@Undo Those sound fun. Time to rewrite some tests...
@ArtOfCode nah, just remove the line from the fixtures.
or that
wow that's a lot of failed tests
Um... "remove IPs from dixtures"
tempted to amend that
 ap User
class User < ApplicationRecord {
                        :id => :integer,
                     :email => :string,
        :encrypted_password => :string,
       :remember_created_at => :datetime,
             :sign_in_count => :integer,
        :current_sign_in_at => :datetime,
           :last_sign_in_at => :datetime,
                :created_at => :datetime,
                :updated_at => :datetime,
               :is_approved => :boolean,
      :reset_password_token => :string,
    :reset_password_sent_at => :datetime,
That looks better
MS doesn't store IPs anymore, stupid default-trusting oversight on my part.
Is username creation in the setup process? If not, that would be nice.
@hichris123 It is
Next job is to integrate review feedback and user feedback so it's all accessible under one username.
But... some other time
@ArtOfCode Before you jump into that, think about it for a while.
I've tried to figure out how to do that at least three times, couldn't come up with a good solution.
Literal username matching is dangerous.
@Undo It is - you'd just have to require everyone to use their SE username.
@ArtOfCode What happens when I change my chat username to be 'ArtOfCode', though?
@Undo everything dies
Think about a certain @Marshmallow...
@Andy's suggestion of using the SE API to log users in is solid, and would let us solve that problem completely. Seems like it's a pretty major change, though.
@SmokeDetector f
@ArtOfCode Except that we don't have a good tie to the SE account ID either
My chat ID is 73046, but on SE that belongs to stackexchange.com/users/73046/pmatt
@Undo Ah, not from chat I suppose. Damn.
Well that's got a bone in it
Isn't there a formula to take the ID to a Chat ID?
@Andy We could do that.
Although it's one more layer of complexity, and we still haven't dealt with c.SO and c.mSE
Very basic idea (with absolutely no idea how MS is set up behind the scenes):
- User posts feedback. If we don't know who they are, look them up using the above link for the network the chatroom is on
- Store network/id association in DB. Next time, we can look them up based on the ID
Each user will have up to 3 associations (one per chat network)
The user model will then have a MS_user_id, c.so_id, c.se_id and c.mse_id
Everything MS does will be based on the ms_user_id. Lookups will occur based on the other three
@ArtOfCode is right that it will take some work, but I think this would be a decent way to link everything.
Sounds solid, in principle
You can save time by caching these values instead of looking up the ms_user_id with each feedback too
@Andy probably id, chat_stackoverflow_id, chat_stackexchange_id, etc. but yeah
Still seems like a lot of work for little reward.
I can think of a few:
1. Integration with SE (users can select whether or not to share data via the auth process)
2. Admins don't have to authorize/confirm user is real
3. IDs aren't going to change on you so when Marshmellow name changes in 2 weeks, all the data stays together
4. Email addresses aren't required
@Andy Ya know, emails might not be required anyway. Any reason we can't nuke them now?
@Undo they're used to log in, unless we start accepting usernames and enforce uniqueness
@ArtOfCode we can do that
That would be useful for showing review feedback, too - we can try(:username) rather than just "(From Review)"
@Undo You tell me. I don't know for sure
@ArtOfCode We can do that now.
@Undo Ah. Password resets.
@ArtOfCode don't work anyway :P
heh, true
Yeah, those are the two major reasons.
Am I supposed to be able to see the mod newsletters? those that Andy linked a few messages back
@Ferrybig yeah
We try to be as open as possible
yay! Transparency!
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: <18556394698> Windows {XP}<Suport> {Phone Number} by Smith john on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Converting a Docx file to PDF without losing any formatting by Dnore Gen on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: How to deal with my teenager step daughter's rebellious behavior? by Carol Williams on parenting.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector f it seems like
@SmokeDetector Suport haha
> some testified that he restores Womb
Restart: API quota is 2684.
Can someone check if this is spam? chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/49447/…
I don't have the temperament to turn adblock off.
spam. Goes to an adf.ly link
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Log in here you will see something: by Fikri Isaoui on chemistry.stackexchange.com (@PhMgBr)
very much spam
@SmokeDetector Thank you I'd've missed that.
@SmokeDetector K
@Undo What, you don't like your download to be ready?
Gone in under 2 minutes. Hugs @Charcoal
@SmokeDetector K
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: .shooter .perspective .will .be .familiar .to .anybod by nolisterio on serverfault.com
SF spam? That's quite odd.
@SmokeDetector tpu-
API quota rolled over with 1734 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
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[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: How to calculate radius when I know the tangent line length? by user331251 on math.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Linq How to combine two List's columns by Fucker on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
New kind of spam?
sd f
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 7dee532 (Normal Human: exclude gfycat, tinypic) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 9463.
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: How to prevent the sethc.exe hack? by asdf on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: Search PHP Array Values and Display them if they exist by Abdul Tolba on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
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