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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

yikes, every person I've found with blue in the face has tons of posts during the bash (did find a guy with a negatively scored answer, though stackoverflow.com/users/2380830/bathsheba the two recent ones that are at +4 are +5/-1).
@Draco18s People with blue in the face and 007 and only a few (two?) answer during WB: meta.stackexchange.com/users/400547/belovedfool and meta.stackexchange.com/users/316226/rainbacon?tab=topactivity
@Ælis Need Blue in the Face and not 007. As before midnight last night the triggers were the same.
Guys I don't understand how the hell did I earn 007 and Blue
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica neither do we.
@Draco18s Those two got both hats after the update
I only got several upvotes, and those posts have comments in it, wtf?
@Ælis ah, gotcha
This year's WB is too buggy
@Ælis both have posts with downvotes and upvotes (knitting)
so that helps confirm possible trigger
Is it even possible to have a MSE post with no downvotes? x)
tee hee
It would be better if we earned Universe Brain without reason...
Ver Nick: you have a Meta post with both +/- votes; that might've been the trigger for blue in the face. Haven't found a counterexample yet (but its hard)
@Draco18s thing is the new triggers are activated now, but they could have been fulfilled anytime earlier. so +/- votes can't be a necessity
yes, I understand. My point is that if the trigger is something like "have a total of 3 downvotes on posts made during the bash" then Ver Nick meets that requirement.
the midnight thing is that if you earned the hat before midnight last night you earned it under the old trigger (+7 no comments)
@Draco18s I don't think this is a trigger. I have got only one downvote that could trigger the trigger, but that post has +11/-29.
+11/-29 is still a post with both upvotes and downvotes.
i have posts on SO with both +/- votes. no hat though
Well, some people don't have -29 but they still earn Blue
-29 is more than -3
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica can you link one of your posts with downvotes? You've made a bunch and I'd rather not have to open 30 tabs
And I've already posted 3 posts that have both 3 upvotes and 3 downvotes a long time ago.
@Draco18s so your theory is at least 3 DVs? On a single post or total?
Nothing that specific. My suspicion is something along the lines of "3 DV cumulative on posts with positive scores."
This user with "blue in the face" and 007 interpersonal.stackexchange.com/users/451/… has no recent post with downvotes (except if they post something, got downvotes and then deleted it)
@Ælis not helpful unless you know that they earned both of those this morning (post midnight)
@Draco18s Oh right, forgot about that ><
Yeah, its tricky
so I have a total of 2 DVs only
@Draco18s give me a DV and we'll see?
You have 2 DVs and no hat, right?
@Draco18s yep on SO
lets test this
going to pick one with a positive score and no DV yet
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica How glad are you that someone is going to downvote your post? x)
(hats always take a bit to show up, but I DV'd, we'll see)
I can always take it back anytime in the next six months and undo the rep change
@Draco18s yeah let's see
@Ælis haha. No one wants to UV me to test a hat, so let it be a DV only!
I can't wait to see the trigger
@Draco18s You'll need to do an edit first thought
@Ælis its my post, so editing is easy for me ;)
Point. And even so, 2 rep isn't a big deal in the long run
@Draco18s its the DV I detest, not the -2 rep
fair :)
@Draco18s I know, I still find it funny though :p
Its all in the name of SCIENCE
@Draco18s haha
@Draco18s you know you can make up for it by UV me for 007 ;)
That is a thing I could do
well then you are welcome to use the link I shared for +5/-1 earlier
(looks like +3/-1 presently?)
oh, you pasted the same link twice
oh sorry :P
can't edit now!!
so this is +5/-1 currently stackoverflow.com/a/59317138/2912665
perfect, have that in a tab now; UV now? not sure what the intent is here (007's trigger is also unknown, I missed any discussion about possibilities)
@Draco18s Isn't the old trigger for 007 working?
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica that's what I am trying to ascertain
maybe he just modified trigger for BITF and kept the same for 007
kind of a smart move
thumb'd up, just need one more. Ver Nick, tag that thing!
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica It probably has changed too. I would have had it sooner otherwise (I have it now but didn't before the change)
@Draco18s 2 more actually, its +6/-1 now with an effective score of +5
@Ælis do you have an answer with no comments on Q and A and a score of +7?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Not one posted during WB at least
trying to get that post to 7 score with zero comments
I don't believe I ever posted an answer to a question that hadn't any comment
Would you like me to add a comment?
