On OS X, the md5 command is installed by default. It can be invoked as such from the Terminal:
$ md5 /path/to/myFile
MD5 (/path/to/myFile) = b046a6bd326bb705349162abad3dce65
It can also take in strings with the -s method, which is useful in some cases:
$ md5 -s "I like cake"
MD5 ("I like cake...
I was doing a little poking around my profile, and when changing my birthdate I discovered a limitation:
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:
Birthday must be after 1920/01/01
Okay, so that means the oldest valid age on StackOverflow is 94. At first glance, that might...
@ManishEarth ok, since I'm doing a POST too - would it be best to do this? main websocket thread, some findspam.py threads for the POST, and another for MySQL?
Gostaria de instalar o sistema Ubuntu 14.4 e windows 7 ambos em partiçoes diferentes, sei que tenho que instalar o windows primeiro e depois o ubuntu porém sempre existe chances de dar erro no grub uma vez perdi meu grub no meu netbook 1215b asus e só formatando novamente meu hd com windows.