Spring Cleaning

[reaction]: https://goo.gl/KPBWGE || possible chemdraw query: https://goo.gl/3TCcNn (spoiler: pings are liberal) Please see pinned messages for other projects.
863d ago – Buck Thorn

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May 18, 2021 21:24
Current query: [homework] is:question closed:no score:1.. Count: 251 51 done
Jan 6, 2021 10:29
@orthocresol It has indeed been a very good project. Many helping hands over the years. I'm really happy we have come that far. And yes, definitely thousands of questions. \O/
Dec 22, 2020 00:45
I know it's pretty much dead by now, but we should really be proud of all the effort that has gone into this over the years. I figure that we've cleaned up thousands of questions and answers!
Jun 24, 2021 22:21
Feb 15, 2021 04:24
do we revive spring cleaning? Winter seems to be coming to a close..
Mar 28, 2017 18:25
Please join us on GitHub for easier coordination of cleanup efforts. Ping hBy2Py or M.A.R. with your GitHub username to be granted access to the GitHub organization.
Jul 5, 2017 11:20
I had to overcome my emotional distaste for the perceived disrespect of the OPs, and consider the questions from a more content-centric angle.
Aug 10, 2018 13:10
Do we have a canonical for determining the empirical formula from mass percentages?
Feb 26, 2020 16:28
or here the article directly: there stackoverflow.com/help/roomba and here chemistry.stackexchange.com/help/roomba same stuff though
Mar 13, 2018 16:00
in The Periodic Table, 2 hours ago, by Gaurang Tandon
@AvnishKabaj i think the main point of that meta post was to avoid making edits on too many old questions (and consequently bumping them on the front page) all one after the other i.e. too many edits in a short time; so, I think if you make no more than 5-10 edits a day (all within half an hour) on old questions, you should probably live happily
May 16, 2021 11:36
Btw. IMO one of the best zombie flicks ever made
Apr 7, 2017 09:53
The Google Doc with the [reaction] question links is here.
Mar 30, 2017 16:56
Anyone interested in participating in a cleanup event for , please indicate your availability in this Google sheet.
May 2, 2021 11:26
This needs a MathJax Guru with time to spare: Rate Constant Units and Eyring Equation
Dec 24, 2018 02:06
user image
Dec 22, 2020 00:44
... Well, let's see if I can clean some of these up over Christmas.
Jun 20, 2018 00:03
"you have been invited to join trash" is a bit weird to have in one's inbox though ;P
Feb 22, 2018 05:24
People are used to places where helping them is the major focus, i.e. google groups, yahoo answers, tutor forums... We are catering to a library of interesting and generally useful information... something completely different. It also means that the individual user is of lesser importance. Of course, if we are doing it right, and all are working together, the one does not go without the other
Jul 8, 2020 13:43
I lol'd hard reading that comment...
May 30, 2020 13:11
By which I mean the latter...
Jul 14, 2017 10:39
@Feeds Baaaaahhhhhh!!!! number of moles.... burn with fire, burn, burn, burn!!!!!
May 2, 2020 11:06
I’m voting to close this question because it's a photo. I hate "questions" that are photos. — Todd Minehardt Apr 28 at 3:00
Apr 23, 2020 08:50
@Feeds "a smallish crater" hahaha
Apr 25, 2017 20:50
Anyone want to edit this question. I'm having a hard time understanding the wording.
Apr 1, 2017 00:14
@heather please no mathjax in titles also
Mar 28, 2017 18:03
Mar 28, 2017 08:07
I just remembered that feeds will only catch the question if it has been initially tagged with the ones we are watching. We still need to look through whatever was re-tagged...
Jan 28, 2020 17:32
Q: What are you doing in the spring cleaning chat room?

Martin - マーチンWhen visiting the chat room section of Stack Exchange you might have come across a room that is called 'Spring Cleaning' and wondered what it is used for. This post should serve as a brief rundown of everything necessary to know. Let's start with some historic context. A few years ago, while it...

