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4:33 PM
Q: What do vampires have to do with the phase of the moon?

HurkylI've seen a few anime that linked a vampire's powers to the phase of the moon. Where does this idea come from? Are there an actual Japanese myths about vampires that this stems from? Or something odd that that got mixed in when the Western myth was translated into Japanese? Something else?

@Taisho what iz zat?
@Vogel612 I don't know where that is from, but you can try Google reverse image search, TinEye, SauceNAO or iqdb.
@ton.yeung Not at all
4:59 PM
Q: Does anybody know this one-shot school romance manga?

MissLI'm looking for a one-shot manga, with a school theme. There is a girl sitting in class and writes on her desk. And she gets an answer from the past. At the end, the teacher is revealed to be a boy from the past and they get together. Does anyone know this manga? Thank you very much!

5:57 PM
@Yuuki "4-koma" it says. I just can't read that.
@Abyx I would estimate that a good 60% of slice-of-life mangas are 4-komas.
I mean it's just wrong that story development and art is shaped by page layout.
almost the same as "poetry vs prose"
IMO content is the most important, and form is just a media. Form shouldn't affect the content.
@Yuuki not really. I don't read 4-komas, so for me 100% of slice-of-life mangas are non-4-komas.
@Abyx ... I don't think it does.
@ton.yeung It's a pretty common layout for the slice-of-life genre.
@Abyx I think you have it backwards. The content of any manga isn't shaped by its layout. Rather, the layout is chosen to best suit the content.
@ton.yeung ... And that's how it does work. Authors don't say "I want a 4-koma" and then write the story.
Authors come up with a story and it just so happens that 4-koma fits the way they want to tell it.
@Yuuki welp then the content sucks if it can't be shaped in anything but 4 tiles on all pages
The 4-koma layout wasn't handed down to the Japanese by the gods who proceeded to say "All your manga need to be told like this". Rather, someone decided that the 4-panel layout was great for gag manga.
6:09 PM
@Yuuki and then it they really need 2 or 1 panels - they add a filler
and if they need 5 or more panels - they cut content.
That's hardly a reason to exclude all 4-komas on principle, but to each their own.
@Yuuki not really - it's same as with swords - there is The Katana (which was given by Gods or something) and any other forms are not allowed.
@Abyx ... Where did you get that?
@Yuuki nevermind. it's really a very different topic
I mean, sure the katana is somewhat ridiculous in modern media (probably due to a combination of Western fanboyism and nationalistic pride), but I've never heard of something like that.
And the Japanese definitely had more than just the katana for blade styles/forms.
6:20 PM
@Yuuki ok. what I mean is that only in Europe there was rapiers, estocs and other straight swords of different length, sabers (cavalry swords), etc, etc - all forms - lengths and curvings.
and in Japan... did you see any rapier there?
@Abyx Japan had straight swords. Honestly, the real reason why Japan has such a limited range of weaponry in comparison to Europe is because of low ore content.
@Abyx The Japanese didn't have rapiers because they didn't have enough metal to mass-produce specialized and non-military weaponry.
@Yuuki uhm... actually katanas wasn't so much military.
it's not like peasants used them
@Abyx They were definitely more general-use than rapiers though.
6:36 PM
@user1306322 This question seriously still bothers me.
I really want to know the answer. lol
@Eric The answer is "Because SHAFT".
6:55 PM
Evening peoples ^^
Ohhh :3
7:08 PM
@Yuuki lol
If only the question was "why", not "what".
@Eric I'm almost entirely certain that SHAFT job interview questionnaires consist entirely of "How much weird s--- can you think of?" and "What, in your own opinion, is the best way to mindf--- the audience?"
@Yuuki I wish more job interviews were like that.
@Eric That's the initial filter.
After that is probably aptitude tests.
And then more mindf---ery.
I'd bet there's a psychological analysis.
Not for IQ, but for level of sanity.
@Eric In which they toss out all the sane applicants.
7:11 PM
Gainax, on the hand, goes about it differently: they turn their recruits insane.
No one leaves Gainax sane. It's not possible.
In fact, in all likelihood, no one leaves Gainax at all. They become too insane to be want for the outside world.
@Eric You can leave Gainax sane. It's called "being fired".
@Yuuki On what grounds?
They'd just turn your belligerence into genius.
I am both anticipating and greatly fearing the arrival of Rebuild 4.0.
7:14 PM
@Yuuki Oh good god, me too.
@Eric Rebuild 3.0 was such a mind-trip/nostalgia-trip. It was all, "Hey guys, you do know you're watching Evangelion, right?"
