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@ArtOfCode For me: searching for posts that have NAA feedback
@Ferrybig Already there, Undo added it a couple days ago.
@ArtOfCode It doesn't include posts that are ignore'd though.
@hichris123 No, it wouldn't. I don't know if those are even tracked on MS.
@ArtOfCode Can you fix the forget password feature? That seems to be broken, it gives a error and doesn't send a mail
@Ferrybig I can give it a go.
@ArtOfCode they're included in the orange bars, but they don't have symbols and they don't show up in the search filters.
Um. Or I could if I could figure out where the controller is.
We don't appear to have a users controller.
...or views.
...or mailer.
...or sailor.
and now my Ruby is broken
That went well.
Need some duct tape to patch it up?
would be useful
Ugh, fine, to EC2 we go.
I can't remember the email address I used on metasmoke :(
I shall dedicate today to guessing repeatedly until I either find it or kill metasmoke.
Bets on which comes first?
I don't think I even have an email on metasmoke
@Andy I'm going to go look at review feedback until I find it.
@Andy You should... set up a bot!
Have you got a Hotmail address, @Andy?
Yo dawg
@Andy I don't think you will kill it, email checking is quick compared to password checking
I heard you like bots so I said a bot to scrape your bot to scrape your bot
@hichris123 Obviously. I'm not going to start typing [email protected] and increment it myself
or a gmail?
@ArtOfCode Custom domain. Should start with andrew
Cool, let's see.
What categories did you focus on in the Great Review Sprint?
Can't you just do a SQL query?
@hichris123 Could if I had console access :)
@ArtOfCode I'm pretty sure I missed that entire thing. :\
which would be useful, but I'm doubtful that @Undo trusts me that much
@Andy Oh. This is going to be harder than I thought.
@Magisch So you scrape scrap while you scrape scrap.
@ArtOfCode He just need to make a new read-only account, and set up mysql to have worldwide access for that account only
Hey @Andy tell you what, next post that comes into review, review it. Then I'll be able to tell you.
Come on Smokey.
Hey, in fact...
I can look it up
There you are, one in review for you @Andy
Or that
@ArtOfCode But he can't log in...
You folks are going to make me get out of bed and find a real computer
@ArtOfCode I can't. I can't log in. :)
@hichris123 I'm sorta hoping he's already logged in and just wants to know the email
names names names.
Okay @Undo, you win
But then it's in the corner, right?
Is @Andy male or female?
@IͶΔ Prefer not to say
Or Choose one. That's a pretty common gender too
OK, what pronoun in English goes for choose ones?
@IͶΔ yes
Yes? O_O
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: What coin is this? by Ruben on judaism.stackexchange.com
2 mins ago, by hichris123
@ArtOfCode But he can't log in...
@hichris should've said "But yes can't log in..."
Yeah, that's incorrect grammer.
@SmokeDetector n
@Andy email incoming
@Undo To which one? :)
To the one that Inbox autocompletes :P
Oh, Shog's
Thanks @Undo
Lol. Nice
Let me know if that works
oooh Github has a new split diff thing
Meanwhile, even EC2 is giving me problems with Rails 5 beta 3. You were right, @Undo.
I got a reset link, but then this when resetting: "Reset password token is invalid"
@ArtOfCode What problems?
Reset password workflow has some bugs, I also experienced those
Well, not Rails yet, but RVM, whose commands are unnecessarily annoying.
@Undo Unless they changed that it's existed for a while.
@Andy huh, that's weird. I'm seeing it too.
Oh yeah, while you're here Undo, where's the users controller for MS? I was going to try fixing password resets, until I couldn't find it and everything broke.
@Ferrybig Mostly because I'm lazy and haven't fixed it properly.
@ArtOfCode It's not there, Devise handles it all.
that explains it
@hichris123, While you are here, how's the machine learning version of Smokey going?
And also for @Undo while you're around, two metasmoke PR's waiting for you. No rush.
it hasn't really gone anywhere in the past month.
@ArtOfCode yeah, saw them
Is it kind of working?
It detects spam.
It also detects... not spam.
Seems like I'd be able to find a way to reset someone's password with full database access.
@Undo bah, security eh?
Make them a reset token, manually email them the correct link.
That's what I did
Beyond that my sysadmin skills fail
@Andy Want to just create a new account, then I can assign all your reviews to the new account?
yep, that works
um, you didn't have any reviews?
1 => 1496,
3 => 3000,
5 => 1047,
7 => 2672,
9 => 295,
10 => 20,
11 => 16,
12 => 28,
13 => 32,
14 => 3
Your old account is 6
I should have a small handful, not a ton though
@Undo Which is me?
@IͶΔ 13, I think
Who is the account with the perfect number of 3000 reviews?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Andy weird, I'm not seeing anything in the database.
@Ferrybig 404 mayhaps
Let me guess, I'm 9?
@ArtOfCode 7
@ArtOfCode Which post was the feedback from Andy on?
Jeez, I did more reviews than I thought
@Undo it wasn't
I never found one
Now I am curious, what number am I?
