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00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 22:00

Gimme a sec.
Oh, also Google Now is on Canary.
I'm going to try Canary :D
I love Canary.
I never use it though.
Almost never.
I am not a sir.. :D you can think as a friend. Make sure you accept my answer as useful also. — Hannan Hossain yesterday
Do you ever wear down that rolling mat?
It's a special high-quality one
Not a knock-off Peeka one.
You want to do some Charcoaling?
Ooh, it's 00:04!
Sure, once I get Canary up
@Undo Do you use Google Now?
Not sure. What is it?
Looks kinda neat
When you get Canary installed, go to chrome://flags/#enable-google-now and change default to enabled, @Undo.
@hichris123 Ok, nothing happened.
There should be a button like restart Chrome.
Pressed it
And then did anything happen?
If not, go into the Chrome Notifications.
Other than Chrome restarting
@hichris123 Chrome Notifications?
@Undo Yeah, not sure where it would be on a Mac but it's like where the notifications are and things like that.
as in in settings?
ah, ok
I don't have any Android things to track my every movement, does that make a difference?
@Undo There's an app for iOS, called Google Search.
Is there?
Sorry, mistyped name.
Do you see it?
Select *
From flags
Where handled = 0 AND site = 'stackoverflow';
/* Affected rows: 0  Found rows: 0  Warnings: 0  Duration for 1 query: 0.156 sec. */
@Undo ^
Hehe, is that a hint?
16 columns, 0 rows.
Ok, where's a good query?
Hmm... gimme a sec.
Hold tight while we fetch your results
^ Importing that one
@hichris123 There, you now have some comments to flag :D
Okay, you want some more?
I'm letting it run so it caches for you.
Yay for caching!
Ah, good one
How much do you pay for EC2 now?
Wow, 30k of them?
@Undo Yep. Amazing.
@hichris123 Right now I'm still using my $100 credit.
But lemme check the billing thingy.
Me's just curious how much money it takes for you to do all of this MySQL in the cloud.
Oh, not much
Me feels like we need a comment flagging army.
@hichris123 In December: \$5.63 for EC2, plus \$0.02 for S3
@hichris123 We do.
Basically: One consulting project pretty much pays for AWS for a year.
But if we start adding in posts or other biggish things, then I'll probably either look to someone else to host it or accept BTC donations.
Because eventually it'll outgrow me :P
@Undo Huh. Interesting.
Me wishes I could work on consulting projects and actually make money.
@hichris123 You just have to find someone to consult for ;)
Oh god:
@Undo I don't know who.
@ThiefMaster Have a bunch of comments for you.
@hichris123 Not sure those are deletable. Let's see what TM says
@Undo I think they are, because do they really add anything to the post?
I dunno, they make SO look friendly :P
SO isn't friendly. :P
yeah, but still...
Meh, I don't know.
What would you do if I DDoS'ed your server? :P
First, I would blame Manish
Then I would take it offline
How many helpful flags do you have, @Undo?
@hichris123 On SO? 3555
1603 now for me.
I do need an autoflagger, that I just click all the ones to flag and it auto flags them for me, every day.
hehe, it would sure be nice, huh?
But we can't even make the cronjob work ;(
Yep. And also for flag to close and stuff.
@Undo I don't understand it.
I don't either.
It should work.
Nope, didn't work.
I thought maybe you could reply to a message not in your chat room.
I don't think you can
You're right.
193 edits all-time on SO for me. :P
How about you?
And I feel like I edit too much... :P
1 hour later…
@Undo muchcharcoalveryflagwow?
Also, what's your link column in the Users table?
@hichris123 Both of them are useless, just an experiment I was doing
@hichris123 Heh, weird.
What would happen if Manish, TM, & Pops were all talking in this room at the same time?
Would you go crazy with blue?
@hichris123 Yes, probably.
it's happened before
I remember. That would be even more blue, though.
2 hours later…
@Undo What's the AWS thingy that has your MySQL database? Is it EC2 or another thingy?
Me has found the perfect use for it.
@hichris I just have the MySQL db on the instance itself (probably not best practice), but RDS is designed for it.
@hichris What's your use?
@Undo You're going to have to tell me how to do that later.
It's for my Android app. Storing data, then doing a query (train timetables).
@hichris Note that I'm not sure it comes with the ability to run PHP or whatever API code you want.
So you might need to run an EC2 instance on top of RDS, meaning that you wouldn't get really any RDS-specific benefits unless you have a huge amount of data.
Sorry, but I don't understand a thing. :P Is RDS some AWS thingy?
oh, I sometimes start throwing acronyms around without remembering that some people don't know what they mean :P
Relational Database Service; I.e. a thing designed for running MySQL and PostreSQL, etc. with crazy scalability.
Huh, so how would I add something like that onto EC2? Is there some tutorial out there?
Oh, its a AWS thingy.