Indeed! 1.0 and 2.0 were a bit weak in that area.
3.0 raised the damn bar.
@Eric Evangelion is just not Evangelion without copious quantities of psychological whatthefuq.
Although Rebuild 3.0 could've have been named "Communication Breakdown: The Movie".
Evangelion must make you question your own existence.
One of my friends went into a depression for around 3 days following 3.0.
I mean, the entire thing could've been avoided if any one person knew how to talk to other people. Which is classic Evangelion.
@Eric I got near-drunk while watching.
Drank about 500 mL of whiskey.
Most of which was consumed in the last 15-20 minutes.
7:18 PM
@Yuuki Being near alcohol while watching Evangelion is a really dumb idea.
@Yuuki Or if any one person listened to anyone else.
@Eric Also a fun idea!
Your liver disagrees.
But yeah, 4.0 will have even more fight scenes!
With what I assume to be Rebuild's version of the mass-produced Evas!
Hard to say. Anno might go through another phase of "WTF".
I'm sure you saw the preview at the end of 2.0.
Although judging by the trailers for 2.0 and 3.0, it could be completely scrapped.
7:21 PM
I love how everyone speculates over the trailers and then Anno's like, "Hah, let's just throw that all out."
Anno's relationship with his fandom is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
"I don't know. Fanwank something."
@Eric But he also forced the executives to allow Evangelion for Super Robot Wars.
@Yuuki Yup. haha
And called one of his buddies in the middle of the night to get Gurren Lagann on as well.
7:27 PM
Except for Jet Alone, Evangelion's mechas don't even make sense in SRW.
@Eric They're not even robots.
@Yuuki Exactly.
They're more like giant biomechanical cyborg aliens.
They're fleshy giants in armor.
7:28 PM
@Eric Armor that's actually designed to restrict their power rather than provide any meaningful defense.
@Yuuki Indeed, the fleshy body is more defensive than the tin can it's dressed in.
That's what's both awesome and terrifying about them. They're actually stronger than they are in the armor. They put them in armor so they don't go out and break the world.
@Yuuki Yeah, because that worked.
I still facepalm at everyone's reaction to Shinji in 3.0 though. Kid has no clue what the f--- is going on and you're going to be actively antagonistic towards him? Even though you know he's possibly a catalyst for the End of the World? You're just asking for the Apocalypse at that point.
I think it's more because they're afraid to associate with him for that reason.
They're complete assholes, but they're trying to alienate him so he doesn't get close to them.
7:32 PM
> "Hey! This guy could possibly have the ability to end the world like right now! What should we do?"
> "I dunno, make him want to end the world?"
^ Rebuild 3.0 in a nutshell.
@Eric I mean, I get why they're terrified of him. But you'd think with 14 years, they'd come up with a better plan to deal with him than "treat him like s---".
@Yuuki Indeed.
14 years is enough to come up with a plan better than "put a choker bomb on him" too.
@Eric Hell, they could at least explained why they put the choker bomb on him!
It was so he couldn't pilot an Eva. If he activated one, they'd blow him up.
7:35 PM
@Eric Let me rephrase that: they could have at least explained to him why they put the choker bomb on him!
Ah. Yes. :P
What Shinji needs is more Kaworus.
It would also help if he listened to those Kaworus instead of ignoring them.
The morale of Evangelion: Listen when people talk to you, you dumbs---.
Especially when that person is Space Jesus.
I find it funny I typically gravitate towards comedic, light-hearted series. And then you find out I'm a bit of a fan of Evangelion.
lol xD
I like a variety of anime. As long as there's a good story, I'm probably watching it. (Or want to watch it.)
7:38 PM
@Eric I generally don't like grimdark because I just don't like that kind of thing. Yet I like Evangelion for some odd, masochistic reason.
Probably why I include the Souls series in my list of favorite games.
Evangelion is a masochism fill?
@Eric It's definitely emotionally tortuous.
True enough, it is.
That's why I enjoy Tokyo Ghoul, oddly enough.
I think it's because, at the end of the day, they're both surprisingly idealistic. Yeah, Shinji goes through a lot of c--- in the series. But at the finale, he finds his own individuality and finally gains self-worth.
Even if that meant killing everyone.
7:41 PM
@Eric Well, they came back. Eventually. Maybe.
lol, precisely.
Dark Souls is all about how the world will slowly wear you down into nothing, but so long as you have the will to soldier on, you won't turn into a mindless zombie. Which is... idealistic for Dark Souls, I guess.
Sounds a bit shounen.
They both come off as "cup half empty but at least you have some water, you needy a--".
7:49 PM
This is one of the best descriptions for Evangelion that I've seen:
