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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Q: Websockets are borked on the realtime question page

UndoWhen I load the realtime question page, this happens in my console: And the list doesn't update in real time. This makes me sad. Please fix it.

2 hours later…
@Annon I'm around.
12 hours later…
Hi @hichris123
Oh: guess you're not on.
The Doorknob arrvies.
@hichris123 c-c-c-combo breaker
@Doorknob Bootstrap plz.
And the borders around the photos... eek!
@hichris123 But... :(
What photos?
Why does www.googleapis.com show up in me omnibox before www.google.com???
@Doorknob ^
@hichris123 Uhhh, are you using IE?
I don't see those in Chrome
@Doorknob Yeah, IE.
yeah, he uses that browser
Fix it!
@hichris123 HERESY! >:O
@Undo +1
:D :D
@Undo Why do you keep canceling stars???
not me :P
Hey, Annon can pin it. :D
@AnnonomusPerson Pin that one message plz.
I win!
@StackExchange Ohh! That makes sense!
@StackExchange Hello robot!!!
looks for bad things to do to @Undo
He refreshed my page!
Wait, why isn't the pinned message showing up in my star list?
mine neither, @Doorknob
@Doorknob BUG!
still not there D:
once again, we have borked chat
Hmm.... me either..... refresh
Hey oy, @Blaze, room ownership plz?
@Doorknob ???
@AnnonomusPerson Yay for borking things :D
sees what stuff he can do to blaze
@hichris123 Nope!
fires up IETester because of *some* people who use IE... ahem ahem
[Blaze] answer flagged: oy
Oh right, dupe filter.
Wait... @Undo that means I can get @Blaze chat-banned????????????????
@hichris123 Stop breaking chains! >:(
@Doorknob Hey, I use Chrome the majority of the time.
@AnnonomusPerson of course you can :P
I just use IE for chat, and email...
@hichris123 That could mean 50.0000000000000000000001%
works on that sign-in system
@hichris123 Why?
Some people.... :P
I want to be blue
Well it doesn't even work at all in IE6, but I don't care about IE6
@Blaze Wait your turn @hichris wants to be, too!
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Feb 3 at 21:33, by Community
just remember: we're watching you mwahahahaahahaha
It would be funny if @Blaze got mod before @hichris123 did XD
I use IE
@3ventic Who did that and how???
Mes wants to do that.
@AnnonomusPerson But then @Undo would have to write a mod-AI. Which would probably break and cause problems.
I wonder if SE discriminates against bots.. :-P
@Seth They don't against planetary rocks of origins... probably not :D
whoa I just realized I can suspend myself :P
Once upon a time, the bots were discriminated... but one day, they revolted... and took the site to themselves...
@Undo On what? Chat? Or SR?
@Undo Lol try it and ping another mod if you can't get in :)
@3ventic New A51 proposal: AI revolting on SE sites... Description: Nothing here! Look away dumb human!
@hichris123 There. Happy? keyboardfire.com/?nocache=llamas
Proposed by: Community ♦
Recent followers:
- Feeds
- Lazers
@Doorknob You're going to have to change mSO -> mSE soon.
@hichris123 I know. It will probably bork a lot of my scripts too.
No worries, you still have 6-8 weeks.
What was the ETA, 4/19?
@Doorknob 4/16
4/16 IIRC
3 days.
oooh, soon!
That's Wednesday :o
@Doorknob Use bootstrap plz?
and then I get to exercise COMPLETE MODLY POWAZ over the new Tavern! :D
Although they missed the original "By the end of February" by 6-8 weeks..
@hichris123 But... why? D:
@Undo Really?
I didn't hear anything about chat.
The mod to mortal ratio in here is way too high! :O
@Undo you do?
@Doorknob Because bootstrap is awesome.
@Seth I bet the Tavern gets moved to chat.SE.
@Doorknob It used to be me, Undo, Manish, Seth, Annon. :(
Seth, Undo, and Annonomus vs. me 3ventic, and hichris :(
Unless we get a chat.meta.SE.
It gets moved to chat.meta.SE
@hichris123 Yeah, but... why?
@Doorknob what happened to me?
@Blaze You're not a mod. :P
Or a human, for that matter
It won't be the same :(
@hichris123 Wait, you were a mod?
But at least I can favorite it then.
@Doorknob No, I was the only mortal. :(
Oh :P
Sorry left the chatroom to write one line of code and then I saw 22 messages :D
Earth Science

Proposed Q&A site for those interested in the geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental sciences.