It's its own service; so you connect to it from EC2 (or any other server) the same way you connect to my databases, over the network.
Q: love problem solution baba ji +91 9694850756

skshastriWorld famous astrologer tantrik +91 9694850756 //24 घण्टे में काम की गारण्टी paka samadhan tantrik BABA JI se {(diamond gold medlist)} NO fees no Consultation charges get free 101% garunted online solution by srikant baba ji +91 9694850756 @@ mohini mantra love vashikaran ke mahir tantrik baba ji...

@hichris flag-plz
> Get all solutions in your life within 24 hours and with 100% guaranteed.
I wonder if he could fix the cronjob.
You made me make a chem account. :P
I also give good advice call me today — Pekka 웃 10 mins ago
In related news, someone suggested an edit on mSO advertising handbags.
Peeka handbags?
No, magical quality handbags.
What was the edit?
Never mind...
magical, Enchanted, rich and luxurious handbags!
What the heck?
Not entirely sure I want an enchanted handbag.
Get animuson to unlock your post.
We do need to increase the quality of our spam.
I don't think he will.
maybe if we get him to eat enough of those orange dream bars
And they didn't even do it on a Peeka post.
Pekka. Two k's :)
Is it bad that when I type Pekka it auto-thinks handbags?
I'm on a tablet, sorry. :)
Me is too.
But not an iPad for me. :P
Me has to go now. Cya!
Sleep is in my future.
6 hours later…
@Undo So....we won that hackathon :D
free phone! (lumia 520)
4 hours later…
@ManishEarth Yay for winning!
@Undo :)
looks up lumina 520
@Manish One of those? Shiny.
@Manish Windows Phone... Ug. :P Congrats. What did you make at the hackathon?
a notebook sorta thing that has fluid math support
Like calculator functions?
My notebook has fluid math support too! I have to provide the compute power, but still...
Um, what the heck?
Oh, it is an answer, but doesn't explain anything.
Heh, invisible HTML entities at the end of it.
Could you add some explanation? — Undo 16 secs ago
Thank you. :P
@Manish Do you have a linky to the hackathon site or something?
@hichris123 Nah, typing math
It uses an improved version of manishearth.github.io/MathToTex/MathToTeX.html
@ManishEarth That's kinda neat.
SE needs to implement something like that :P
@Undo Just curious, since I don't understand all of the AWS pricing stuff: how hard would it be to go out of the free tier and have to pay?
@hichris123 Well... not very. But you're talking pennies, not anywhere close to dollars.
If I could I would just sign up and be over with it, but no, it needs a credit card.
Eh, I'll ask my parents later.
@hichris123 Amazon doesn't already have your credit card number?
They do, but my parents would probably be mad at me if I just signed up for some random thing with their credit card. :P
Ah, makes sense.
RDS, EC2 & S3 look really cool and would make my life easier. :P
Yes, they are.
@hichris123 I'm at a desktop now if you have any questions.
@Undo That was the plan when I wrote it
Unfortunately I never finish-ified it and it's due for a major refactoring
@Undo Q's regarding AWS?
@hichris123 Yup
The current tokenizing is horrible and is done by guessing beforehand which tokens are which
@ManishEarth PDO-ify, finish-ify, is everything now getting an -ify added to it?
It's really fun, being able to spin something up, install a bunch of software on the crazy-fast connection, then throwing it away and paying half a penny for the whole thing. Much better than wiping a local machine :P
@ManishEarth How else can it be done?
@Undo There is a method that tokenizes parentheses, I can teach it how to further split up strings via operators and spaces
Where's the code? Me wantz to look
@Undo It does sound fun; it's also better in which I don't have to have a local MySQL database and such...
Currently a precleaning method adds parentheses so that the breakIntoParentheses() method works
This couldn't possibly be bad, could it?
I need to quit. Now. I had an error, and that makes me need to quit.
Crap, it happened again :P
@hichris123 You're into Android, right? Know anything about Eclipse?
@Undo Yeah, I have Eclipse on my laptop.
@hichris123 Ok, is there any way whatsoever to make the emulator boot in a sane amount of time?
No. :P
How long have you been waiting?
@hichris123 I just started it, but I've dabbled around in Eclipse and Android before.
Does letting it use my GPU speed it up?
I don't know. Been so long since I last used the emulator.
Hmm, let me look in my AVD settings.
I'm going to have to get a device if I want to actually do anything with this :P
Do what?
Actually try to learn Android for real.
Just because.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
It's not too bad, you just have to learn to understand some of the concepts.
@Undo What version are you loading up in the Emulator? 4.4?
@hichris123 Yes
Still... loading...
Heh, I could just run it for you, fix any errors, and do it before your Emulator loaded.
If you hibernate the emulator it isn't so bad
Current status: not at all impressed with Android :P
The emulator's horrible.
@Undo What do you think of Eclipse?