@ArtOfCode merged and pulled
@ArtOfCode You did a lot of the all caps ones.
@hichris123 I know I did most of the manual reports, and some of the all caps. I thought you did most of the latter, though.
sd f
Your correct smokey, that is a phone number
[ SmokeDetector ] Mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: Парсинг txt средствами PHP by Clock Work on stackoverflow.com
@Undo Why so many odd numbers? :P
@hichris123 I noticed that too :P
Neither of my PR's broke anything... yet. \o/
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, blacklisted user: SELLCVV.CO trusted dumps seller best great verified dumps vendor cvv usa uk france italy india china by J doe la on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Linguistics software (SPAD-T) by Camila on linguistics.stackexchange.com
sd f
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: FastCGI, Lighttpd, and Flask by user6162178 on stackoverflow.com
I look away for a few minutes and all the spam shows up :(
@SmokeDetector What even is that?
@SmokeDetector gone
I get an impression that @hichris123 is skipping school today...
[ SmokeDetector ] Numbers-only title: 123456789123456 by Tal Guy on stackoverflow.com
^weird question
Oh...it's a picture of code on his monitor
@404 There's a thing called a break...
Says the person who probably should be at work. :P
Vacation day
ah. :)
On a completely unrelated question, @hichris123: Do you know what time zones are and are you aware that others live outside of your timezone?
Uh... what kind of a question is that? :P
I ask, because I have interviewed with two companies from your location in the last month and both of them completely fail at timezones. Repeatedly
Once I can understand, but if I explain that I'm an hour behind them at each interaction and they still mess it up, that doesn't inspire confidence
@Andy People still write letters to the editor wanting to be back on Central time... :P
I think I understand timezones. Can't speak for other people. :P
Ok. Good to know that someone does
I was a tad jaded when one of them insisted that I was the same time as them. Over and over and over.
Anywho, that's my rant for the day
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Why does one side of my headphones always break? by The Truth on sound.stackexchange.com
sd k
1 hour later…
sd f
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Borrowing money for study abroad...student loans don't apply by Angela Julie on money.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
No support for phone number in body yet? Only in titles it seems
We tried that a while back, but there were a ton of false positives.
Perhaps now it would be better though with updated regexes.
@hichris123 Maybe as a part of 2-factor thing, bad keyword + phone.
But I don't know if it's worth it, they do have an email there... if something is not reported, we should look at that specifically.
Yeah, that's true.
There is in fact a check for phone numbers in the body of a question: metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/reason/85 -- it is very restrictive, hence has 100% accuracy. Only for "support phones"
@Undo have you got a MS database backup I can have a copy of?
sd f
Bumped by an NAA, though. And the question is OT.
Sometimes false positives are useful, too.
@ArtOfCode not really
whatcha need it for?
Throwing into my copy to make it not throw errors when I turn it on :)
I need a smoke detector set up to shut the status controller up
@ArtOfCode s=SmokeDetector.new; s.save!
that should shut it up
also, going to set up mysql backups again
Aye, seems to have done... now to configure EC2 to let that connection in at all.
oh wait, that didn't shut it up.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: How to show selected contact number with name by AbduL on programmers.stackexchange.com
I guess I need some values
@ArtOfCode What's it saying?
@Undo undefined method for nil class
oh, probably the date comparison?
All the values are nil, which is probably why
What needs to be in those fields?
I forget what the property name is, but s.last_ping = 1.day.ago
and s.save!
heh, that's easier
Here was me going to do it straight in the database
#<SmokeDetector:0x00000003cc9cc0> {
              :id => 1,
       :last_ping => Tue, 05 Apr 2016 18:18:45 UTC +00:00,
            :name => nil,
        :location => "Raspberry Pi",
    :access_token => "(key)",
      :created_at => Sat, 20 Feb 2016 23:25:32 UTC +00:00,
      :updated_at => Tue, 05 Apr 2016 18:18:45 UTC +00:00,
      :email_date => Sun, 03 Apr 2016 14:54:04 UTC +00:00
^ that's what the live record looks like right now
@ArtOfCode yeah. You should never ever have to touch the database directly, except for importing dumps.
@Undo Whoops.
@ArtOfCode doesn't break anything if you do
But ActiveRecord should be enough to do almost anything
I do most Rails ops straight in the database 'cos I know SQL better than I do Ruby
@ArtOfCode Sometimes it's a little easier, but you lose all of AR's awesome goodness.
True that.
Like destroy hooks and such
Dates are the one thing. 1.day.ago is so much easier than whatever the SQL equivalent is.
1.day.from_now also works. It's pretty awesome
And there are more fancy date helpers:
> 1.day.from_now.wednesday?
 => true
Hah, that's awesome.
But something like making 10 users admins all at once? I can construct an SQL statement to do that without thinking, but I'm not entirely sure what the API is for multiple select in AR.
