ELL's Cabin

This is the former main chat room for English Language Learners Stack Exchange. Welcome! To go to the current main room, click this: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/24938/language-overflow
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Sep 16, 2015 21:56
Here's an example of a question which can't really have a good title because it's not a good question:
Sep 14, 2015 16:45
@DamkerngT. We're disturbing the main page already.
Sep 13, 2015 07:09
> Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
Sep 12, 2015 20:37
@CopperKettle Oh no!
Sep 12, 2015 11:37
@jimsug But I want a free dinner!
Sep 11, 2015 23:04
Yeah, they're called.... interlinear glosses?
Sep 10, 2015 19:40
Sep 10, 2015 14:35
Q: Should we have a migration path to ELL?

terdonI know that this has been discussed before but, at the time, it was not possible since ELL was still in beta. Now that it has graduated and has had its first mod elections and everything, it might be time to reconsider the question. If we do choose to have one, we should also set up some clear ...

Sep 9, 2015 02:57
@DamkerngT. Yeah, this is true. But I think part of the problem is that 1) the OP asked a mathematics question on an English site and 2) the answerer answered the question from a mathematical stance rather than an English one, on an English site.
Sep 8, 2015 20:03
Now my biggest remorse is that the mod team will continue to ignore chat. :(
Sep 8, 2015 12:49
Portuguese does syllable-reduction like English or French. Spanish does not. That means you only hear at most one stressed syllable per word (and sometimes less), and that you really don't hear much of the other syllables, which are much shorter and with neutralized vowels.
Sep 4, 2015 15:48
Hmm... I'll fix you the car. vs. I'll fix you a meal.
Sep 4, 2015 05:58
> 1. Identify the learning outcome we want to test
2. Determine what a response that demonstrates achievement of that outcome would look like
3. Devise an answer that will elicit that response, if and only if the outcome has been achieved.
Sep 4, 2015 04:48
It's funny that even after I accidentally clicked on "Leave Close" (because I was thinking of "Leave Open"), I was still able to correct my action by clicking "reopen". :-)
Sep 2, 2015 15:50
@jimsug hello there
Sep 2, 2015 15:35
> Become a mod, edit messages from three minutes ago :P
Sep 2, 2015 15:04
We should ignore him... don't engage at all other than to do voting stuff, close voting/down voting and flagging. Don't comment.
Sep 2, 2015 14:53
Well I haven't voted on any of the answers, but one of the candidates doesn't have the reasoning a mod should have. No doubt.
Sep 2, 2015 14:39
I'm not really sure if everyone's voting wisely.
Sep 2, 2015 06:55
Sep 1, 2015 09:49
> (in Optimus Prime's voice): I am ELL Robot, and this message is to my ELL fellows. Your votes are important. I trust that you will vote wisely, and hope that our beloved ELL will remain a nice and useful place as it always was and still is.
Aug 31, 2015 20:02
Good people! The election started. Cast your votes! Please.
Aug 31, 2015 19:00
\o| |o_ -o}, while |o| .o| (o)!
Aug 31, 2015 17:19
I mean, I think many users try to help out so far because it's clear that J.R. mostly does the moderation alone.
Aug 29, 2015 17:01
^Something to discuss, I think, perhaps after the election.
Aug 29, 2015 14:42
Still, why not ask a question on ELL @barznjy?
Aug 26, 2015 11:50
Aug 25, 2015 11:14
I chat on ELL!
Aug 25, 2015 09:58
@DamkerngT. Election means we graduated though.
Aug 25, 2015 06:52
it would be nice if you could hang around with your girl on such a day.... One of my dreams! ... ugh
Aug 24, 2015 21:03
Q: How do I throw somebody else's hat into the ring?

StoneyBI'm delighted to see us slouching toward Bethelehem to be born; but I find no provision for nominating anyone but myself. Is this by design or oversight?

Aug 24, 2015 20:37
Q: 2015 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2015 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page a...

Aug 24, 2015 20:14
Q: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. Here's how it'll work: During the nominati...

Aug 24, 2015 15:39
My French internet speak is possibly antiquated.
Aug 21, 2015 09:29
Chatting is good, too. Every little bit of practice helps!
Aug 20, 2015 13:09
@Pandya I meet great one today.
Aug 19, 2015 19:17
At a minimum, we can see they're not basic ellipsis, because ellipsis doesn't result in changed word forms
Aug 19, 2015 06:53
"I believe that I can handle this task." -- simple and effective, and polite enough.
Aug 18, 2015 00:00
@snailboat I'm deleting my account. I hope you find all the happiness here now.
Aug 17, 2015 23:57
Bye. I'm deleting my account.
Aug 17, 2015 21:21
It doesn't. It's wholly english mockery: knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/weeaboo
Aug 17, 2015 18:43
It was a quid pro quo pal. She insulted me. I had no choice but to do the same (truth too).
Aug 15, 2015 19:12
Busy Overflow ™
Aug 9, 2015 14:07
"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." ― John Gilmore
Aug 7, 2015 21:30
@DamkerngT. Yes. And note, please (particularly anybody who subscribes to the absurd notion that postposed adjectivals are invariably or even usually reduced relatives) that we prefer baking to fall after cake.
Aug 6, 2015 21:18
I think that one day I'll go on a "bad title" question fix and make a bunch of titles more helpful.
Aug 5, 2015 18:23
Even very bad users can accumulate reputation over time if they post enough.
Aug 5, 2015 17:58
But if you're going to do that, you should just write an answer, not a comment
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