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sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Read the Scam Of Body Bloom Forskolin by raguasawilliam on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body: http://getmenshealth.com/megadrox/ by thum30717 on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Building muscle, Megadrox whether it be to the extent by teven on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector k
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: my Nexus 7 device is formatted accidentally by prakash rao on android.stackexchange.com (@AndrewT.)
@SmokeDetector k (Poster is the owner of the blog he is linking as the last list, but doesn't disclore his affiliation with it)
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body: Drupal Ubercart Merchant ID and Key are incorrect? by user876978 on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd 2f
Great, the are removing tags without fixing other post problems
Yeah first one even includes a dead image link
@Ferrybig Of course
^really borderline, username suggest for spam, body suggests for question
@SmokeDetector GRRRR ... but I guess still not spam?
@Ferrybig Does link work for you?
The user name and link scream spam, but the link 404s since the DNS isn't set up properly.
@PetterFriberg no, dns error
@SmokeDetector f
I downvoted, closevoted, and flagged VLQ...
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 9ed3796 (Normal Human: whitelist yfrog for LAE) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 4846.
Hey Marshmallow can you approve registration requests or do I have to wait for Undo?
@Ferrybig Probably was spam attempt user does not know no-follow on link, but we can't be sure, so we can't red flag it.
I think a few people will have red flagged that,
The fact that link does not work made up my mind, the worst spam attempt in history...
Probably spammers who dont know dns need some time to update
or they spam first, and then they buy the domain name
Smokey should have a watch list...
But the post was not promotional, or without disclosure, so no reason to spam flag
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: How do I add Google Adsense every x posts? by all4masti on stackoverflow.com
^Username matches post url
@SmokeDetector k
+ user is a clear spam user for that web site (see profile)
only thing that stopped me for awhile was that member since 3 years...
hmm, they burned that user... strange that member for 3 years
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev a7e00c6 (Undo1: Merge pull request #155 from ArtOfCode-/patch-3) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 4450.
@PetterFriberg Single post, no linked accounts. Meh
@WaiHaLee Yes, you are a privileged user.
Thank you! :)
Now I just need to post some spam wait for a report.
@SmokeDetector f
sd f but a terrible answer
and he his using the grace period....
Is it really bad that I like it when I receive SPAM in my real mailbox, and then can instantly delete it?
@WaiHaLee Next one is yours...
I like it too. Because if it's not spam, there's a good chance it's someone asking me to do something, and I usually can't simply delete those...
@Ferrybig addicted to spam, at least it is cheap.
Good work everyone, no conflicting feedback has been done today, this is a improvement of 8 conflicting of a few days ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: I'LL BE GOOD, I'LL TRY, BUT ICAN'T PROMISE by Bigltinf Pk on mathoverflow.net
sd k
Is it just me, or does everyone has trouble reading uppercase posts, I cannot understand posts that are uppercase, while the exact same "post" lowercase is perfectly fine.
yeah, it is a lot harder to read.
There's fewer visual cues to help you.
@Ferrybig I've read so much crap that I'm kinda used to it
I can read meta.stackoverflow.com/a/317772/1849664 at full speed without flinching.
Hey @Undo can you activate my account on metasmoke please?
sweet i'm in
Hmm, Smokey didn't catch this one:
Why, hello there @3ventic!
@3ventic How've you been?
busy mostly
That's good, I guess. :)
At least when getting paid for it
Indeed. :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Car animations in Frogger on Javascript by user6178104 on stackoverflow.com
sd remove
interesting, just did a test to see if that would come up in the SOCVR
@SmokeDetector was that spam? The user has other posts
@JAL I'd say no - the sites behind the adf.ly links were just wikihow, could have been edited out.
It wasn't marked as spam though, just deleted.
Ok good to know
@SmokeDetector f
@JAL Prevent removing posts without giving them feedback, we use the feedback for the metasmoke, any feedback not given here need to be done manually
@Ferrybig does that still apply even if the report was a duplicate of the previous report?
I also can't see anything on that screen even though I'm registered and logged in
Yes, metasmoke and smokey sees it as 2 different reports
@JAL There's nothing there right now. Let me kick something in, so you can see it.
Thanks, I've reviewed it
got it, thanks Ferrybig
@Undo probably worth you taking a look through this transcript - some good ideas in there.