@ArtOfCode User.where(conditions).update_all({:is_admin => true})
or drop the where() to make all of them admins
Yeah, wouldn't have guessed that
You pick it up as you go along
I was still on User.find with an array of IDs and an each
Which is a valid way to do it, but slower and harder
Nothing wrong with using raw SQL to do it
I like basic SQL, it's so close to English
Okay, that's working, though your server is still faster than mine.
@ArtOfCode You running in dev?
Yeah, you are
You lose almost all the caching wonderfulness in dev
And it's only 5ms anyway
@ArtOfCode well, with no data :P
Now I need a post to test things on.
@Undo ssshhh
@ArtOfCode graph page is failing on your server btw
@Ferrybig um
@ArtOfCode without looking, you need to install tz support
yep, just gonna quietly ignore that 'cos I have no idea how to fix it :)
oh, and it doesn't work on SQLite :P
@Undo no, unsupported adapter
I thought I was running with mysql?
Oh dear.
@ArtOfCode Nope
edit config/database.yml
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 7126b6a (Normal Human: New meta chat Id) (running on Raspberry Pi)
The current version came from the sample config...
Restart: API quota is 2446.
Let's see.
@ArtOfCode which uses SQLite by default in dev, IIRC
What's your config?
   adapter: mysql2
   encoding: utf8
   database: metasmoke
   username: sekret
   password: sekret
   port: 3306
that's not the real creds :P
and now the whole thing's down
In fact, I think this was the issue I had with mysql last time round
@hichris123 Another site to exclude is prog.se - lots of questions by 1-rep users get quickly downvoted. This last one was a close call.
@Ferry well now it's failing for a different reason
@ArtOfCode what is?
@Undo the graphs page. I'm assuming that one's because I don't have any posts, so I'm making one.
Hah. Now it wants tz support.
Yeah, I doubt it's designed to fail gracefully when there are no posts
sd f
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: Self-hosted Mass-mail sending software by Undo on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
^ That is a well known poster
Who apparently works with mass-mail sending software.
@Ferrybig User removed from blacklist (46 on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com).
@SmokeDetector f
Unofficial results: Winner is Mark Mayo.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 307 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 307 non-empty ballots.
sd f
is there any reason that blacklists couldn't be cross-network?
@Undo Posts do not include accountID
When a user gets blacklisted/unblacklisted, make an API call to get their associated accounts on other sites. Then (un)blacklist all of them.
oh, it wouldn't work with newly created accounts. Drat.
What does a Smokey POST to metasmoke look like?
@ArtOfCode Status or post or feedback?
@Undo post
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, phone number detected in title: 1855 639 4698 windows helpline number by Steven Smith on askubuntu.com
how convenient
We can call windows support to ask how the post request looks?
@SmokeDetector k
I, [2016-04-05T20:32:20.537371 #26210]  INFO -- : Processing by PostsController#create as */*
I, [2016-04-05T20:32:20.537439 #26210]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"post"=>{"body"=>"<p>\"Dials Windows 10.com 1855-639-4698 Windows 10 particular support number USA Windows 10 client telephone number help, Simply Call USA 1855-639-4698 Windows 10 specific reinforce number, Remote Windows 10 client association number, Windows 10 fortify number,</p>\n", "username"=>"Steven Smith", "title"=>"1855 639 4698 windows helpline number", "reasons"=>["Bad keyword in title", "phone number detected in title"], "
@ArtOfCode ^
sd f I guess
wat even is that post
People are ggoing to make mistakes for that, looks so spammy
:28781795 > Horses must be equipped with diaper buckets. There is a $100.00 refundable deposit required for horse units given as a separate check. This fee will not be refunded if the city has to clean horse waste from the parade route. The entry fee for horse groups ae the same as marching entries, $35.
I've never seen a horse equipped with a diaper bucket...
too afraid to look it up
API quota rolled over with 1631 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 1588
superuser: 494
askubuntu: 467
unix: 240
english: 189
drupal: 181
security: 175
math: 173
electronics: 156
magento: 139
gaming: 135
scifi: 122
mathoverflow.net: 119
dba: 119
sharepoint: 118
wordpress: 117
apple: 115
travel: 105
gis: 99
salesforce: 99
programmers: 91
puzzling: 87
academia: 84
android: 84
money: 82
meta: 82
stats: 77
physics: 76
webapps: 74
tex: 72
mathematica: 71
ell: 71
cs: 70
movies: 70
ru.stackoverflow: 63
judaism: 63
diy: 61
gamedev: 59
mechanics: 55
raspberrypi: 54
@Undo That post would make a great triage audit for the edit queue. Can be used to see if they are really paying attention
@Ferrybig Indeed
Ya know, declined spam flags in general could actually make darn good audits in both Triage and maybe FP
Only if moderators could select posts for audits
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Will refinancing my auto loan hurt my mortgage approval or help it? by jane on money.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector k
I usually need to read a post 2-3 times before I am sure I cast a spam flag on it, and then I usually reread a fourth time before marking the smokey report
Don't you just love it when you get an obscure bug
And then you realize proper unit testing would have caught that bug
maybe @Undo can figure out why the _post view doesn't appear to be rendering anywhere
sd n

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