@Ælis then the trigger ain't fulfilled no?
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica no, do not add a comment
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica noooo
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Yep, I couldn't have earned the hat with the old trigger. Yet, I own it now
alternatively, UV this (its at +6/-0, no comments) codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/196865/47990
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Yes
@Ælis on which site?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica MSE
also can you give me a UV so we can test the theory?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Link?
@Ælis why cant I see the link to MSE in your profile
@Draco18s @VerNicksaysReinstateMonica @Ælis let's see whether the hats come or not. Both 007 and BITF in progress
BITF could still be more than 3 DV, but "three or more" looked like the common factor of the accounts I could find with it. Not exactly 3, but having downvotes was common. Its also an odd trigger (but winter bash hats don't always make sense, like asking a question that gets no activity). Three was just a guess.
@Draco18s well that's how it works na, we guess and then test
yep yep
That's how we wait for 007
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica trying to tease or what
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica lol ok
@YaakovEllis that just means the trigger we think we know is wrong!
193 rep on SO today :)
I got 200 rep on MSE three times during WB :)
That's nice for you both, congrats!
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica not talking about meta rep
@Ælis thanks
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Anyway Jon has more
it would be 195 if it weren't for me >:)
@Draco18s that's okay
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica Jon who?
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Skeet
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica touche
@Draco18s just 1 vote away for rep cap ;)
@Draco18s crossed 200 :)
I thumb'd up that accepted +0 answer
@Draco18s thank you :D
will also get Mortarboard now :)
I've mostly rep-cap'd only on WorldBuilding myself. One answer was about a building material made out of human blood (no, really). Came close a couple of times (English SE question got featured in the blog last week, only got up to +180 within the 24h window).
@Draco18s gross
will the rep because of 'accepts' count towards Mortarboard?
I think so, but accept-rep also bypasses the cap (i.e. you will get the +15 even if you're over the cap). Check meta.
@Draco18s I know that. Hence the question about Mortarboard
Oh, huh. I have hit rep cap on SO three times (same as WB).
@Draco18s same as WB?
World Building
ah. Got confused with Winter Bash
got the badge
no hats yet :(
@YaakovEllis The triggers are really hard
And can take up to 3 hours to award
@Draco18s 2 days in a row. Nice
@Draco18s +1
Yep. More recently there's a day with 190, 180, and 194.
@Draco18s "Solid material made from human blood". You've got a nice site, you know
@Draco18s so near, yet so far
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica it was a question about mutant super powers and a mutant who's power is to supress other powers. "Can I use their blood to build a prison for mutants?"
They wanted to build the prison out of blood-bricks (possible, but needs a lot of blood). I told them to just paint the walls with it.
@Draco18s That makes it even worse
No less horrifying, but way easier
Paint the walls, don't bother
@Draco18s the site looks interesting
Its....my highest voted answer on the site by 50%
@Draco18s I'll use WorldBuilding for MOD
Worldbuilding is a neat site.
My favorite answer was one about the feasibility of building a literal bridge to the nearest star
the site is a gold mine for writers
the question wanted to know if there was enough physical material on Earth to do it (yes, by orders of manitude). My answer was about how long it would take.
especially when we already have a dedicated site for Writing
Is it useful for screenwriters?
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica more beneficial for fantasy writers for sure
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica For the crazy ones.
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica I take it you don't read much fantasy
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica I don't read much for sure, but How many cows would you need to drop on Mars to successfully terraform it? is interesting
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica please don't promote such questions. If the ruling party in my country sees this, they will go bonkers (not that they aren't acting mad already)
its ok. Cows would be inefficient.
It's raining cows! Hallelujah!
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica cows on Christmas :D
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica Actually it should've been rats for 2020, but cows are fine :P
@VerNicksaysReinstateMonica why rats
@CinCout-ReinstateMonica That's the symbol of 2020 year according to Chinese zodiak
good night guys. When I connect tomorrow, the tests would have ended
1 hour later…
Hi @YaakovEllis, wasn't expecting to see you in here ;)
3 hours later…
@DavidPostill It happens to the best of us.
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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