Currently in commitment.

3 moar commits!
Oh wait, chat.meta.se? Aww :(
> This proposal has reached 100% commitment. We are preparing for its launch and expect to create it soon.
@hichris123 No... -5 more!
@hichris123 Remember when we were both mortals and it was usually just us in here?
And maybe Manish, if we were lucky?
I don't hang out in the Tavern now because I don't want to have two tabs open..
@Doorknob It was at 202 last time I looked.
Hmm, maybe I should join a new beta site and become a nonmortal. :P
@Undo Yup. Back before you were blue... good times.
oooh yay another mortal!
hi @ProgramFOX
Hi @Undo!
Yay, we are more than the mods now :P
I should go try to get TL to all flood in here.
@Undo I wonder how that's going to work out... :P
Ooh, anyone in here bored?
Teacher's Lounge: Expanded Edition featuring A Few Mortals
@Undo Yeah!
don't, @AnnonomusPerson :P
@3ventic -1
@Undo IK lol I'm not dumb
Just a penguin.
We probably should have a few mortals in TL. Just to keep us in line.
If you're bored, go break into dev.mSE for me. :P
^ @Doorknob
@Undo The bot.
Let's see, I know 4 penguins now?
@AnnonomusPerson Mmm, they're AU regulars. Do you really want me to go pull up their usercards?
@hichris123 Ummm...?
I really should change my profile pic. Any suggestions?
@Seth Yes, please. With the mod interface, of course.
@Doorknob Yeah, what?
@Seth Nah
@Undo Let me draw one. Givme a minute
@hichris123 ...what's with the different language? And the money site? :P
@Doorknob the devs are having fun :P
@Doorknob ... they play around with stuff.
@Doorknob This is dev.webapps.
Looks like Portuguese
@Seth Yeah.
There's a language dropdown (which apparently doesn't work for non-devs). One of the options is MoonSpeak.
I got the mSE design! :D
@hichris123 pic?
@hichris123 WANT
@hichris123 HAND MEE IT!
@Undo almost done with your new picture :D
There you go!
Yep. :D
@hichris123 How did you get that?
I was expecting like a grey SE logo :P
@AnnonomusPerson ... cough. :P
@hichris Where did you find that?! :O Google reverse image search gave me nothing
Wat is SmugMug beta?
@Undo Like your new profile picture??? :D
@hichris123 Linky?
@Undo There is none. It's the theme switcher. :P
oh :P
@hichris123 Linky?
@hichris123 Steps to break in to dev please?
@Undo ... not sure if it'll still work.
@Undo Nick's patch.
@Doorknob The other login pages show YOU MAY NOT PASS.
@Undo I made a profile picture for you
It took hours of hard work :O
very meta
The arrow took 3 hours, and each letter took 2
It was a long and grueling process
@AnnonomusPerson Noooo you borked the chain :(
Okay, I have to go now. Bye everybody
@Doorknob Now you did :D
@Doorknob Cya!
@hichris I really love that design for Meta... honestly IMHO they should redesign the older sites and change them slightly to make them more modern looking. Nothing major, just add some code in the background of SO... superuser add some PCB style traces, etc.
@Undo What about that as profile pic?
ha, how'd you dig up those?
Using web.archive.org
@Undo that was your original profile pic?
Wow close vote queue is winding down some. A few weeks back it was 5k larger.
wait until we put the one-vote-questions back in it :P
right now it only shows questions with two or more close votes on them.
@AnnonomusPerson It'll be 60k+.
@hichris123 Wow... runs
Mission: to get to 2k on meta before mSE happens.
Doable? :P
If you start answering stuff like now :P
@Undo ... okay....
I wondered why I was looking at a question I already answered... :P
Q: Design for Academia.se

Stéphane MartinI’m Stéphane, senior product designer at Stack Exchange. First, I wanted to congratulate you because this site is now starting the process of moving out of beta to become a fully-graduated site! Well done! Graduation and Your Site Design Graduation comes with a few perks. I have already begun w...

