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@hichris123 Heh, but less rep and badges and stuff.
@hichris123 Yeah, when meta decides they don't like something weird things happen :P
@Undo True. :P
@Undo Is that the lowest voted post on meta?
@hichris123 IIRC yes
@Undo So what did you think of you with a diamond? :P
@hichris123 Eeeeek
Aww... I thought you looked good with it. :)
@hichris123 Second lowest voted question; this is the lowest:
Q: Don't close questions where the user has requested that it not be closed

Adam DavisThe system should search posts for the word "please" in proximity to the phrase "don't close" or "do not close", and if found together disable the close link for the following reasons: They asked nicely They knew enough about the system to understand that posts can be closed, and thus are exper...

Lowest voted answer:
A: Can we have the ability to retract a close vote before it closes?

Jeff Atwooddeclining -- you can always cast a reopen vote if the post gets closed. Also note that all close votes automatically expire after two days. (and for that matter reopen votes, or any other vote that attempts to reach a threshold -- otherwise, over an absurdly long period of time, say 10 years, e...

That's a lot of downvotes.
It is
pokes @hichris123
@ThomasW. AU spam? And sorry, I haven't been here in the past few minutes. :P
actually i was pointing at the invites list
but all's good now :)
@ThomasW. I realize that. I just was wondering what the room was. :P
2 hours later…
@Undo Could you please add these to your database? data.stackexchange.com/askubuntu/query/157286/obsoletes
13 hours later…
@Manish Oh userscript master, how can we detect a POST to somewhere?
@hichris123 Done something like that here, not sure if it will work in general
@ManishEarth Basically, I'm assuming you could detect a call to site.com/whateverthepostisforspam. Would that be possible?
Yes, but why?
Because then you could detect a spam flag for Cinder.
@ManishEarth We want to make a userscript that detects when someone w/ the userscript flags something as spam, and alerts everyone else with the userscript installed.
I know
The easiest thing to do is to rewrite the spam flag button
Have a second flag "submit" button, hide the first.
Call .click() on the first from the second, and if the selected option is spam, make a second request
Just use .on('click',function(){}) on the submit button and have that function check if it is spam and postrequest
Oh, @ManishEarth, have any idea how to post a message to a chatroom from server-side?
Hmm, interesting ideas....
@Undo Um, just POST it?
@ManishEarth How would you tell if spam was selected? Would you just detect which was selected?
@ManishEarth Yes, but do you know how to get the chat fkey automagically?
The hard bit is logging in. I actually have planned to make a python wrapper for logging in to SE chat next week
@Undo It's embedded in the page
@ManishEarth Ah, ok.
@ManishEarth This. Please this.
Will take time
Got a bunch of other coding things to do first :p
Well yes, but...
you always do :P
@hichris123 So what do we think about this app thing?
@Undo Which one? Doorknob's?
@hichris123 No, Man of Snow's
Oh, that one, with the API and stuff.
Basically: do we want other people to have easy low-level access to it?
It... it scares me.
Hmm, I'd say it comes down to three things: 1) will it help you/get put handled in the database, 2) is it worth it and 3) are you willing to accept the privacy and money costs?
Here's an idea: we give him a link to the GH repo, and help him set it up. Then he makes whatever changes he wants to his fork, adds in an API, whatever, and then we review it and pull it if it looks good.
But make it very clear that it might not make it into erwaysoftware/charcoal
Hmm, the only thing is there might potentially be a backdoor with it (unintentionally).
And if it's low-level, it can't handle flags (UPDATE) so the database isn't up-to-date.
@hichris123 Sure it can.
(By low-level I mean being able to do stuff without going through our interface)
@hichris123 That's where Manish comes in. We get him to review the code with us :P
@Undo So then you'd give the API full read-write access? Seems a little...too much.
I don't know.
@hichris123 Well, it would be able to mark as valid/invalid, tied to an API key, etc.
But I don't know either.
@ManishEarth what do you think?
I'm going to go eat lunch.
@ManishEarth Someone wants to make apps tied into Charcoal.
What will it do?
@ManishEarth We don't know, he seems to want to be able to get our list and mark valid/invalid.
We already have most of the backend magic abstracted away. Expose that as a with-key API
@ManishEarth So we let him go for it? I was thinking we let him fork the repo and do whatever he wants with it, then we review it.
Oh, that's your decision
fork makes more sense imo
@Undo you ought to post the db schema and all to the wiki
@ManishEarth wiki?
We have a wiki?
GitHub wiki
@hichris123 k
@Undo Can you find anything wrong with this: github.com/hichris1234/Server-website/blob/master/color.php?
@hichris123 the quotation marks
@ManishEarth So no quotation marks?
@hichris123 Use single quotes and double quotes
you're using unescaped double quotes everywhere
look at the syntax highlighting!
Wait, why single quotes?
or escaped double quotes
@hichris123 you have strings containing double quotes inside double quotes
no escaping
Either escape the inner quotes, or use single quotes for one of them (PHP or HTML)
both php and html don't mind which quote type you use
Oh, that makes sense.
@Manish Thanks!
@hichris123 I found a new batch of comments.
@Undo Did you get those AU ones? And what are those?
@hichris123 I found a set of 'please delete' comments. All either obsolete or rude.
@Undo Oh, goody. Oh, can you go to the flag history page? A comment is weird on that page... displayed weirdly.
And your two comments... weird
Oh, those are two that didn't show up in the main page either. So I just valided them.
Oh, okay.
@Undo Whenever you get all 100 of yours, let's both have them flag at the exact same time. :P
@hichris123 Ha!
@hichris123 Here, I'm going to make the page show 100 at a time.
There, now it shows 125 comments.
Okay, now I need 65 more comments.
Are you saving the list of comments?
@Undo Yeah.
I'm at 50
Some of these I'm just not sure what to flag and what not to.
@hichris123 With the please deletes?
I tend to err on the side of being trigger happy with them.
@Undo Yeah, I'm at 68 now.
At 100
82, give me a minute or two.
@Undo I'm ready... 100 for me. Tell me when. :P
@hichris123 I'm ready.
Let's go.
Okay, flag! :P
3...2....1... go
> Flagging comment #3 of 100
Flagging comment #1 of 100
Someone's on my flag page. :( Probably animuson.
I think animuson's handling them as fast as we flag them ;(
He can't possibly keep it up, though.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 secs ago, by animuson
Why would I be on your flag page?
He's slowing down. I have 8 active ATM
Now 2 ;(
2 for me
At least we know he sure isn't playing video games :P
@Undo I don't know, he slowed down.
14 now for me
They're building up here too.
I just flagged a comment on a deleted post. I feel accomplished! :P
19 here.
> Flagging comment #67 of 100
He caught up. :(
#68 of 100 here
Yup, he did ;(
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by animuson
Flagging comments on deleted answers now?
> Flagging comment #100 of 100
Stack Overflow