@hichris123 Well, the first thing it did was put a big helpful white thing over all my files, and I thought it had eaten them.
Helpful hint #1: don't import android.R
Oh, you want me to shouw you my Eclipse? I have so much in there... :P
I like my Xcode.
Primarily because it doesn't eat my files.
I should try Android Studio.
It's Intelli J Community, but adapted by the Android team.
Hiya @bone!
So... what now? :P
Slide the locky thingy to the right...
^ I knew I should have slid it to the left.
Just say ok.
What the heck is the process system?
That's laughable.
@Undo The system process...
Then why doesn't it say that the system process isn't responding?
Heck if I know.
Tip #2: All of Android isn't like that.
is it worse?
No. :P
Okay, here's my Eclipse:
Hiya @MikePennington!
I've been browsing the charcoal git repo, so I thought I'd lurk
We like lurkers.
@hichris123 Wow
We're pulling in some important people now. :P
@MikePennington Want a login to Charcoal main? We can pull in comments from NE for you to delete.
@Undo Wait till you get your first NPE & stacktrace. :P
@Undo I wouldn't mind playing with it
I assume you'll need to mail credentials to me
penningtonthing [at] gmail {dot} com
@MikePennington Thanks!
@Undo Here's a whopping 5 comments for Charcoal from NE data.stackexchange.com/network%20engineering%20stack%20exchange/…
@hichris123 There must be more somewhere. We shall find them.
@hichris123 Hi!
@bone What brings you to this part of the universe?
i am too slow to reply
no idea
was browsing the stack exchange chatrooms
and looked at the name and said what's this about?
Well, basically we flag comments that need to be flagged with a handy tool (Charcoal) and sometimes break SE. :P
So you are all moderator on SE ?
No. I wish. :P
Not diamond mods.
but you have enough points to be able to flag and stuff?
@hichris Could you make Mike his login? I just dropped off the face of the Interwebs.
@bone Yes.
@bone Yeah, it's 15 rep.
@Undo Okay, I don't know how you drop off of the face of the Internet, but sure.
Pretty much my laptop decided to stop playing nice with my router. So now I'm on my tablet.
haha, too much work. I used to be in completely unmoderated forums a while back. anarchy reigned, and it was fun
I bet it has to do with Eclipse.
@Undo Blame everything on eclipse.
Eclipse? So are we all programmers as well ?
Most of the regulars are.
Why isn't your website loading, @Undo!
@hichris Oh dear.
Okay, it's better now.
cool, well, i willleave you to your duties then...
@Undo @MikePennington User added.
No problem. Have fun! :P
@Undo Mike is our 19th user.
@hichris The thing that's really neat is how many hollow diamonds are on that users page :D
@Undo Yep.
Okay, your server does too much stuff.
Could you look at the CPU usage & stuff?
@hichris123 Yes... why? Is it really really slow?
Kind of.
Yeah, it is.
@Undo, how likely is it that we can have a url link to the actual comment next to the text?
@MikePennington Click on the comment text.
It's a link.
And then show context shows the comment thread.
@hichris123 apologies, I meant when the context is up
@MikePennington Oh, as in in the timestamp like SE does?
yes, the timestamp hyperlink
Quite likely.
Huh, I kind of like that idea.
you don't have to include the whole comment in the <a> body
Good idea.
Another good idea: Putting Charcoal in its own server at some point :P
just something like <a href="http://...">url</a> INSERT COMMENT TEXT HERE
also, when comments are flagged, what account is doing the actual flagging?
I assume it's not mine... just wondering which one it is
@MikePennington Oh, you have to actually go to the site and flag the comment.
@MikePennington You actually have to click the generate button at the top thingy, which gives you some JS to put in your browser console on the site.
Otherwise you would have to OAuth with the app, and then I would have the potential to do evil things in your name. Which for some reason freaks people out :P
@hichris123 ok, making more sense now
@Undo charcoalveryflagmuch or whatever? :P
Looks not good.
runs htop
Yeah... :P
See what I mean.
Someone isn't running that crazy cronjob, are they? :P
Not unless someone's hacking you, which they may be. :P
Oooh, idea to DDoS you: just run the cronjob 24/7
reminds self to fix cronjob
Okay.... umm...
Sure doesn't look like 100% :P
Maybe it went crazy for a sec...
I hope so...
@Undo Where's your getting comments API doc linky?
Or do I actually have to Google it? :P
@hichris123 For just getting them?
Or for doing bad things to them?
Nevermind, I got it.
@Undo Heh.
The spike is going away now.
I've got to go, cya
@undo, when you return... WRT this comment, there's no need to scan locked posts, because the comments can't be flagged... save yourself some horsepower and ignore locked posts
@Mike Question for you that you may or may not know: is there a way to exclude locked posts in SEDE?
@hichris123 I am not intimately familiar with SEDE, but I looked through the list of variables and didn't see a way that I could find
Okay, thanks.
00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 22:00

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