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@hichris123 What SO post?
Someone must've made that go poof. :P
> ClickMonitorDDC 1.6 freeware simply click the notification icon in the taskbar tray area to adjust brightness or contrast, much more comfortable and faster than manually messing around with your monitor-buttons. The notification icon informs you about the monitor values, you simply look at the icon to check if the wanted values are already set. supports shortcut icon command-line arguments, for instance b 20 c 30 you can prepend monitornumber (1 or higher), for instance 2 c55 b 40 x for shutting down monitor The portable standalone file can be run from any location without installation, r
@SmokeDetector k cross-site spammer.
Restart: API quota is 2411.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer, non-English link in answer: only download a file if its missing by Khanh Tran on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
What the hell
Which language is this even?
I think it's been Google-translated at least twice. It's now gibberish in any language.
> Khui for anyone, even if Nash znaet ur trust one type of saying everything is possible Kai dzmisgul -- Rubicon overcome
A: answer deleted as spam/offensive, doesn't seem to be

NathanOliverI am one of the people who flagged that answers as spam. It was reported in the SOCVR chat room by the spam detecting bot SmokeDetector created by the Charcoal Team That link at the bottom has nothing to do with the question and we should not edit spam links out of a answer. The only recourse ...

Reads like project spam. SO users have a pretty good record detecting crap like this without the help of a bot. Well, other than the OP :) This kind of organized witch hunting is very creepy. — Hans Passant 13 mins ago
Smokey fanmail!
Not all publicity is good publicity.
Hans picked up some Dutch humor and snarkyness during his time at the TU Delft I guess...
Sure it's creepy. Sure it's been abused on occasion (and such abuse stopped when it's noticed). But organized spamming is way way worse, IMO.
The value of stuff like SmokeDetector isn't so much that this stuff wouldn't get caught otherwise, @Hans... It's that it might not get caught as quickly. Two minutes after that answer was deleted, the same user tried to post on another question... But was blocked by the system since his previous answer had been identified as spam. This is a minor convenience on Stack Overflow, but a huge boon to other sites where a delay might mean dozens of such answers waiting for a moderator to wake up. — Shog9 ♦ 5 mins ago
Now I can @Undo better.
@SmokeDetector F
It have never felt as hard to f a post.
@Undo, when is https support to be planned back?
no idea
busy handling flags, writing tests, and taking tests.
6-8 weeks, then
@Ferrybig why?
What are you doing that depends on https support?
(and would it be better to just ask @ArtOfCode nicely to update the userscript to try http first and follow redirects?)
It's annoying to change the https to http on smokedetector reports, and to update all my bookmarks
oh. Yeah, that's valid. I'll see how hard it is to get working again
@BrockAdams I'm... not sure it's good to compare us to Henry VIII. :P
I see, Metasmoke ... links are protocol relative, so for https chat users they are broken currently.
@hichris123 ♫ I'm Henery the Eighth, I Am...
I click all day, a fight'n spam... ♫
@Ferrybig done
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 2fdd9f0 (Normal Human: godiabetesrevenge, reflectivevestsindia) (running on Raspberry Pi)
Restart: API quota is 1787.
@SmokeDetector n
@SmokeDetector Why doesn't metasmoke work on this post?
@Ferrybig Body - Position 301-328: [email protected]
@Ferrybig Apache was probably restarting
No smokey, I didn't mean to do why...
@rene This is now a "Catch 22" scenario. :)
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: What type of credit or loan to get for job relocation? by Susan Carroll on money.stackexchange.com
> get back to us as soon as possible.
Not detected, because no contact information given.
@rene meh. Shog made a good point, some people upvoted it. Don't really see the issue.
No one thinks we're a cabal, literally everything about all of this is public.
(cabal: a secret political clique or faction.)
And if someone raises a concern, we can address it
But... SOCVR is a group of moderation-minded users, and we're a group of moderation-and-automation-minded users.
So we work together pretty well.
If actual legit stuff is getting deleted by this 'cabal' of moderation-minded folks, then we have a real, material issue we can address.
Ping me the day that happens and we can change something.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, blacklisted user: What can happen if I do not pay $735 for my negative balance to PayPal? by Susan Carroll on money.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
Remembered email now.
