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[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: <b>Markdown works *fine* in here.</b> 18557092847 by dheeru90 on superuser.com
^seems abusive to me, but not really sure
Its just a copy paste of the editor help
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in body, phone number detected in title: <b>Markdown works *fine* in here.</b> Ellipse ++@18557092847 BROTHER printer Customer SUPPORT by dheeru90 on superuser.com
now it's abusive
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body: Incorrect output from user input based on conditional requirements by Covendunite on stackoverflow.com
@404 Yeah...
@ArtOfCode looks like spam to me.
Did that just get reposted?
@SmokeDetector wtf happened to this
@ArtOfCode huh what?
@Undo okay first go sort this post out... stackoverflow.com/posts/36435456/revisions
there's a flag on it from me too
what the heck
serial vandalism happening there
He's vandalised his own username
In fact, just about everything he has is vandalised
okay, that's in the queue to be sorted out
So what's up with MS @ArtOfCode?
@Undo Not yours, mine. The posts/_post partial doesn't render, at all.
I can guarantee you there is a post there
@ArtOfCode strange, it's not even trying
Anything in the logs?
Is it trying to hit a bad cache?
Still on dev, so most caches are off. Logs, let's see...
Started GET "/posts" for at 2016-04-05 21:41:49 +0000
Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1,
Processing by PostsController#index as HTML
  SQL (0.6ms)  SELECT  DISTINCT `posts`.`id`, created_at AS alias_0 FROM `posts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `posts_reasons` ON `posts_reasons`.`post_id` = `posts`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `reasons` ON `reasons`.`id` = `posts_reasons`.`reason_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `feedbacks` ON `feedbacks`.`post_id` = `posts`.`id` WHERE `feedbacks`.`is_invalidated` = 0 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
Absolutely nothing.
@ArtOfCode usually there'd be something about 'rendered posts/post' in there
I just hit /posts on your server; what does that log look like?
And - dare I say it - if you restart your server, does it still render it?
@ArtOfCode yes
@ArtOfCode hit it again for me?
huh, so it doesn't have anything to do with new versions of things
@Undo ding
got it
I, [2016-04-05T21:44:33.258444 #26210]  INFO -- : Processing by PostsController#index as HTML
D, [2016-04-05T21:44:33.260167 #26210] DEBUG -- :   User Load (0.6ms)  SELECT  `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 7 ORDER BY `users`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
D, [2016-04-05T21:44:33.271556 #26210] DEBUG -- :   Post Load (10.5ms)  SELECT  `posts`.* FROM `posts` ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
D, [2016-04-05T21:44:33.284488 #26210] DEBUG -- :   HABTM_Reasons Load (0.7ms)  SELECT `posts_reasons`.* FROM `posts_reasons` WHERE `posts_reasons`.`post_id` IN (23951, 23950, 23949, 23948, 23947, 
@ArtOfCode um, have you made any changes to the code?
Because that LEFT OUTER JOIN feedbacks` ON feedbacks.post_id = posts.id WHERE feedbacks.is_invalidated = 0` doesn't look familiar
@Undo yeah, I'm trying to figure out which bit it is
oh, mysql
well there's your problem. It's not rendering /_post because there aren't any posts coming back
Which is evident from SELECT `sites`.* FROM `sites` WHERE 1=0
Context: I've tried to add the is_invalidated thing to feedbacks
It doesn't seem to be working very good :P
although I think you're close
So I've essentially added a .where('feedbacks.is_invalidated' => false) clause to anywhere the feedbacks table is joined or included.
I still need to get MySQL backups on a cronjob.
slaps self
In fact, I think that's literally what I've done.
@ArtOfCode default scopes
although that might not work in more complex queries
Shove that on the feedback model... let's see.
@Undo genius
appears to work
no way
like, globally? Even on the complex queries?
Working everywhere I can find. Search, graphs, review.
And while we're at having things working, the invalidation does too.
Here, PR coming your way in shortly.
Nice, thanks
or at least it would be if github would work
Aha, there it is
was afk, testing...
I didn't even know you could backlog GitHub
$ git db:rollback STEP=1
git: 'db:rollback' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
I really shouldn't be trusted near a computer
nicely done
pretty sure you want rake there :P
It's rails now, since 5
rake's still working for me
scroll down to "one rails command to rule them all"
@ArtOfCode So this doesn't actually change the behavior when you clear feedback, right?
heh, fingers will have to get used a new command
Are you going to do that or should I?
@Undo No, it disappears like normal, but it's still there rather than destroyed.
It's just marked invalidated.
you missed a change, then
Did I?
unless there's some magic I'm not seeing in github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke/pull/16/files
Eh? I know I rewrote the feedback controller
Hang on, lemme do that
Just push it to the same branch
and wait for GitHub's backlog...
@ArtOfCode That's easy: alias rake="cowsay"
might have to apt-get it
» rake foo bar
< foo bar >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
man, GitHub is being slow
I think this is hiding all the feedback
How so?
horrid antialiasing, but you get the idea
run update feedbacks set is_invalidated=0; on your DB
then see what happens
< db:rollback STEP=1 >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
see? Very effective
damnit betsy
It certainly hasn't hidden it on my copy, you can see that
That works.
Adding it to the migration as a default value
Oh, that makes sense
Next thing I'm looking at working on is a small set of admin tools
starting with "recently invalidated feedback"
k, I'm gonna deploy this
> I know the answer is 19/6 - pi, I need the solution to it
ah, the old "I know the answer but the book says to show my work and I swear I didn't cheat" trick
gotta love it
sd f though
bf87063 has arrived for me.
So tell me, @Undo - I just nuked a bit of feedback on metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/17503. Is it still there?
@ArtOfCode Yes, but there's a little gymnastics to see it even through the console
Feedback.unscoped.where(:post_id => 17503)
Does Feedback.where(:post_id => 17503, :is_invalidated => false) not work?
tried that
It asks SQL for records where :is_invalidated is true and false at the same time
Of course, direct DB queries would do it easily ;)
Each to their own. It's useful to know about unscoped though, I'll need that for the admin tools.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Is it appropriate to disallow the players building the world? by vanella jones on rpg.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: google maps embed api not working on one page not on other by Remkop on stackoverflow.com
sd f k
A theory featuring SmokeDetector!
It's fun to speculate on this stuff, @gnat, but quite honestly... There's rarely anything actionable with the results, so unless you just wanna hang out in The Tavern & speculate over drinks, I'm not gonna bother; might as well theorize that the level of spam is increasing on Quora because of the rise of SmokeDetector here; can't prove it, and can't do anything about it if we could. Oded's working on beefing up network-wide rate-limits, which won't do anything for this specifically but should help with the general "crap flood" problem. — Shog9 ♦ 52 mins ago
This last bit is welcome news for us...
I need more things on my desk
Like a coffee cup (to spill on other things), maybe?
At least they are mostly fun things to work with. Unlike, say, an equivalent volume of homework or committee reports.

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