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@Undo Hmm, what cool things could I do with EC2 & RDS?
@Undo Also, whatever happened to giving Shog comments for him to blindly delete?
Hiya @ThiefMaster!
@hichris123 We've been giving them to ThiefMaster :P
Although I suppose we could go through comments at SU and have Shog delete those

Proposed Q&A site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino

Currently in commitment.

@Undo ^ 141 committers
@hichris Still don't have an Adruino ;(
@Undo Me still wanty you commity.
But... me would be useless!
@hichris123 You could... hmmm... run your own install of Charcoal ;)
@Undo Still, you could spam the site!
@Undo What good would that do? :P
Yes, but that would... tarnish my record :P
@hichris123 Then you can test changes on your own, then commit them to GitHub.
@Undo Meh, commit on another account. :P
@Undo Ah, I guess. Oh, I am going to add my CV stats to a new table on RDS.
animuson already found all my other accounts. Even the one I didn't know I had :P
@hichris123 Good idea.
@Undo That's why there's... different IP's. :P
Yes, I could tunnel through EC2... I suppose :P
Just do it!
Oh, there's another use. SSH tunneling
Then you make me look good.
That would be bad.
And the site might fail.
But spam flags to the rescue!
I don't know. :P
Hmm, what other things could I do with AWS?
Oh, @Undo, how do I connect to MySQL with PHP?
Also, how did you set up your auto-pull thingy? @Undo
@hichris123 check base.php of Charcoal - it has the necessary magic.
@hichris123 for the stat-graph generator? It's pretty simple. I'll give you the code tomorrow.
That, and pull.php.
@hichris Oh pull.php is just a key check then a git pull. It's all of like 4 lines.
Ah, okay.
It's pretty much an echo exec("sudo git pull");
(I told sudo to let www-data (Apache) run that one command as sudo.)
Huh. Thanks.
@hichris also, question: if I were to get into Android (playing around), what device should I buy? I can't stand the emulator thingy.
Well, I'd go for a tablet. There's no iPod of Android, so everything else ois cellular.
I'm partial to the Nexus 7 (what I'm typing on now). Similar to iPad mini.
what if I could get an S4 for like $150 (no strings attached). Good deal?
Might be an S3. Can't remember.
Yeah, that's on contract 200
For an S4. I'm not sure about S3
But I'll look into (probably used) Nexus 7's. Thanks.
And with that, I'm going to give sleep another chance. Cya!
Welcome. Cya. :P
14 hours later…
Quiet chatty
2 hours later…
@Undo Could I have the code plz?
Artificial Intelligence

Proposed Q&A site for theorists, system architects and analysts of intelligent machines and software.

Currently in commitment.

@Undo ^ Good site for your machine-learning comment thingy. :P
1 hour later…
@Undo My add to MySQL close queue numbers thingy works!
Um... @Undo Error establishing a database connection on your website...
@hichris123 Oh god.
@hichris123 Fixed. Apparently the MySQL service decided to just stop :P
@hichris123 Oh yeah!
looks for code
@Undo Wow. Weird...
I know. I'm debating as to whether I should revoke those "read-only" creds, or whether it's the RAM bug that was plauging me earlier.
@hichris123 So you want pull.php?
@Undo Nah, maybe I replied to the wrong message. The graphy thingy.
Or the comment getter? Or both?
@hichris123 Oooh, graphy thingy.
@Undo What comment getter?
@hichris123 Ooops, in comment mode still. Stat getter
@Undo Hmm, sure if you feel like it. Both that and graphy thingy. :P
Ok, so for the graphy thingy you download Highcharts (the free one as a zip) and unzip it.
Then what?
@hichris123 Then you use PHP to inject things into the JS used to generate the graph.
I'm going to give you some static JS to start.
Then PHP
erwaysoftware.com/latin/graphtest <-- sample test thing
So where do I put the unzipped zip?
@hichris123 Probably in /var/www/
@Undo Okay, I've got to go, so just ping me with the code, or put it in a JSfiddle, or stuff like that.
@hichris123 And you can download+unzip this (static JS for chart-generating magic)
@hichris123 ^^ Above is static code.

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