@Undo SOCVR have some pretty good automation of their own.
@404 Right, in close votes.
Spam flags are a little graver, we're providing basically everything in that regard.
And they could easily clone Smokey and run own instance, if they wanted.
Heck, the Lounge could do that and I'd have no problem with it.
Meaning we don't really have a ton of bricks to dump on anyone.
@404 removing privileges from "The" smokey instance is the best we can do, and it's enough in my mind
Though I see the point of your message: while it's this instance, we have to watch how it's used.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, blacklisted user: Repay My loan to my relatives for school debt by Susan Carroll on money.stackexchange.com
We have the Tavern, SOCVR, CHQ, and a few other places, so we're kinda the authoritative, representative instance.
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector Is this one of Evan's relatives?
@Undo sure, I stated in the SOCVR that I don't like it but it looks like your position is preferred over mine. Life goes on I guess...
@rene It's not really a big deal that it got mass-upvoted.
I agree that it doesn't really look great
The answer didn't have to emphasize SD, really; but too late to change now.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps answer, few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer: ask the user for three names and print them in alphabetical order by F U on stackoverflow.com
sd k
API quota rolled over with 1550 requests remaining. Current quota: 9999.
stackoverflow: 1652
superuser: 539
askubuntu: 452
unix: 225
drupal: 202
math: 172
mathoverflow.net: 168
electronics: 158
english: 157
security: 148
dba: 145
magento: 131
gis: 126
salesforce: 121
gaming: 119
wordpress: 113
sharepoint: 113
academia: 110
scifi: 108
apple: 106
travel: 103
puzzling: 103
programmers: 96
money: 92
mathematica: 90
meta: 88
ell: 84
webapps: 83
stats: 83
worldbuilding: 75
physics: 73
tex: 70
gamedev: 66
ru.stackoverflow: 65
android: 63
movies: 63
rpg: 58
cs: 56
raspberrypi: 53
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: How to run Nginx on multiple ports by zcoloringpages on stackoverflow.com
sd k
@SmokeDetector was that a... coloring book spammer?
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: Mathematical Modeling of Real-World Situations by user329287 on math.stackexchange.com
sd k
That's a 4451 view question which is utterly unhelpful, basically clickbait. Voted to close.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Cannot login into amazon.com by fuck you on webapps.stackexchange.com
I suggest you call customer service: Amazon customer service in the US and Canada: (800) 201-7575 Amazon customer service outside the US and Canada: (206) 346-2992 or (206)-266-2992 — Dave Rook Sep 11 '12 at 14:22
Is that legit? I've been conditioned to be suspicious.
@SmokeDetector k
Yes, suspicious....
That user doesn't seem to exist anymore on SU... (or maybe they do under another name)
Okay, Slate reported the first number back in 2004. No idea if it's still valid, but it doesn't seem like a trap.
@hichris123 Comments do not get linked to account after migration, even if user exists.
@404 I searched on SU though -- no Dave Rook.
But the previous comments by the user indicate this isn't a spambot.
So, all things considered, I'm going to let it be.
I think I will start to collect stats on other review queues for SO. Easy enough to do.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: (fuckyoueditors)Gmod single player won't launch by hotdog on gaming.stackexchange.com
rolled back...
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Gmod single player won't launch by hotdog on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
Hammering this with flags might be more effective than rollback war. That, or a mod hammer of course.
artillery summoned.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Gmod single player won't launch by hotdog on gaming.stackexchange.com
|| *Id* || *QueueId* || *Time* || *NumInQueue* || *ReviewsToday* ||
|| 1 || 2 || 2016-04-06 23:35:44 || 227 || 3071 ||
|| 2 || 3 || 2016-04-06 23:35:54 || 83 || 9381 ||
|| 3 || 5 || 2016-04-06 23:36:04 || 0 || 3268 ||
|| 4 || 4 || 2016-04-06 23:36:18 || 8 || 6338 ||
|| 5 || 8 || 2016-04-06 23:36:25 || 5 || 1197 ||
|| 6 || 6 || 2016-04-06 23:36:32 || 19 || 933 ||
|| 7 || 7 || 2016-04-06 23:36:38 || 7 || 104 ||
Looks like it's working...
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