> "This is a giant robot saga the same way Twin Peaks was a cop show."
Evangelion is just a psychological horror show.
@Eric I take it you don't know Twin Peaks?
@Yuuki Only vaguely. I understand the analogy but not deeply enough to really comment on it.
@Eric It's a surprisingly apt comparison. On the surface, they're both superficially a giant robot series and a cop show respectively. But as soon as you get any traction, it descends into psychological drama/horror.
7:53 PM
@Taisho Monster Hunter?!
Ah, gotcha. I knew Twin Peaks was about a cop (or FBI agent?) but wasn't much about crime.
8:05 PM
@Eric Random note: the music for Evangelion is awesome. And also awesomely inappropriate.
@Yuuki I have quite a few of the OSTs. It's wonderful.
@Eric I will never forget the world ending to the tune of soft piano and a child's song.
Also, Spanish subtitiles, I think.
Yeah. Spanish is fine with me.
I do remember this song, though. I also particularly like Kom, Susser Tod.
Cheerful and upbeat music about suicide. <3
And also the song about friendship and meeting each other once again playing in the background (and foreground) of the Dummy Plug system mutilating Unit-03.
Yup, that one's pretty brilliant.
That's a song played at graduations in Japan, IIRC.
8:11 PM
@Eric Congratulations!
Subtle reference there, too. (I think it was intended, right?)
@Eric Yup!
Woo! On a role today.
8:48 PM
aww now I wanna re-watch NGE again
9:08 PM
@ShinobuOshino asoko ne...
@Yuuki have you seen Campione and Kamisama no Memochou
9:32 PM
Knowledge thru kissing?
don't mind me, you know how I sleepchat
that's worst kiss that happens on that anime
you need to see the one at ep 12
wait is that memochou?
actually let me find for myself
I'm watching it anyway
10:01 PM
@user1306322 no that one is Campione
10:13 PM
that endiiing
what ending
oh you done?
that was fast
the ending sequence
no way I was sleeping
don't remember it I've watched it just once when it came out
10:14 PM
I don't know what anime it could fit, but imo it's not memochou
so many things to watch today
can't wait to get home
agevollen, glasslip, tokyo terror/ghoul
@user1306322 what is up with sakamoto I mean its a SO bot or someone's else bot?
like those things that randomly drop events here
I see, and that is done by SO and mods choose name and stuff?
10:19 PM
but rather the room owners, not just mods
you can edit Ruri's room to have bots like that too
but they're boring, so…
so if I don't mess with them they wont do anything right?
you can make them do everything wrong
or they broadcast stuff regardless of me setting it up or not
10:20 PM
guys here talked about an experiment where they made 2 bots echo each other and it resulted in a massive chat flood which got noticed by network mods
now they know what happens
@user1306322 you because they only post feeds or the way they post?
afaik there is a limited number of public feeds which can be used with room feed bots, but you can find the hidden ones if you're a good detective
yeah I saw there is a slide feed
I wanted to see how it works
so even if I am the owner I am still not allowed to delete/edit messages that doesn't make much sense
that's a mod privelege
and yea it's stupid
11:23 PM
Q: About the industry: How much does it cost to license a manga outside of Japan?

GingiToday I'd like to know what kind of proposition one has to make to a Japanese publisher to have a go at distributing a title in a certain country (outside of Japan). This article told me how things work in the industry and I pretty much understand that to get a deal, you need sales forecasts, a ...

11:40 PM
watching all this ramen shop business in memochou makes me hungrier by the minute
11:51 PM
> I'll just wait and see if someone can talk about it intelligently.
I think my fridge is at its fritz' end
until I understand exactly what makes the "cost" of a show, I can't have a serious opinion on any of that
Well the cost of a show is probably different than the cost to license it or rather give you the rights of that show on a specific place of the world.
I mean what makes a cost of something?
the amount of labor and the cost of resources used in making of the product
anime/manga has script writing, direction, character design, animation, etc
but how much does that cost?
I have no idea
artistic works are a tough thing to put a fair price on
mmm I would think that a few things would take place into deciding that because A) you have to translate or make the dub, B) you have to reprint all the material, C) you have to secure other companies that will work with you, D) you have to take care of official matters
11:59 PM
and licensing for international broadcast…
and that is after you actually have a license
so it would make no sense to have a full price on top of that

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