Some of the stuff I was thinking of:
in Room for Cerbrus and ArtOfCode on Stack Overflow Chat, 6 hours ago, by Magisch
cc @art I think the way to deal with smokey abuse is make everyone that gains SD privs accept explicitly and advise anyone else that they have to use their own judgement. Failing that will be harsh consequences for the user, beyond a declined spam flag
in Room for Cerbrus and ArtOfCode on Stack Overflow Chat, 5 hours ago, by Cerbrus
- "Needs admin evaluation" SD command ([link](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28857404#28857404))
- Make purposely flagging posts without reading bannable ([link](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29834183#29834183))
- Format SD reports as a "Review request" ([link](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29834052#29834052))
The first in particular is something we can put into action now; it needs a single wiki page on Smokey's repo that we can point to when people ask for privs and ask them to agree before we add them.
Don't take it personally Undo. I have observed mob flagging in the room. I asked if an answer was spam and it was immediately manually reported and the user got -100. We had to get Jon involved. It wasn't a good day.
I also think the needs-admin command could be a good idea, as long as it isn't over-used. The borderline posts, and any errors, can just be sent to MS through Smokey for an admin to pick up on later.
"Make purposely flagging posts without reading bannable" how would this be enforced?
@ArtOfCode I like this idea
@JAL We can't tell if people read the post or not, obviously, but if people are spam-flagging obvious not-spam, then that should be a bannable offence.
That's the proposal, anyway. I don't know what I think about it.
@ArtOfCode So more weight should come from a declined spam flag on a post that is obviously not spam
Yeah, up to and including suspensions.
To test a room for robo-flaggers: Post a fake smoke detector message with as reason that its fake, and when you open the link it will rick-roll people
@Ferrybig Actually what we want is a honeypot, where clicking the link records your name.
I wonder if JS would work.
@ArtOfCode I open everything Smokey posts, we'd need a way to tell if someone flags it
Which... is pretty hard to do unless you have a diamond
And then you can't really take that information and use it on a non-official project
apparently not
@ArtOfCode We can do that by requiring people to go through a meta smoke page designed to the the user, and in the case of a audit, we redirect different users to different posts, and then monitor the votes on those posts
no, of course not
also, the idea of using 'audits' just isn't sitting well with me
Damn you, SE and your security.
Hey undo
There is some stuffz to look at for you here regarding the latest SD changes
@Undo whatcha think about a needs-admin thing, before I go and work on it?
@Magisch got there before you ;)
@ArtOfCode Seems like a sane idea
The needs admin command would be good to direct admin attention to specific posts
So you can offload the auditing and reporting of bad user behavior to the SD users
in Room for Cerbrus and ArtOfCode on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by hichris123
@Cerbrus Let me be clear: I don't plan on having any "audits" for Smokey. It's not really the best experience... and it starts turning the bot into a platform with meta-discussion and meta-meta-discussion and so on. :P
Another way would be to search and monitor what get spam nuked by flagging from users (in short time frame), potential errors, to really understand if something bad is going on. (since I continue to not worry about a single wrong flag, it will get denied by mod and users learns)
For example if we have list of stuff where post got spam nuked and one sd priv did sd f it, that would be interesting.
I think that goes for other things, too. Let's not get too hung up on meta stuff... the purpose is to identify spam, not to identify people who can't identify spam. ;)
well Smokey identifies it, but people still needs to flag it... if you remove the people you can remove the monitoring : )
Accounts require manual activation. Ping @Undo
busy, just a sec
np, commuting home, cya
sd f
| reason_name                                | total | tp_count | fp_count |
| Manually reported answer                   | 366   | 345      | 9        |
| Bad keyword in body                        | 345   | 318      | 27       |
| Pattern-matching website in body           | 318   | 292      | 26       |
| All-caps title                             | 258   | 54       | 196      |
^ Reports on SO in the last 90 days
Stats \o/
long time no see @3ventic
spending most of my free time programming stuff nowadays
and got a job
| reason_name                        | total | tp_count | fp_count | tp_percentage | last_catch              |
| Manually reported answer           | 366   | 345      | 9        | 94.3          | 2016-04-07 14:35:32 UTC |
| Bad keyword in body                | 345   | 318      | 27       | 92.2          | 2016-04-08 10:06:28 UTC |
^ Last 90 days on SO, on active reasons
also, I never noticed that blacklisted user was such a terrible metric
@Undo Can you order that by tp_percentage too?
| reason_name                        | total | tp_count | fp_count | tp_percentage | last_catch              |
| Phone number detected in answer    | 1     | 1        | 0        | 100.0         | 2016-03-22 06:21:38 UTC |
| Bad keyword with email in title    | 1     | 1        | 0        | 100.0         | 2016-03-11 17:35:11 UTC |
@Undo mainly because most real spammers get destroyed or Q/A banned when their posts get spamnuked
Makes me wonder if blacklisting should have a timeout on it
The only ones that come up are people who had a fit of rage with nonsense answers (abusive tp's), false positives marked as tp or people who used excessive self promotion but were otherwise legit users
Actual spammers rarely post again on the same site, because they get blocked when the previous post is spam nuked. If a user was able to post again, then they are probably not a spammer.
