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@Undo I finally realized why my imports were messing up: I had commas in some of my cells in a CSV! :P
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 hours ago, by Shog9
@ColeJohnson shortly after we schedule it
@Undo Ubuntu server or Amazon Linux AMI?
@hichris123 I much prefer Ubuntu Server; I used Amazon Linux for a while and it bit me.
@hichris123 Heh, you got lucky. I first tried to import it from Database Administrators, because it had about the right size to it. Good grief, that dataset was an injection minefield :P
But hey, I learned a ton about injection-safe code!
@Undo What is Amazon Linux?
@hichris123 A flavor of Linux developed by Amazon.
It works, but Ubuntu is better
@Undo Why was it an injunction minefield?
@hichris123 Because those DB admins write queries in their comments :P
@Undo I realize that, but I mean what's the difference between them?
I.e. there was one demonstrating an LBT-style MySQL injection - and it sure worked.
Heh. :P
@hichris123 Not much, but I've been told by SF people not to use AL for quite a few reasons.
Q: Linux EC2 Broken Yum

UndoI am having a very very frustrating problem with the yum command. Here's how I think it started: I am running an EC2 server. A micro EC2 server. Today, I SSH'ed into the server and found '144 updates' awaiting me. Sure, I thought, go ahead. After a little bit in the process, I started getting t...

You'll probably have to wait for Amazon to fix it, or better yet, stop using Amazon Linux. — Michael Hampton Mar 28 '13 at 17:13
That's the same mod who... :P
Well yes, but at this point he wasn't unhappy with me :P
Heh, before Charcoal.
Before all mods hated you.
Long before Charcoal
@hichris123 Yeah. I'm sure glad I changed that :P
Say, if you were a mod, would you hate yourself?
No, because I wouldn't have to handle my own flags :P
Every time I flagged something it would auto-validate and nuke the comment :P
Meh, you could use a sock to do it...
But... then I would have work to do :P
But you would feel useful then. And handle a lot of flags.
And you would have to handle my flags.
Oh :P
We would have to be on a team together.
Otherwise I would barrage you with flags.
And it would be fun!
I'm hoping I manage to get you that Earth Science diamond - then I can barrage you with flags!
That would be hilarious.
Maybe I should just be a 10ker on SO and say oh crap. :P
Even without comment/others.
Hehe, yeah. I bet it's an eye-opening experience to hit 10k on SO :P
Though you kinda can't do too much, not many delete votes.
Five goes a lon
Oh, speaking of, I'm 17.5% of the way to 3K.
Long ways, really.
@hichris On SO?
How much horrible stuff is there on SO?
all of it
Quite a bit.
@Undo Yeah, from 2 - 3 K.
@Manish So just burn SO?
Huh, interesting idea. You should bring it up on [meta.stackoverflow].
nuke the whole six million, then hit restart?
@Undo What was the ahh for?
@hichris Not sure anymore. I must have figured something out.
13 hours later…
@ManishEarth Have a link to that evolution of a beta site graph? I can't for the life of me find it.
@Undo meta.ell
Oooh, yeah!
I was checking m.chem
3 hours later…
@Undo So when I start up EC2, how do I interact with the server?
@hichris123 Over SSH - command line
It'll give you instructions, IIRC
Oh, okay. :P
@Undo What version of Ubuntu & 64 bit vs 32 bit?
@hichris123 64 is always better.
And 12.04 is LTS, it tends to be more stable
@Undo So.. go with LTS 12.04 vs. 13.10?
@hichris123 I would
But it doesn't really matter if you
're just playing with it.
Are you on a tablet?
No, lazy
@Undo So now I have the server set up. I realize I can now connect to it, install Apache, and do all of that stuff. So then how do I add pages to the server? (webpages)
@hichris123 You can run sudo apt-get install apache2, then put everything you want on the server in /var/www
Ooh, okay. :)
> Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-54-virtual x86_64)
So how do you have it set up to put the files in /var/www @Undo?
> The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.
@hichris123 cd to it, then just create them.
Your main html file should be at /var/www/index.html
@Undo If I create it, I realize it'll blank, how do I edit it?
@hichris123 vim ;)
Or you can SFTP into the server with your favorite client. Like Sublime Text.
^ Kinda neat
@Undo vim works

<p>The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.</p>
@Undo Why can't I change anything in index.html? It's read only. Do I have to chmod it?
Ah, me just needs sudo! :P
@hichris123 Yup, AWS gives passwordless sudo to the ubuntu user
@hichris123 No worky. Have you knocked down the firewall for port 80?
Use to allow anyone
@Undo Oh, I get it. I didn't allow your ip.
I'll do all traffic.
Try it now @Undo.
@hichris123 Yay it worky!
Eeek, I hate that number.
Makes we want to go review them :P
Heh. :P
@Undo That's the point. :P
How'd you get it? Loading /review and scraping it?
So I could get you IP banned by reloading that page really fast ;)
//echo "The php file works! </br>";

$html = file_get_html('http://stackoverflow.com/review/close/stats');

$closeitems  = $html->find('a.review-stats-count');
foreach($closeitems as $item)
    $closeitem = $item->plaintext;
echo "<strong> " . $closeitem . " </strong> questions in the close vote queue";
@Undo If you wanted to go to that much trouble. :P
I don't :P
I'm going to make this into a cronjob. :P Recording how many questions are in the queue.
@hichris123 Now do a sudo vim /var/log/apache2/access.log
My IP should be in there somewhere.
@hichris123 Good idea.
I wonder if reviewing is somewhere in API 2.2?
@Undo Meh, I doubt it.
Yeah, probably not :P
@Undo Yeah, you want me to remove all IP's and just add yours?
@hichris123 Nah, doesn't matter.
My IP is dynamic anyway.
And since you don't have a domain name, you aren't going to get any other visitors unless they guess your IP.
Which won't happen.
Wait a sec, I don't have your ip.
Should be at the bottom
All are my IP.
What's your ISP?
Ah, so we're not coming out the same endpoint or something
Although that would be cool
Yeah, so I know none are yours since they're all Windows NT thingys.
And they all have my Chrome dev version number.
Mine should show up
Okay, could you go to ?
Nothing: maybe it takes a while to show up?
I don't know.
I dunno
It is weird.
I must be immune to Apache logs!
Heh, nice try. :P
No, I'm not showing up if I go to any page like /thispage.html.
@hichris123 Neato!
Now it should fingers crossed run every 5 minutes @Undo.
@hichris123 Sounds good
How can I make that file automagically go to S3 @Undo?
@hichris123 There's an uploader app thingy, lemme find it.
^ Good start
and s3tools.org/s3cmd, @hichris123
Thanks. :P
Me likes AWS a lot!
I does too

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