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@Lambie Faute typographique ne s'emploie plus beaucoup en dehors du contexte de l'imprimerie et trahit le typo anglais. Je te conseille faute de frappe, coquille ou mieux ici, faute d'inattention.
1 hour later…
@temporary_user_name That's definitely harder than the news or even something where people let themselves joke around a little but are mostly professional like a podcast. But I'd say a lot of it is the specific style rather than the objective difficulty. A couple dozen videos by Squeezie (with better subs) would make that a breeze. I highly recommend Cyprien, who has a variety of videos and whose lingo and milieu are pretty similar to that, but whose videos always have excellent subs
in both French and English. Really helped me train my ear to this modern Parisian people-in-their-20s lingo
i love cyprien but i mostly have been afraid to watch him for the same reasons, the difficulty is the same
if he has better subs then i agree it's better material for this purpose
i have no knack for this so it might be more than a couple dozen, maybe more like a couple hundred, but improving my listening towards fluency is basically The 2025 Project for me
1 hour later…
Nice. And yeah, the difficulty is indeed the same, hence the subs allowed me to transfer the skills to videos like the above :)

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