So there is an observation bias here. Most are blacklisted correctly, but the effect is never observed.
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in answer, shortened URL in answer: Can't receive emails from my domain hosted mail by Rickey Wilson on webapps.stackexchange.com
Is that a new tactic? Putting spam phone numbers and emails in an image so they aren't detected?
@JAL ... whoa. That's... new.
That isn't even the best tactic, I have seen spammers post a copied good question, and edit it in the grace period to spam
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: You've hit paydirt for Liftx. This might be Liftx biggest mystery by Gokenxiz on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector k (clear spam)
Backoff received of 10 seconds.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: How can we unlock an iPhone backup file if we don't know the password? by Nikhil on apple.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector sd f
@PetterFriberg Smokedetector doesn't work if you combine the reply to message and the sd command
your right sorry (bad habit to only do sd f, but afraid of lag here so I respond to message), was reviewing at same time ...
@SmokeDetector f
I don't want to do Undo's mistake : ), the tension on reporting is high
@Ferrybig Ferry K
@PetterFriberg You're not the first one to make this mistake, I make it sometimes too
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in answer: Bulk discount per variation on variable product in Woocommerce by Orion on wordpress.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore- blame the question (OT)
Spam? The user is posting about that product on multiple answers.
Wanted to double check before manually reporting
Credit to @PaulRoub for the report
@JAL I'm just going to nuke all of those, thanks
@Undo Thank you!
Should the questions should be closed as well?
Probably, handling the user first
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 0e1c7c4 (Undo1: Revert b01eb5dc) (running on Raspberry Pi)
.!!/pull should have a confirmation if its sarting to pull
Restart: API quota is 2406.
@Ferrybig I think we have that, but it ends up restarting before the message can get through
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev f716ef5 (Undo1: Update globalvars.py) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 2388.
Nice descriptive commit message, :)
I strive for excellence.
@Undo When a message contains multiple smoke reasons
and one is on a room's blacklist
will the post not be displayed?
@SmokeDetector ^nice audit
@SmokeDetector f
@Magisch I actually don't know. Just a sec.
@Undo Because imo it should be displayed if at least one of the reasons it is is active in a room
No, the reasons are all comma-ified before they get to the per-room filter.
So the per-room-filter sees "Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body", which isn't in ["Link at end of body"], for example
@Ferrybig ^ that'd be better even
:28871574 You could, but I don't think that'd gain much
then again Im not a python guy
Misread Undo's message, thought it was filtered out
Thanks again Undo, you da bomb
On that note, I've finished a prototype of the "needs admin" tool.
@Undo PR coming your way shortly.
MS-only currently; if we want a Smokey command that's doable but it probably won't be me that does it. I'm not familiar enough with Smokey's architecture.
@ArtOfCode I don't see a reason to have a Smokey command yet.
:o that amount of commits
Aye, agree. It's secondary.
@Ferrybig Where? The PR? It's only 19.
Smokey itself has over 2000
@Undo welp, looks like all the folks with active sessions have usernames. That was fairly painless.
@Undo are you on DB-based sessions or cookie-based?
Whatever the default in Devise is
The starbord is a magic tool, we should only use it for important messages, and we should not star funny messages
I suspect it's cookies, because I don't see anything in the db
Heh, just let the framework take care of it.
The default without devise is cookies.
@Undo while you are here may I ask where you got the script that shows vote count in cv queue (I have seen it in your screen shots ; )
@Ferrybig meh. We should probably pin the important stuff.
@Ferrybig What do you call a stand-up seagull?
A funny tern.
... there must be some British context required there.
Stand-up? As in stand-up comedy?
@PetterFriberg Sure you're not looking at the keyboard shortcut one?