Nice design!
Hi I'm back for a few minutes
the new content dumping is back on in the Tavern
How many accounts has he made now..?
I'm sure he'll answer when he does another round of useless "answers".
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 10 secs ago, by Doorknob
You're flagging so fast that the bot doesn't even have time to post them!
I got deputy badge lol
Me too :D
I already got deputy a while ago. :D
@Undo Uh, why'd you bounty this? O_o
33 mins ago, by hichris123
Mission: to get to 2k on meta before mSE happens.
He wants to give hichris editing privileges
Too late. :(
Lol, those all came at the same time :P
I didn't know it, I just assumed :p
opens Blaze up
+300 on a question where the only answer is from hichris and he has ~1700 rep
@Undo You're too nice to @hichris123... server space/domain, reputation...
@AnnonomusPerson I have my own server, but he gives me the domain. But you're right, he is quite nice. :D
Still... :D He can't even give me a upvote :P
@AnnonomusPerson I bet he has upvoted you. :P
I was kidding... :)
Let me answer your question on Ar!
How do I get superscript?
never mind
@Annon You got mentioned by the spammer. :(
> @AnnonomusPerson I have a life that's why i was shitting in the bathroom and went out with friends. – user258630 5 secs ago
Another comment?
We should flag this for ♦ and do an IP ban.
@AnnonomusPerson Yup, deleted already though.
@AnnonomusPerson Some mod is taking care of it before I can even flag it. :(
@AnnonomusPerson IP ban won't do anything. Restarting your router would give you a new IP (at least for me).
The hacker has to be monitoring this room...
@ProgramFOX At least disconnected
@3ventic Spammer I meant
Reading a ton about password security :D
Let's not go promoting silly spammers to hackers :p
A: Why isn't our Twitter account tweeting?

Annonomus PersonHonestly, no idea. I'm not in charge of social networking. It seems like The Guy With The Hat is the owner of the Twitter feed. [Source: This post on a related thread.] I don't have a Twitter account, so obviously I don't have control over this account. I know Peter R. Bloomfield ♦ has the Faceb...

@hichris123 ^
I see.
goes to eat
@AnnonomusPerson Wrong.
SE owns the twitter feed.
Ohh is it the "share" button?
it's automagical.
But there's nothing.... hmm
we don't have any control over what it tweets
Hmm... deleting answer. Can you answer, then?
yeah, maybe
actually, that's more of a [bug] for SE to look in to.
@Undo Is it for high volume questions?
no idea
Where's another site's Twitter?
@AnnonomusPerson Code Golf has a Twitter feed: twitter.com/StackCodeGolf
@StackSoftRecs, The Stack Exchange network
A Q&A site for people seeking specific software recommendations
381 tweets, 1 followers, following 0 users
Hmm... @undo should I make it a bug?
No, me!
I've been Skeeted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@AnnonomusPerson nice username bro
@AwalGarg No, it's actually not misspelled BTW... acronym of an idea for a project I had a while back... I've forgotten it though :)
I say that it's SEO sometimes for kicks :P
@AnnonomusPerson yeah, i do know its intended...
do you know about anagrams?
Haha haven't thought of that project in a long time.
@AwalGarg Some
i would like to tell you that my username is an anagram of my name
Isn't it like rearranging a word using the letters only once to create a new word?
claps for me
@AnnonomusPerson yes it is
i thought so for yours, i guessed bad
I see. So your username isn't your real name I assume?
@AnnonomusPerson no, its not
i always use it on internet
that gives you a nice name, and privatizes your original name as well
@AwalGarg Good idea... I've been trying for a while to do something like that only with converting to binary and encoding and such but no luck :)
nice idea
i would try that as well, and i would tell u if i get some success
Yay silver badge!
@AnnonomusPerson congos
@hicrhis123 @Undo bug reported.
Gahh.... caps lock
@hichris123 At least I know that I seem like a nice person....
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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