3290 total flags handled
262 flags handled today
@Undo ^
@hichris123 Where'd you get the handled today?
@Undo Stats page.
Oh, and can you pull to main? I changed the hundreds of helpful flags to thousands of helpful flags.
Hmm, I'm not seeing it.
@Undo 1 waiting for review only 1 flag that I haven't had handled of mine. :P Animuson handled all of mine yesturday.
Yeah, it's on dev but not on main @Undo.
Odd. I just pulled to main.
The puller gizmo must be borked.
@Undo Did you update the URL?
I think so.
Huh, try pulling manually.
I had a local change that needed stashed.
@Undo Ah! That makes sense.
3715 helpful flags
@Undo 2239 helpful. Gaining on you. :P
@hichris123 Hehe.
We almost have more combined helpful flags than Andrew Barber.
Ooh, I'm 1/4 of the way from 2k to 3k rep.
I think.
@Undo He's at like 8000.
helpful flags: 9562
oh wow.
It's gone up since we elected him
Yep. :)
I didn't elect him, though. :P I wasn't here yet.
@Undo Spam, offensive, flags to other mods to handle it, post-its.
Oh, yeah.
I'm going to laugh when you're a mod, and I bug you all of the time with flags and for peaks at the mod tools. ;)
It'd be awesome if we could both get diamonds on the same site.
Yeah... I'd kinda doubt it. You'd be more likely on some sites (like Space and SO) and if I'm active I could be more likely on AI and Arduino.
There's always Earth Science...
The three sites I have committed to. :P
@Undo I'm the last person to commit to it. :(
@hichris123 ;(
@Undo I know, but AI's fully committed, and Arduino is 157.
@hichris123 I might participate in Arduino, I dunno.
Get yourself an Arduino then. :P
Strictly as a guiding hand, not actually knowing anything :P
I.e. hanging out in the chatroom and pinging people when they mess up :P
Like me. :P
Do you know how many posts I've edited in the past few days/weeks?
A lot. I want a Charcoal inline editing thingy! :P
It's possible.
I just edited your comment and it seems to work OK. Guess it was just a deployment issue. Really like the inline editing - any chance of getting that for posts, too? — Kyle Cronin Dec 27 '09 at 8:00
Ooh, mods can inline edit comments. :P
You would have to OAuth with the app for it to work though, and some people are... understandably wary of it :P
I.e. if I got a mod's access_token I could in theory delete every comment on their site.
As them :P
@Undo Which wouldn't be a bad thing, per se. :P
Who cares about comments? I mean, comments are second rate citizens.
So just get rid of all of them.

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