Tern as in seabird like a seagull
@ArtOfCode I got that part, but got lost at 'tern'
oh, it's derived from the sciencey name. That makes sense.
@Undo Ah its not the vote counts..
Yeah. SOCVR has it in a GH repo somewhere.
best thing since sliced bread.
ok thanks
but Tiny and Mogs are your go-to guys for userscripts
@Undo didn't add tests, I just realised. Oh well, they can be in the next one.
Also, can somebody add me to the Smokey repo write list? I don't expect to do masses with it, but it'd be useful to be able to commit and pull to Smokey straight off for those bits I do.
wait, you're not on it?
Nope. Only Blaze right now.
done @ArtOfCode
API quota rolled over with 2080 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 1434
superuser: 476
askubuntu: 427
drupal: 352
unix: 204
english: 175
math: 154
mathoverflow.net: 132
gaming: 132
puzzling: 126
electronics: 124
apple: 119
academia: 114
travel: 110
security: 109
dba: 109
salesforce: 107
gis: 105
scifi: 105
mathematica: 99
magento: 98
programmers: 96
sharepoint: 94
wordpress: 93
meta: 86
physics: 75
android: 75
ell: 74
tex: 73
webapps: 70
stats: 65
money: 63
cs: 62
raspberrypi: 60
workplace: 60
ru.stackoverflow: 59
movies: 57
ethereum: 56
chemistry: 52
@SmokeDetector n
also, @ArtOfCode you don't really need to do PRs anymore
@Undo oh, you gave me access to the MS repo too?
unless it's something you actually want reviewed.
@ArtOfCode I think you have access to all the things now
I just moved you to the owners team, 'cause then I get to delete a team.
Awesome, cheers :)
@Undo Heh. Now we have tests, only half my things will break something, rather than 90% of them.
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: Update Java code during runtime by Amogh Mishra on stackoverflow.com
Why are the posts deleted so quickly?
I have no clue, I did not even have time to see it..., so impossibile to mark
I was also too late
because I'm sitting in SOCVR waiting for them
Undo saw it.
@PetterFriberg tp, it was on MS review
ok, you report it, I don't trust anyone : )
\o/ that's the last of the conflicted feedback
@PetterFriberg You can always see the post by clicking the little ellipses after the message
@Undo TIL. I never even saw them.
@Undo Hmm, checking meta smoke that's an n, cat on key board, not 1 rep user...
@PetterFriberg it's abusive, gibberish
Something we want Smokey to catch, and something I would have marked red flags helpful on.
Yeah you are the mod but our directions are needs 1 rep otherwise just NAA
Where are those directions from?
Shog9, I will search for you...
I would have red-flagged it
I'm starting to think that our filter should be something like this:
would also have marked red flags helpful
@Ferrybig Why?
"If it's something we would have wanted Smokey to catch were it was implemented as a block at the system level, it's a true positive" (just me thinking out loud)
@PetterFriberg Because this meta says we should offensive flag that
@Undo That... is a good filter.
@Ferrybig Yeah we had other directions in SOCVR from Shog I will show you just for info..
It's a little complicated in this case, I probably would have marked abusive flags helpful w/o the penalty.
But fairly simple wrt Smokey
@Undo is that even possible?
Oh wait yeah, of course it is
@ArtOfCode Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it actually works the way I think it does
I'd do science on it, but that's probably not a good thing to do science with

Shog's point on flagging gibberish

Nov 5 '15 at 17:45, 12 minutes total – 35 messages, 5 users, 10 stars

Bookmarked Nov 5 '15 at 18:06 by Kyll

@ArtOfCode here, let's science it. Spam flag stackoverflow.com/questions/24348263/….
as you will see he tell us that rule for abusive or spam flag is that user needs 1 rep otherwise we need to consider it an error (cat on keyboard) and only go for NAA
flaggy flag
@PetterFriberg He did say "probably". Viewer discretion is advised.
@ArtOfCode marked helpful, no apparent repercussions on the user.
@Undo apart from -2 for the auto-downvote
@ArtOfCode Well yeah, which is probably deserved
Yeah I do not want to argue with mods, but do not be surprise if I or SOCVR mark'em n
@PetterFriberg For smokey, gibberish should be tp. And flagged however you want on the site.
