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@Undo When you're back, I need help with only showing invalid flags when a button I just added is pressed.
2 hours later…
@hichris123 Technically there already is one on Charcoal for custom post flagging. But yes
@Manish I mean like VLQ, NAA, off-topc (or CV), etc.
2 hours later…
@Undo gotten swagmail yet?
@Manish If you're not busy, could you JS something in for me?
sorta busy, but what?
Meh, you don't have to, but it's just on a button press invalidtoggle in flag history, it would only show the invalid flags.
@hichris123 oh like that
@hichris123 invalid=declined?
@hichris123 $('.flagged-post:not(:has(.Declined))').hide()
@Manish Like a select * from stackoverflow (all sites) where valid = 0
@hichris123 done
hi @ManishEarth, what is 'charcoal'?
@Amaterasu It's an app to help flag and get rid of comments
ah nice, and handy
I seem to be doing alright on chemistry
@Amaterasu oh right, haven't yet gone through older posts
lol, I got upvoted nicely recently
I have just done 4 answers
true, but they seem good (the ones I read)
thank you
@Amaterasu Of course, the ones I haven't read could be horrible:P
Everything I haven't read is horrible
Because I haven't read it, and I like being a sour grape
sour grapes make the best wines
@Manish Looks good. Only thing we need now is to load 100 more on a scroll down or a load all button.
pah, not my job :p
It's like 12:54 here. Gimme a break. :P
@hichris123 shouldn't you be celebrating/inebriating?
Almost bedtime more like. :P I'm not at a celebration, so...
10 hours later…
@ManishEarth Nope ;(
@Undo How can we do the load more on scroll-down thingy or just a load all button?
4 hours later…
@hichris We can have a button connected to a jQuery action that sends an AJAX request to a PHP file with a page parameter that fetches more of them, a lot like we did with the context link.
@Undo Sounds like a lot of work.
Not really. I'll take a look when I get a chance (probably tomorrow)
2 hours later…
@Undo In the room.
@hichris123 Good.
Now, we must think of how we want it to run.
(remembering that we have 10,000 calls/day max)
But we can put 100 comments id's in each request.
I was thinking we could do like a one day thing, and repeat it every week or so.
Does that count as one request?
@hichris123 Yup
And we would use a really minimalistic filter, to reduce bandwidth.
The other thing we need to do (which this will fix) is remove flagged comments from dev from main.
@hichris123 Dev is not supposed to actually be used :P
It's just for staging stuff.
Meh, how else do you test some stuff?
@hichris123 Well, you don't actually go the the site and flag them.
Well, true.
And how do you tell Chrome not to go to GitHub or /charcoaldev, and tell it to go to /charcoal
@hichris123 As in by typing in the address? Not following.
Top 4 results in the searchbar: GH, GH, GH, /charcoaldev
@hichris123 Hehe
We can space requests about eight seconds apart, probably make it fifteen to be safe.
Then I actually have to remove the dev from /charcoaldev. So much work
@hichris123 Bookmark?
I guess.
@Undo So then what do we look for? []?
@hichris123 Something like that.
Or we just loop through the returned stuff and remove all the comments that don't show up in it.
Do you have the API page handy?
@Undo Sidenote, have you ever seen more horrible formatting: stackoverflow.com/questions/20873940/…
@hichris123 Fixed :D
(and VTC'd)
Thank you.
No problem
You probably made my flag valid...
@Undo Looks like you don't need a key for that one...
So it falls under this, I guess:
Every application is subject to an IP based concurrent request throttle. If a single IP is making more than 30 requests a second, new requests will be dropped. The exact ban period is subject to change, but will be on the order of 30 seconds to a few minutes typically. Note that exactly what response an application gets (in terms of HTTP code, text, and so on) is undefined when subject to this ban; we consider > 30 request/sec per IP to be very abusive and thus cut the requests off very harshly.
@Undo I'm not sure how to do it.
Just a simple GET request
@Undo If you do a comment that is deleted, individually, you get this:
  "items": [],
  "quota_remaining": 9982,
  "quota_max": 10000,
  "has_more": false
But if you do it with one that's there, it's like this:
  "items": [
      "owner": {
        "display_name": "Jeff Atwood",
        "link": "http://stackoverflow.com/users/1/jeff-atwood",
        "profile_image": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51d623f33f8b83095db84ff35e15dbe8?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG",
        "accept_rate": 100,
        "user_type": "moderator",
        "user_id": 1,
        "reputation": 29160
      "comment_id": 1,
      "post_id": 35314,
      "creation_date": 1220688430,
      "score": 18,
      "edited": false
@ThiefMaster Me haz comments to delete.
ok, ids?
Haven't gone through all of them yet, but here it is (you may want to check them):data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/157286/obsoletes
@ThiefMaster I revised my SEDE query to remove some false-positives.
> "24535351", "vs10 still wont accept it :/"
only false positive i found so far
running now. and that's enough for today ;)
Well, if you want I can give you some please upvotes, @ThiefMaster
ok that sounds like crap, too. that's really the last one for today though
series time ;)
What one?
old Community episodes
There's even 15 plz upvote's. Well, have fun!
@hichris123 those are done now
@ThiefMaster Thanks!
@Undo Do you have please-accepts in the Charcoal database?

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