Jan 27, 2020 09:35
There has been plenty of work done, we went from >3000 uses down to less than 1000, and we really sorted out the bad ones. There are more coming in, and the system doesn't catch everything, but essentially we're doing good. :D Maybe I sounded a bit too worried, because I havn't had the time to do anything here for quite a while now...
Jan 27, 2020 09:26
@orthocresol There was the intentional post when we started: Introducing: Spring Cleaning But that got out of hand quickly and is not a reliable resource anymore. (Maybe we should put a historical lock on that one.) I'm pretty sure someone explains this room in some answer to a somewhat related question... but finding that...
Aug 23, 2019 16:14
Mar 20, 2019 00:55
@A.K. You can't delete stuff just because it's HW. But this one is not a good question, the whole thing arises from a typo and the answer is not answering the question but rather addressing the typo..
Feb 11, 2019 13:40
@Martin-マーチン I'd suggest maybe moving the phys chem books into their own area, and adding a short sentence under the phys chem section pointing people to the other post.
Aug 22, 2018 18:04
guess we need to take small steps wrt the HW policy... as much as I would like it to, it ain't gonna disappear overnight
Aug 21, 2018 09:22
@orthocresol I'm a bit torn about this. The answer doesn't actually answer anything, It just gives you a cookbook recipe how to answer the question. It's basically a hint in oh so many words... and the question, well, there's no meat to the bone... I think I would prefer deletion. Any other opinions?
Aug 10, 2018 13:35
The catalyst is fairly soluble in pure water during a full moon in Australia. Othertimes it is only slightly soluble. It is a little bit soluble in slightly deuterated water.
Aug 10, 2018 13:08
I removed the homework tag form How to compute molecular formula? See the comments within. The answer isn't particularly good though, or very helpful... So what to do? Would it maybe just be more practical to delete it? Or maybe someone could write a better answer to it... Opinions?
Aug 10, 2018 08:59
@hBy2Py hahaha... well, print the licence key, put it on there, frame it, hang it next to your computer...
Jul 5, 2018 19:19
A: We'd like your feedback on our new Code of Conduct!

LundinIt fails to address the source that ignites the rude comments, which is very often rude questions. For example, if we look at this: Unacceptable Behavior No subtle put-downs or unwelcoming language. Regardless of intent, this behavior can have a significant negative impact on others. Fo...

Jun 12, 2018 16:26
@Martin-マーチン whoa. what do we infer from that? That we've had a number of very specific conceptual queries over the years, but we've been closing them all. I have changed my mind over the past month - when my eyes opened as I read our tour page - our aim should be to be a detailed library of every question about Chemistry, and that each question should have some long-term value. So i'm all in for such a transition from the current policy to a conceptual one, at least even as a part of an experiment
Jun 12, 2018 15:01
Your thing imho is not sustainable in the long run
Jun 11, 2018 14:11
I get it when people think they cannot put the formula well enough into the question and post a picture instead. And I am very lenient when they then try to convey their problem after that, but posting a picture and simply writing I need help is simply not trying hard enough.
Apr 14, 2018 05:01
(1) Your first answer may not be a good one. Few things on SE are more frustrating than to see someone post a really good question, then see someone else dish out erroneous guidance, and then see the O.P. accept that answer just a few minutes later! That first answer might sound good to you, but how do you know that the matter is truly settled, or that the answer you've been given is even a good one?"
Apr 14, 2018 05:01
(4) Accepting answers quickly may encourage quick answers. Some people might race to answer a question fearing that they'll lose a chance to earn rep if they take their time. However, some questions are tougher than they might first appear; perhaps these should take some more time to answer, or be improved with additional research. Let your question percolate in the minds of the community for awhile."
Mar 26, 2018 18:38
@GaurangTandon I agree, but just because a question is popular doesn't mean it's good. Case in point: hot network questions are usually not good questions.
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