Eh, it doesn't matter overly. We can always invalidate it :)
I'd probably have to retroactively dispute abusive flags if they hit the 6-flag mark, but I'd want to mark them helpful if I got there in time
So you're probably 'safer' with an NAA flag on >1 rep users, yeah
@Undo You need to inform SOCVR about this, becuase we mark as we flag (you will create some confusion)
@PetterFriberg First we need to figure out how we actually want these edgey cases marked
we can always retroactively plop a few back into metasmoke review and reprocess them
Ok, let them know you can trust me they will be marked n in SOCVR as of now.
Sure, that's fine
in SO Close Vote Reviewers on Stack Overflow Chat, Nov 5 '15 at 17:53, by Shog9
if it's a new user, it doesn't matter (and spam is plausible). If it's someone who has reasonable posts elsewhere, then that spam flag will be declined because it'd mess them up for what was probably an innocent mistake.
this is sane
except for the 'decline' part, depending on who gets to it.
Disputed at worst from me
Thinking over the SOCVR thing... what if we showed reasons that are historically less accurate than others in italics?
Might be enough to perk people's attention and discourage autoflagging.
@Undo after this discussion (and some denied spam flags) there was the meta post you answered (where the mods where some what disagreeing), but in the end you answered that we should flag abusive instead of spam, I guess you remember.
@PetterFriberg Yes, although a spam flag is basically the same thing
That said, I was more thinking of 1-rep 1-post users. The user-with-legit-content case is a little trickier
I agree, but we hate denied flags.. : )
NAA is probably safer in this case, but it's still a tp in smokey IMO
Although I don't think we need to dictate/enforce that right now
Ok, remember to inform SOCVR specially Tunaki if you want to enforce it.
'encourage' is probably the right word, but yes.
Again, we can always do whatever data-gymnastics we want in metasmoke
We don't really care, we just want to do the correct thing having pre-defined rules to avoid conflict
Yeah, we just need to pre-define some rules
as of now the rules are mark as you flag.
Which works in almost all scenarios.
So it's good enough for now. We're not going for perfection, we're going for that 99%
@Undo where are you getting the less accurate data from?
@rene We could just pull it from metasmoke daily, and set the threshold at x% tps in the last y days
This would be something global, not just an SOCVR thing
Or we could set them manually to a list of 'reasons that sometimes detect spammy-looking non-spam things'
The trick would be activating it infrequently enough that it doesn't stop being signal, which is hard with how accurate Smokey is overall
What would be perfect is to know if the flag was helpful for all flaggers ...
@rene Yeah, wish we had a good way to get that data
I sometimes flag those cat walking over keyboard and playing with mouse as NAA, because I hate declined flags
@Undo in theory you could guess that if a post is deleted it must have been a tp. You can know if a post is deleted, either from the api or SEDE
@rene That'd be a start. Should be fairly easy to get that data on a ten-minute cronjob or similar
Maybe check it ten minutes, an hour, and a day later to see what happened with it
If it isn't deleted within a day, it's probably an FP. Then the system could mark it as such and it'd show up in conflicted reports.
that could work
I'm out, it is about to turn saturday here
@Undo I think MS needs deploying from GH
@ArtOfCode Should be deployed?
Looks like I forgot
@Undo Still on this for me
heh, no worries
Heh, I've been through all the conflicted list and there are no reports... I find myself with nothing to do on MS.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Recover Android system with TWRP Recovery by Lenovo India on android.stackexchange.com (@AndrewT.)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Recover Android system with TWRP Recovery by Lenovo India on android.stackexchange.com (@AndrewT.)
^ a different one
sd 2k
sd f -- offtopic, but not spam...
And then we're trying to get users to read instructions on how to post... when they don't even notice if the site is in Russian or English. Today had a post in Russian on SO and a post in English on ru.SO
@ArtOfCode use the SE API to login. You can use an empty scope. Then users don't have to remember a user/pass combo and you can easily tie information in MS to a user on SE
Some other time :)
I get the feeling that's quite a large change.
Probably decently sized , yeah
I would quite like to fix the issue that feedback from chat and feedback from review are considered two separate things, even if they're from the same user...
To see all my feedback, I have to look at the histories of two users, ArtOfCode and my email address.
I left of a comment on this meta post (I saw @ArtOfCode last editor) meta.stackexchange.com/questions/58032/…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Loan to son - how to get it back by HENRY on money.stackexchange.com
Backoff received of 10 seconds.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: Minecraft lan server not working 1.9 by Anonymous Cryptographer on gaming.stackexchange.com
I really think that is spam too, but the comment on the post combined with its live suggest otherwise
Being more conservative lately, I flagged NAA
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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