yikes, every person I've found with blue in the face has tons of posts during the bash (did find a guy with a negatively scored answer, though stackoverflow.com/users/2380830/bathsheba the two recent ones that are at +4 are +5/-1).
Ver Nick: you have a Meta post with both +/- votes; that might've been the trigger for blue in the face. Haven't found a counterexample yet (but its hard)
yes, I understand. My point is that if the trigger is something like "have a total of 3 downvotes on posts made during the bash" then Ver Nick meets that requirement.
the midnight thing is that if you earned the hat before midnight last night you earned it under the old trigger (+7 no comments)
This user with "blue in the face" and 007 interpersonal.stackexchange.com/users/451/… has no recent post with downvotes (except if they post something, got downvotes and then deleted it)
BITF could still be more than 3 DV, but "three or more" looked like the common factor of the accounts I could find with it. Not exactly 3, but having downvotes was common. Its also an odd trigger (but winter bash hats don't always make sense, like asking a question that gets no activity). Three was just a guess.
I've mostly rep-cap'd only on WorldBuilding myself. One answer was about a building material made out of human blood (no, really). Came close a couple of times (English SE question got featured in the blog last week, only got up to +180 within the 24h window).
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica it was a question about mutant super powers and a mutant who's power is to supress other powers. "Can I use their blood to build a prison for mutants?"
They wanted to build the prison out of blood-bricks (possible, but needs a lot of blood). I told them to just paint the walls with it.
the question wanted to know if there was enough physical material on Earth to do it (yes, by orders of manitude). My answer was about how long it would take.
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica please don't promote such questions. If the ruling party in my country sees this, they will go bonkers (not that they aren't acting mad already)